Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Progressive Endgame: Political Suicide And The Populism Of Intellectually Disabled Americans


Progressives are populists first. They are people who are assured of their numbers before they are sure of their politics. They and everyone know who they are as they self identify as Progressives in the USA.

They aren't all populists or not all populists are Progressives but with this understanding of who they are they are also more like pieces in their own chess game, or doing populism in juxtaposition to politics.

Politics ought to be understood as the business of the state or government work to achieve the greatest benefits for the greatest number of people. That is the utilitarian ethos and so underpinnings of social contract theory and all constitutional governments, Republics.

What most people think is best for most everyone is not always the case and so government in the USA has always been utilitarian and a Republic before it might be a democracy. It has always had brakes or restraints against populist movements which often times are both cult and suicidal with the extreme example of Jim Jones and the Jones Town Massacre not being that uncommon for that type of example of populist cults in and from America.

The United States began as a penal colonies for people considered moral degenerates in Europe, practitioners of disrespectful and incompetent Christian denominations in particular found their way to the American colonies sand so the history is well known.

It was natural for the Klu Klux Klan to organize in the USA given the groundwork culture the colonies factually were for the eventual USA.

Slavery and all it's abuses was celebrated as God's law by most Christians in the USA up until the Civil War after which the vast majority of pro slavery Americans were dead or adolescent.

It was only natural for the pro slavery culture in America to persist even after the rigid controls of military extermination of people who would disagree, to persist in the peace following the end of the Civil War.

Today, what was once the KKK and that cultural tradition was further evolved by the Second World War where the United States simultaneously became a fascist nation state like Hitler's Germany while government deceived it's own people to believe otherwise and pronounced itself the destroyer of fascism with Germany as the example.

The police state in the USA can be denied. Mass incarceration can be denied. Government surveillance and especially of social media and Internet activity can be denied. Both and such things can be denied because psychologists are taken seriously.

Anyone with a psychology degree can simply diagnose someone without any logic nor science, because of the KKK culture that is America, and so libeled anyone and anything they might say can be denied.

Progressives embody this post WWII evolution of the Klu Klux Klan, replete with their Salem witch trial angle on law, where the mentally retarded and ignorant rule by sheer populism and against all good reason.

Mental healthcare is the Progressive church or how bigots pretend to be intellectuals in the United States today. They also push the factually incorrect, scientifically false ideas of Nazis who would have racial justice instead of a post racial society. Progressives are autistic whites radicalizing Blacks who have been conditioned by leaded drinking water and psychiatric drugs to bolster their populist movement.

This is really what is going on with Progressives in the USA as the anti-intellectuals from American universities are devoted to Fraud, forever wars, race baiting and hair splitting fantasies and feelings and genuinely being a large number of intellectually disabled people most of whom most likely so disabled because of the genetic brain disease called autism.

No other people abused fossil fuels and so rapidly industrialized their country as the Christian masses in the United States and the technology was readily available there shortly after it was invented in Europe, mostly.

What is happening today is the end of the USA where the KKK and its most evolved incarnation, the autistic left or authoritarian left, indeed the Progressives who caucus in the Democratic party will cease to have their Votes counted.

That era of the Republic, I believe, is coming to an end--the era of populism before good politics.

It is what George Washington said was the greatest threat to the American Republic, the government he co-founded. In his mind, populism was far more dangerous than foreign influence such as Russian spies.

The reason for this was the same then as it will always be and that is as said, populism is often not authentic. It is often a minority of people who assume they speak for everyone when they factually do not.

They fabricate propaganda to presume themselves a majority or otherwise inflate their numbers.

This is what the Progressives are doing and to the extent politics is a science it is also a game like chess. The Progressive endgame is political suicide in light of the facts of history.

1.) The Human Genome Project happened. Human beings do not have genes for different races nor is sexual orientation something expressed in by genes. Progressives lie, they wantonly promote factually incorrect medical science for political gain.

2.) Gender is not sexual orientation. Gender is not psychological and gender roles are so many instances of bigotry, irrational and hateful or possibly criminal behavior on the part of Progressives who insist otherwise, contrary to all facts as if their opinion were itself a fact of importance equal to any and all facts are guilty of harassment, sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is not a transgender right and Progressives do insist it is.

3.) Up is not Down. Black is not White. Good is not Evil. Binary is a language for computers and not a human mentality although people within the autism spectrum cannot participate in reality because they lack the empathy-data to inform what would then be their objective analysis. Progressives keep insisting autistic people are geniuses because of their IQ scores when the IQ tests are failed tests for so many counter examples of failed-to-perceieve pattens especially as they might be social or relate to empathy data. Progressives keep insisting on bad science and failed logic.

4.) Whereas one may believe fossil fuels are here forever so too their pollution so too then autism so the first who get their families into the spectrum should federate as Progressives to peacefully indoctrinate everyone into a toxic society made toxic by industrial pollution and incompetent medical doctors, Progressives will always be more like the Klu Klux Klan than they are objecting to secret society with occult science-mental healthcare.

5.) The use of military force is necessary to purge government of Progressives, so time is rapidly running out for Progressives to quit their magic act that has also failed to entertain most everyone and cease being a political force in the USA. They are banished from the world, Earth.Their own work undoes them. Bernie was always bunk. Mental healthcare is mass incarceration and medical insurance Fraud. Only the military can shut Progressives down. Only a military can. They are oblivious fascists.

What will happen to the Democratic party if Manchin popped the Progressive bubble and this is the beginning of a power vacuum? Could Biden survive a power vacuum or does he factually rely way too much, depend too much, on his Progressive allies?

Are Progressives in Oregon more honestly morons for money, or made a human experiment out of themselves and their families the same as the Nazis did in Germany to willing German families want for psychoanalysis and mood altering dope?

Yes, Progressives are morons for money and like Jews who literally bought into Nazi housing projects, Progressives buy into the psychiatric police state. There is no difference. History has repeated itself. The USA now has the largest ape rat population: non sentient human beings, two dimensional autistics who all think they are Nietzsche and uber mench.

They should be violently addressed by the US government as they should also address conservative KKK militia groups. Regardless of their politics, incest cults should not have their politics validated by government. Government ought exercise extreme prejudice against child rapists and slavers.

Ultimately the mental health community is a community of child rapists and slavers. This has always been the case since Freud and it will always be so. Equally terrible is the fact of mental health being popular and especially among the autistic.

They are millions and they used to be the Klu Klux Klan, in America. Progressives are the passive-aggressive reincarnation of the old KKK--same lynch mob mentality only with a mental health approach (tyranny of the autistic-retard opinion).

It is long past time they were marginalized by military violence, put in their proper place and lose the right to Vote because they are in fact mentally retarded and so forever like children--generally evil and malignant children and entire families where few to anyone has any empathy for anyone else.

As such they are effectively enemy combatants towards people who would otherwise have a good life in a healthy community. This is why the people who have brain washed them, the psychiatrists, ought to be eliminated for their Treason as ex patriot terrorists and enemy combatants.

If they aren't, foreign governments can rightly attack us in the USA for being exactly like the Nazis used to be, fascist imperialists--tolerant to exalting the autistic sociopath and his rape culture. It is not only in their national interest to attack the USA and violently diminish US power in the world that is also in the interest of all humanity as the US and UK are the Axis in 2022.

Americans have an indefensible position in geopolitics after a generation of autism spectrum KKK litter basically confused everyone, mind-fucked their own society, because they are in fact mentally retarded from all the pollution they were born into and drug experimentation they did on themselves. That is what Baby Boomers are, like a force of corruption, in history.

More or less the same thing happened to the industrial population of Hitler's generation, who lived through WWI, in Germany and Austria, Europe. Plague autism is perhaps the most tragic event a civilization might witness. Its like plague mind rot.

Its not that the world is over populated, its that the USA over populated autism spectrum people or genetic sociopaths who are natural criminals and Frauds as medical doctors and lawyers, professors. 

They are automatons, people who are not even sentient. They are grossly overestimated and overvalued as people in the USA and this to the detriment of all and the country--especially it's economy and standard of living, public health.

Americans believe they are good people but the opposite is true and this is no opinion. Americans protect fascists and promote them in their society. Americans are the most evil, the most autistic people in the world.

For my super personal Libertine opinion, the USA would be better off with Joe Manchin as President and Kamala Harris his VP than Joe Biden because Manchin doesn't make deals with pacifist Nazis realizing they are retards to put on as both. He really does seem to see Progressives as so many tumors on his party. They are.

America may soon be destroyed because it loves the Klu Klux Klan, all those mothers and fathers, grandparents and children, more than God and his laws which insist the KKK families must be put to death or collectively put into treatment so their autism is put into remission--clean their toxic environment up.

Either way the USA has way too many Voters. We need fewer Voters because we have to kill the real Traitors who totally ruined our Judiciary. The mass incarceration is proof Martial Law has to punish the people in our Courts for their Treason against the People, their criminal racketeering of the Courts. They must die. They must be arrested and then executed after Tribunal.

Biden may be a total pansy like Obama, more a flower than a man so less of a person or simply powerless so Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin will have to kill the anti-human, Traitors to their own Constitution in the US, fuck waste who are the KKK people in the USA, old school and reformed.

I expect France and Germany to align with the Allies China and Russia against the horrible anti-science and psychiatric dope slave society America is and like a retarded person claims to be the example of freedom in the world when they are clearly the opposite. The US-UK Axis is an obvious and regrettable fact of the world.

Only so much time remains for Americans and Brits to de-fuck themselves, kick their mental retards to the curb so to speak, before nuclear bombs will likely do that to them all. The Axis is a cult race delusion the USA is lost to. It can't survive as such, forever.

The Progressives have to go the way of the Anti-Masons.

The Democratic Party has to stop relying on psychiatric drugs to prevent a viable Green party such as exists in Germany. The autistic brutes, more chimpanzee for their social analysis than human as for them everything is about resources and no time for competing values, would have the Democratic party ruin the entire country or force a Second Civil War for how it clings to it's evil step children, said Progressives.

There are enough Republicans who will use like tools, the inbred KKK families who are conservative the same as the "more evolved" Democrats use the autistics in the Progressive caucus but that isn't a competition of values that is a Baby Boomer generation agreed to undermine it's own government and rule of law. This fact conjunct the reality of the totally failed Judiciary.

Republicans can only be pushed so far before so much slavery turns them violent and in a military, organized fashion not like street violence.

The Senate ought to hold hearings on psychiatric drugs and prove the psychiatrists are the people everyone both liberals and conservatives must agree to hate and factually want dead, killed and executed, possibly electrocuted and certainly for their Treason. They might all die by firing squad or hanging given Tribunal for context.

Biden ought to unify American people by uniting them against their common and greatest enemy, the Traitors among us. If he won't, maybe there will be enough time for Trump to try again before no more time need be afforded to the less than human American people living their fascist delusion and calling it the American dream as if that is a good thing.... as if mass incarceration is a good thing.

Nancy Pelosi seems like she intends to step down as leader as she lacks the courage and intellect to purge her and the Democratic party of the Progressive Nazi imposter-liberals or these psychiatric authoritarian faux liberals like Bernie Sanders and the race baiters he both classist and race believer... autistic haters in cuddly sweaters with optional fashion eyeglasses they wear more to costume smart is what Progressives in the USA are so they of that same bimbo for Exxon in Alaska Sarah Palin mentality.

If the Democrats fail to eliminate the Filibuster, and they should because if they were to pass a law a significant minority did not want at all the entire government could fail and real war break out because the lives of Democrats are deemed less worthy despite their being in the majority, because of how totalitarian they are when they are the majority.

The Filibuster helps prevent Civil War. Clinton and Obama are morons considered brilliant men by a generation of autism spectrum morons: Boomers. They would eliminate the Filibuster and get them and their families killed in Civil War II.

The fact is Voting is not difficult it is a pain in the ass for everyone. Black people like White people in states without Vote by Mail have to deal with provincial bullshit. Its the same bullshit for everyone and the mentally retarded are owed no special help such they would vote but they can't figure out how to the same as everyone else.

Democrats want special Voting rights so more mentally retarded people can Vote. Already the State pays for psychologists who tell people to Vote Democrat and Democrats think that is cool when its really evidence they are a party of autism spectrum morons, sociopaths and populists.

They don't want equal Voting rights. They are morons who deny their own conspiracy against humanity and people outside the autism spectrum.

They farm people of color for Votes like Confederate plantation owners. They do the same with the mentally retarded and there will never be anything noble nor gentlemanly about that. They are amoral sociopaths who see the poor and people of color as objects to be controlled to maintain their KKK spectrum establishment, shrinks and dirty judges, chimpanzee like anti-intellectual professors, etc.

We'll see if Progressives get a victory trying to abolish the Filibuster but I don't think they have any meaningful chance and the time bomb that will totally destroy them as a political force has already been set and detonated, time ticking down to the moment when the bottom falls out for mental healthcare and all the Frauds, practitioners and people more ruthlessly exploited than by tobacco companies exploited by Democrats in big pharma, Progressive "neo-nazis" or confederate-autistic nerds.

They really are morons not to put their autism into remission. They can. It like cancer is a disease caused mostly by fossil fuel pollution, complex molecules of carbon with particulate heavy metal is no good for the body and super terrible for the brain. Its worse than drugs but drugs approximate such damage as narcotics can also destroy the mind and body.

Will Democrats figure out they are mostly idiots being instructed by morons and have been since 1963 when JFK was assassinated? Will they figure that out in time and kick the Progressives out to save themselves?

Democrats have the guilt and shame physically part of their bodies, I don't see them moving like victors in a War with Republicans like it was the first time, with the first Civil War. I think it will be a bloodbath of disabled-zombies mind-controlled by autistics who ply them with dope and psychological warfare.

The Democrats are the majority but they are also the least capable people and people without moral objectivity. They are their own useful idiots or celebrate idiots as useful people because they are mediocre at best, the amount of talented people divided by those with little to none in that party.

They lost the Civil War, they most recently had one of their Presidents assassinated with his brother and MLK. They are setting themselves up for a holocaust as their demands are unwholesome and insincere. They really are unaware or don't care how many people they will probably get killed for their gross political incompetence.

They want to be Masters of Slaves and to justify it with democracy and like Mao said, the politics of the gun always fucks them off, totally and forever like a natural-political law. George Washington could have said the same thing as Mao but it was common knowledge at the time for Americans and Mao was more breaking the news as the old school arquebus-gun was a weapon for less able people in Asia. 

The insane, even when they are the majority in the population, can not rule. Progressive mind control is political suicide, objectively speaking because its fundamental precepts about equality are totally insane and immoral, amoral.

Progressive mind control is what Hitler and the Nazis used on the German people with overt peer pressure populism--marching in the streets--for racial justice populist movement. Again, those people are being farmed by shrinks on dope, same fascist politics.

I don't want an autistic rape culture. I would rather drone gunships kill 30,000 Americans to shut the full of their number which is no more than 100 million, shut the fuck up. I expect Republicans or perhaps someone from within the Democratic party will soon be the historical figure who tells (hopefully with no need for gunships to prove who is correct, factually correct about life and who is stupid, arrogant and totally wrong, a false accuser and genetic moron) the Progressives to fuck off and die and they do within months of whomever is the politician who will castrate and sterilize the Progressive caucus in the Democratic party.

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

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