Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Platforms of the Libertine Party of America

1.) Libertine parties should exist in every country wherever political parties influence governments and human beings.

2.) The Libertine party of the USA is also the Libertine Party of America or LPA.

3.) All members of the party shall make their own membership cards to join at their liberty. Those membership cards must be Photo ID with legal name, aliases, age and gender. That information is one side of the card and the other must only read Libertine Party, or some variation thereof (of America, of the USA, of Oregon, etc.). Members must also register as voters with their political party as simply, "Libertine," with their state.

4.) When addressing elected officials and political candidates for government offices, members are sworn to address such people as libertines and explain what that means to them.

5.) Work with modesty to co-found new groups of members to charter an officially recognized Libertine party in your state and the federal government.

6.) Redefine the understanding of the following political issues for members of other political parties: a.) Climate Change b.) Global Warming. Redefine them as both synonymous with the term Ecocide. Explain how industrial chemical fallout like radioactive-nuclear fallout causes genetic brain diseases and diseases all other organs of the human body too. Help environmentalists distinguish between autistic and sentient thinking without demonizing autism and instead shaming industry for causing it. Expound upon renewable power and sustainable living systems.

7.) Insist, when asked or when politically necessary, rape culture is real and the culture of the USA and as in any country rape culture always causes racism, racial profiling and indeed institutional racism. All of this must be abolished by any means necessary short of promoting rape culture and racism to destroy rape culture and racism. This is the Libertine's first political concern: abolition of rape culture and institutional racism.

8.) Be religiously tolerant, rational and ethical. Never does a religious freedom make a crime a non-crime and privilege. Atheism is a religion. It is faith based and has a straw man fallacy for God. It is secular polytheism. If atheists refuse to be accepted as a religious belief system, their intolerance is ignorance and ought not be tolerated. Religious tolerance is for those with religious tolerance, rational minds and ethics. It is not an inalienable right as many religious fundamentalists are simply insane, alienated from their own humanity.

9.) Persist in the constant resistance of the sentient to the peer pressure of those without sentience, those with genetic brain disease, those without education and those lost to trauma. Do not yield your sentience. Do not "dumb yourself down" to get along in society. Become more literate as you age.

10.) Fight when necessary, including violent defense, of yourself and your status as a political elite in your community. You will be attacked, as a Libertine, and sometimes those attacks can be violent. To force the realization of your political authority, which all Libertines have, is to compel other human beings to be shamed, jealous and vengeful. Be prepared.

11.) The Mountain Lion is your Libertine mascot.

12.) Promote libertine thought, not the Libertine party. When you identify philosophical libertines, tell them about the Libertine party.

13.) In the USA the left libertarian political extreme is the Libertine extreme. It is the farthest left and the most libertarian. Members of the actual Libertarian party are far right. Left and right authoritarians exist as Democrats and Republicans. Members of other political parties with less than sentient politics include Independents, Greens, various labor parties, non affiliated voters, etc.

14.) Satire is the best approach to propaganda from other political parties and literacy the means to dominate them, direct them.

15.) It is usually best for a Libertine to be a civilian, preferably independently wealthy, and engage in politics as a supporter of political candidates and elected officials. On the rare occasion when a Libertine is most qualified to govern by elected or appointed office, those Libertines are to be especially supported by Libertines.

16.) Do not confuse membership to the Libertine party, or any political party bearing the capital "L" Libertine in it's title with a social club and popular hedonism. Commercial libertine organizations, art galleries, clubs and fashion design clothing labels speak to a more Wikipedia, populist, hedonistic libertine philosophy. It, by definition, can't be political it is apolitical. If advocates of lower libertine thinking would become higher and actual Libertines, all the better.

17.) Neo-Conservatives and Neo-Liberals are terms and labels to describe people in the autism spectrum. Mental health is medical insurance fraud. Genetic brain diseases and mental retardation exist and are caused in large part by human beings and their industrial chemical fallout--especially the toxic heavy metals in particulate. This "new" politics of the Baby Boom actually describes their neurology we can then understand as their mentality. Saving the environment from human pollution is about saving human DNA from genetic evolution into a more diseased normal, in addition to saving the oceans and rain forests.

18.) The military industrial complex is to be dominated, not abolished nor opposed as something fundamentally bad as so many liberals insist. Libertines are different from other liberals, perhaps more so on how they treat military personnel exactly the same as civilians: employ literacy to direct them. A libertine must be capable of defending themselves and others if need be. Libertines are not doctrinal pacifists although literacy is usually a peaceful process as it occurs with groups of people.

19.) Regarding gender, sex and sexual orientation the political Libertine insists love is the cause for wisdom in all these considerations. Gender is biological and it is also sometimes chosen to be otherwise than it was at birth. There is no perfect equality between cisgender and others, there is difference and mutual exclusivity as with the opposite sex and different gender identifications. Sex is necessarily about consent, which must be informed as in the person has to be sentient to consent--they cannot be unduly influenced. Sexual orientation is a choice and all sex acts might be consented to because sex is never rape. Rape is not sex it is assault and not defined by sexual orientation nor gender. 

20.) Equality exists for human beings as diversity. People are equal to each other only in their diversity from each other. For all things people have in common there are things they do not have in common. Equity is justice as it manifests in society for a distribution of wealth focused on maximizing the wealth for the benefit of the most people in society. Equality is the fact and equity is the political ambition of the Libertine. 

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