Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Libertine Reorganization of Law Enforcement And The United States Military

(Men and women who needlessly suffer and die because US leadership is Autistic and maladroit--has been since 1947 and the Marshall Plan/dummy do-good fails, then lies about it.)

This post I have to do, feel obligated to explain for lack of similar thinking to be found online. There is a factually correct way to reform US law enforcement and the entire military.

There are less correct ways to reform our martial institutions and some of those would even make US law enforcement and military to become even worse at what they claim to do--all in the name of reform.

I'll explain how US law enforcement and the entire US military need to be reformed just as much if not more than the US power grid needs to be upgraded so its more powerful and less toxic. 

Still, the power grid has to be upgraded first and with higher priority than any priority the military might assign because the power grid makes Americans evil and mentally retarded the longer they are exposed to it, increasingly.

Its very dirty, Naziesque technology. America can do better. If it does then immediately it must reform it's military and law enforcement so they can purge the Judiciary of it's mostly criminally organized "Justices."

They are all into Naziesque medical insurance fraud, torture-for-science, and are also likely in the Autism spectrum with most attorneys and medical doctors. They, the Judiciary, is dirty like the US power grid--unnecessarily foul, criminally corrupted, mean because neurologically they are a train wreck and lack the capacity for true happiness.

That sort of professional grooming, as one would expect in a fascist country, will be destroyed entirely in my lifetime the hard way or with great celebration. Once the Autistics no longer have psychology and psychiatry to defend them in Court they can be given proper neurological and genetic treatment and humanity can get it's institutions and government back.

That was all lost to a Baby Boom of Autistics in the USA because the Greatest Generation conceived and brought Boomers to life in gross industrial chemical fallout following the Second World War. It was Nazification they didn't even realize they were doing to themselves.

The Troma movie and Clyde Lewis cult classic The Toxic Avenger is satire about this.

It was Nazification former Nazis better understood except the USA instead of learning from Nazi mistakes repeated their social experiment with socialized psychiatry in the USA.

So before explaining the nuanced plan, so my version of or what could and should have been the thinking of Congress in 1947, I will explain it simply.

People with Autism are not sentient people. They are human beings and they have a genetic brain disease which makes them sociopaths and so antagonistic to any altruistic arrangement. The population is increasingly turned Autistic the more they are exposed to the particulate heavy metal in fossil fuel pollution.

Psychology could and should also be called the art of Fraud. 

People have been talking anti-intellectual nonsense to explain why the rape of children is so common roughly a third of American women report that happening to them when they were children. They have been doing it in earnest since the 1960s and the fact is genetic sociopaths are rapists or they wish they were.

Neurology can explain what I'm talking about and all that validated by DNA sequencing but I will not go into that here as other posts and many posts on the blog about the non fiction book I'm working on https://rapeculturetheamericannightmare.blogspot.com go into the critique of psychology and psychiatry in light of neurology and genetic sequencing.

So, simply put, in the US military and throughout the USA there has to be a taking away of Rights for people with genetic brain disease or those people who most certainly are not sentient. They cannot go on Voting, be allowed a Vote, unless the Voting age is lowered to three years of age.

It makes as much sense to let people who are not sentient and require a controller-nurse a Vote and yet refuse children a Vote. That is the way it is now and that is why the USA and it's democracy is a pedast one with slaves same as the ancient Greek version.

American democracy ought to be a reformed version of the Greek version. It is not and only once was it so reformed (The Civil War over the partial abolition of Slavery) and so like the ancient Greek democracy the USA is doomed to an Athenian League like demise.

Libertine martial reforms would give the USA a brighter future, so now to enumerate them:

1.) Abolition of psychology and psychiatry except for within the US military agents for psychological warfare and mind-control.

2.) Nationalization of all medical doctors. Being a medical doctor must become a service-duty, a military obligation and service to protect the greater community and nation.

3.) Return the Marines as subordinate to the authority of US Navy and do not maintain an amphibious assault force except in times of War or because they were ordered to become Marines by one of the other service branches which would then include: Space Force, Air Force, Navy, Army, Medical). The Marines report to JAG officers in US Navy, being their new assignment for internal policing even and especially of forward deployed forces.

4.) Liquidate the CIA converting all assets into gold, oil or commodities for Fort Knox. Give the CIA a new mission as super snitches, spies for the IRS against international and domestic organized crime, human trafficking, etc. They would then be whatever in the IRS.

5) Create a Wikileaks like agency out of NSA personnel so the USA has a new passive intelligence gathering operation where we help whistle blowers in foreign countries as they may fight organized crime, fascism, terrorism etc. Offer Julian Assange a Pardon and good money if he agrees to help start-it-up, not run it.

6.) Give Space Force some actual guns, new weapons platforms, and reduce the overall size of the US military by decommissioning our aircraft carriers in a slow and well ordered manner. De-militarize while weaponizing outer space peacefully and with camaraderie with China, Russia and all countries want for world peace and also eventually humans on the planet Mars.

7.) While all the re-organization is happening, increase the number of JAG officers and train them and the Marines for a several year long purge of rapists in the US military. Find out who is raping people and get DNA and MRI brain maps for all military personnel so the emotionally retard rapeo-sociopaths are purged from active duty. Have a robust, fearsome, anti-rape and anti-sadism campaign so the US military no longer has the psychiatric whack job brain (abortion schedule fetuses or proverbial incest spawn of the Devil/ mental fucking retards without honor nor sentience who never know when to shut their fucking mouths and lie all the time throughout their worthless thieving-parasite lives).

Because of the Baby Boom, there is more human garbage in the USA than ever before and so the military and law enforcement was corrupted. Good Americans have to confront Evil Americans or all Americans deserve and probably will die from nuclear attack in WWIII as the Evil Americans are guilty of over a half century of gross crimes against humanity.

Americans are in denial of their collective DNA and so called blood line and how polluted it is with Sin.

If everyone doesn't agree with me on this, literally everyone in the USA, those who don't are the trash I'm referring to.

Having an official plan like the National Security Act of 1947 which happens in maybe 2023 is something that should have been done in 1963 when it became obvious the Marshall Plan was tearing the USA apart with a new fascist ordering--the actual Marshall Plan.

A new plan, maybe National Security Act of 2023, accomplishing these things after the Judiciary is purged is what I'd like to see happen.

I will add, I know the Judiciary could be purged in a rather bloodless manner with all the defective Judges simply losing everything they have and turned out to welfare and social insurance for the disabled to live on. Truly, the Judiciary is an embarrassment to all Americans or should be.

The new fascist order since 1947 stinks. It sucks at War and ruins the US military for good guys--which again is basically what the CIA does. These reforms ought to get done and preparation for them begin in earnest in Biden's first term.

I believe that to be true because until I see Tara Reade and Joe Biden resolve their outstanding issue I do not believe the military can be reformed in his administration. So it is, being a political realist, I would hope some honesty from Biden on the alleged sexual assault of Tara Reade could totally produce a purge of the Judiciary and extensive military reforms.

If Joe Biden is a good man, whatever happened can be talked out and resolved so the entire society and so called Free world benefits. If the President can become a better person by learning from his mistakes than so can the US military.

If Hunter Biden wants to appear (and its not my business to tell him but on a human level, families being what they are) more than a douche bag he would honestly and honorably help his father out on the Tara Reade issue so she and they and everyone could sleep better at night with more faith in humanity.

If President Biden can do that, I would be more than a little surprised and consider Biden the greatest living President and probably of all time, as would Trump have to admit because military reform, big time reform like that, is the most important work a President can do.

Plus, if Biden were to reclassify the KKK a terrorist organization then that would be Trump and Biden agreeing on a big important thing.

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