Monday, April 26, 2021

The Libertine Angle for Portland, Oregon

The "all seeing eye of providence," or annuit coeptis, or "show me the money" breakdown as from the movie Jerry McGuire--this post is about the Libertine angle in Portland, Oregon this Spring of 2021.

Now, I preface by saying I have searched and cannot find any other Libertines who are defining themselves as such, as a distinctly political identity. My Libertine identity is distinctly political and I may be the founder of left-libertarian political thought in the United States of America.

To be sure, I draw heavily on the Libertarian thinking so many Americans have taken in the wrong direction with their conservative or old world economics.

As a socialist, someone who believes in the rule of law in the market juxtaposed those people who think money makes the rules in the market, I am philosophically libertarian and so a Libertine politically, not a Libertarian.

If this is all true, and it is, here is my plan for effecting my political will in the community of Portland and greater American society.

1.) Portland, Oregon City Hall has it's weak Mayor system (which is genius, something wonderful and good people of today have inherited) activated such it becomes a strong weak Mayor system. This means the entire city council, all five commissioners, realize political solidarity like Voltron and enact a creedo for all municipal employees, making Portland the first post-racial city in the USA.
        A.) What is a post racial city? A post racial city is a city which totally rejects racism and abolishes institutional racism.
        B.) What does abolishing institutional racism look like? Its when the city government and all employees are no longer asked what race they are they are asked for their State issued identification, when being hired. Race is no longer referred to as something in the municipal workspace. Such talk is considered insanity and insane people should be in assisted living, not employed by the city.
        C.) So you're saying you want to purge the city of Portland, its government and employees of racists, here, in sub-points A & B? There can be no other way to understand it, accurately.

2.) City Hall establishes Sanctuary City (with some Federal funding) as a new suburb in the greater metropolitan area and settles 50,000 homeless and transient domestic refugees there. The city of Portland puts together its Sanctuary City money and then actually builds a new physical community rather than turning Portland into a homeless and transient domestic refugee town.

3.) A grand statue-fountain is commissioned by the City of Portland where all five city commissioners are scene, surrounded by Black Lives Matter, AntiFa and every vocal group including those hostile/antagonistic. The scene is one of their victory, the victory of the city, in becoming post racial and establishing a social services network so sophisticated it settles otherwise homeless people. This statue finds a place downtown, for many to see every day.

4.) I start up a new tech company in Oregon, of all places. Oregon, the bedroom state for California and Washington tech companies.... I know it sounds unnatural that Oregon would establish an incredibly successful company in renewable power technology; but this is the Libertine political angle.
        A.) Congressman Earl Blumenauer, convinced I can re-design and rebuild the US power grid.
        B.) Senator Jeff Merkley, convinced I can re-design and rebuild the US power grid.

5.) Work out a transparent deal with the Governor of Oregon, who hopefully is someone other than Kate Brown who is a slow, intellectually speaking such if people are going to get rich in Oregon they are taxed more like people in Europe to afford a sophisticated social services network. Hopefully this would be, but I don't see how it could be more successful, the Governor selling the Pittock Mansion to me so they can use that money to bail themselves out of their PERS debt.
        A.) It is true a generation of stupid moral degenerates, Baby Boomers, were so greedy they had to rob future generations by billing taxpayers for their overpriced and shoddy work to a tune so loud only debt on future generations can pay it.... or the state needs to miraculously produce another billionaire like Phil Knight to tax and then PERS would be paid off without having to gut entitlements for future generations.

6.) Establish a defense contracting company in Oregon or convince Lockheed Martin Technologies to expand their office in Oregon so I can work part time for them as a design engineer in addition to work for myself in the renewable power sector.

7.) Convince President Joe Biden to specific reforms in the United States military for the express purpose of abolishing rape culture there, forever with the bonus of how that also and necessarily abolishes racism.
    A.) No more "useful idiots" in the US military, no more "suicide squad," no more "autistic intelligence" no more psychological operations on the American people by its own government not even if such operations are being conducted on the American people by other governments.

8.) Convince Baby Boomers to stop being overconfident people who are in denial of their own physical brain damage, the real genetic brain diseases afflicting them and so many other Americans, because of their exposure to particulate lead, mercury and other industrial fallout like radioactive fallout. Get them to bow out, retire, gracefully while Libertines other than myself appear in other states doing much the same thing as I to help their states abolish rape culture, racism and the promotion and spread of genetic brain disease for the profit of medical insurance frauds in mental healthcare.

Libertines, unlike people from other political philosophies, enjoy transparency. Mine is an octahedral angle intent to frame reality.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Thrallism, or How The Black Community is Oppressed After Slavery


  1. the state of being in someone's power or having great power over someone.
    "the town was in thrall to a villain"
    • historical
      a slave, servant, or captive.

      What I am about to explain is knowledge I discovered after dropping out as a junior at Pacific University, their undergraduate program. I had fallen in love, gone to Egypt to study for a month, returned and my life got more interesting than it was before, too interesting to continue my undergraduate education.

      What I've never seen said about the occult, which I then began to study formally (building up an now sold off occult library of choice texts) is that it is actually the study of the "science" of slavery or "occult science."

      How to practice slavery is an art, not a science, but to the extent the applied art works to effect the slavery of other people it is assumed to be a science because of the art then practiced, tested.

      Like other liberal arts, the occult is a school although it does not exist formally as such at universities. At universities this school (which used to be an actual school in the most ancient university of Charlemagne at Avignon and among the first universities in France, or formal study of alchemy) is today called psychology and it's graduate school of psychiatry.

      This is settled fact. Anyone can look at the majority of psychologists publishing books on the history of psychology and see they are saying that about themselves--that from alchemy the early study of the human mind and proto-chemistry came psychology and psychiatry.

      Moreover, everyone ought trust this telling of their history and understand the connection to the occult alchemy represents. It was a formal study with alchemists employed by the wealthiest in society to effect the minds of people, to control them or order them with the cosmos and spirits.

      Now, what is the difference between a slave and a thrall?

      Again, I think I can explain this difference better than the dictionaries or literature available on the topic and offer it up for comparison for our times or so I'm making the effort.

      The difference is the slave is kept by force and fear and the thrall is willfully a slave, happy to be bossed, who exercises force for his master.

      I posit the black community was turned into a community of thralls during the 1960s, by mostly white Baby Boomers who are historical imbeciles of the lowest genetic value, having been born saturated with particulate lead and mercury while in the wombs of their mothers. That their autism and cruelty are both obvious, this particular generation of white people.

      Their establishment of psychiatry as something to be taken seriously, which it was not by insurance companies a generation ago, was the establishment of cult moral degeneration and a group want to practice the old art of alchemy on the population.

      They did. Their drugs and mind control techniques were especially successful in the black community. One might say, the black community has a higher tolerance for VooDoo than other communities. VooDoo-Psychiatry.

      Regardless of the cultural reason for why the black community was especially vulnerable to the once called dark arts, it is as it has always been and will always be, an injustice.

      They, the psychiatric community, made thralls of the black community in the 1960s and called it a Civil Rights movement.

      If this confuses anyone, if what I've said about psychiatry doesn't make sense, consider psychology warfare and what that is. Is it a science? It is military science.

      In the 1960s the Civil Rights movement lead to Mass Incarceration and narcotics use became normal, like rape.

      I suggest what people ought to consider if they don't want to be a thrall for someone else, if they reject the idea of slavery entirely as something only a brain diseased, wretched imbecile would want for--they ought to consider all this I've said here.

      How like the 4th Psyop Group every office is, for all the psychologists and psychiatrists operating in the USA today. How Gestapo-Occult, race-belief promoting, Church of State for Fascism they all are--most of them.

      As we all look at Black Lives Matter, and for us in Portland we have a better look because of Don't Shoot PDX which was way ahead of the curve, probably.
    • I believe the leaders of Don't Shoot PDX are a psychologist and her lesbian patient-partner. If you study them both, Don't Shoot PDX is producing intelligence BLM later adopts.

      Its probably a Critical Race Theory Psychological Operation promoted by clandestine effort, psychiatric dope cartel, for what we all see going on after the murders of black people were exploited by faux social justice advocates getting high on narcotics to then engage in petty crime.

      I suggest BLM has become a thrall group, a group of people who have been enthralled by drugs and reverse psychology--people who promote their ethnocentrism in conflict with an ethnocentric "other." This is how society can be divided against itself, for the profit of others by alchemy or more so by psychiatry.

      To turn lead into gold. To turn the mostly worthless/toxic into the most valuable. To turn a group of people into thralls to play off as tools-units against other thralls. This, what I've just said, is what is going on in the USA.

      This is not democracy, this is a failed democracy with a kleptocracy of truly brain dead zombie Baby Boomers sucking in air for their utterly useless minds. They can't even participate in a round world as they are zealots for two dimensional, stupid thinking, always with the racism and sex with drugs and violence.

      I would love to say all this to them all by telepathy followed by a bucket of ice cold water dumped on them, but I realize my own magical thinking there. If only these degenerates would learn.

      Someone really must silence these Vietnam idiots, on both sides. The Baby Boomer, Vietnam Era, skulldugged zombie-autistic plutocracy needs to shut down permanently, ASAP.

      Those promoting fascism in the military ought to be executed as Traitors or at least their leader ought to be and those promoting it in civil society ought to be detained for Treason then sued for medical insurance fraud, then imprisoned or have their citizenship revoked--those autistic geniuses in psychiatry.

      Maybe this is why Biden has Lloyd Austin in the Pentagon? I still think he needs Tusli Gabbard for his Scty. of Defense because the only way to do it right is to out the rapist-sadistic fucked up and evil people in the military so the entire military holds that minority in extreme contempt and then punishes them severely so THEN they can punish their shrinks and get a legit 4th PsyOp Group in Special Forces instead of one so corrupted by these Baby Boomer clowns.

      Punish the rapeos then punish the shrinks for giving rapeos the power they do with their medical insurance fraud, autistic run-at-the-mouth "everyone" is too polite to tell to shut the fuck up.

      You have to dispel the myth of rape-power to defeat an effort of someone to enthrall you. The idea of you being a slave being OK because you're a slave who owns his own slave, is the mentality of the thrall.

      Rape isn't power, it is mental retardation--a loss of human mind. To the extent it is celebrated is the extent to which the mentally retarded are allowed more respect than they deserve, even considered intelligent and to be consulted as experts (which they necessarily can never be as they are in fact so disabled, diminished people).

      More rapists get punished, get rid of their shrinks and then society begins to heal.

      The shrinks can stay around like Satanists or some minority religion as they will certainly be, one day, after the plague of stupid that is the Baby Boomer generation finally passes from this world into their afterlife-damnation.
    • Sadly, they are probably going to sit forever with German Nazis out like Nazis given how sick and evil the Baby Boomer society is with abuse, rape, murder, poverty, etc. They are just so into drugs and mind control. If its not street dope its shrink dope that runs the Baby Boomer's mind.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Libertine, or Post Racial Politics

(chimpanzee laureate)

As the term and label, "Libertine" has been so far defined on this blog the Wikipedia definition is amusing. It is simple-minded and amusing to me but I don't expect Wikipedia to have done better.

Suffice it to say, what knowledge can be found on the Internet can certainly be expounded upon by a human being.

What is not amusing, is the pandemic of violence and murder in the United States of America. President Joe Biden has said it is a disgrace, that America disgraces itself with a completely failed justice system and media staged debate between two equally mentally retarded caricatures, one white the other black, try and resolve this terrible problem.

Idiots cannot solve problems and this is especially true for great and terrible problems like racism. America, possessed by populist stupidity, addresses it's problems by consensus of the lowest common denominator or the dumbest people in the society by virtue of their majority, monopolize the conversation on justice.

What is lost in that, is the Libertine solution to the problem of racism. There is a solution and there always has been, for racism. That solution is racists are deemed mentally retarded, stupid, incestuous rapists, moral degenerates, liars and thieves. They do not participate in reality. They are sleepwalkers by day and night. Their brains are physically deformed and genetically diseased. They are second class people to be held in contempt or with pity.

If a society loses it's moral compass, if becomes a community of sheeple shepherded by frauds pushing experimental and mind altering drugs (psychiatry), then it is a rape culture rife with racism, murder and all sorts of crimes. That is what the USA is, today. It may be what it always has been despite the best Libertine efforts.

Ironically, the imbeciles cry for justice before they demand sentience--before they throw off the fetters put on them by their slavers, by the pseudoscientific and maladroit psychiatrists, want for power over others as if they were pets.

These imbeciles instead work with mental health professionals to demand "racial justice."

Racial justice, naturally, is an oxymoron. It is a chimera. It is a totally and completely bullshit idea and fantasy. There will never be racial justice because different races of people do not exist in the physical world and to suggest they do is to be insane, evil and a racist. Such people, naturally, are incapable of establishing, maintaining and promoting justice. They are the masses.

It is enough for the Libertine to influence elected officials and even some whom shepherd people as a flock insomuch one or few people do all the intellectual work for others who simply believe in the supremacy of their leader.

To point out their stupidity in all ways, completely, such the official or leader can no longer deny literacy is on the side of the Libertine and the Libertine is absolutely correct, factually speaking, on the subject of race.

It ought never be the calling of the Libertine to become a populist or to make libertine thinking the thinking of the masses. Literacy doesn't operate like that in society for it is graduated and the masses comprise degrees or sects of people according to their literacy.

None of that is racist. All of it is genetic and intellectual.

If the United States of America cannot overcome the populist dramas the intellectually diminished Baby Boomer generation continues to play out in society, it is unlikely to survive for much longer as the people become so diseased, wretched, ignorant and evil their destruction necessarily becomes more the necessity of the species itself, homo sapiens, to establish a new group of Allied nations.

This is no exaggeration. World War One happened. World War Two happened. Both World Wars happened because populist forces became dominant forces in democratic societies. Racism defined the political narrative in both wars as the Europeans considered themselves and each other as different races and had since the Roman Empire. 

In World War Two, the multitude of European races was redefined as primarily two races the Nordic and Semite. In both instances, the consensus reality was defined by a populist majority understanding and those people were factually stupid people. They were factually ignorant and factually arrogant, their power unchecked.

The populists control politics with brutality, riots and protests. They do not have answers nor solutions they have a will to power, a will to be dominant in society by brutal populist means.

Such was the case and circumstance prior to both world wars and such is a case and circumstance in the USA, today as it has been now for a decade or more.

Again, the solution to the problem of racial hatred is to talk about racism for what it is--it is hatred, it is delusion, it is being factually incorrect with confidence, being a racist may result from genetic brain disease and mental retardation.

The solution is to be post racial. The only way to establish a post racial society is by coup, preferably a metaphorical coup, or revolution in thinking for the plutocracy. If the elected officials and leaders can be made aware of their truly inferior way of thinking, they will likely reform it and then marginalize inferior thinking within their communities.

Unlike economics, intelligence has a trickle down effect. Post racialism has a trickle down effect. Sharing the post racial message to the best of one's ability is all the Libertine must do and should do given the possibility of a third world war if they should fail.

Given I live in the USA, I really do not like the idea of losing a nuclear war (which the USA would probably lose if WWIII occurred today) and I find it even more upsetting that I should die because in such a contest the vast majority of Americans are truly horrible people promoting far more ignorance and hatred than anything else, in the world. Their populist-racist politics is beyond repugnant, it may be a evolutionary step in the wrong direction for the species.

I, as a Libertine, really want American officials and leaders of people who do not think for themselves to understand they can and should be sentient human beings. To be less than post racial is to have a piece of shit in your bowels and no soul/sentience associated with your body--that is what being a racist is.

Everyone should be post racial as everyone should understand the world is a globe, round not flat.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Libertine Transparency

As socialists, as sentient adults, Libertines want for a rule of law in the marketplace. The economy ought be governed by the law, not the market.

As libertarians, fundamentally against abject centralization of power because they are necessarily democratic in political arrangement, Libertines are so left and libertarian.

This transparency ought to be as obvious as the ambition of Libertines to manipulate and control the Democratic party by liberal dissent and critique. Democrats are necessarily authoritarians, as ought to be obvious and understood too, as the lack of virtue they share with Republicans.

Libertines are the most loyal among the liberal opposition to conservative and typically Republican politics.

As leftists the Libertine critique agrees with the rightist Libertarian critique which states the populist idea of socialism isn't at all socialism and is indeed fascism.

It is cult/occult mental health, medical insurance fraud, for a maladroit and autistic people to become dominant, normalize rape, hate crimes and make who ought to be second class citizens equal to first class citizens. The same thing occurred in Nazi Germany. It was rampant and genetic brain disease within a democracy that created Hitler's Germany.

That same brain diseased majority defines the politics of America today and there is no other group holding a different political philosophy to Libertines other than Libertarians who understand this nearly as well.

Populism has always been the peril for democracy because wisdom is rarely consensus opinion.

What is not obvious and never should be obvious is how individual Libertines fare for reputation with law enforcement, active military service, military veterans and those associated in healthcare or government service.

Service is seen by Libertines to be an act of love and unless the Libertine is also an exhibitionist, they owe no transparency for that. They merely owe political transparency--to speak plainly about politics.

Again, whatever service record, reputation or lack thereof a Libertine has with people affiliated with military or public service should not be transparent. The Libertine is a transparent citizen who does not muddle their personal life with their service life. They insist their literacy qualifies the importance of their political positions and no other form of status can compare for importance when speaking to politics.

For people in the services the term "on Liberty" has a special meaning synonymous with time off or a vacation, leisure. To the Libertine, their time is more than that although one would hope to make it look so easy--for service to love in society to be so pleasurable and political.

There are certainly enough people without capacity for empathy for others. Libertine empathy transcends the two party system. Libertine empathy is extreme empathy in juxtaposition to those without any empathy. It is their empathy, second only to their literacy, with which the Libertine practices politics.

There is a natural draw both Libertarians, who lean economically conservative, and other liberal groups which resist the authoritarianism of the Democratic party, have for Libertines.

Put another way, to be a Libertine in society will likely produce rather immediate political allies. Regardless of anyone's political angle, the objectivity and empathy of the Libertine mind makes it attractive to people from most other political persuasions. 

Libertines, by power of political attraction according to their literacy, may companion with or direct libertarian conservatives, green liberals, conservative conservationists, independents and other parties living in the shadow of the two party duopoly-plutocracy or this Republic with it's oligarchs.

It is almost as if other political philosophies are unnatural or manufactured philosophies on how human beings ought to be ruled while the Libertine understands how people are naturally ruled. This is their role in society.

Libertines are power brokers with legitimate influence in both and most other political parties.

If royalty were stripped of all political authority in a democracy, Libertines would be those then citizen nobles.

To the extent the Libertine actualizes a political life, transparently, is the extent they as individuals can and should influence authoritarians--both Democrats and Republicans.

Libertines command a natural respect when they are both humbled by populist ideas and shamelessly point out their prejudice or lack of scientific and rational validity. 

The Libertarian critique is a minority report, at most. Most conservatives are not also Libertarians. The Libertarian caucus in the GOP is a smaller caucus albeit with solidarity.

The Libertine critique is borderline occult, privileged or primary source information in a liberal spectrum with more propaganda than information and what information there is to be found is usually from a secondary source. The Libertine critique is perhaps the most rare liberal critique.

Authoritarians are by nature overly concerned with their herd mentality be that what it may, and maintaining or adapting their populist narrative or group think. They are more or less obsessed with that.

Truly, to be a Libertine is to be a citizen elected officials want to know and associate with because their views on various issues are especially useful given their objectivity and empathy. Objectivity isn't something much appreciated by people with different political biases, worldviews.

It is probable Libertines will be treated like a commodity, or objects, by people holding other political philosophies and especially those working to effect authoritarian politics.

Naturally, objectivity like participation in reality is useful so too then Libertines are useful to government officials--typically more useful than antagonistic. They should not, however, be so useful to become objectified as tools and when they are, they ought break that political alliance.

Perhaps the only unbreakable alliance is the deep and historical Libertine alliance as shared between many people from both American and French civilizations.

Its this Libertine mentality as described on this blog, which speak to the best reasons for the history of French-American brotherhood and friendship. The Libertines are probably the people who connect the two civilizations the most.

It is the Libertine spirit and transparency both French and American people have validated, more so than people from other civilizations.

Indeed, the French and American civilizations when not corrupted by their own populists, best define and promote Liberty throughout the world. It is tragic how seldom the Libertine influence in both civilizations overrides the populist influence.

In this way, there is also a transparent cultural privilege for Libertines. Both American and French governments ought to be more pliable for the political manipulations or to the political will of the Libertine.

They have been, historically, more so than others. Newer to this fraternity and yet with a uniquely sincere devotion to literacy, is the Russian Federation. To the extent more Libertines from more civilizations realize themselves in their societies, the more probable and lasting peace and prosperity for all societies.

The Libertine benefits from multicultural exchange and is ultimately, politics aside, a humanist.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Noblesse Oblige

Libertines are true nobles in democratic societies. They are noble by DNA, by their biological example. Their sentience sets them apart and above, literally differentiates them from the masses and this difference is sentience. Their objectivity is their nobility.

This is a different type of nobility than by pedigree, heredity or conferred title as nobility is understood to be autocratic.

Suffice it to say, the conservative understanding of nobility is the historical consideration while the liberal understanding the Libertine defines.

So the difference; yet obligation remains central to the qualification of who is and who is not the true elite in society.

In the past and to the extent it is still romantically entertained, noblesse oblige is an ancient phrase describing the obligation that is nobility. It holds true for both conservative and liberal nobility and more true for the latter.

While money, family and public office are no doubt qualifications for nobility they are less so than the DNA of the individual in question. Is that individual sentient?

If they are self aware and so with objectivity participating in reality it is their obligation to direct and aid those who do not participate, because they can not and therefore are in danger.

Whereas conservative nobles are almost always so defined because of royal bloodlines and religion, their concerns are not scientific nor utilitarian. Nobility, for the Libertine, is the full realization of the human condition with those whom are sentient and those who are not.

It is the realization of human beings as social mammals with the capacity for sentience. This realization becomes a moral obligation to support the tribe, greater community and species. 

Unlike conservative nobles who are also usually royalty, the Libertine is noble in purpose, deed and being. They are so qualified as superior, elite and fist class above people who are qualified inferior, non-sentient and second class. In so being, the Libertine is more noble than the royal.

It is the obligation of the Libertine to make their status known, without shame and with humility. The moral importance of this obligation can't be over stated as humanity itself depends on weaker or stronger nobles to keep the health and peace of their people.

Indeed, there is circular logic for this obligation or there is the more accurate and ontological monism to describe it. It is up to people to decide how much or little they respect any Libertine, but for the Libertine they realize the interconnected nature of people in society and want for love.                            

Conservative Nobility                                    Liberal Nobility
1.) Conferred                                                  1.) Earned
2.) Heredity                                                    2.) DNA
3.) Inheritance                                                3.) Invention
4.) Autocracy                                                  4.) Democracy
5.) Religious Fundamentalism                       5.) Scientific Rationalism

Both conservatives and liberals have nobles. Only the liberal noble, or Libertine, has the capacity to rule in Western civilization today. Societies in the West have almost become religious fundamentalists about their democracies.

This is to say democracy is the demand of the vast majority of human beings in the West and arguably throughout the world.

These liberal nobles, so obligated, are in juxtaposition rather than conflict with conservative nobles. More often than not, their concerns overlap. Where there is conflict there is disagreement on what defines nobility and who the nobles in society are.

To be a libertine is to judge yourself according to a standard of excellence in pursuit of true happiness, love. To be a Libertine is to be that for yourself and in society.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Surviving Neo-Politics

With humility for the time in which I was born and lived, 1975-onward, it has been made plain and appears clear to me the Baby Boomer generation qualifies as a group of people who changed history and politics in the USA forever.

This change swept up both of the two dominant political parties and completely reformed them. The neo-conservatives and neo-liberals of today are the inventions of the culture and social actualization of the Baby Boomer generation.

This change was the onset and contagious spread of of popular ignorance and indeed genetic brain disease. The zombie apocalypse and body snatcher scenarios of horror and science fiction films are both accurate metaphors for what the Baby Boomers accomplished in politics.

They, like parasites, destroyed the nation of their parents. They are the children who cannibalized their parents, reproduced and then cannibalized their children. They are a generation born into severe industrial pollution, especially the industrial chemical fallout of tonnes of particulate heavy metal.

All that lead, mercury, radon (gas produced by heavy metal), cobalt and long list of toxic heavy metals industry demands were not regulated during and after the second world war. Baby Boomers were born into a toxic environment which factually destroyed their DNA, especially their brains.

They are a generation of people, through no fault of their own and by fact of their birth, without sentience--they are not self aware.

They are egomania-sociopaths because heavy metal toxicity effectively lobotomized them as they developed in the wombs of their mothers or over time that pollution saturated their brains.

The rise of neo-politics in the USA is the politics of America in the 1960s. It began after the end of the second world war, reached it's climax in the 1960s with the complete dissolution of the established American culture, and began the decline into a society of diminishing returns in the 1970s.

It has been a half century of Baby Boomer establishment-rule, diminishing returns/mean-standard living, quality of life, liberty and decline of civilization. In these 50 years, mass incarceration has reintroduced bondage labor and a permanent refugee class.

Today, Baby Boomers are passively re-enacting their rise to power by fomenting racial hatred and the so called racial justice movement.

In their generational death throw, conjunct the COVID pandemic, the establishment generation struggles to remind itself of its vitality regardless of how ugly and immoral that vitality is. Racists in both parties stage a war with each other while the majority remains intellectually glued to racist frauds, incapable of being post racial.

To be sure, the Baby Boomers saw and delivered no progress against racism and without question turned America into an even more racist country than it was before that generation was born.

This is true despite the election of Barack Obama because Obama himself validates racism as a protected mentality. He is not post racial, himself.

Today, as tenured university professors, the Baby Boomers preach racism as critical race theory. The generation's politics is to convolute meaning, to fold subjects into other subjects such neither can be understood beyond the dictated Baby Boomer understanding.

So it is critical race theory rejects the post racial reality and promotes racial profiling for racial justice, qua racism for racial justice. They are imbeciles, truly, with absolute confidence.

To understand neo-politics is to understand the dominant politics of our times. It is the politics of the Baby Boomer generation as they exercise it in a two party system. It is a fixed and rigged political system. It is a democracy without meritocracy, a democracy with oligarchy and a democracy with a church of state in mental healthcare (which is scientific fraud).

All of this is factually evident and to a rational mind, the human experience with the American political system. It does not suggest hatred of Baby Boomers nor will it suggest hatred of those afflicted with genetic brain disease as the neurological condition best defining Baby Boomers in history.

Baby Boomers are the elders of today's establishment. They have matured into the traditional social role of elders: a role of respect and honor. Unfortunately, very few Baby Boomers are respectful people. Very few even know what honor is and in no way live honorable lives. It is as the Fool said to King Lear, "You should have grown wise before old." The same critique for this polluted and diseased generation, is apt.

The scientific literature is clear: autism is caused by what can only be called industrial-chemical fallout. Like radioactive fallout from a nuclear reactor or detonation of nuclear weapons, industrial-chemical fallout causes genetic disease upon human organs.

In a way, industrial-chemical fallout is worse than nuclear fallout although nuclear fallout is a type of industrial-chemical fallout. It is worse because the genetic damage is more insidious. It occurs over a longer period of time and passes to future generations whereas nuclear fallout is more readily evident and lethal.

Many books have been written about this as anyone can discover if they do research and the vast majority of the literature is salient, cogent, entirely rational and descriptive of the objective reality of pandemic brain disease.

People have to research this, however, because the Baby Boomer generation established a Neo-Political normal in the USA such mass media became propaganda and disinformation to shepherd non-sentient people into fascism: cooperation between conservative and liberal fascists.

Still, the reality is so stark it is necessarily more horrifying and terrible than the worst horror and science fiction films. Indeed, the stock-footage of political life today (replete with military violence), can only compare to war footage.

To the extent race is a primary or top level concern for many people who are also systematically oppressed by violence and irrational discrimination, is also comparable to the fascist normal in Europe in the 1940s.

It is from that learning, the Baby Boomers follow. It is in the pollution and cocktail of narcotics they were baptized after being lobotomized. 

Today, they behave exactly as they were designed to by their fascist progenitors. They destroy the world, literally cultivate disease as life itself such forms of life which are not diseased, die.

They are mad, a generation of lunatics who established a church-of-state to scapegoat individuals as lunatics.

Psychiatry is this church because it is merely the discipline of peer review and confabulated diagnosis (diagnosis without physically scientific evidence). It is opinion with religious authority.

We all live in a nightmare world with the USA being a very real and dominant empire. To a lesser extent the Russian and Chinese empires also fail to improve the condition of life on the planet.

We live in this nightmare world in a nightmare country because rape is the culture for an elder generation of brain diseased fascists.

To survive the neo-politics of the insane masses, the Libertine must remain humble. As superior as a Libertine is when compared to a Republican or Democrat---the difference between sentience and non-sentience---sentient people are the minority in the population and this will probably remain the condition, indefinitely. 

Still, the Libertine must be devoted to literacy and especially in science and medicine as both concern the environment. In this way, the Libertine is an environmentalist. Environmental science is held in the highest regard because psychiatry is the anti-intellectual and wretched pursuit of people in the autism spectrum want to be Zarathustra. 

They are failed philosophers, like Nietzsche and have embraced madness as they want to normalize it.

Beyond the physical sciences, mathematics and especially that of Newton ought to follow for the Libertine after they have fully explored the cannon of Western philosophy. Beyond their scientific considerations the Libertine will find means to survive in this hostile world by then embracing Eastern philosophy and the purpose for all religions.

As human beings are not want to be diseased, Libertines are want to disseminate their intelligence as the politics of true freedom. This true and existential freedom is the realization of the madness and it's cause, in our times.

To a lesser extent the Libertine is free to act on their ambition to improve the condition of the world with the knowledge that attempts to change society will likely provoke a violent or hostile reaction by the establishment.

It may be a Libertine cannot thrive, in our times. We can, however, survive.

It is also a small comfort the film Night of the Living Dead starred Duane Jones because he is black and like the Civil Rights/Racial Justice movement, a caricature-personification of Justice in an America lost to Autism.

We should not, as Libertines, escape into entertainment. Entertainment, for us, is the potential for satire and so communication with each other outside the network of propaganda and surveillance.  There is at least some satire to be found in entertainment or the entertainment is an escape into bondage and the psychiatric fetters of Boomer fascism.

Perhaps in future times the majority of Americans will be truly free such finding entertainment would be less and otherwise--simply pleasure.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Racists Are Factually Incorrect And Second Class People

I do not particularly enjoy The Beatles and I don't consider myself a fan of John Lennon. In fact I've long held him and that band in contempt for being the most likely penultimate rock band of the 1960s and the Baby Boomer generation.

History holds the Baby Boomers in contempt. You can't be human, read history, and not have contempt for Baby Boomers because they are so obviously a generation of brain diseased automatons, non sentient, flat earth racists pushing mental health for the new world religion.

This all said, and if you're a Baby Boomer do your part to confess to younger generations who naturally want to disbelieve your generation is anti-human, want for ecocide and popular insanity, worse than Baby Boomers is the popularity of racism (the racist mentality).

Race does not exist. People who talk about different races of people existing, are being moronic. They are stupid in the exact same way as people who say the Earth is flat are stupid. There is no difference between the level of ignorance between a person who believes the Earth is flat and a person who believes different races of people exist.

Racism exists because some people are abject morons who because their parents do not love them enough to educate them or because they are mentally retarded adults or not and simply live in a cave.

Racism exists because most people are so stupid and so few people are not, it may appear like there is a master-slave difference between people. As the difference between master and slave might be evident as the difference between two people, so too the delusion of race might occur to explain the difference.

Ancient Mayans believed the Earth was on the back of a cosmic turtle, moving the planet through the cosmos.

Anyone might believe the difference someone has for far more authority in society than another person has, is because of race.

Both the cosmic turtle and the race explanations are false and cruel ideas to be promoted as truth when they are demonstrably false.

This and these people are what and whom Libertines consider to be Second Class or Non-Voter prerogatives. 

To be sure, racists and people who are completely insane can and often do have the right to Vote in the USA but to the Libertine they ought not and their Votes and beliefs-opinions are discounted as insanity and fraud.

Moreover, this standard for Libertine behavior may explain why Libertines have never formed an official political party in the USA nor run a candidate successfully for office. If they did, that elected official would then have so much contempt to be surrounded by non sentient primates pretending to govern human beings they would be ineffectual. 

Indeed, until the USA becomes a post racial society (if it ever does) the reality of a Libertine party and LPA remains a mere possibility. If it becomes established, it is more likely to be a secret society or political group within other political parties--a political party which infiltrates other political parties.

This is the only way the Libertine contempt, the necessary condition for morality, for and towards racism and racists can be actively political and authentic. This contempt for racism and racists is second only to the contempt for the rape culture which spawns it and them.

To be sure, again, the Libertine has pity too for those who cannot participate in reality with morality nor share in the common Libertine cause.

This all understood, Libertines cannot be mistaken on the question of race and racism. In the USA, there is a paramount and beyond fiduciary responsibility of Libertines to "defuse" the ticking time bomb of two plus centuries of racism in the USA.

Libertines are morally obligated to confront racists with post racial supremacy. Libertines have to dominate, in society, all ethnocentric groups. Ethnocentric people are people who have marginalized themselves and their self marginalization is not shared. Libertines marginalize those who so self marginalize and refuse to be post racial, humanists.

Post racial supremacy is marginalizing racist people as second class people, mentally retarded people, genetically brain diseased people, ignorant/arrogant people and possibly terrorist-fascists deserving of maximum prejudice.

Post racial supremacy maintains sentient people have the right to rule over non sentient people, to have authority over them. Post racial people have the natural and legal authority to rule over racist people as if racist people were children because they think like sleepwalkers, without sentience.

To think as a human being is to think as a post racial person. Post racial people know different races do not exist. They know racists exist as people who wrongfully believe in different races of people.

It is not enough for the Libertine to rule over the non sentient with moral authority, as they always do. The Libertine must confront and be successful in conflicts with racists and devotees to rape culture, in society, as witnessed by society.

The Libertine must affect society with the post racial reality-message. The following is the Libertine post racial message which ought to be used to 1.) discipline elected officials, especially those in Congress. 2.) discipline electors in both the Democrat and Republican parties. 3.) discipline "cancel culture" and devotees to the "woke" movement. 4.) discipline psychiatrists and psychologists.

I could go on for priority targets Libertines must address given the times  we live in and the proverbial time bombs of racism and ecocide.

The Libertine Post Racial Message
  1. Human beings do not have race, they have tribes and those tribes can be grouped into clans or ethnic groups. Most people are of mixed tribal and ethnic backgrounds. Race is the fraud of genetic science. Science has long proven different races of people do not exist nor do racial attributes.

  2. People who believe in race and different races of people are insane and not to be trusted. They are also hateful and maladroit as their racism necessarily is so. They probably suffer from genetic brain disease, mental retardation. Although mental retardation is often hereditary, it is usually first caused by industrial pollution and particulate heavy metals in the womb of a pregnant woman.

  3. Black Lives Matter and the racial justice movement is a Children's Crusade. It is a movement of well intended and yet naive-to-ignorant people. It, like the Civil Rights movement, is doomed to fail unless Libertines interrupt the cycle of abuse these movements are caught up in.

              A. BLM is caught in a cycle of abuse. Anti-Black racism in law enforcement has caused                     Anti-White racism in the civilian population.

              B. "Racial Justice" is an oxymoron, it is a contradiction of terms. The term "race" which is                  false (the delusion of a weak mind) has nothing to do and is necessarily antagonistic to                  the concept of "justice."

              C. Roughly 40% of black women who have conceived a child chose to abort that fetus.                       Rape and incest are the primary motivations for women to seek abortions. Rape culture                 is the root problem in the black community and the black community is both dishonest                   and traditional like the white community to suggest racism is the root problem when                       racism follows from rape culture.

              D. Reparations for slavery are owed to more than people of black-African decent. As long                   as racists continue to push to be paid Reparations, they cannot be paid and racism                           becomes a worse problem in the USA. The Chinese and other ethnic groups were                           factually enslaved, bonded labor and that bond also a deed to a human life in physical                     bondage-chains. All decedents of those owned as slaves by deed are owed Reparations.

             E. Racists are evil people whether they realize it or not, regardless of their age, gender,                        sexual orientation or disability. They don't have to be evil as the cause for evil is                            ignorance. Being a post racial human being is the only way not to be a racist. To believe                in a race is to hate what humanity truly is, necessarily.

              F. BLM follows from the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. It is the same drug induced,                intellectually dishonest, racial justice movement of a people saturated in particulate                        toxic heavy metals, caused by their own industry. It is a movement of more than black                    people. It is a movement which must be subverted and turned into a post racial                                movement.

  4. Racism in policing and healthcare occurs because racism has been institutionalized. Institutional racism is the very question of race. It is the question of what race a person has, on government forms, for people to register and identify themselves. There should be no question of race on any form because different races do not exist.

              A. Different ethnic and tribal groups exist for human beings. These questions could be                         asked but almost everyone is of mixed ethnic and/or tribal background. Very few people                 are the products of incest-breeding. Incest-breeding is rape-breeding.

              B. Rape breeding is criminal and a crime against humanity. It is a war crime and a hate                       crime. People who breed by rape are evil, more evil than racists although most rapists                     are also racists.

              C. Institutional Racism exists to prevent meritocracy. In America, the people who have                       merit are hated by the vast majority of stupid and evil people who believe in racism and                 rape culture. They despise the very idea of meritocracy--the idea that rewards ought be                   matched to achievements of behavior. Racism matches rewards to a false status.                             Promote meritocracy to abolish institutional racism.

  5. Second class people exist. They are human beings have have limited human rights. Their rights as human beings are limited because they are factually insane and do not participate in reality. They are non-sentient people who might self-actualize into sentient people and that actualization is to be encouraged by Libertines.

              A. Genetic mental retardation is not a death sentence. More is being learned about DNA                     every day and already science has documented the restoration of human brains                               physically damaged to the extent the person could not participate in reality,                                     achieving that.

              B. Detoxification, a healthy lifestyle for diet and exercise, education and socialization in a                   community is usually all that is required for someone with a severe intellectual                               disability, including the most severe cases of genetic mental retardation, to achieve                         sentience and a quality of life. Second class people do not have a quality of life because                 their lifestyles do not benefit humanity.

              C. Not all second class people deserve pity, charity and aid. Some second class people are                   also terrorist-fascist or violent and in support of rape culture. Such people ought to be                     segregated from the general population regardless of their ethnic and/or tribal                                 background.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Tulsi Gabbard


In the United States of America, Tulsi Gabbard is the most important public servant and as she is now civilian and no longer serving in Congress as a Democrat she remains the sole person with the intellect and acumen to reform the US military--expressly abolish rape culture within the US military.

I understand President Joe Biden and many other Democrats, including a congresswoman from my state (my representative in Salem, Oregon) who helped restore my confidence in government Alyssa Keny-Guyer don't like her.

I think they are intimidated and that intimidation is their shame they then foist as shame on Tulsi Gabbard.

Tulsi spoke out against Netflix for showing a feature presentation of 11 and 12 year old girls dancing like strippers. No other Democrat joined her in her condemnation of Netflix (or very few did) and she found herself with only Republican support. That was shame on the Democratic party.

The Democratic party will shame Dr. Seuess for racism but won't shame Netflix for sexually objectifying children. The Democratic party refuses to investigate the allegations of rape about President Biden by Tara Reade--not even to clear the air.

They make the question of rape less than the question of race when rape is necessarily a physical assult and racism is necessarily less harmful. To be raped is worse than to experience racism. To be raped and experience racism is worst of all.

Democrats have cancel culture because cancel culture is a group of autistic-maladroit back talking liars. They are racists themselves, promoting racial justice as if different races of people exist when they factually do not. Cancel culture is a movement of thieves.

Democrats are shameful cowards. Republicans are dishonorable guardians. The lesser of these two evils is no choice at all, for a Libertine. Both groups of idiots, imbeciles, morons and fools are lost to insanity and have to be marginalized by Libertines.

If that can happen, then Tulsi Gabbard might become the next Secretary of Defense and so replace Lloyd Austin, to get the most important work done for the US military--actually reforming it so it doesn't continue to lose wars and honor.

If that can happen, I would rather see Tulsi Gabbard as the first female President given the choice between her and Kamala Harris. The military reform really is top priority, or ought to be, for the American people.

After the military reform, legal reforms which shed light on the corruption of our courts as they have been for a generation.

Platforms of the Libertine Party of America

1.) Libertine parties should exist in every country wherever political parties influence governments and human beings.

2.) The Libertine party of the USA is also the Libertine Party of America or LPA.

3.) All members of the party shall make their own membership cards to join at their liberty. Those membership cards must be Photo ID with legal name, aliases, age and gender. That information is one side of the card and the other must only read Libertine Party, or some variation thereof (of America, of the USA, of Oregon, etc.). Members must also register as voters with their political party as simply, "Libertine," with their state.

4.) When addressing elected officials and political candidates for government offices, members are sworn to address such people as libertines and explain what that means to them.

5.) Work with modesty to co-found new groups of members to charter an officially recognized Libertine party in your state and the federal government.

6.) Redefine the understanding of the following political issues for members of other political parties: a.) Climate Change b.) Global Warming. Redefine them as both synonymous with the term Ecocide. Explain how industrial chemical fallout like radioactive-nuclear fallout causes genetic brain diseases and diseases all other organs of the human body too. Help environmentalists distinguish between autistic and sentient thinking without demonizing autism and instead shaming industry for causing it. Expound upon renewable power and sustainable living systems.

7.) Insist, when asked or when politically necessary, rape culture is real and the culture of the USA and as in any country rape culture always causes racism, racial profiling and indeed institutional racism. All of this must be abolished by any means necessary short of promoting rape culture and racism to destroy rape culture and racism. This is the Libertine's first political concern: abolition of rape culture and institutional racism.

8.) Be religiously tolerant, rational and ethical. Never does a religious freedom make a crime a non-crime and privilege. Atheism is a religion. It is faith based and has a straw man fallacy for God. It is secular polytheism. If atheists refuse to be accepted as a religious belief system, their intolerance is ignorance and ought not be tolerated. Religious tolerance is for those with religious tolerance, rational minds and ethics. It is not an inalienable right as many religious fundamentalists are simply insane, alienated from their own humanity.

9.) Persist in the constant resistance of the sentient to the peer pressure of those without sentience, those with genetic brain disease, those without education and those lost to trauma. Do not yield your sentience. Do not "dumb yourself down" to get along in society. Become more literate as you age.

10.) Fight when necessary, including violent defense, of yourself and your status as a political elite in your community. You will be attacked, as a Libertine, and sometimes those attacks can be violent. To force the realization of your political authority, which all Libertines have, is to compel other human beings to be shamed, jealous and vengeful. Be prepared.

11.) The Mountain Lion is your Libertine mascot.

12.) Promote libertine thought, not the Libertine party. When you identify philosophical libertines, tell them about the Libertine party.

13.) In the USA the left libertarian political extreme is the Libertine extreme. It is the farthest left and the most libertarian. Members of the actual Libertarian party are far right. Left and right authoritarians exist as Democrats and Republicans. Members of other political parties with less than sentient politics include Independents, Greens, various labor parties, non affiliated voters, etc.

14.) Satire is the best approach to propaganda from other political parties and literacy the means to dominate them, direct them.

15.) It is usually best for a Libertine to be a civilian, preferably independently wealthy, and engage in politics as a supporter of political candidates and elected officials. On the rare occasion when a Libertine is most qualified to govern by elected or appointed office, those Libertines are to be especially supported by Libertines.

16.) Do not confuse membership to the Libertine party, or any political party bearing the capital "L" Libertine in it's title with a social club and popular hedonism. Commercial libertine organizations, art galleries, clubs and fashion design clothing labels speak to a more Wikipedia, populist, hedonistic libertine philosophy. It, by definition, can't be political it is apolitical. If advocates of lower libertine thinking would become higher and actual Libertines, all the better.

17.) Neo-Conservatives and Neo-Liberals are terms and labels to describe people in the autism spectrum. Mental health is medical insurance fraud. Genetic brain diseases and mental retardation exist and are caused in large part by human beings and their industrial chemical fallout--especially the toxic heavy metals in particulate. This "new" politics of the Baby Boom actually describes their neurology we can then understand as their mentality. Saving the environment from human pollution is about saving human DNA from genetic evolution into a more diseased normal, in addition to saving the oceans and rain forests.

18.) The military industrial complex is to be dominated, not abolished nor opposed as something fundamentally bad as so many liberals insist. Libertines are different from other liberals, perhaps more so on how they treat military personnel exactly the same as civilians: employ literacy to direct them. A libertine must be capable of defending themselves and others if need be. Libertines are not doctrinal pacifists although literacy is usually a peaceful process as it occurs with groups of people.

19.) Regarding gender, sex and sexual orientation the political Libertine insists love is the cause for wisdom in all these considerations. Gender is biological and it is also sometimes chosen to be otherwise than it was at birth. There is no perfect equality between cisgender and others, there is difference and mutual exclusivity as with the opposite sex and different gender identifications. Sex is necessarily about consent, which must be informed as in the person has to be sentient to consent--they cannot be unduly influenced. Sexual orientation is a choice and all sex acts might be consented to because sex is never rape. Rape is not sex it is assault and not defined by sexual orientation nor gender. 

20.) Equality exists for human beings as diversity. People are equal to each other only in their diversity from each other. For all things people have in common there are things they do not have in common. Equity is justice as it manifests in society for a distribution of wealth focused on maximizing the wealth for the benefit of the most people in society. Equality is the fact and equity is the political ambition of the Libertine. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Etymology of Literacy and the Libertine

The Libertine is the result, the end-result for a human being devoted to literacy. Their literacy, to the extent they are literate, has cultivated in them an understanding of love which is the prima facie force for their politics.

As social mammals, the purpose of society is to actualize some semblance of harmony beyond mere routine. It is to cultivate an environment for acts of love to occur, in myriad form, for as many members of the society as possible.

Utilitarianism with happiness understood as love, is the ethic with which Libertines justify their moral and personal authority over second class citizens: the amoral and non-sentient.

Literacy, the Libertine contends, not only compels this prima facie understanding of the purpose of human society but is the means by which they must dominate inferiors in their society.

It is by power of word, civil discourse with improper people, the Libertine understands their means to their end. To the extent of this power, then to their natural place in an ordered society albeit perhaps also the extent of their torture in a disordered society of people more like animals than human beings.

This difference between people some of whom are fully human while others behave as human primates without a sense for their own humanity is a difference of literacy.

It may be, if ever there is established a nation founded upon the principle of liberty, the etymology of literacy may come to include a new and better definition of literacy which is more than reading and writing language; but indeed the means by which to attain liberty and become a Libertine.

Libertines, like all human beings, have fundamental assumptions and at the very least they so understand literacy and contend it is the same in every language--that language itself is or ought to be as it was designed to be, means to communicate love and harmony in society.

This fundamental assumption is the second tier of contemporary libertine thought, by any analysis of such thinking from its crude beginnings centuries ago, to today. The top tier is as said in previous posts, the abolition of rape culture and it's institutional racism.

I suggest this new Libertine politics is not defined by maladroit people with pedantic and factually incorrect statements. My thinking is shared by many and a few more eventually to challenge the establishment of imbecile-populism, persuaded by language.

Libertine politics is so called to distinguish the politics of the sentient from the politics of those lost to simulacra and simulation.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Race Does Not Exist

Will Smith's movie, Bright, is the most sentient commentary on the Black Lives Matter movement albeit the movie came out in 2017, well before the tragic murder of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor and so many others.

Bright is satire. Libertines best communicate their politics in a media syndicated by propagandists as satire in the tradition of A Modest Proposal by Johnathan Swift.

Bright accomplished this.

As satire, it does well to point out the sheer fantasy that is racism--the belief in different races of human beings. In the first act, Will Smith murders a fairy after saying "Fairy lives don't matter today," with intent to speak to the very police brutality BLM speaks to most seriously today.

The scientific and rational human mind realizes race does not exist and insomuch non scientific and anti-intellectual minds disagree is the extent to which those minds are in fact insane: not sentient.

They perceive orcs, elves, fairies and other fantasy races as real races exactly as portrayed in Bright.

The drama masks, both, personify the tragedy of a society with both sentient and non sentient people perhaps no more perfectly than they personify the question of race and racism.

Libertines are post racial, scientific and rational human beings. To the extent we are libeled hedonists is the extent to which the non sentient misunderstand love in both it's platonic and romantic forms.

The question of race, the reality of institutional racism is like rape culture the political nemesis of Libertines. Libertines seek to abolish the question of race because it is a question with only false answers. It is a false question.

There are many videos, oratories and texts which prove beyond all reasonable doubts different races of people do not exist and yet racist people do exist as abject morons who do not participate in reality.

These people both believe in psychiatry and are not sentient people. They are the hypnotized or maladroit.

These harsh words are used by Libertines as they will not suffer the politics of non sentient people as the politics of equals.

The politics of those who are not Libertines, is the politics of the masses--those who are not sentient or otherwise are shepherded by those who are not sentient--and populism. Populism is less than equal to Libertine politics because it is also insanity.

A more polite way to explain this, such as to children, can be seen on You Tube.

Vox (post racialism in 3 minutes)

So it is, the two most important political considerations of a contemporary libertine, qualify someone as a Libertine and they are the abolition of rape culture and institutional racism.

This all said, April 4th 2021 was both Easter Sunday (the end of Passover) and the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King. If his dream could rise again, as Jesus is said to have risen by Christians, it would have to cause a post racial movement.

The language of race, is a language of lies. People are human beings and many lack empathy which is a cerebral intelligence people the autism spectrum lack. Those so afflicted must be marginalized as non sentient people, politically and socially marginalized as second class people, less the diseased prey on the healthy, the racist oppress the libertine.

Friday, April 2, 2021

The Marquis de Sade and John Wilmot

Wikipedia describes Libertines as being adherents to an "extreme form of hedonism." It cites the philosophies of the Marquis de Sade and John Wilmot as examples of libertines. It is more a definition qualified by their philosophical disposition and ignores the politics of their times.

Wikipedia's analysis is entirely period. It is the definition of the term as it was defined in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Its not a fair definition nor that accurate.

People today have more information than the people of centuries past and so this blog serves to actually define, to provide the contemporary definition, for Libertine thought. The "l" is capitalized like Republican or Democrat because in the 21st century libertine thought is both philosophy and politics.

This blog represents the founding of a new political party, called the Libertine Party. It is not recognized by the State of Oregon. Instead, after claiming the Libertine Party as my political party, the state calls me a member of the "other" party.

In time, with righteous progress beyond the neo-liberal "progressive" understanding, the Libertine Party would be recognized as such by the State of Oregon and federal government of the United States.

That said, the definition of what it means to be a libertine is much in dispute.

In addition to the examples of the Marquis de Sade and John Wilmot, society usually omits the best libertine thinkers as it focuses on the worst examples to define it.

In past centuries the human capacity for love was marginalized and slavery was legal, promoted and celebrated. What was then defined as hedonism today is better understood as love and especially of the romantic type so informed by the platonic.

To a pro slavery mentality, talk of love would seem hedonistic, superfluous, trivial and not important. Hedonism is a type of ignorance or how the rational mind is marginalized by the physical senses experiencing pleasure. 

The Marquis de Lafayette is a better example of a political libertine, a libertine thinker with a successful political life, than the Marquis de Sade. Both are examples of a new French world type of thinking. To contemporary Libertines, Lafayette is superior to Sade. Both, however, embraced what they believed to be the romantic ideal.

For Lafayette, it was noblese oblige to rise to the greatest challenge the world had to offer--defeating the British Empire and co-creating a society founded on the principle of liberty from which follows Justice.

For Sade, it was noblese oblige to commit himself fully to the most sensual, less cerebral, challenge of loving as many people as possible. The term "sadism" was derived from his literature. The psychiatric definition of the term is a perversion of the original meaning--which spoke to the literature of the Marquis de Sade.

Like everything in psychiatry, misunderstanding is the result. It, psychiatry, is antithetical to love, liberty and freedom. It is autistic-maladroit thinking want for power in society. It is the "science" of the mentally retarded on how they might lord over the sentient--how the non sentient might dominate the sentient.

A Libertine and the Libertine Party of America, seeks to marginalize those with degrees in psychiatry and psychology as mentally retarded individuals, most likely afflicted with autism, who are themselves sadists by their own definition--as it is defined in the DSM.

Indeed, the LPA and this blog was created to begin the process of marginalizing these people in society and help the society at large understand these autistic-maladroit sociopaths do not deserve freedom to practice because their practice is indeed one of slavery, fraud and hatred.

They represent the empire of hate the United States of America represents, today. Libertines are for a modest revolution, want only to marginalize the freedoms of the mentally retarded.

Anne Bonny too, is a better example of a period Libertine than John Wilmot. She exemplifies the revolutionary spirit, more challenged the dogma of Christianity and empire and is one of the first feminists to be devoted to libertine thought.

When love is the ultimate political consideration because of philosophy, or that love must come even before wisdom as it is the cause for wisdom--that is the existential freedom libertines strive for.

Libertine thinking has been criminalized, unfairly. Although some libertarians were also and certainly criminals, such consideration is also a truism as all social and political philosophies are shared by imperfect and to some extent criminal people. 

Sex and sexuality is what people who are not self described libertines often speak of when speaking about libertines; but as non libertines they miss the point of love.

Consent, sexual consent, is the standard for romantic love. To the extent one is capable to consent to love is the extent to which they can empathize with their lover and be better off for it.

If people don't have this view, as a libertine understands sex and love, within a social/political context then their politics is not sentient.

Libertines would rather be falsely defined as narcissists than pretend to be anything other than political elitists. Contemporary libertine thinking is not all people are sentient and many cannot participate in reality let alone consent to love.

There are the sentient who are few, a noble elite and so defined because their DNA afforded them the capacity to be sentient and know love. Everyone else, to some extent, is a sociopath.

Today, the libertine must believe in more than a sexual revolution as defined by a post war Anglo-Franco sexual liberalization--that sexual revolution of the 1960s.

Today is the 21st century and libertine thinking is about sentience qualifying the capacity for consent as necessary for the right to Vote. Libertine thinking, today, is as political as it is philosophical. 

If a person is old enough to consent to having sex, they are old enough to Vote for elected government officials and on ballot measures. They must be able to read and comprehend what they're reading.

The primary political consideration of today, for libertines, pertains to an ongoing sexual revolution expressly purposed for love to be better realized in society.

Put another way, America is a cesspool and rape culture. Mass incarceration has produced bondage-labor and instances of rape which can only be compared to centuries past. After the second world war, autistic-maladroit imbeciles became the electorate and as a generation of Baby Boomers normalized their rape and stratification of their economy.

Libertines, today, shit on the liberals of the 1960s and urinate on the conservatives of the 1950s. Those are decades which belong to the apes who brought back slavery and rape, destroyed the potential for finding love in American society.

This is not an ordinary political consideration, let alone the primary political consideration, when libertine thought is compared to other schools of political thought. The potential for finding love is of greater importance to the libertine than the potential for finding financial affluence.

Put another way, the political enemy of Libertines is rape culture and those caught up in it--which is most everyone who isn't a libertine and even possibly some libertines.

This means Libertines are at odds with both Democrats and Republicans. They are at odds to lesser extents with other and smaller parties such as Libertarians, Greens and Independents but still at odds for the difference of primary political consideration.

Libertine thought might be confused with narcissism but can only be libeled as pedophilia and the libertine thinking of today is not tolerant of pro-slavery nor psycho-analytic thinking which would confuse and libel it so.

That dogma, psychology, be it pertaining to a sexual issue or any other type of issue is held in contempt by libertines. It is a dogma more offensive than the dogmas of the Church, which libertines have always railed against.

When used in the lower case, a libertine is someone who subscribes to libertine thought--has philosophical and therefore political agreement with such thinking but not a member/promoter of a Libertine political party.

Generally speaking, libertines are people with contempt for dogma. This contempt is necessary to be moral.

Libertines are against rape and traditionally all acts of sodomy were considered acts of rape when this has never been the case, always there have been people engaging in consensual sodomy. Sometimes teenagers engage in sex, breaking laws regarding statutory rape when informed consent was factually given despite statutory disagreement.

Rational thinking within the context of love, informed by capacity to consent, is all a libertine believes should govern a person's sex life. Libertines are left libertarians on the political compass:

Beyond these domestic and familial issues, Libertines are less concerned although entirely consumed by all political issues if and when a philosophical libertine should become a politician or come to support one in earnest as their elected representative.

Libertines prefer to be civilians who inform military service, the courts, congress and elected executives as social elites for being sworn to the purpose of love. The best Libertines, however, perform some military, legal, legislative or executive government service.

Marquis de Lafayette (Hero-General of the American Revolutionary War)
Anne Bonny (Hero-General of the New World)
Marquis de Sade (sexual artist)
John Wilmot (dilettante-libertine)

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