Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Libertine, Not Conservative-Libertarian


All the posts in this blog are holographic in nature to each and every other post because this blog defines what the political compass calls left-libertarian.

To define the Libertine Party, as it could be capitalized for people and a proper noun for group of people with distinct and uncommon political belief system, is what this blog does. In doing so, it has to meet a holographic test as in no post can contradict another post--the same values are found within all posts and aspects of Libertine politics.

There can be no rational, scientific nor moral hypocrisy for Libertines. Libertines do not tolerate hypocrisy like people with different political philosophies. 

As the distinction between Libertine and Progressive exists and has been made clear as the difference between mutually exclusive political philosophies, left-libertarian & left-authoritarian, so too there is a distinction between left-libertarian & right-libertarian.

Right libertarians call themselves and for more than a generation called themselves Libertarians with no distinction between right of left. America is a country which has historically leaned conservative so perhaps it goes without saying most Libertarians are also conservatives.

This is certainly true in American politics for all the examples of Libertarians being conservative leaning if not openly-evangelically conservative. 

Perhaps the best example of Libertarian media is the independent radio program Ground Zero hosted by Clyde Lewis.

Not all Libertarians are respectful and considerate of people who do not also identify as Libertarians.

Indeed, most if not the vast majority of Libertarians have little in common with Libertines other than generally being against the idea of a highly centralized government--such as with totalitarianism.

They are two ideologies which find agreement in how they disagree with authoritarians but with most Libertarians also being conservatives, the Libertine remains in a minority position for wanting a decentralized government with a rule of law beyond anarchy, or the jungle.

Libertarians are against centralized government much like anarchists or neo-primatives who more than aesthetic fashion, prefer a village of like-minded people isolated from the rest of the world. Libertarians are more into smaller, intentional communities, without owing any taxes or owing as little in taxes as possible to have as little to do with government as possible.

Libertarians are historically conservative and against a centralized government because their anti-tax politics are probably what they are most well known for.

If Clyde Lewis is the most true-to-Libertarian voice in media-journalism, then its probably also true Senator Rand Paul is the most true-to-Libertarian voice in US politics, for elected official. Clyde had the most popular evening radio program in the USA, for years, and Senator Paul like his father commands significant respect from those in his Republican Party.

Still, these examples are the best examples of Libertarians and many who identify as Libertarians are not to be confused with Libertarians like Clyde Lewis and Senator Paul.

Many Libertarians are more or less pirates. They seek to take as much in entitlements from the government and give as little as possible such as in the case with Cliven Bundy and his band of conservatives in their poorly regulated militia. Perhaps more notorious than his father, Amun Bundy won fame in Oregon during the Mauhler Wildlife Refugee stand-off where Leroy Finnicum would later be killed. 

Finnicum was said to be a spiritual advisor to Amun Bundy and after Finnicum was killed, shot in the head by an FBI agent during some questioning which by then had become routine, Clyde Lewis spoke against Governor Kate Brown who micromanaged the entire uprising as a media event much like the Portland riots-protests were capitalized on by politicians with taxpayers footing the bill for damages.

Libertarians are easy allies for militias and 2nd Amendment groups because that conservative idea for decentralization lends itself smaller and less resourced groups of people to "uphold the law."

Libertines have no sympathy for that.

The sympathy and aid Libertines lend to Libertarians they provide only to the extent it marginalizes authoritarians. It is not to be lent in such great amount as to undermine the Libertine ideology, itself, with it's rule of law and rational civilization.

Although for a decentralized government, Libertines are moral absolutists. Morality and ethics are like mathematics and can be proven true or false.

Morality and ethics are not relative, as the Libertarian contends, with their conservative leanings. To be sure, "live and let live" understood as conservative wisdom is also popular Libertarian amorality, moral relativism.

This is the disagreement between Libertines and Libertarians.

Libertarians often promote the idea of home-schooling their children so they are not indoctrinated with big-government ideas public schools are often compelled to teach students.

Libertines are liberals, socialists, and believe in a rule of law with objective moral standards so what is good and healthy for children is for all children to be guided towards and encouraged behavior for them to partake in.

The Libertine doesn't have a position, philosophically, for or against home, public or private schooling for children. The Libertine insists children be enrolled in schooling because that is necessary and good for them.

In Oregon and throughout the USA, the disagreement between Libertarians and Republicans is great enough the Libertarians identify as Independents. They wish to be independent, fully autonomous people with as little government in their lives as possible.

Republicans have been dominated by the authoritarians in the party same as authoritarians dominate in the Democratic Party. Baby Boomers are predominantly authoritarians and always have been more concerned about soft or hard totalitarianism, for their politics.

There are more Libertarians, far more, than Libertines and so Libertarians have organized both a Libertarian Party and constitute the majority of conservatives who also identify as political Independents.

Bernie Sanders is a Progressive-Independent and an anomaly as most Progressives identify as socialists with open sympathies for communists or outright psychiatric-fascism. Independents being more Libertarian and so Bernie a "freak" Progressive Libertarian.

He is against taxation unless on the rich and corporations, and so caucuses as an Independent-Democrat, and yet is a total shill for big pharma and the medical insurance fraud that is mental healthcare, and so like a Progressive.

Like Biden is a Delaware Dixicrat, both men are anomalies within the Democratic party which leans Progressive-Authoritarian. There really aren't other politicians identifying as Democrats like them. They are perfectly unique albeit walking ideological paradoxes.

Libertarians elected to public office almost always caucus with Republicans or Independent-conservatives.

There shouldn't be any necessary conflict between Libertines and Libertarian/Independents but where there is there are usually children involved.

The universality of moral principals and social contract that is the Constitution, for the Libertine, make irrelevant the wishes of any parents or legal guardians of children want for children in their care if they are also understood as violating a universal moral principal (such as a child's right to school). It also can, although rarely does, make irrelevant religious and cultural desires for fringe or "cult" groups.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Meet the Press


From Wikipedia, "Stasi: One of the Stasi's main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (Zersetzung, literally meaning "decomposition"). It arrested 250,000 Reconnaissance (Hauptverwaltung Aufklarung) was responsible for espionage and for conducting covert operations in foreign countries. Under its long-time held Markus Wolf, this directorate gained a reputation as one of the most effective intelligence agencies of the Cold War. The Stasi also maintained contacts, and occasionally cooperated, with Western terrorists."

Meet the Press ceased to be journalism when Chuck Todd became the anchor. The show ceased to be journalism and became part of what is best described as an American version of the Stasi. Todd's direction, or his producer's direction, for the show became shared with Mark Zuckerberg's and the anti-factual "ethics" of Facebook.

Facebook, like Meet the Press, are now both smears on journalism. They are Stasi-media smear agencies more than journalistic free press.

The principal evidence for this, and so like the totalitarian government of occupied East Germany, is how these agencies advertise for psychiatric, medical insurance fraud and medicine with no medical value. This point is lost on most Americans who have already given over their opinion to, and adopted a state-sanctioned politically correct identity from a psychologist.

I suspect most people who watch Meet the Press are smacked out on psychiatric dope or otherwise watch it half-asleep, daydreaming about their place in the Progressive-psychiatric pantheon as framed and glamourized by Chuck Todd.

This is of no help and actually a political handicap for Progressive-environmentalists like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who gets softball questions or questions she can't, necessarily can not, "hit out of the park" because Chuck's questions are so trite and superficial.

For example, and let's keep in mind Meet the Press is the longest running show in television and bills itself as journalism, as if the best people in the American press agreed on what was most important to cover in the news and every week those top topics are discussed on Meet the Press.

This is factually not true unless you define "the best" as those journalists who are agreed to sell and advertise medical insurance fraud, psychiatric dope, and the psychiatric-progressive agenda that is exactly the same for social-media and function as the Stazi of East Germany.

Congresswoman AOC could have been asked, "Congresswoman, with all the talk of the environment being about climate change, what do you have to say about the Chinese government's official medical position that autism is caused by industrial pollution, urban smog, and so we need a green new deal to save unborn children from genetic brain diseases?"

That would truly, accurately, put into context the importance for a Green New Deal, which AOC advocates loudly for. But no questions are asked which would compromise the psychiatric agenda to keep people stupid and buying into medical insurance fraud for mental healthcare, to treat mental illnesses, which are actually brain diseases caused by pollution.

This is the type of anti-morality Meet the Press and Facebook represent, want to pass for journalism simply because Zuckerberg went media with his investment money and wants to define a narrative, his own bias and non-objectivity slant, as the "truth" espoused by his network affiliates.

Zuckerberg didn't do science, he didn't design engineer anything in electronics as much as he did software and then rolled all his profits into controlling the media and slinging psychiatric dope.

That is what PBS is about now too, after his mom became a regular contributor. Before that, the Koch brothers had undue influence over PBS, so its nothing new in US media.

What upsets me but not very much because I'm so used to it, is AOC is marginalized to a sheer populist message, as she was on today's show. That message is so "yea, so, whatever," because it goes without saying--if its popular, and it is, then everyone already knows. Who is she reminding? 

And so Todd was able to have another stale show with softball questions and more or less humping Trump's leg like a dog-journalist convinced anything to bash Republicans has to also be sexually gratifying.

Its pathetic, superficial, and demeaning direction for the show and in my opinion the Producer and Chuck Todd should be fired. Its not journalism, its disgusting.

What I find especially disturbing, so beyond annoying (as I'm annoyed at the softball questions and marginalization of the true importance of the environmental agenda) is how Yamiche Alcindor has filled Gwen Ifill's role as highest profile black female journalist but even in BLM times she too was given softball questions on Meet the Press.

As I have explained the Libertine position on racism many times before and will many times again, my and our position is the position of science, logic and morality and we stand alone as few people who agree race does not exist, to believe in different races is to be a racist, to disbelieve in races is to be post racial and that is the only ethical and moral choice.

So, in light of all the racist murders done by police, murder and violence associated with ongoing racist police brutality and especially violence of those driven to insanity by abuse, it appeals me Meet the Press to date still hasn't even addressed the idea of a post racial USA.

It appalls and disgusts me to such a degree I would actually be happy if the Producer of Meet the Press had caught COVID and died, as his/her mind is diabolical and autistic to push the psychiatric agenda which is truly fascism.

God was not so merciful so America continues to endure this terrible programming of an establishment that took over the Baby Boomer generation, psychologically dominating them with guilt, shame and vain ideas about the genetic mental retardation that is autism--amoral sociopath--being something to celebrate even to the extent the society has be "medicated" with psychiatric dope to accept such inferior people, anti-intellectuals, as equals and even superiors.

The race-belief racism is promoted wholesale throughout main stream media. The psychiatric dope is sold on the most popular media networks. The environmental movement and women are marginalized by the soft fascism Democrats like Chuck Todd and Mark Zuckerberg represent.

Even when Andrea Mitchell has more experience, better contacts, is a far better journalist than Chuck Todd MSNBC still has her serve him, a relative noob, drinks or stories. Its demeaning for anyone who has watched this show for a long time and is familiar with journalism in the USA over the last 30 years.

The glib-Sunday attitude Mr. Todd usually has too, is more or less an autistic all goofy on meds, despite the gravity of so much crisis. 

I do not look to Meet the Press as a show to define the political narrative for anyone except people who are truly thralls for their psychotherapist and I mean people on prescription psychiatric medication who are also seeing a psychotherapist regularly to talk about the political news. These are the new age dopes, or the psychiatric-left.

Libertines own environmentalism and post-racialism, as ideologies. They are Libertine ideology, whereas the authoritarian-psychiatric Progressives have no ideology beyond authority, brute authority by dope and popular mental retardation.

The truth of this is so terrible, it continues to prevent most Americans from realizing it as the truth for the objective world, our decline as a civilization. 

Joanna Macy points out the generational context of this detail, as it pertains to environmental pollution and the spread of genetic mental retardation (something science knows now but only suspected when she wrote World As Lover World As Self: Courage for Global Justice and Environmental Renewal).

Democracy Now! goes on, however, as the real best show in American journalism. It has bought into the psychiatric-Progressive movement too, but still has some grit to cover fascism and those Americans who want everyone to conform to certain "normal" being also morons and assholes.

The best news, even on what is happening in the USA is Al Jazeera and RT with US networks more secondary news sources as there are many and they mostly have stories about the same things with the propaganda for one of the two dominant political parties.

Of course it would be better, far better for the Producer of Meet the Press to get a clue and quit, resign in disgrace over what he became, a total sellout and Traitor to Humanity without exaggeration, instead of drop dead from COVID--dark humor for the gruesome reality of a fascist mainstream media and yes it would be funny if he died because he is a he (John Reiss) and has been a dirtbag-sociopath with autism for an excuse, his entire life and won't ever learn to be different.

That or maybe 1% chance for another explanation? The facts are plain after 20 years of observation. American media is corrupt, its has corrupted business and family life, both public and private sectors as humans need news for survival-planning. What we have passing for news, is psychiatric pap.

Libertines are realists and go with probability for an assumed-correct when the evidence suggests odds greater than 70%. In 2021, the probability exceeds that for the described scenario.

The Producers of Meet the Press are openly fascist-Stasi with no shame about also pushing psychiatric dope with no medical value because that is the only way autism spectrum people can remain dominant in society and so get-away-with institutional racism and rape culture.

Baby Boomers let the sociopath-retards take everything over. Baby Boomers are a generation of cowardly morons with few exceptions. This explains why they are fascists with a soft psychiatric progressive authoritarian-left conjunct the hard-guns racist authoritarian-right. They work together by disagreeing so as to draw everyone in society into their staged fight.

Not even the best show in American journalism speaks to the post racial reality being more the fact than the populist, racist-insanity. After the Boomers, nobody in media has the courage to truly be anti-racist nor unabashedly anti-psychiatry.

You can't have fascism without psychiatry, but not even Amy Goodman is tough enough to stand up to big pharma. They would probably assassinate her. Sad. Juan Gonzalez too, would probably be drugged without his consent and turned into a vegetable. People in media, even the best people, are scared and this is obvious because its a way to terrorize viewers. 

"If they are scared to go after the stories I know they should go after, and they are journalists-researchers, they must be scared for good reason and I should be too," being the form of mind control I'm aware of but not subject to, as a Libertine.

The reality, the fact, is the establishment is terrified and soon to fail completely as "mental healthcare" and all its silver bullets didn't slay the real monsters and in fact increased the insanity of an already insane situation between different groups of racists fighting over justice--a society lost to psychiatric dope and mass media.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Environment & Mental Health Gap

What Democrats have not yet realized, as a party, is how solving the environmental crisis necessarily requires so called mental healthcare to be revealed as medical insurance fraud, wholesale pharmaceutical fraud.

An insane population, insane for their environmental pollution, can not produce a healthy society. It can only produce an increasingly diseased society as mental healthcare always excuses and confuses people on the nature of their problems.

The process of psychoanalysis is inherently anti-intellectual and always produces a bogus diagnosis in light of what a diagnosis would be if it was made neurologically, or after a review of environmental data and DNA sequence.

Psychiatry and psychology are defacto enemies of environmentalism and only and always seek to co-opt it like it does every other legitimate social movement or scientific discipline.

A significant number of Republicans have long felt psychiatry and psychology to be fraud, industrial fraud but the Qanon movement was a movement of people with this truth for intuition and then driven mad on social media like Facebook. Qanon was manufactured by the moral degenerates who are the people who work as psychiatrists and those who aspire to be like them, as psychologists. They have never been scientists and they never will be and they always claim they are. Its total fraud and covers up the truth about lead and mercury making people insane and genetically retarded.

These people, more than any other group, must be violently disciplined by the US military. We need a crackdown on post War incest-autistic Nazis in the USA. If not, the US military will be destroyed for being fascist, ape rat, inbred trash on psychiatric dope--a ticking time bomb.

Progressives in the USA will not survive the century. They are used, abused and ruthlessly exploited people who think they are well intended to do the same to others. They are psychiatric frauds, almost certainly in the autism spectrum, and nicest most polite zombie movement of anti-intellectuals the world has ever known. Would more of them simply get a clue, quit the medical insurance fraud and head-games and be devoted environmentalists they'd be happier and better people.

Probably only a few hundred psychiatrists are guilty of gross, hundreds and thousands of people experimented on with many suicides and deaths and side effect complications and they knew it wasn't science and they did it for the money in the USA among a generation of Baby Boomer trash who will always be the most disgusting group of Americans in all US history. Hate them legitimately, get a clue America and take your Humanity back. Ignore the Boomer degenerates (they aren't all that) and their psychobabble fascism they are failed human beings, always have been and always will be the shame of this country along with President Ronald "mental retard" Reagan.

Truly, he had to be autistic and Alzheimer is probably end of life-stage autism or a progression of the disease as more and more particulate heavy metal piles up in the brain with age. He was the Baby Boom's consensus (both liberals and conservatives) popular President because he hated education, loved incestuous brain diseased people so much he though they were equal rather than automaton-zombie, non sentient amoral sociopaths who needed to be institutionalized. That was very popular with Baby Boomers because they got off, sexually, on the idea of imminent nuclear war with the Soviet Union and so a suspension of morality that was consistent with the celebration of autistic people.

To be clear, I only articulate a policy theory informed by my political philosophy on why the US military ought to convene a Tribunal which investigates US psychiatrists and finds those who are responsible for the most death, pain and suffering in addition to grand larceny for all the money they've made being the direct result of intentional Fraud, those psychiatrists be remanded by US Special Forces to secret locations and executed without return of those remains to their families and instead cremated and disposed of as Traitors to the United States of America. Their estates should then be subject to a Federal lawsuit and confiscation of their assets again by the US military not Federal law enforcement who would get to use the property confiscated as evidence for the cases against the compete fucking morons who are simply stubborn and go on and on saying they are scientists when they are not, even mass murdering people with their Fraud and especially causing death and harm to US military personnel.

Chuck Todd and Meet the Press are a joke, a sadistic-autistic and inside joke for the spectrum twits who became the establishment intelligentsia after the Baby Boom. The press would only become less corrupt covering lawsuits against big pharma for so much Fraud and even crimes against humanity.

Those go along to get along politically correct journalists probably won't survive that news cycle, as in their careers as I'm sure they and everyone would be healthier if and when there is more to say than politically correct hymns and jingles for the latest psychiatric dope.

I abhor violence unless its righteous--which means its not the type of violence that begets more violence but an exception to that rule.

Dr. Margaret A. Hagen who teaches psychiatry at Boston University wrote a book called "Whores of the Court: the Fraud of psychiatric testimony and the rape of American justice" wherein she proves her own insanity and the insanity of all other psychiatrists--that they are indeed criminally insane people engaged in wholesale fraud which is also mass murdering people.

My review of her book can soon be found on another blog describing the culture the Baby Boomer generation created for the USA when it adopted medical insurance fraud and normalized criminal insanity for their generation's social movement. Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice (

There is no exaggeration, no immorality, nothing unethical about my claims regarding said US military policy position and reforms. These are plainly Libertine reforms, for anyone to realize as everyone should and agree to in the United States. They ought to as it is consistent with spirit and letter of the Law, in light of a generation of Treason and Traitors.

In fact, there is so much evidence to support my judgement and the Libertine position anyone could execute a psychiatrist and turn themselves over for arrest and fully expect to have all murder charges dismissed as sure as that and all psychiatrists are engaged in active Treason against the Constitution of the USA and in league with maladroit-autistic criminals who might also be Judges or hold other government offices.

For my part, I'll petition the military such JAG can review my argument in a formal draft and then perhaps a conversation between the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Scty. Austin and President Biden. Failing this, the same argument can be circulated among other military forces with the expectation it would isolate the US military diplomatically, for total destruction given it's Treason against the Allies.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Breaking Progressives on The Kremlin


This post is on "breaking" Progressives as a previous post was about "flanking" Progressives.

To be sure, just as the political flanking described previously was not a design of military science this post too speaks of breaking Progressives in half, or how to reveal their shattered minds to them such afterwards the Progressive is beside him/herself realizing the total moral contradiction their politics embodies. 

This should also, effectively, "kill" a Progressive for what they might say afterwards as no human being can proceed in any conversation once they are revealed as insane: completely irrational and amoral. Conversation is impossible with people in such a state and at best they must repair for another time to then attempt a rational conversation again.

Russia, in particular the government of Vladimir Putin, is the issue on which Progressives are broken like Humpty Dumpty--eggheads. To be sure, Russia and it's culture have always been leading the world as a civilization, especially in technology, as it sits on the Western most edge of Asia with all that trade and exchange of information.

The United States, however, is absolutely not known for it's culture's history with cultural and technological exchange. Clearly, US history is a predominantly military history with and especially ruthless disposition towards indigenous and people of color. What cultural exchange there has been has almost always been forced and colonial. What science it has produced is significant, but the USA has never been a world leader in science nor culture in it's less than 300 years of total history.

To the extent it has, that has only been since 1947 and the introduction of Nazi German technology to American society.

Moscow was established in 1147. The post World War II environment was one where America threw the biggest and longest party, but that never passed for culture despite all the fanfare in US entertainment. Culture is a matter of civilization, how civilized a people are.

The US media, which is the embodiment of US culture, has often been called liberal but it is more Progressive than liberal in the classic sense, today. This is evident by the slant given to the news on Russia which is informed by emotional inferiority, fear, confabulated espionage and a litany of baseless accusations and assumptions.

Russia, being a predominantly Caucasian or white population like the United States of America, necessarily makes the USA look like a fraud. Long before the USA existed, there was a civilization of white people that was multi-cultural, religiously tolerant albeit Eastern Orthodox, a world military power and was looked to for aid and support by other nations.

In many ways, what Russia has long been the USA has always and only strived to become.

This cultural inferiority, both real and a fact forever settled in history, informs the press which then frames the Presidency as the champion in conflict with Russia. The press, in it's intellectual inferiority (already established as Progressives openly promote race belief-racism because they want to foment racial hatred and conflict and staunchly refuse to be post racial) and emotional instability (already established as Progressives openly promote medical insurance fraud, calling it mental healthcare to make racism institutional, normalize and decriminalize rape and incest, experiment on and frame narratives for people such their lives become lies driven by a pharmaceutical schedule).

So it is when the cultural inferiority, intellectual inferiority and emotional inferiority of people who identify as Progressives is brought to light as it pertains to how the American press treats Russia and the government of Putin, the Progressive can't respond except to tantrum.

If these points are raised to a Progressive and they tantrum, the Libertine has done all they could to help a fellow human being do better in life than have a flat earth, geocentric worldview. Indeed, that is what Progressives are with many of them also certified by a more or less worthless degree from a US college or university.

Do not try to have a conversation with a tantrum. Walk away or have the person leave so they can think on their own about why their Progressive liberal media is moronic. Let them reconsider their political allegiance to psychiatric fascism, that type of fascism that can only follow from socialized "mental healthcare" where the dumbest people in the community are looked to for emotional and intellectual support..... as they profit off the misery they only exacerbate.

Our media too, exacerbates the social ills in much the same way. More horrific news is more news worthy news and the Progressive media being lost on psychiatric fascism feeds it's own news cycle. It stages fights between the White House and the Kremlin. It stages fights on US streets for a "race war." It stages fights and actively sells psychiatric dope with no medical value which will indeed lower the quality of life with a verifiable and negative side effect while the "illness" for which it is prescribed is never verifiable.

So, in summation, Progressives are broken on Russia (or the Kremlin, government of Putin) because they are so completely lost on Russia the same way their Nazi "politically correct" Progressive media forefathers were.

For all the egalitarianism liberalism does represent, the Libertine represents. None of that, none, is shared with Progressives. They represent the insanity of the left-authoritarian psychiatric fascism movement. The Progressive is what they complain about, that is their political-psychological operation and most don't even realize it being thralls for their autism spectrum psychotherapist.

Let them destroy themselves talking about an enemy in Russia as if Russia is a greater threat than the Progressive media is. The fact is Russia is not the enemy and the press in the USA needs censorship with many high profile networks being sued for selling psychiatric dope with no medical value, for serial medical insurance frauds. Sleepwalkers talking about progress, Freudians worried about Russia: this insanity will pass and the Progressive caucus will die out in the Democratic party.

Bernie Sanders, like many black leaders fighting racism, don't stop talking long enough to think and realize their Progressive politics is medical insurance fraud and demonstrates incompetence demanding more respect than it deserves, because so many people are incompetent. Mass incompetence is what the Progressive movement is, with a psychiatric crutch. If he and they would have only quit the anti-intellectual bullshit, realized a post racial reality with racism necessarily being a delusion, and stop "rationalizing" sex crimes when they are done by people with genetic brain disease (the mentally retarded) and all that psychiatric fascism to "push" society to get what they want we would have all been better off. In reality, their accomplishments in social justice are overblown and counter-factual.

That only results in mass casualties or otherwise proves a failed social movement of the incompetent as they promote exactly what they say they are against and therefore cannot overcome.

It would be wonderful if, in humility and with humor, yet full of sincere regret Senator Bernie Sanders would say, "I feel like a complete dumbass. I went too far pushing mental healthcare instead of doing more homework on science and in philosophy, to realize its a post racial society or bust. Racism is a problem for all societies and only a post racial society can overcome it. That is the logic and fact. I quit as a Progressive and am now organizing most closely with Libertines. We need a Senate investigation on the medical value of psychiatric medication." Then I'd see him make progress as a Senator who doesn't want to end his career a total loser because of his ego being more important than his ideas. Eventually there will be such an investigation, maybe even in another country, and Senator Bernie Sanders will be remembered in history as one who played to the most altruistic ambitions of women and young people to exploit them all with psychiatric dope.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Libertine Organization (Failure: Merkley is Progressive)


I have never met Senator Jeff Merkley. I could have about a year ago, but it would not have been good as I would have been marginalized as an intellectual by real halfwits promoting Progressive politics. 

As there are no Libertines other than myself, so defined who I'm aware of, I don't need to be more marginalized than I already am, by anyone.

That said, over a year before I could have met Jeff, I told his office I wanted him to fill the void in the Senate left by now deceased Senator Ted Kennedy. Ted was known as "the lion of the Senate" and there is no such leader in the Senate today nor since he passed.

Unlike the formal, Majority Leader and Minority Whip roles in the Senate Ted was an original for becoming an unofficial super-authority insomuch literally all the Senators (the other 99) went to Ted for advice especially when on the subject of healthcare.

It is also true the deaths of his brothers, JFK and RFK passed to him that family mantle for political leadership in the Democratic party to Ted and so in the classic, old world, Camelot sense Senator Ted Kennedy was more the African lion of the Senate.

He was Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, on the subject of healthcare.

Senator Merkley I hope and have invested hours of my time over several years, becomes the next lion of the Senate and unlike Senator Kennedy I expect him to be an American mountain lion on the subject of the environment.

To be sure, I will be disappointed in myself if I am not able to (in an ethical albeit metaphorical way) groom Senator Merkley to better care for the health of the American people than even Senator Kennedy did. Without a healthy, bio-stable, environment all healthcare becomes disease management in practice.

A bio-stable environment is an environment free from industrial chemical fallout such living in it does not also give you disease such as cancer and other genetic diseases. It is a standard, yet to be established, by environmental scientists who also have medical degrees. 

Still, I continue to believe and behave as I ought to, helping Senator Merkley's office with intelligence which often exceeds in the value the intelligence he is provided by serving agents in our government intelligence agencies. It is rational and a matter of survival, that I should as a constituent of my elected representatives in Congress, help them do a good job.

The way I'm doing that is by working to build a team around Senator Merkley's office, or to set him and his office up as the new lions of the Senate--a role I'm sure he would be pleased to have even though he and I would certainly not agree on everything.

That team includes the following representatives and appointed officials, all of whom would and should (although they may choose not to), organize with Senator Merkley to upgrade or otherwise replace the power grid in the USA.

Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Oregon Scty. of State Shamina Fagan, US Scty. of Energy Jennifer Granholm and US Scty. of Commerce Gina Raimondo.

Of course I correspond with other people in Congress and various government departments, yet I believe I only need to "convert" Senator Merkley and those listed in a would-be pride with him, on the economy and environment--healthcare.

Specifically, my business agenda for Verdantronix LLC and my design engineering for a new power grid to be built for Americans, should be the initial reason for why these people might give me the time to explain to them what is truly a superior political philosophy or Libertine politics.

If they are persuaded to support my commercial ambition as also a matter of national security and beyond that come to sincerely believe psychiatric fascism is evil and stupid, that is probably all I would need to accomplish such they and others would take over as thinkers, describing contemporary libertine thinking and Libertine politics. 

That is what I want. I never want to run for public office. I only hope to continue at middle age to finally do what I could have been doing long ago if I had not been oppressed by the psychiatric fascists in the Progressive movement.

It is plainly true, the Progressives are psychiatric fascists and that is little more than Communism with a plutocracy openly against the people. Left-Authoritarianism is both Communist and psychiatric-fascist with the latter being the more extreme and hostile worldview to Libertines from that terrible ideological quadrant.

To be sure, for Libertines, Communists are preferred when the alternative is Fascists.

Indeed, AOC is exceptionally important given her youth and expected longevity in Congress and government, to persuade to become a Libertine. This is true largely in part because without significant political support for a shared economic agenda for the USA, in New York, there is no real hope for any such plan.

New York state and especially NYC needs Libertines to talk down to the autism spectrum pseudo-intellectuals who have been running Wall Street as all economics agree it has been a generation of diminishing returns--complete fucking embarrassment to the species of homo sapiens.

The psychiatric fascism hasn't been good for the people of New York simply because it more or less began there. This the final point on the importance of AOC as she might libertate New Yorkers from a generation of psychiatric fascist control and diminishing returns.

If this team were to come together, and I get the meeting with President Biden I should have once Verdantronix LLC is fully established with settled rights to my intellectual property and the models proving a new power grid design is far better than the current one, I won't need to convert the President.

He could remain a Northern Dixiecrat, which is what he is a Dixiecrat from Delaware and that is unique enough I don't even want to change him. I only need his agreement psychiatric fascism is evil and my new power grid design is better than the bomb.

I might also persuade him to replace his Scty. of Defense Lloyd Austin with former Congresswoman Tusli Gabbard. That would take time and I'm sure I would do my best to get her so appointed because rape culture is the greatest threat, not white supremacy, not Islamic terrorism. It is the rape culture fostered by psychiatric medical insurance fraud, psychiatric fascism, that is the existential threat more than Russia and China would be if they combined their effort against the USA....... still it would be the maladroit zero degrees of empathy imbeciles with powers of state for their inhuman religion, psychiatric dope pushing, who are the most deserving of punishment.

So, if I realize a new clique in the Democratic Party as a Libertine Party within it, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is who I could talk to about flying rail guns, after most of the work on the power grid is done or being developed as planned. Then Libertines would arguably be the "talk softly and carry a big stick" type of liberals, like no others.

All of this means, if proven true, Senator Jeff Merkley will likely remain a Senator his entire life hopefully living to old age and completing a generational transfer of wealth and power.

Then, and I only say this because its something I've thought a lot about, the Russian people also need to upgrade their power grid such I might win too many awards with too many special interests and different heads of State to be anything more than a business mogul in green tech, a designer.

That is how the world should work out, so I truly hope journalists begin to identify as Libertines and political scientists write Libertine books so socialism can move away from fascism and the planet to bio-stabilize before ecocide occurs or human DNA is irreversibly evolved in a bad way, by pollution.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Politics: playing chess with the angels, Enochian chess or the Political Compass as political chess


If anyone ever happens to find themselves in the USA and within the context of their political life they cannot help nor deny they are libertine thinkers and would be a Libertine if they were politically active it is important to note politics is not at all a game.

More than any other political philosophy, within the context of a Political Compass with four apex factions in competition for dominance in society........the Libertine insists politics is not a game. Its a matter of literacy beyond sentience. Its an art, a serious art. To the extent chess is artful is the extent to which politics resembles the game.

Not to be confused with the self professed hedonism of Allister Crowley nor others of similar, non political, libertine pursuits in the Order of the Golden Dawn, Enochian chess was popularized by such people. Like chess, the four player version has ancient origins and beyond this metaphor, politics is indeed no game for Libertines.

So then, to be a Libertine means there are three adversaries in the real world and each of whom would like to dominate or completely eliminate the Libertine from society.

In the last post, I discussed how psychiatrist best represent the Kings & Queens of the Authoritarian left. We might also go far as to say the political arrangement of socialist-fascism, it is anti-religious psychiatry--psychiatry already explained for what it is, more than this political ideology in society. 

The controllers of the authoritarian right, or capitalist authoritarians, are the dynastic oligarchs in banking. They are the the families which possess so much material affluence which they pass on from generation to generation, they often times are also the head of a religion or royal family within a monarchical state.

It is important to point out the line between Libertines and Royals (apex right-authoritarians) is diagonal and this orientation is not as hostile as the vertical orientation between Libertines and Psychiatrists. It is not as hostile because there is no agreement on an economy. Without such agreement, Libertines and Royals almost never associate, their presences in society rarely if ever overlapping.

As there is agreement on economy, albeit with the difference between socialism without and with fascism (the agreement between Libertine and Psychiatrist is to social contract theory--they agree there should be a social contract but disagree on what social contract it should be), there is overlapping presence in society and an inherent ideological difference.

Lastly, the horizontal orientation between Libertine and Libertarian is the least hostile. This is because they both agree on decentralized authority in society so for most differences on issues they can agree to disagree and to each their own solution.

There should be no confusion given the lay of the political landscape, as Libertines see it, although in the future some original diagrams would make everything perfectly plain. 

What more can be said is that, like the Nazis of Hitler's Germany were socialists and fascists who organized a psychiatric association to distribute mind altering drugs of no medical value, to control citizens through populist vigilantism so too progressives of today who have organized as Progressives are as oblivious to their own crime against humanity as the vast majority of Nazis were.

Any hostility experienced between a Libertine and Progressive ought to be de-escalated by literacy such the Libertine makes clear their enemy is psychiatry and their enemies are psychiatrists, not the progressives they ruthlessly manipulated and exploit for their pruient-Freudian behavior-interest. 

Again and always, literacy to de-escalate a conflict is almost always the action of the Libertine because in the reality there will always be existential adversaries. As a socialist and libertarian, the Libertine seeks a balance or harmony between their adversaries and seeks to foster harmony between them with each other. 

The only exception is, of course, the psychiatrists who must be marginalized and dominated within the context of the economy less socialism is lost to fascism. 

This exception is often the best agreement Libertines can make with Royals, to eliminate and marginalize fascists.

This exception is also, often, the proverbial thorn in the side for the Libertine in regards to the Libertarian for their diagonal orientation to fascist-Psychiatrists and how they might gain agreement with them to marginalize Libertines and their socialism in light of Libertarian capitalism.

To the extent Libertines have an "end game" to eliminate or absolutely marginalize fascism and the medical insurance fraud that is mental healthcare and psychiatry, there is also the realization they will always exist and the best case scenario is to drive them underground--forcing them to become a secret society of inbreeding lunatics.

Royals and their monarchists eventually and ultimately need science and literacy beyond dogma such there is always more the Libertine can do for monarchists than a Royal can do for libertines. Unless an right-authoritarian or oligarchical individual were to become a patron of a libertine, there is little monarchists can do for any Libertine.

In history, when all authority was oligarchical and dealing with monarchy, very few of them identified as libertines. Those who did, were ridiculed and isolated at court.

With Libertarians, there is the most need for regular cooperation as the failure of it is the continuation of the long and dominant history of authoritarian regimes commanding the vast majority of human societies.

It is arguable the Libertarians have never, and still do not, have any meaningful Libertine counter part to work with which would explain why authoritarians always run roughshod over them--almost always. 

To the development, then, of the Libertine Party, the chief aim is lending aid to the Libertarians.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Anti-Factual Insanity and Day Dreaming Fabian Socialism Is or Why Progressives are Halfwits

If Fabian socialism is understood as that school of socialist thought which suggests an entirely or almost entirely violence free process to manage society, and it should be, then it is necessarily anti-factual.

Put another way, more colloquial, Fabian socialists are liars.

Examples of Fabian socialists and socialism, are almost exclusively and also examples of a psychiatric paradigm or world view. These Fabian psychiatrists insist they are not practicing violence even when they and others are witness to deaths directly caused by their actions.

Experimenting on someone with psychiatric drugs until they become violently insane, under the pretext of preventing them from becoming violently insane is perhaps the perfect example of the Fabian brain.

A specific example of a Fabian brain, is Senator Bernie Sanders the Fabian socialist from Vermont. He promotes mental health and mental healthcare despite all evidence pointing to school shootings, murders, rapes and especially serial rapists of children, assaults both sexual and not are excused daily, all that pain and suffering externalized costs of their own Fabian scheme.

They simply blame the victims or otherwise frame innocent people as villains or criminals when they are factually not and all because what they do is more mentally retarded than sentient. They, like pacifists in general, presume a level of moral superiority for themselves by assigning blame to anyone who isn't a pacifist, or Fabian socialist.

Of course this is not always true insomuch a Fabian socialist might talk about things other than Fabian socialism, but when expounding Fabian socialism and the medical insurance fraud that is both academic and professional psychiatry as socialized medicine.... the Fabian socialist is also and necessarily a Fabian fascist.

Psychiatric fascism, eugenics by psychiatric review, is the historical method by which eugenics has actually been practiced.

To the point, and for these reasons, for all time and as a matter settled to history, the progressive caucus in the Democratic Party is one of halfwits trying to reform racists. It is a tragic failure in liberal political history and the legacy of the Baby Boomer generation.

God willing, it will die before they all do.

Libertines are not Dixiecrats for being socialists who have high value on private property and take responsibility to be violent against those who would enslave or kill them considering that a duty. They are not Dixiecrats because they reject the authoritarianism of all halfwit ideologies be they about profiling human beings psychologically or racially. Libertines, unlike Dixiecrats, are literate while Progressives are more sad sophomores.

Here are a few clear examples of the progressive thinking, being half-thinking.

1.) Black Lives Matter is ignorant and foments racism because, regardless of whether an oppressor or oppressed person is profiled, is necessarily denying that person the true content of their character because different races factually do not exist except as delusional-hateful thinking. In the case of George Floyd and all other cases of wrongful police violence BLM brought to light, there is no evidence of racism because race factually does not exist, racism was denied and not verbally expressed, and no mind reading machine nor psychic proved Officer Chauvin was thinking racist thoughts when he murdered George Floyd. He could have been discriminated against for any reason, dozens of different reasons other than the color of his skin. He might have been profiled as mentally retarded, morbidly obese, a junkie, etc. #BLM is a group of people pretending psychic powers and who are openly racist themselves, professing their belief in a black race that factually does not exist.

2.) LGBTQ and trans rights to participate in non trans gender sports: Once again, there is zero concern for intellectual integrity, honesty conjunct honor, when it comes to advancing the rights of the LGBTQ community. To be sure, to point this out is not to call for discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. Still, the same anti-factual, insane, thought process found in the #BLM movement is found in the #LGBTQ movement. The human genome project has long been completed and much additional research was done looking for any genes pertaining to sexual orientation. None were found. It is the settled fact of science that sexual orientation is 100% nurture-conditioning and 0% natural. Sexual orientation is, in all ways, a condition of the mind as evidenced by variety. Still, the LGBTQ community insists like flat earth believers, their condition is genetic. Moreover, people who are trans refuse the obvious and objective reality their gender choice is 100% psychological and even when surgery and pharmaceutical drugs change a person, they change them into a trans person and never a natural-DNA determined gender. The factual gender is genetic and does not change because of gender and/or sexual orientation. This is irrefutable logic and science the LGBTQ community loudly refutes and in doing so perpetuates insanity and suffering for themselves and society--to the profit of their psychiatric masters.

3.) Psychiatry, as already stated, is the effective religion of the Progressive movement. It is not a true religion. It is anti-intellectual and the complete opposite of real and legitimate science. It is necessarily dishonest and morally depraved, to engage in and promote psychiatry and yet the Progressives insist psychiatry is progress. To this end they are either naïve, willfully ignorant or abject moral degenerates deserving arrest and segregation from society.

To be sure, nobody should be discriminated against for race nor sexual orientation nor some combination of the two. That point, the moral point, is lost because Progressives have chosen a childish, stupid, fundamentally dishonest method by embracing psychiatry to achieve their end-goal of equality in society. They have made a deal with psychiatry in the Machiavellian sense and in doing so a deal with the proverbial Devil--they actually increase racism and sexual violence in society by doing this instead of maintaining their dignity, their intellectual integrity, and pursuing equity without the psychiatric fucking (for unlawful carnal knowledge, knowing how and mind-fuck people to get what they want--cargo capitalist sociopaths) moron talk.

What is especially appalling about Progressives and the progressive caucus in the Democratic party is not the promotion of women--which is a good thing--but rather the promotion of women who turn over their children to psychiatrists, like lab rats to experiment on..... and usually for the sole purpose of making the child more obedient, slavish.

Libertines have to see Progressives as captives reminiscent of the Children's Crusade--when the children of Europe were assembled by the religious authority to Crusade in the Holy Land only upon reaching the city of Constantinople, were captured and sold into slavery.

Libertines don't hate Progressives and generally do not hate anyone, albeit psychiatrists are right and proper to completely loathe and hate as criminals and enemies of Humanity.

As that breaks down, politically, it is fair to say psychiatry represents the apex of left-authoritarianism and as apex left-libertarians, there are three existential political adversaries for Libertines, but in sharing socialism as champion economic model the authoritarians and libertarians are also mortal enemies.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Libertine Lions

Rasel Khondokar, a Bengali artist, has given me my Libertine lion, the American mountain lion for my personal calling card and to distinguish myself from the elephants, donkeys and elk (Republicans, Democrats and Independents).

I'm negotiating with local printers and so I can get this image (the gold on blue) with "Libertine Party of Oregon" on one side and my personal information on the back, including my new web address (still undeveloped) for

The card will have my full contact information: company information, non profit information, political information and personal blog address.

I don't expect my political ideas to catch on soon, but as I do expect to be successful in business I also expect more Americans to identify as Libertines as they leave the progressive movement or abandon the more dixiecrat liberalism for conservative Democrats.

To be a liberal and anything but a libertine, is to be lower on the intellectual food chain. Indeed, the political compass understood as a grid with four quadrants, is truly a square diamond with apex Libertines (left libertarians) at top and apex Republicans (dynasty blood conservatives or right authoritarians) at the bottom.

This is evident in nature, and scientifically verified, political sentience. It is also less common and I understand why Authoritarians are on top in the political compass as its not arranged for quality and rather expresses quantity of people in history, so their Authoritarian political ideas on top or most popular.

UPDATE: My cards are ordered and will arrive sometime in the last week of June. Although the Libertine Party of Oregon is not official, my calling card makes it real insomuch I am registered as a Libertine and reported by the state as "other."I have ordered 600, so I have some for people who would want one just because they are cool even if they aren't likely to network with me, knowing full well my politics--which is why I've spent money on these calling cards.

Libertine Party of Oregon

Non Affiliated Political Libertines

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

  I reached settlement with my Landlord in Portland and only with some money beyond cancelation of debt owed. Because of my settlement I won...