Thursday, May 27, 2021

My Libertine Party Cards and Flanking Progressives

Its taking much longer than I expected to get my new business and social cards made. On one side, my design reads "Libertine Party of Oregon" and has an icon-drawing of a Mountain Lion's face.

My design is also for a double thick card, compared to most, with rounded edges and for some crazy reason all the shops I've spoke to so far only round edges on thin-standard business cards.

Eventually I'll have an original artwork business and social card which also references this blog in addition to promote the idea of Libertine organization in other states and throughout the USA.

That said, I want to explain what I mean by how I flank or how Libertines flank Progressives within the greater exclusively-liberal, political sphere.

Of course this is going to involve literacy and explain the facts of life, as only a Libertine can explain to a Progressive and is no way about literally preying on Progressives as Mountain Lions literally prey when they flank.

Its more if not totally about revealing to Progressives their actual position and political situation juxtaposed their idealized version of reality, wherein they don't require much to any literacy beyond dogma.

This post will be succinct as possible as my time, like my eventual cards explain, is more invested in design engineering, the advancement of science and civilization than politics albeit my chosen and preferred work is inherently political. I don't expect it would be the same for all Libertines if and when the political philosophy I expound were to catch on.

Helping #BLM and #AntiFa realize their critiques are mistaken insomuch the former is racists decrying racism or, to put it another way, moral relativism as racial justice where instead of being post racial society ought distribute wealth and privileges equally among different races of people which all science and DNA evidence has proven do not in fact exist.

It is helping #AntiFa, the latter, realize the connection between industrial pollution, autism and fascism such they have empathy even for people who have none themselves, and understanding why they don't have empathy as a fault not entirely their own.

It is helping these groups and even more militant and right wing groups understand too, they are more like and dissimilar to #BLM and #AntiFa because they share legitimate and profound grievances against a government which has been nearly entirely corrupted by a generation of Baby Boomer, moral degenerates still goon'ed out on psychiatric smack-dope and oblivious to the reality of mental retardation and the fraud that is talk about non verifiable mental illnesses.

This, what I've explained, is intelligence which would unify radical groups on both the left and the right if and when they were to demonstrate a real capacity for empathy-intelligence, in addition to raw IQ. It is natural the left leaning militants to be the force in such a duality to offer the olive branch.

The real problem is the exaltation of anti-intellectual profilers, racists and psychiatrists, who necessarily deny people the content of their own character and impose their profile of them, upon them and so foisting identity and privilege.

Young militants ought to realize their common struggle against a Baby Boomer regime of divide and conquer sociopaths, autism spectrum because of the polluted environment they were born into after the second world war, how they engineered a society which cannot survive as such for much longer.

With compassion that does not diminish their will to power, they ought to agree and make compact to overthrow the psychiatric establishment. They ought to agree these few thousand Americans (licensed psychiatrists) are the common enemy and without violence and by peer pressure, run these anti-intellectual frauds and thieves out of all positions of authority, in the country.

They are the reprobates in academia. They are the sub-geniuses who have to have an experiment to learn how and why some people torture other people, when this information is obvious to anyone with empathy--or who is outside that narcissistic/sociopath autism spectrum. Their studies are the studies of abject relativists want to explain the objective reality.

They are nut bags, more Scientologists than even the Scientologists. By the by, actual Scientology has been slandered to an extent for how they point out psychiatry is actually a crime against humanity. It is.

If and when these few, entirely corrupt human beings who wield an incredible amount of power in the USA, are completely marginalized as all but Traitors or Traitors to the USA and humanity itself--vain imbeciles without shame--and a proper Green New Deal is brokered by Biden, Boomers can save enough face so history remembers them fondly in the end of their epoch.

This is what I mean, everything I've said here, when I speak of Libertines flanking Progressives within the sphere of liberal-socialist politics.

I and Libertines want socialized medicine without the mind-control, psychiatric apartheid and fascism-lite critical race theory even when it preaches Marxism--as both #BLM and #AntiFa are sophomoric to do.

I also don't mind saying it would be cool, I would be thrilled and more optimistic for the future and future generations living in a healthy and peaceful world, if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were to become a Libertine and actually call herself that and establish her own New York block. I only say this because I spoke to her office on the telephone and she is spot on about a way better Green New Deal, than what has been described so far.

If we cut the pollution, there is less autism and cancer and stress on the mind and body simply from breathing the air and drinking water. We should do that, as Americans.

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