Sunday, October 1, 2023

Mode Ben Avraham or Me, Myself and I are the same Libertine

 Script for Episode One of The Libertine Lion on Rumble

Graphic: The Libertine Lion, credits.

Monologue: Hello and welcome to episode one of The Libertine Lion, on Rumble.

I am Mode Ben Avraham and this podcast is entirely about a left-libertarian political orientation, identification, philosophy and to the extent there is science in politics, political science.

Much like the original Libertine writers were censored, in their times, I chose Rumble to be my first effort to monetize my political thought--as video and personality--or I wouldn't think to publish at all given established censorship on other social media platforms.

I've been paying attention to the news and politics since I was a teenager and still now at age 47.

A little about myself, same as I introduce myself in Portland, Oregon where I've lived for decades and near to my entire life, Mode is my first name--indeed Mode Ben Avraham is my legal name and driver's license.

 I'm a convert to Judaism and Mode is the hybrid spelling of my original birth name. It was a nickname I acquired in my 20s, then used as a pen name, then screen name in film school and afterwards until I legally changed my name to Mode Ben Avraham.

I've been a libertine since birth as that was my environment, my parents were debauched throughout my childhood and indeed life. Although I never embraced the same levels of debauchery as my parents, extended family and greater community, I never fought against that reality.

Baby Boomers eclipsed the Roaring Twenties, the golden era of gangsterism, with their apex debauchery that is now evident and wholesale corruption of America's political process.

I've always accepted reality for what it is, and it is that bad and has been since the Baby Boomer generation became the establishment group within the greater American electorate.

When I have been debauched, I have been less a participant in the reality; yet the vast majority of my life I have not been debauched and really only lived that way for two years after having been wrongfully made homeless by Portland's notorious slum lords. Alcohol was my poison, then, to numb the pains of that period in my life that ended only three years ago.

Superficially, entirely because of my upbringing by the Baby Boomer generation, whom eclipsed the roaring 20s for their debauchery, I could not help but adopt a left libertarian political ideology that best defines myself and I think all political Libertines.


Monologue: At political compass I took their test and scored as left and libertarian as possible, even more so than Mahatma Gandhi who they say is the most famous left libertarian political figure, and this without ever having read Emma Goldman nor Peter Kropotkin who are the most famous libertine writers, their website strongly suggests.

Just so anyone who may be my audience on Rumble should know, this podcast is merely the video and verbal presentation--monetization--of my never monetized blog on Google. 

That was called The Libertine Party of the United States of America; but I've renamed it The Libertine Lion as I realize my pride for being a libertine more than I have pride-as-company, as with lions. There are few to any left-libertarian voices in political media.


Monologue: There you can find all the writing I think best explains the Libertine politic of today, as our times are much removed from those of Goldman and Kropotkin, even from little more than a generation ago when Mahatma Gandhi was alive and doing good in the world.

Between 2021 and 2022 I wrote 73 articles I consider to be the body of living Libertine political thought, at least my own.

Why I care to do this podcast on Rumble, not expecting any large following nor to get rich from patrons, is because there are several salient points all Americans need to well understand as a matter of their own survival, health and well being and there is no doubt these points are not being made in the mainstream nor even alternative media found on Rumble.

In a way, this podcast is what I understand to be a public service message. That message, the overall messaging for this podcast, has five planks which are as follows in ranked order:

1.) Baby Boomers and older generations are ultra toxic people because of the particulate heavy metals they were exposed to during world wars and even in times of peace before regulation of toxic heavy metals curbed their affliction upon human populations.

2.) Racism means one thing and one thing only, and that is some people are racists because they insist people have race-biology when they do not, all science proves there is no race in biology. People who insist they have a race and there are other races of people are in fact incompetent people and probably afflicted with mental retardation caused by toxic heavy metals as occurs over generations.

3.) Psychiatry and psychology are one in the same, both the criminal Fraud of science in medicine, albeit the courts are incompetent and totally corrupt to disagree with this obvious fact of science. It is the Fraud of science in medicine as the practice of Slavery, such one person is master-controller and the other slave-client. It is fascist occultism.

4.) What is called "steampunk" in science fiction must become the immediate technological reality, such 30% or more of the electricity human beings use is not also causing pollution of the air and water. This is possible and largely what my company is about, Verdantronix being a start up company to co-effect this industrial revolution beyond the marketing of "the green new deal."

5.) Judaism is a wonderful religion, the best religion for myself and that being why I converted; but moreover it was the first post racial religion without any other historical example to rival it. Christianity and Islam are branches of Judaism, not perversions, there is nothing wrong with Christianity nor Islam but both of them need Judaism and the other as all people are human beings living on this same planet.

Graphic: Clyde Lewis and Russell Brand

Monologue: I've been a fan of Clyde Lewis since he has broadcast from Oregon and recently came to appreciate Russell Brand's podcasts. Both men were burned at the proverbial stake for different reasons, so by watching them I learned about Rumble. I thank them both for staying true to themselves and their own messaging and thereby sharing Rumble with me and anyone.

So, that is it for this first podcast. Its as much of a soundcheck for my new microphone and rehearsal with my video editing software and camera; but also enough for anyone to think about, digest, until I produce episode two which will be about some current event or events in the news, popular news most people in the US have heard something about but also probably never understand as a Libertine.

Special thanks to Google and Blogger who have hosted by blogs for nearly three decades and also You Tube where I enjoy chatting live about the content other channels have--my channel there having never been monetized nor will I attempt to monetize there; but still thanks as its a great platform.

Also, special thanks to Truth Social and Donald Trump who I do not endorse because as a Libertine I refuse to Vote, rather exercise my political will in other ways. Special thanks to that platform for enduring the fascist occultism that swept Europe and America such we have the woke media censors of today.

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