Saturday, November 25, 2023

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon


I reached settlement with my Landlord in Portland and only with some money beyond cancelation of debt owed.

Because of my settlement I won't speak of my specific personal experiences in Portland's affordable housing; but I can talk to public housing in general as it relates to the housing crisis that has defined the city for nearly a decade.

Progressive caucus Democrats within the Democratic Party of Oregon have totally destroyed Multnomah County and racketeered it more so than it was during the Klu Klux Klan days which was only two generations ago at most.

I'll say it again, Progressives in Multnomah County have effected an even more totalitarian regime in government than the Klu Klux Klan operated for nearly a century.

There is more murder, rape, theft, harassment, vandalism and fraud in Portland today under Progressive rule than there was when the Klu Klux Klan ruled the city.

The level of control the Progressives exercise in Portland is factually all aspects of life within the city. They have, with their politics like a religion, taken over housing, education, healthcare, police, the courts and the vast majority of businesses.

In every way, Portland is Progressive or "get the F out!" That was the same mentality the KKK had when they used to run the city and its plausible the land owning Progressives of today still have the same "zero degrees of empathy" DNA their KKK ancestors had.

These people, the so called upper middle class, are moral degenerates. They are moral degenerates because they call people outside their Progressive caucus, "deplorables" and I have to believe Hillary Clinton was appealing to Progressives when she said that of Republicans.

They are autism spectrum, zero dignity, populists. Zero degrees of empathy is a phrase Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen coined to describe genetic sociopathy or the neurodivergence that once was simply called "evil."

They believe in whatever is most popular for politics and ideas, on TV and in media. They are incompetent and immoral people and that is how they like it. They are cowards, that is why they are also promoting the dominant trends. They are hipsters.

They are fearful people who come together for common defense and when they are the majority they are then totalitarian so completely about persecuting people who do not identify with autism or psychiatric drug addled perception.

In other words, Progressives are the same cult that stayed loyal to Theodore Roosevelt after he failed to win a second nomination by the Republicans who made him President. They are cult about their families and show loyalty comparable to the KKK because both groups have fear as their central organizing principal. 

I had hoped for a better settlement such I could afford to launch my RUMBLE channel, with the same basic gear all podcasters have.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to give The Libertine Lion a voice on RUMBLE just yet. I don't know when if ever I might be so able to afford that basic gear. 

Still, I am more certain than ever the vast majority of self identifying liberals are clueless animals, they are wantonly like animals even though they know they are human beings (homo sapiens). Willful ignorance is what brings the liberals in the Democratic Party, together. 

A Libertine is never a Democrat and libertines were the original liberals dating back to the Late Middle Ages. With or without a RUMBLE podcast, this is my voice.

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

  I reached settlement with my Landlord in Portland and only with some money beyond cancelation of debt owed. Because of my settlement I won...