Thursday, May 27, 2021

My Libertine Party Cards and Flanking Progressives

Its taking much longer than I expected to get my new business and social cards made. On one side, my design reads "Libertine Party of Oregon" and has an icon-drawing of a Mountain Lion's face.

My design is also for a double thick card, compared to most, with rounded edges and for some crazy reason all the shops I've spoke to so far only round edges on thin-standard business cards.

Eventually I'll have an original artwork business and social card which also references this blog in addition to promote the idea of Libertine organization in other states and throughout the USA.

That said, I want to explain what I mean by how I flank or how Libertines flank Progressives within the greater exclusively-liberal, political sphere.

Of course this is going to involve literacy and explain the facts of life, as only a Libertine can explain to a Progressive and is no way about literally preying on Progressives as Mountain Lions literally prey when they flank.

Its more if not totally about revealing to Progressives their actual position and political situation juxtaposed their idealized version of reality, wherein they don't require much to any literacy beyond dogma.

This post will be succinct as possible as my time, like my eventual cards explain, is more invested in design engineering, the advancement of science and civilization than politics albeit my chosen and preferred work is inherently political. I don't expect it would be the same for all Libertines if and when the political philosophy I expound were to catch on.

Helping #BLM and #AntiFa realize their critiques are mistaken insomuch the former is racists decrying racism or, to put it another way, moral relativism as racial justice where instead of being post racial society ought distribute wealth and privileges equally among different races of people which all science and DNA evidence has proven do not in fact exist.

It is helping #AntiFa, the latter, realize the connection between industrial pollution, autism and fascism such they have empathy even for people who have none themselves, and understanding why they don't have empathy as a fault not entirely their own.

It is helping these groups and even more militant and right wing groups understand too, they are more like and dissimilar to #BLM and #AntiFa because they share legitimate and profound grievances against a government which has been nearly entirely corrupted by a generation of Baby Boomer, moral degenerates still goon'ed out on psychiatric smack-dope and oblivious to the reality of mental retardation and the fraud that is talk about non verifiable mental illnesses.

This, what I've explained, is intelligence which would unify radical groups on both the left and the right if and when they were to demonstrate a real capacity for empathy-intelligence, in addition to raw IQ. It is natural the left leaning militants to be the force in such a duality to offer the olive branch.

The real problem is the exaltation of anti-intellectual profilers, racists and psychiatrists, who necessarily deny people the content of their own character and impose their profile of them, upon them and so foisting identity and privilege.

Young militants ought to realize their common struggle against a Baby Boomer regime of divide and conquer sociopaths, autism spectrum because of the polluted environment they were born into after the second world war, how they engineered a society which cannot survive as such for much longer.

With compassion that does not diminish their will to power, they ought to agree and make compact to overthrow the psychiatric establishment. They ought to agree these few thousand Americans (licensed psychiatrists) are the common enemy and without violence and by peer pressure, run these anti-intellectual frauds and thieves out of all positions of authority, in the country.

They are the reprobates in academia. They are the sub-geniuses who have to have an experiment to learn how and why some people torture other people, when this information is obvious to anyone with empathy--or who is outside that narcissistic/sociopath autism spectrum. Their studies are the studies of abject relativists want to explain the objective reality.

They are nut bags, more Scientologists than even the Scientologists. By the by, actual Scientology has been slandered to an extent for how they point out psychiatry is actually a crime against humanity. It is.

If and when these few, entirely corrupt human beings who wield an incredible amount of power in the USA, are completely marginalized as all but Traitors or Traitors to the USA and humanity itself--vain imbeciles without shame--and a proper Green New Deal is brokered by Biden, Boomers can save enough face so history remembers them fondly in the end of their epoch.

This is what I mean, everything I've said here, when I speak of Libertines flanking Progressives within the sphere of liberal-socialist politics.

I and Libertines want socialized medicine without the mind-control, psychiatric apartheid and fascism-lite critical race theory even when it preaches Marxism--as both #BLM and #AntiFa are sophomoric to do.

I also don't mind saying it would be cool, I would be thrilled and more optimistic for the future and future generations living in a healthy and peaceful world, if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were to become a Libertine and actually call herself that and establish her own New York block. I only say this because I spoke to her office on the telephone and she is spot on about a way better Green New Deal, than what has been described so far.

If we cut the pollution, there is less autism and cancer and stress on the mind and body simply from breathing the air and drinking water. We should do that, as Americans.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Democrats, Republicans and Independents

Democrats almost always look people in the eyes, and then go on at length to verbally describe a flat Earth worldview wherein they are diametrically opposed to Republicans and President Donald Trump.

They are oblivious to how completely stupid they are and how they and their media networks bring shame and disgrace to every US high school, community college and university. These people, Democrats, not only maintain a flat Earth stupidity for worldview-mentality insomuch as they are ontological dualists, Zoroastrians in a struggle with Republicans, but they also insist on racial justice.

Racial justice is, to the Democrat, the rule of insanity and therefore their rule. They ignore all DNA and biological science which proves race does not exist and is a mythological mentality dating back to ancient Rome. Democrats do not care and maintain a literal flat Earth mentality as they foment racism by refusing to be post racial.

"Play cute" autistics like Chuck Todd direct the party's slush fund in medical insurance fraud, psychiatric or "mental healthcare" on TV with most in the party being under the direction of both the "idiot box" and a moral imbecile in their therapist.

This trifecta of stupid which frames the Democratic Party, is perhaps no more evident than in Biden himself as he antagonizes the US military by forcing it deeper into psychiatric medical insurance fraud, pushing gender-bent thralls to mix with racist thralls in the Pentagon.

They are irrational fundamentalists like racists, both with total conviction in what is factually not true about their biology. Indeed, both of the dominant parties have their zealots who call the other their moral enemy.

To this end, the Democrats replete with their soldiers are matched against Republicans who coddle the racist-autistics in the same way Democrats coddle the LGBTQ-autistics. With their soldiers, partisans, they coerce more moderate Americans into one or another extremely irrational party.

To be sure, Republicans cling to economic models with roots in the fantasy of Adam Smith wherein Jesus Christ was the active hand in all market economies, rewarding the able capitalists in accord with Protestant theology.

In reality, what they call capitalism is colonialism as that is factually what occurs when finance meets a lesser world's or person's economy.

Their Christian values are as real as those Christian values which caused genocide against Native American people, for generations, and their racist-apartheid the defining characteristic of Christianity in the United States. That is its history and those are its values, as evidenced by the GOP.

They are values which lead to amorality or salvation from amorality and in both circumstances immorality the Christian experience.

More surrounding this war between mobs than part of the melee, the Independents take to doom porn and half baked criticism. Their want for a rugged identity is usually more their issue, or their politics more a critique of persona and ego than policy.

The more passionate and less popular political groups in the USA, like greens, workers, socialist, communist, etc. clown for praxis.

All of this ought to change, soon, and I'm doing the best I can to change it. It cannot be denied, I'm a Libertine because I'm very active politically and have passed my own litmus test.

I've set aside money to have the highest quality business-social cards printed, my Libertine Party cards.

Democrats and Biden should start coming around to the idea of working with Republicans and Trump on a new, green, power grid. Both Democrats who lean psychiatric and Republicans who lean Christian ought to realize they are really more autistic than intellectual or spiritual, and learn to better marginalize their speech so people with deeper souls and minds can be more easily understood, absent the pedantic din.

Its time for the former and current President to shake hands before I call them both out for the feeble minded baby boomers they are, only then treat them like they are beyond redemption or have lost their last opportunity to LEARN and so then stop their stupid-fucking-stubborn ass or elephant dope routine, get a new power grid, programmed by myself.

I, any and all other Libertines, do not buy into the false choice between homo-trans fascism as espoused by autistic Democrats nor racist fascism as espoused by autistic Republicans. The baby boom, 1947-1963, was a genetic step backwards and into plague brain disease for "evolution."

Enough with the junk-for-brains calling shots in the USA. Fuck the underdogs and alpha dogs, metaphorically, because you should be more of a HUMAN BEING and sentient!

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Earth, Sun and Moon

Reality is not defined by people. Ultimately, reality is self-defining or God (omnipotence). There is no other sane answer to the question, what is reality?

I'll explain this here so no fool want to be known as a genius would make the mistake of calling themselves a Libertine and then go on to claim to be an atheist or monotheist who isn't also a pantheist.

To be sure, the litmus test for being a Libertine is indeed the mentality of the person and their politics.

They have to be left libertarian and so self-marginalized able to dominate, socially, left authoritarians, right authoritarians and right libertarians.

They ought be in contest too, for different degrees of intense disagreement from strongest to weakest as said.

Reality, qua the physical universe (which includes other universes so as not to become a self-contradictory term), pre-exists any known human consciousness. Put another way, there is no person who is older than the known universe. There is, however, the ultimate reality understood imperfectly as the universe.

God, as defined by monotheism, is the sole deity understood by qualities which define the universe: omnipotence. In this way, God permeates and is the universe such monotheism properly understood is also pantheism.

These are ontological understandings, a litmus test for libertine thinking, and necessary for any Libertine to understand as what is in dispute with authoritarians and more feudalistic libertarians. There is an ontological ignorance which defines these three other political philosophies in competition for how people then choose to organize themselves, politically.

This all now well understood, here are some specific political issues of tremendous importance as seen and portrayed on all network news syndicates, in all nations.

1.) War, especially constant warfare in the Middle East and especially as it pertains to the state of Israel. 

2.) Economic disparity, the confusion and suffering pertaining to a gross disparity in the population for how wealth in the society is distributed. This includes news about the stock market, the principal means of distribution of wealth and news about poverty, disease, starvation, etc.

3.) Entertainment, arts and culture as they are portrayed as political statements or influences at work in various societies.

To these three main political considerations, the Libertine will have their unique point of view. My point of view is, regarding these three categories understood also as problems, are all rightly framed as problem areas for political concern because the population at large has been autized.

I admit, I'm one of the people trying to make the term "autized" understood as a real term more than a made up word because its when war and industry factually make a population autistic--members of the society, with little to no choice, are put somewhere in the spectrum with a minority outside the autism spectrum. This is caused by their toxic living environments.

To be sure, concentrations of autistic people exist despite only 2% of the population being diagnosed as autistic. Moreover, less than 2% of the population has been tested by DNA sequencing and/or functional MRI brain mapping so the probability is autism is more widespread than a mere 2%.

It is and has to be when this question is considered scientifically and logically because of what we know about pollution levels and pregnant women exposed to them over the course of the last 100 years, in the USA.

The population, all industrial populations, have been and continue to necessarily autize their population with the autism rate higher for subsequent generations.

To me and for Libertines, this must be understood as fascism.

It is the agreement between left and right authoritarians and best understood as the failure of the Baby Boomer generation, for so arranging the Democratic and Republican parties into a fascist arrangement. 

Their brains are truly, physically, deformed in a bad, negative way, in addition to now geriatric. A fascist is best understood as a person in the autism spectrum in a society where the autistic/asperger dominate.

That generation is a population with their brains saturated in particulate lead, mercury, cadmium and unholy litany of particulate heavy metals. Many if not most baby boomers have also self abused with narcotics and pharmaceutical/psychiatric drugs of no medical value.

This is the terrible price the baby boomers paid for their parents, the Greatest Generation, who so tooled the economy to create so much pollution for their War effort. To an extent they also fostered the drug culture the boomers then turned into the church of state, or religious psychiatry.

Sadly, that war effort became the fascism it was fighting against when the children of that warrior generation became the new establishment in the United States of America. Now, its up to the grand children of that warrior generation to forcibly marginalize in society their own parents, as genetic imbeciles worshiping a false god in psychiatry.

They are atheists with IQs so low, they don't understand their faith in disbelieving the rational God is actually stupidity and want to frame a straw man argument against a King of Gods like Zeus.

They, Baby Boomers, have always and mostly been stupid people, obsessed with drugs instead of sober thinking, with entertainment a higher priority than their concerns for the economy or wars their Votes determine. Let us not forget my own and the Libertine's contempt is political, not personal. Its not business, its the reality so understood and spoken of without shame on my part.

Until Democrats get better aligned with myself and other Libertines, they will continue to crew, oaring themselves off their flat Earth to oblivion.

They, the neo-liberals, will with their neo-conservative counterparts prove to be mere authoritarians fighting for dictatorial power and get the United States of America destroyed by fusion-nuclear weapons the Russians and Chinese will use to obliterate the disgrace the US military became after WWII in it's intoxicated and toxic competition with communists as if fascist-capitalism was something other than slavery and pop mental retardation.

That said, is no endorsement of communism but rather sympathy for their conflict with fascists. Indeed, the Libertine is a socialist at odds with communism because communism is necessarily authoritarian like the establishment in the Democratic party with their psychiatric frauds, pseudo-intellectual populism.

The Earth, Sun and Moon move and as they do so too the understanding of their movements becomes more certain, as certain as the social authority of Libertines, in a community of human beings. There are many political philosophies. Only one is elite.

There are few Libertines for whatever reason. Still, what I've said here needed to be said because so few people in society apparently understand reality before they form a political opinion.

Lastly, and I only say this for someone lacking in empathy-intelligence and so more likely to miss understand me, I do not hate autistic people. I hate industrial chemical fallout same as nuclear-radioactive fallout. I don't like people getting genetically mutated such they lose their higher brain functions. I want people to enjoy the fullness of their humanity instead of be reduced to mere consumers.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Autistic Elites: Low Wage Employers, Slumlords and Rapists

America has a terrible problem. The vast majority of Americans are moral degenerates, people who don't even know what morality is.

They've got--again I'm only talking about the vast majority--forgive and forget Christianity so no real religious consequences if and when they behave as criminals. Jesus, in their minds, forgives them so they don't have to care about other people nor feel guilt for ruthlessly exploiting others.

If living in a Christian society wasn't immoral enough, the Baby Boomer generation made it's mark in history as the most mentally retarded, genetically brain diseased group of people the world has ever known when they established Court ordered psychiatric, medical insurance fraud as part of the justice system. It is the official and state religion as there is nothing scientific about it, now. It wasn't like that before the baby boom idiots took over.

Because autistic people believe they are elites because they have the authority in the United States of America to torture people, rape people, rob people, murder people and call anyone who complains about it "crazy" with the full support of their equally autistic psychiatrist-priests, America is basically occupied by a hostile and completely immoral horde of people plagued with genetic brain disease: baby boomers and a lot if not most of their offspring.

Its not really a democracy. Its not even really a republic. Its a horde of autistic people and their kleptocracy.  Those outside the spectrum they have beaten into submission or are in the process of being beaten into submission.

Baby Boomers aren't really smart. They are evolutionary throwbacks.

They are the employers who can't be business leaders in a society with a middle class. They can only lead when the economy is stratified and cruelty supplants intelligence as what qualifies a person for leadership.

Make no mistake, Biden is every bit as much of an ape as Trump. That generation doesn't really have human males so much as autistic brutes and pseudo intellectuals.

The USA and the American people are without a doubt, because of the Baby Boomer generation and their condition of being mostly and genetically brain diseased, afflicted with plague autism. All that pollution they were born into after WWII truly mutated them into emotionally retarded, intellectually disabled zombies with psychiatric zombie priests to make excuses for them--the USA is increasingly the enemy of both the natural world and humanity.

The horde, as it were, has to be made to heel. The autistic have to realize the end of their revenge of the nerds, with their psychiatrists taken seriously instead of being stoned in the village square, return to the truth that they are actually mentally retarded, that mental illnesses and demon possession are both hyperbolic talk for what is truly genetic brain disease.

We don't need more supremacy of half-wit, autistic, geniuses defrauding most everyone in society. We need a universal income or a welfare system that affords life necessities and education so people can learn to improve their own condition instead of remain like a child to a paternal state.

We need a radical change in the market economy and academia such the genetic sociopath-autistic people and their "revenge of the nerds," comes to and end and we get people with real genius in authority with Baby Boomers shut out and into their retirement to lament their legacy of stupidity and diminishing returns.

Renters deserve rents they can afford, for properties which are truly up to code and healthy to live in. We don't need more autism spectrum lawyers and judges excusing landlord feudalism in the Satanic cluster-fuck that is our justice system run by the mentally retarded because a generation of Baby Boomers proved to be the scum of the Earth--the worst people on the entire planet, comparatively and the worst since those Germans who supported and went along fascism.

Fucking disgrace, makes younger Americans want to kill themselves for the shame of having mentally retarded elders and a completely failed justice system.

We don't need more rape culture with a new psychiatric medication every other year, so people remain doped and go on accepting it and the legitimacy of a Baby Boomer's opinion--they don't have legitimate opinions they are a generation of genetically brain diseased morons with few exceptions.

Why they are still the group of people with most of the authority in society is because they haven't been forcibly marginalized as the failures they truly are, by a group of Americans who truly do have dignity and intelligence.

This is the calling of Libertines. Libertines, fuck off the generation of autistic nerds. We do that by proving with superior science and philosophy, the fact of their fraud, how its obviously populism and how that can never be elite.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

To Be A Libertine

To be a Libertine is to be one of the sheeple who became more of a person, with sentient and human intelligence, a free thinker.

All children are held in crèche, naturally then treated as less than fully sentient, but the Libertine not only grows older but more grows for wisdom matched with simple intelligence--the logical and scientific mind.

With love and pride, the Libertine's contempt is as real if not more apparent to those who cling to their childish pseudo-sentience, daydreaming through adulthood and full of mental health excuses.

This political situation is not stressful for those most aligned with libertine thinking. To be sure, Libertines come in degrees for differences between each other. Not all are the most libertarian and/or most socialist. For those who are, the lack of stress for having their natural condition realized, elite juxtaposed masses.

Its not without reason the Libertine claims the American Lion as it's' totem and mascot for politics.

The wolves, the populists, the dogs, the servants, the fools.


Monday, May 3, 2021

Racism And The Unfinished Work Of Abolition

Racism has been precisely defined on this blog as it has been elsewhere by the best people humanity has to offer--people who share the truth that racism is the mistaken belief in different races of people such that belief rejects the science of biology and genetics, denies the existence of the homo sapiens species.

Libertines have been defined on this blog, defined in a way not to be found elsewhere nor purported by others, as adherents to a distinct political philosophy.

Unlike Libertarians, with whom they agree philosophically, Libertines totally reject the conservative economics of political Libertarians. Libertines are socialists, liberals.

On the question of race, Libertines claim the monopoly and answer. Libertines, then, also claim the political mantle of abolitionists and their claim is both historical and logical.

With the Libertine understanding of race as a delusion resulting from ignorance and possibly genetic mental retardation, they necessarily and actively abolish racism. People in their company and society are confronted by Libertines and their politics on the question and answer to the issue of race. So confronted, the society and any company of Libertines is without answer.

As evidenced by history, corollary to our times, the times of abolition approximately 1830-1870 produced a likeminded group of people--the abolitionists. The Libertine posits a secondary and rhetorical question of race: who are the abolitionists? 

As the Libertine fundamentally rejects racism so too the abolitionists fundamentally rejected slavery and they certainly did so because one must understand the complete lie and slight against humanity itself racism is before one can absolutely reject racism as the philosophy motivating slavery.

In this way, the Libertine is the contemporary and ontological abolitionist of our times. As those radical liberal Republicans like Abraham Lincoln were to their more conservative peers, so too the Libertine is to the Libertarian today.

The mantle of the Grand Old Party does not pass with that of the Abolitionists, to the Libertines. Libertarians perhaps forgot their ontology and so remain intellectually stagnant since the 19th century. Perhaps this explains their fiscal conservativism and lack of sentience, especially regarding important work.

This all well understood, the Libertine paints their adversary in monochrome while the Abolitionist targeted a single attitude, the pro-slavery attitude. The Libertine targets the greater culture, marking it a rape culture and rejects institutional racism as both denigrate humanity and very real human DNA.

As a marginal group of people, admittedly the possibility no such group exists for people in regular collaboration, their work as individuals is extremely important within the context of humanism and universal suffrage. Libertines might operate in very small groups or solitary.

They ought to network with the understanding of their novelty and historical context.

As they do, it stands to reason the following agenda items ought be agreed to so as to expediently empower Libertines as the natural and legitimate elites in the Americas.

1.) Compel Black leaders to renounce racism and advance justice for themselves and others by adopting a post-racial creed.

2.) Compel Native leaders and Spanish/Portuguese speakers to renounce racism and advance justice for themselves and others by adopting a post-racial creed.

3.) Compel Asian leaders to renounce racism and advance justice for themselves and others by adopting a post-racial creed.

4.) Remind White leaders the best White people renounced racism long ago but did not holocaust those ignoble White people who maintained passion for institutional slavery, because of their mercy towards the ignorant and mentally retarded.

5.) Promote science and specifically the environmental science which proves toxic heavy metal exposure caused by industrial pollution can and often does cause genetic brain disease and mental retardation--the likes of which can cause the loss of sentience, such people fail to understand their own humanity.

6.) Don't be shy, don't be pushy. Be resolute as an absolute abolitionist by exercising intellectual-as-moral authority over others in society.

7.) Raise the question in society of whether or not the United States of America ought to be sued in international court for crimes against humanity, for insisting different races of people exist in it's Constitution when the scientific fact is different races do not exist and the US Constitution is a factually incorrect document, antagonistic to humanity itself for the racist lie it purports.

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

  I reached settlement with my Landlord in Portland and only with some money beyond cancelation of debt owed. Because of my settlement I won...