Sunday, August 29, 2021

Helping Libertarians Show Progressives A More Sober Than Woke America

So, as a liberal there are a lot of liberals I like.

I like most Feminists, except for cultural feminists. That school isn't really philosophical it is sexual and was all about lesbianism.

I'm glad gay marriage is now legal and I believe gay couples should be able to adopt.

I don't believe mental healthcare as it is understood today should be taken seriously by anyone except as criminal Fraud.

All the good things liberals do, like gay marriage, they undermine with their over-reaching Autism spectrum incest cult anti-intellectuals and Fabian socialists.

As I've explained before, those liberals are simply liars. They are extremely violent people who accomplish more violence with pacifism than other political groups accomplish with outright violence.

Everything about psychology and psychiatry is violent. Its all destructive, real world, violence to perpetuate Fraud the way they do. They don't agree because as a people who lived as parasites on Native Americans and black Africans and Chinese, all those generations of inbreeding mutated their brains.

All the heavy metals they doped their children with, knowingly or unknowingly to dumb them down such as with lead, they still don't know or care to know about. Boomers want mental health, cargo-capitalist mind-over-matter make believe 24/7. They want their meds and TV-propaganda.

That is all they ever really had for a life, sadly. It is truly pathetic how they have bragged about themselves for over 60 years and now are witnessing the fact they threw the United States of America away like a piece of shit because they didn't want to and could not emotionally and intellectually mature into responsible adult human beings.

They always had excuses. They always had reverse psychology. They always had populism on their side where three idiots could say the Earth is flat the Court would agree its flat when only one person says it is not, because democracy matters more than the truth--the type of idiots who do not actually learn, apparently can't learn hence the term idiot.

The populists who are Boomers were so greedy about the manufacturing jobs which were the best jobs people with such LOW QUALITY BRAINS can hope for, they ruined those jobs for future generations in the USA.

They said the genetic sociopaths were who they wanted to manage their stock portfolios and they got rich off making future generations poor and believe me, that is what everyone in the world will always believe save the American people who are the last to know because they live a total lie.

To prove the point, there are the Woke. These are Autism spectrum people who realize they have Autism or that they were or sometimes are "unawake" or automaton-like. That is good, people should want and feel need to be sentient.

As the term Asperger Syndrome was deleted from the DSM-5, the shrinks searched for a new term to help people in the Autism spectrum who were higher functioning only they didn't do it honestly nor with honest intent. That is just what came out the ass-mouth, the Autism Spectrum Syndrome, mind that is almost everyone working as a professor at a college or university in the USA.

The fact of industrialization is brutal. American industrialists were not kind men and they knew very little about the long term genetic consequences of soiling their DNA with fossil fuels.

So it is the Libertine has to help liberals who claim to be Woke understand what the Libertarians are saying when they say Freedom. Progressives (the only people who identify as Woke), should at least consider the conservative Libertarian's talk of Freedom to be closer to what they are talking about when they speak of being Woke.

The reason for this is simple. Being Woke is aware of racial injustice. That is indeed a problem because racism is always unjust and dangerous, criminal as with violent gangs. So to be Woke is to realize a problem or lack of Freedom. It should be a more positive affirmation of their own will to power to identify as Woke to Libertarianism because of Freedom.

The Woke, however, are upset as from a bad dream and still half asleep. To realize the problem is meaningless and indeed harmful unless the problem is then addressed. The problem becomes greater the longer it remains without a solution to it, as Freedom would solve for the lack of Justice.

As the Woke stand in-cult, doing very much the same Occupy Wall Street and now probably overtly Autism spectrum group-chant politics they stand out as super annoying people who increasingly marginalize themselves.

They obviously do not consider any negative long term consequences for vocalizing their gross incompetence.

To complain about racial justice, or the lack of it, but then refuse to demand a post racial society. To complain about the environment, but then demand more psychiatric dope so the worst ill effects of pollution (genetic brain disease) remain a mystery and fascists can be slave owners of "mentally ill" people.

I will never call for a holocaust but if God forbid the far right groups should take over, realize that everything religion calls Evil is pretty much also genetic Autism, things could go straight to Hell. I'd probably meet Hades and that isn't any journey I'm interested in as I've seen enough of the underworld already.

Still, that is increasingly something to worry about the more liberals shower love on their Progressive allies when a true friend would be honest with them about Autism and the real violence and horrors their mental healthcare is about. They won't believe it at first but it is the fact, you can't have fascism without psychiatry.

Fascism depends on, it needs, some occult group of know-it-alls who speak about magic as if dumbing people down into automatons is arcane power, with drugs and propaganda to further control them.

If the Woke would realize the Libertarians all woke-up to injustice, not just racial injustice but all kinds of injustice, which is why they call for Freedom of the sort everyone would have a reasonable amount of control over their own lives.

The Woke-Progressives can't associate with Libertarian Republicans (the easiest Republicans to get along with, generally the good cops when they might work in law enforcement) because their psychologist-psychiatrist controllers have installed a belief that all Republicans are fascists.

The mass media backs that up and psychology. Psychology would have remained a bad joke, something for inbred people who want to fake doctor do to organize and pimp prostitutes/their relatives. When everyone had something to talk about for what they saw on TV, mental health had that much more to offer.

It really is a bad joke that turned into the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever known: psychiatry.

It is too bad the Libertarians appear to be roughed up, marginalized by more authoritarian Republicans. I have sympathy for the militia groups because in general the authoritarians are the problem and the people who most deserve violence done to them or even death because they truly do not have the right to the authority they currently enjoy in the USA.

I wish I knew of something I could do more than pray, to help Libertarians and Progressives find each other half way so Libertarians realized socialism is necessary for any legitimate government (our Constitution is a socialist document, a social contract) and Progressives could realize they are three times more fascist than the Libertarian Republicans who they have been maligning because they sold out to the medical insurance Frauds working in mental healthcare, became useful idiots for them and whatever SSI and bribes.

If 10% of Libertarians can learn to be more than OK with socialism but also identify as socialists, that makes them more Libertine than Libertarian. If 10% of Progressives can realize psychiatry literally is fascism and that perverse-control that so disturbs them about the far-right they'll become more moderate.

Any Progressive who Woke up, then realized Libertarians aren't fascists merely because they have guns, who wanted to keep their radical edge or heightened level of social justice activism could quit being authoritarian all together and become a Libertine.

That is probably necessary, for about 20% of the US electorate to shift. If it does, President Biden's poll numbers should improve and the country become more able to build back better, and likely.

I've already said all that can be said about Afghanistan which at any time could blow up again into a full scale War depending on who does what. I think we all know Al Queada would like to stage another attack on the USA to all but force the USA to re-invade Afghanistan. They want the US there for 100 years losing blood and treasure. We've only been there 20 years.

They don't want us to leave so they can keep on slaughtering inbred Godless pigs who rape more women than the Taliban, but tell the world the Taliban rapes more than anyone. If they get their way, they will continue to slaughter the disgrace that became the US military after a Baby Boom of genetic inbred trash. That isn't hate speech that is military history and what always happens when rape and incest produce so many of a country's soldiers--the military becomes more slave-stock-DNA. Clearly, the Taliban and its allies won the War from 9/11 and still today maintain the military advantage and dominance over the USA.

In a way, as a Narco-State, they are the only true military super power. Its possible Afghanistan will in fact rebuild the entire Middle East so the Autistic-inbred human garbage from Europe that rapes and does all Sins and yet constant lies accusing others of Sin, will be burned off the face of this world.

An alliance between Israel and Afghanistan, a legitimate and honorable Peace Treaty, is the benchmark for that day when Afghanistan is the undisputed military super power in conventional terms. The USA, China and Russian Federation probably won't beget a Third World War unless its totally one sided for victory and still Afghanistan is likely to remain the conventional military super power, from now and even more so if the world were to become post Apocalyptic.

As much as it would benefit the USA to get rid of the CIA the way JFK wanted to but was assassinated before he could--he had clearly made up his mind before he was assassinated that the CIA was an organization of human garbage, Americans who should be fired and their entire operation shut down--now is the perfect opportunity to dump that agency, entirely, into Afghanistan.

A blood sacrifice and liquidation-dissolution of the CIA is the best strategy for a US endgame in Afghanistan.

It wasn't an agency built to be dumped into Afghanistan to become part of the world's most powerful narco-state but that is the only good which may come from the CIA. It is like two negatives multiplied to make a positive number.

The CIA want to control all the dope, among other things but mostly control the dope, but the Taliban are the best in the world at that. If they worked together, Afghanistan would become stable and develop and should help bring peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia would have Afghanistan for conservative Muslim nation, more conservative than either Shia or Sunni for how they interpret Sharia law.

I've already said before its too late, the USA should create it's own Wikileaks to better gather foreign intelligence than the CIA and without bringing all the death and despair the CIA brings to the USA with its narcotics dealing. Its shameful our own government is murdering us with narcotics because our spies are Autistic fuck-waste who should be cut off like mercenaries in Afghanistan.

The essential political issue is the existing politicians serving in office now, the members of Congress at DC have to realize this year that since 1947 all that "mental health" talk was really medical insurance Fraud and industrial pollution doesn't only cause climate change but also spreads plague Autism.

Obviously, Baby Boomers squandered their research grants and are among the least accomplished academics in the history of the world given how well endowed they all were and for a generation and still American universities cling to Freud and a flat-Earth race theory.

Before the stupid people, the more than one hundred million stupid Americans, get us all killed they should really drop out of politics because they are only getting pimped by one of two authoritarian fascist groups, one in each party.

For Americans who can understand, they need to evolve such the Progressives don't literally pave the way to a nuclear oblivion or worse, an increasing Autistic America. I certainly wouldn't wish an American life to any child knowing the USA is literally the most evil country in the world.

Its only that way because most Americans are also cowards to look at themselves in the mirror with more than aesthetic critique going on in those peas they call brains and at reality for what it is instead of what other people want to hear it described as.

A 20% shift in the electorate has to happen by the end of Fall or I expect the murder rate will continue to rise in the USA and 2022 will be the most violent year in US history for cold blooded murder being normalized after rape, which already has been. 

Americans are simply, factually, losing their minds and just like a horror movie, its mostly stupid people doing most of the talking. I don't feel much humor, maybe a little kratom, but certainly no joy contacting members of Congress and refereeing my blog so they might have intelligence instead of Autistic opinion.

United States Senators and Representatives in Congress at Washington DC are the only people capable of effecting this shift I feel is necessary to prevent a spiral in domestic violence as the Taliban exert their real and said hegemony in the underworld.

The onus is entirely on them, Congress. If I were personal friends with each one I wouldn't say more than I've said here on this blog, to help them help their constituents honestly--truly, such life is good for them and will certainly be better for future generations of good and healthy human beings.

I would only help, personally I could volunteer as a citizen and go to Afghanistan and negotiate with the Taliban only if I were first successful in business and then I'd do it remotely and only physically go there if the Taliban agreed to start building a new building in Kabul, their stock exchange building-complex.

They have excellent English speakers for diplomats and a literate caste within their society I do not believe is fascist because its openly theocratic and princely. This Caliphate, whomever they select as their Caliph, could probably call himself or be called by new princes for all the different regions of Afghanistan the hidden Imam which is like Revelations in the Quran.

If it does produce such a man, that will necessarily bring the Shia and Sunni closer together because they both oppose the new Imam-Caliph or they both agree he is the one promised by the Prophet Mohammed, as he was told by Allah.

A technical point, things I could talk to the Taliban about as I spoke freely with falsely described Terrorists when I was in Egypt, Allah may be best understood as intelligence communicated through the angel Gabriel. Something I'm not sure of as a Jew, who will never convert to Islam, was everything Mohammed spoke of when he was alive told to him by Gabriel. I believe it was but I'm not sure having only read the Quran once and mostly skimming because Judaism totally does it for me.

If the Taliban wanted to control the opium and maybe then control cocaine and the entire underworld became an extension of an Afghan covert military operation, or whatever they call their people who deal the dope, they might do that and sell stock so people could legitimately trade on the narcotics-commodities, honestly, openly and with heavy taxation by the Taliban.

With no offense intended to other American Jews with different political opinions and total respect for my own Jewish faith, this is also my Libertine political advice for a mostly Christian America and Congress.

Also, as far as I'm concerned, Cyprus and Greece are going to have to deal with their anxiety about Turkey in a non violent way, cry about it or shut up and let Turkey have that oil in the Mederterranian and so much so Exxon backs up the Turkish position for all Turkey is doing to literally save Christian Europe from WWIII.

Vain Christians won't realize it, but Turkey is literally saving NATO and all of Europe and the USA from WWIII as easily the MVP of NATO and has been since 9/11. Shut the fuck up about the oil that is theirs, you greedy sons of Christian bitches. President Biden should not diminish President Erdogan and help get Erdogan and President Macron to patch things up. The French can help more if and when the Turkish front calls on it, only. That is a historical difference for both NATO forces when it comes to theater command.

The French, from their point of view, should be absorbing zones of control the USA continues to lose as it grossly over expanded and built a commercial-territorial empire of it's own it can't legally maintain with it's Constitution so that is 1947 through today and going forward violent regime change must happen in the United States of America. Already domestic violence in the USA is so gross and qualifies as an ongoing crime against humanity with mass incarceration being the most obvious case.

The government is factually unlawful and has been since the Marshall Plan and the National Security Act of 1947 adopted fascism before the Constitution, or the security state before the people. Baby Boomers are literally a litter of KKK spawn, criminally organized Americans who by rape and incest had many Autistic children who then realized their brethren as adults in society and thus the Klu Klux Klan became fascist with psychiatry and a total subversion of US Courts.

If President Biden were smart, intelligent, fuck half-woke and the woke-woke and sober-woke but honestly participating in the objective-reality, as military commander and chief like a Native American village with over 300 million people, he would terminate the CIA within the year and have them formally disabled in the Spring of 2023.

He would encourage DNA genetic sequencing for every American adult, even pay them to get their own DNA sequenced for a number of reasons. 1.) To help fight COVID and other diseases. 2.) For personal identification, so even if your Social Security Number is hacked you still have your DNA sequence, which also might be "hacked" by disease and real viruses like COVID. 3.) All incest cult families can be broken up as they are all rape cults and criminal organizations.

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Caliphate of Afghanistan vs. The Central Intelligence Agency

Chanakya (spelled and pronounced so many different ways by so many English scholars) lived in 375 BC and was the first author of a book titled The Art of War, his Arhashastra.

The Afghan people live where Chanakya lived in what is today called Afghanistan.

The world has changed and President Biden would be better off reading my blog than listening to his own advisers on Afghanistan and National Security in general.

I share my opinions as I understand the facts only because I do not believe the President will be so advised. I think US Presidents in general, are literally duped by the CIA--that the agency always subverts the authority of the President such Reagan's COG shadow government shares real world powers it should not share.

To be sure, most Americans do not even know what COG is (continuity of government) and of those who do few people speak to the elephant in the room that COG was a criminal government unlawfully installed by President Reagan who had nothing but contempt for the Constitution--that brashness being considered "cool" by serial rapists and drug fiends who were increasingly the Baby Boom voter, in US politics.

I mean that, I sincerely mean that. Libertines hold President Ronald Reagan with extreme contempt. He was a Traitor because creating COG was Treason although it obviously isn't for Reagan and his cronies never being prosecuted.

That is why the USA is in the terrible situation it is in today and the problem is both Republican and Democrats who were also Baby Boomers loved Ronald Reagan. The one person most Baby Boomers agreed they liked in US politics, was him. He was also a cut throat criminal. Ten times greater than Nixon, one hundred times worse for the country.

So it is to Senator Rand Paul even more than Senator Mitch McConnell, President Biden needs to look to for help from Republicans. The President needs to get Paul and the other Senators who are also medical doctors into the White House as special advisers for the duration of COVID.

Being a US Senator and medical doctor is exactly the qualifications the President needs so different medical opinions can have conflict in real time.

He needs to talk to Dr. Fauci who is the medical leader during COVID, apparently, as our own Surgeon General could have assumed control so Dr. Fauci wasn't in the media spotlight.

Then the President needs to cabal with his Senate-doctors and not just on COVID but this is something all Presidents should do to facilitate better intelligence for the White House. He alone can set that up, get that intelligence too.

No President has ever done that before. There are Czars but never such a cabal. The cabal works better and produces better intelligence because of it's nature.

With such advisers during COVID, the President could then talk about psychiatric medication, the real problem of psychiatry being Fraud and yet most everyone in the USA thinks it is science and what to do about heroin and the so called drug war.

Assuming the President can establish a bi-partisan twice as smart (lawyers who are also medical doctors, senators who are also medical doctors) and because he is the President get their loyalty as Senators to be whatever name the President gives the group, would be a smart move for Biden.

More than that, he really needs to get on better terms with the Taliban and specifically as it regards heroin because that is just as deadly as all the brutal scenes, so many people suffocating to death on heroin.

I still think he, and with his Senate doctors, try and regulate the market or control the supply of Afghani opium as much as possible by making the CIA part of the Taliban government. That CIA would be more like an IRS for the Taliban so the government of Afghanistan could control all the buying and selling of opium.

There can be a much more peaceful agreement. What I'm talking about should have been attempted--it hasn't even been attempted--a century ago. Its no pressure, no rush but if the Taliban want to control all the buying and selling of opium so only the government can sell opium to pharmaceutical companies.

If President Biden plays his cards right, he could end the drug war at least until some nation might conquer Afghanistan if the Caliphate agrees heroin and terrible Satanic-Sadistic abuse is bad. They think it is, all Muslims do. They should be respected as Muslims. They are very conservative but that isn't uncommon among world religions.

The CIA has produced too much bad intelligence and caused too much loss of life and treasure to continue on. It was a bad idea to begin with as was the Marshall Plan. This is all 20/20 hindsight President Biden should have.

Unlike JFK, President Biden should get rid of the CIA and truly phase it out--make it gone, no more except for remembered in history.

Its time for the CIA to be dumped on Afghanistan. Whether the Taliban like it or not, they should absorb the entire CIA so those agents become their effective IRS so the Taliban can control the supply of opium, totally. Its a diplomatic failure if the Taliban don't want it because they should want to control their own dope.

This means, if the Taliban agree, the CIA would be slowly liquidated to build up a covert informant agency for the Taliban. 

This isn't asking more of the CIA as that is much of what they've done, illegal drug and weapons sales, assassinations and sabotage. None of that was good for the USA so the USA should stop doing that and work with the Taliban to mitigate the liability that is the CIA.

The Taliban will only ask them to do the same. If the CIA does the opium of Afghanistan will be controlled. If it doesn't it won't be. This is the whole theory about liquidating the CIA into a Taliban asset with all that lost equipment because then they would deal with the CIA and so the opium would be controlled by the Taliban and only it's pharmaceutical clients, no more street clients or they would be punished by the Taliban not DEA.

It benefits the Taliban to totally control opium because of how fundamentally important opium is to a warrior people like those in Afghanistan. They violence and brutality they have seen is of the sort like Palestinians only the Afghan people are the oldest true warrior people in the world.

Even though Chanakya was Buddhist and the Taliban are Muslims, they are Muslims who defend from Chanakya the first human who understood War.

As they say they are a Caliphate that means they're arranging a Divine Law government or Monarchy and probably decentralized so its more many Princes than one King--going by only what little I know compared to the whole and entire history of Afghanistan and it's people.

I'm glad the President was talking with Governors to get people from Afghanistan on a path to Citizenship in the USA. I hope to advocate for that to happen in Portland even though most people in Portland will probably be against helping and becoming the home for new Afghans. 

That is so cruel and heartless but Portland has a cruel and heartless streak so its not that shocking.

Still, hosting Afghans and having them do well so they can have legitimate trade with their relatives still in Afghanistan is key. The only real fear is dope and that fear can be totally mitigated if the President accomplishes a new currency for Afghanistan and one that changes the world for the dope supply.

If other people were to compete with Afghanistan for opium, they would be killed by the Afghan government soldiers with lots of money to fly around and make sure their opium bank wasn't being robbed.

The heroin supply and crisis can come to an end, if the US gets enough people out of Afghanistan and establishes fair trade with Afghanistan, and realizes the KKK is worse than the Taliban.

The KKK is more cowardly and weak than the Taliban. The KKK is more evil and Godless than the Taliban. America's real problem is it is scared to confront it's own KKK and fascists. If the USA can focus on re-ordering it's own society the Taliban I think would become allies.

The USA needs to get rid of the CIA and build a new intelligence agency to get foreign intelligence. I recommend returning all intelligence service to military personnel, the way it was before 1947. That intelligence structure defeated fascism. That is the one the USA still needs today and we should have never tried the CIA the way America did.

So its all very plain.

If President Biden is honest with the Taliban and honest with himself he will go back to what he was doing before that stupid bombing.

I would never and will never run for President. The job would drive me crazy. I'd break from the stress. I hope Biden is able to stay strong and make the right deals with the Taliban now, because there are no repeats of this period in history.

It is all so very important.

Negotiate some lasting peace agreement. Start a conversation with them about getting rid of the CIA, turning the CIA over to the Taliban like it did so much military equipment.

The American soldiers know better than I do the spirit of the Afghan warrior-fighter. I think their place in history is settled, they are the fiercest fighters in the world.

I'm sure we have some officers who can build respectable friendships, yes friendships, with Taliban if they agree on the Taliban getting a brilliant price for controlling the supply of opium around the world.

Its too bad Columbia couldn't set up a similar cornered-market for cocaine as Afghanistan can do with opium. Still, ending the heroin crisis is literally a brilliant Treaty with the Taliban.

Such a Treaty would also insure safe passage and some ongoing cultural exchange, especially regarding education.

My idea, to build an Opium Exchange where all the Afghan poppy farmers have their own stock-symbol and however many lots for market ready to use opium, is what the President should consider and develop.

If its possible for Biden to give the Taliban the deal I'm talking about, it would also involve the Gordian Knot, or the people and land of that area. President Biden needs to re-tie the Gordian Knot which Alexander the Great cut apart so long ago. That is literally what he has to do and that is what an Opium Exchange is about for ending the heroin crisis.

If cartels or other groups of people want to sell opium, let the Taliban take care of them. If that happens, if the USA supports the monopolization of opium by this new Caliphate, it should be able to jack the price of opium to pharmaceuticals and make the bottom fall out for the supply of heroin--there would be none.

Russia and the USA could and should ally in this and have it be the start of a new beginning with The Kremlin. Nobody, other than the CIA apparently, wants heroin everywhere the way it is now.

We are in the worst diplomatic situation with the Taliban but at the same time they are Muslim and they know horrendous abuse isn't Islamic. They would prefer less violence and more money and in time they can grow into a prosperous nation instead of face nuclear weapons, biological warfare or those extreme measures which apparently would be required to defeat them.

That would be no defeat at all because the USA would have to abandon all humanity to effectively holocaust the people of Afghanistan.

For peace options, its my advice or worse advice. Building an Opium Exchange can and should be done in Kabul, with Afghanistan having a new currency vetted by the dollar and its CIA, then formerly CIA.

Putin won't like that and he will help with Rubles and that is good, Biden should be glad for that and every other nation wanting to convince the Taliban to control all the dope so none of it goes to the street and kids. They'd use that money to develop their own natural resources like all the minerals. That is the only way they will develop is if it's their development.

They won't be colonized and nobody can fault them for being the fiercest people on the planet.

If the President declares the KKK a terrorist organization and the Taliban can see the US military killing mouthy KKK people, the Taliban will be shocked. They would see the US military regaining it's honor which necessarily makes it more formidable. 

With a full third of American girls being raped in their lives, often if not usually when they were children and then again so its something they struggle with like PTSD for their entire lives, the USA has no right to lecture the Taliban on rapists.

America has more rapists than anyone so for the Taliban to respect the USA, the military has to be used against the rapists not for them. Mental health and addition are caused largely because Christians and psychologists think rape if a game, some sort of cruel joke or rite of passage, something they never have to seriously address and can joke about like incest.

So, the President really should begin the process as I've described it. I can't give more detail but these details describe what someone really should describe to the President or else we'll lose even more life and treasure as the Taliban continue to completely kick the head of the USA in, eventually with nukes.

Nobody respects the US military and US government after the Baby Boom of Autism spectrum child rapists that is Protestant America.

Protestant America is the greatest force of Satan on this planet, with it's KKK litter, inbred descendants now calling themselves Progressives. The Taliban will nuke them for being the Godless apes they are if Americans don't deal with their own human garbage, serially raping children and causing so much death, theft and murder--which is all mental healthcare really does.

Americans are the morons of the world and always have been. Everyone knows except mainstream America. Protestants only have sympathy for the Devil and that too will never change. They are idolators with shit for science and shit for their religion of devil worshipers, incest cult families on psychiatric dope.

Time is running out. The CIA doesn't have a chance. They are the worst people in any intelligence agency in the history of the world. They are literally the dumbest, factually and genetically mentally retarded opinions like psychologists and America continues to prefer the opinions of these retards.

We're going to be nuked and it will factually be because America deserves it and literally is a country hated by God for all it's inbred mentally retarded Protestants worshiping Satan the Christ--the moron Jesus who loves Sinners more than people who don't Sin, this is the Protestant Jesus.

Protestants are easily more Satanic than the Taliban. The Taliban can and should become US allies and will unless President Biden drops the ball. If he goes on pretending the Taliban are worse than KKK Progressives when it comes to rape, murder and theft the USA will deserve to be attacked just like it did on 9/11.

Fuck the worthless brains of inbred Protestants who disagree. They aren't even fully human to begin with, they aren't sentient people being 2 dimensional automatons who get everything wrong in their lives. They prefer the company of criminals and other inbred useful idiots for the American fascist empire and they will never be a Godly and good people.

Protestants are always the Devil's Ape Rats and about sympathy for the Devil as the mission of their anti-christ. They are Godless, Autistic, fascist moral degenerates. That is what American Protestants have always been and what they will always be. That is why the Native Americans and Blacks and Chinese were treated the way they were. Its always been because Protestants are lying Satanic fuck heads with zero value as people.

A Protestant would have to be against incest child rape and mental healthcare to be different and no Protestant is like that because Protestants are the Klu Klux Klan and always have been. All they ever do is lie and say, "Jesus." The Taliban would do the world a favor to nuke the USA and end their empire of Satanic second wave fascists with inbred bullshit talk for psychology.

With the Taliban as allies, the USA can confront the KKK and the incest cult that is Protestant America and all their medical insurance Frauds working in mental healthcare. Mental healthcare only compliments Protestants, always, like their dirt-bag of a Messiah who loves Sinners more than people who don't Sin.... the psychologists excuses the criminal exploitation of others for their retard-client.

Its always the same and never really a professional service. The Taliban have the moral authority from God to nuke the USA because the USA preaches the Satanism that is psychology, the anti-science of the inbred and what their Protestant religion is really about: the KKK.

Make an ally out of the Taliban and kill the KKK President Biden, or I believe the entire USA will be vaporized in WWIII with the entire world better off because Boomers literally turned the USA in an Evil Empire 10 times worse than the Soviet Union and modeled it on fascist Germany with these inbred Autism spectrum fuckwaste running around with advanced degrees literally ruining everything with their retard-bad intelligence.

I know I regret every session I had with psychologists who only proved to me they are absolute inbred morons and people who should have been abortions. I've seen over 20 in my life so it really is that way despite a great variety among them, different people all alike in that inbred-retard thinks they are smart way.

There are no less than 30,000 Americans who factually deserve beheading. Every psychiatrist should literally, factually, have their head cut off because what they do is a crime against humanity a million times worse than anything the Taliban has ever done. A MILLION TIMES WORSE.

Only a coward and fool would continue to make War with the Taliban when the true enemy is the Klu Klux Klan! I have no more patience for Baby Boomer human garbage in America and await the Third World War because those Godless Fucking Scum Do Not Participate In Reality SO HAVE NO RIGHT TO IT!

If the President won't do it the Taliban will and be those who say what! Not fuck-job with shit for brains CIA man smart like a moral degenerate, rapist-inbred Autism spectrum Ape Rats that are CIA agents giving the US President advice since 1947.. human fucking garbage university.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Segregating Progressives or How Progressives Re-Segregate American Society


History with 20/20 hindsight isn't any great intellectual feat. Having a 20/20 hindsight, or proper understanding of history, is however necessary such one does not repeat the same mistakes of the past.

The Insurrection on January 6th 2021 paled in comparison to the Insurrection of the South and it's former Confederacy on December 20th 1860.

It may prove to become more of a fair comparison, but for as long as what transpired at Washington D.C. on that day remains only that event it is nothing like the Insurrection that was also Secession from the Union.

My thinking is Progressive caucus Democrats are, like always, playing with fire. They manufactured the protests against the election of President Biden as something more than it was, or an Insurrection.

Progressives routinely radicalize their opposition by consistently false reporting them of crimes greater than those actually committed. They always, literally and always, exaggerate. To progress in life is to learn how to exaggerate yourself it would seem, for Progressives.

The concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy, installing one, is the apparent strategy of Progressives or no better explanation exists for why they do this.

As they do they have increasingly radicalized several individuals and its more a question of when Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio will snap. Its all so manufactured and testimony to the profoundly inbred and unintelligent people who are the majority of Progressives simply failing to realize they are being lead by carrot and stick psychologists.

I suspect and believe it should be the opinion of all Libertines, that Progressives actually cultivate mental illness. They manufacture it and they do that for money even more than control.

Psychologically manipulating someone is always less than sincere and American society is probably the most insincere the world has ever known, with the exception of the Civil War and those moral Americans who stood with Lincoln.

Since the Confederacy wasn't violently destroyed as it should have been, to eradicate the Satanic incest cult version of Christianity (or Anti-Christianity) made so popular by the Klu Klux Klan, that once Southern tradition of incestuous family living is now Progressive.

Regardless of whether or not all Progressive parents are also sexually exploiting their own children, they always endorse that same institution for Freudian sexual exploitation of others. I'm convinced Progressives are also in the Autism spectrum and so entirely delusional over their existential will to power and transparent charade as if they were all ubermensch people.

There isn't a Progressive who isn't also a fervent supporter of mental healthcare, psychology and psychiatry. There can be no other sane way to see Progressives other than liberals who want psychiatric fascism and more or less the return of a KKK cult organization with more power in the USA than even the government itself.

For this reason I really want Senator Jeff Merkley, the only Senator who endorsed Bernie Sanders for President, to realize everything about his beliefs are good and wonderful until he might take an honest look at what psychology and psychiatry are really about, as professions.

If and when he or anyone does that, they get information the vast majority of people do not know or do not go looking for. Most people are inundated with the commercial media promoting psychiatric drugs and mental health services.

In a real way, I want Jeff to snap out of it. He really doesn't have to change much as a person and only needs to realize he made a big assumption about mental healthcare like everyone else, and was factually wrong. Instead of not admitting to being wrong and making money off the ignorance of others, he will do his duty and speak out against medical insurance Fraud in Oregon.

Portland is a very Progressive city, but that is only for a period of time and I hope it becomes the first Libertine city in the USA--where most everyone in Portland wants to be identified as a Libertine not a Progressive.

We, Portlandians, want to smoke pot and drink responsibly. We don't want to be a lab rat for an Autistic person to evaluate and provide behavior modification for. Those type of Dr. Spock Freudian parents are usually and more like serial child rapists.

We can have our foodie culture without the meds culture. Its stupid to party on meds, anyway. That is not a real party so much as misery loves company session and the same goes for the worst street dope.

Portland has a laid back enough culture it could clean up it's act if only a few Progressives were made examples of. If I get to make examples of them, that would be best because they can save face immediately after I pull the rug out from under them with the "mental health."

They really, Progressives are just people who have yet to lose their political naiveté (which is rather absurd for Jeff considering his senior age and career in politics). They don't realize psychiatrists are necessarily and always fascists. They are the "occult science" that promises things it can never deliver on. Its people tricked by the Devil.

There are hundreds of examples of tricked by the Devil people who work as staff at TPI, CCC and Do Good. In human services in general or wherever people with psychology degrees decide to ply their trade of Fraud.

It really is a mostly incompetent group of people addressing the homelessness crisis and systemic poverty. I'm convinced Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty will find a new and greater level of humility or she won't win re-election. If she can't admit she was defrauded by mental healthcare and thank me for helping her understand that, I don't think she will be reelected. If I can admit I was duped she should be able to too.

Its sad how Baby Boomers, with all the time they had, only made stupidity and racism more common in the USA than it was before. That is the fact and Boomers should at least be PIE FACED, splat, once for that reason in their lives--for being one of those people. I jest but mean truthfully embarrassment is truly on them, nobody else from this point forward in history. They got most everything wrong, as a group of people and stand out that way in history.

They weren't the Nazi rocket scientists they didn't invent how to party. Boomers got old before they got wise.

Its the psychologists knowing words they don't understand but because nobody else does they go on talking as if they understood themselves when they can't because factually there is no logic in what they say.

As Progressives are literally re-segregating everyone into psychiatric niche communities they are using positive and negative reinforcement methods to modify the behavior of human beings--making them more fearful and stressed.

They, human beings, shouldn't even want psychiatric control over others as that is a rapist's desire to objectify other people. Nobody in their right mind wants to live in an automaton-fascist society.

Instead of being transparent with job and affordable housing creation, literally doing that, Portland is a community divided against itself with increasingly militant and delusional people. 

I will do what I have said I will do to address the problems of my community regardless, but if God does not literally save the USA with a miracle its probably going to take someone like Jeff Merkley to go from Progressive to Libertine and then explain it to the other Progressives without the rough edges I share this information with.

Its going to take a skilled states person assuming they are literate enough to begin with. Pretty much everything in the USA is rigged with the proverbial explosives and the timer ticking with nobody knows how much time left.

I honestly need to see Senator Jeff Merkley step up in the Senate and prove I helped him better realize what is going on and use his superior skill to convince a few others in the Democratic Party such the Progressives won't get us all killed or raped because they had good intentions without good brains.

Without a doubt the vast majority of people who have criminally injured me, criminals, are Progressives. I have no doubt of this whatsoever because its been made so painfully clear. They are truly the most sadistic and dishonest people the USA has to offer and no sane person would want to raise children in the Progressive rape culture America became after 1947.

Since they love segregating people, we should have segregation for the Autistic who do not want to also get genetic and neurological therapy so they can exercise higher brain function, morality, and so understand the difference between right and wrong.

Progressives simply do not understand this difference and hope to fool everyone by constantly lecturing people on what they think the difference is. Its not surprising how the holocaust happened in Nazi Germany, after I came to understand what a terrible disease Autism is to rob someone of their capacity for empathy.

Spare me the Neo Nazi/Progressive virtue signaling. Where are new Libertine caucus Democrats? Some need to start stepping out from the Progressive crowd and literally individuate themselves, become more of an authentic person and less of a Progressive-Autistic medical insurance Fraud.

It may never happen. Democrats may remain locked up with the imbeciles who really do belong in assisted living centers because like children they never figure out how they should feel about anything or anyone so always some external authority is necessary for them--nurse with dope.

Ideally, Congress and the President will sign into law Universal American Healthcare (UAH) which is the nationalization of the profession of medicine and all medical doctors. Its what is most relevant for most US citizens who are not also US military or US military Veteran. Its way better than Obamacare and hip-hop fake-care.

Then, if we had legitimate healthcare in the USA (all the Frauds purged from healthcare) all Americans would know neurology and genetic sequencing is medical and psychiatry is Nazi or fascist mind control, also criminal Fraud and with so many instances in US Courts also Treason.

Democrats could, with a key group of members in Congress being Libertine caucus, establish UAH, pass a new national security act and complete make-over for the entire structure of US military and law enforcement and rebuild-upgrade their power grid.

Republicans could too, although if they were in power during the transition from fake-care to healthcare it would be far more bloody than a less than 200,000 expected casualties scenario. It will be more like the first Civil War if Democrats don't realize their own fascist caucus and that psychiatric Fraud.

For Democrats, they have to confront the diabolical straight from Nazi Germany genetic sociopath doctors within the Progressive caucus.

For Republicans, they have to confront not only the Vatican but every denomination of Protestant Christian which has also excused and effectively gave the privilege for people to serially rape children and even pay them to do it. Those abuses are in every Protestant church albeit less documented than Catholic.

It would have to be a War, a shooting War, between Christians in the USA and literally a religious War before Republicans would be able to totally stamp out the American confederacy of slave-traders.

That would almost certainly fail to actually solve the problem of truly KKK type of moral degenerates in the USA ruining everything for everyone, in the most serious of ways and continuing to be protected by the US law enforcement and military instead of attacked by them.

Its more probable Democrats can achieve great achievements for the American civilization as they only need to marginalize roughly 30,000 practicing psychiatrists in the USA--point out how those some and less than 30,000 licensed psychiatrists are merely organized criminals.

The Libertines, then, would come to be by liquidating the political assets of those some 30,000 American psychiatrists to effect the long overdue Reconstruction. As Reconstruction can't rightly begin until all the evil that is Slavery in the United States of America is literally, physically destroyed.

Libertines can also restore an incredible amount of American prestige in the Muslim world if they do this. Orthodox and Conservative Jews in Israel would no doubt appreciate a stop to the military-doping and mind control of their youth to effect a fascist narrative and worse.

Nobody has ever needed psychiatrists. They are sociopaths and Frauds, Satanic like people although like real Satanists they insist they are ethical, moral people too. The actual Satanists may be. The psychologists and psychiatrists certainly are not.

People in crisis do not need mind-control. They need resources and services. Mind control is not a service its an act of violence--to supplant a person's awareness with your own, to present the subjective as the fact-objective.

Psychiatry/psychology is professional criminal insanity and mocks the collective stupidity of good and honest people, people with the capacity for empathy.

The Civil War is over but the greater War between Good and Evil is yet to settle the dispute as it was left at the conclusion of the first Civil War. Civil War II can finish that fight, quickly.

The KKK thrived after the Civil War along with most everyone else and today Progressives have fascist powers the Nazis only dreamed of.

It is more or less a caste of autism spectrum imbeciles behind the ills of the USA and explains why Baby Boomers are more of a generation of ETs than they are like previous generations which created a better future for future generations.

What the virtue signaling, probably Autism spectrum, people do not understand is how they are herded like animals by the mental health establishment and really ought to rebel against it because they know neurology, not psychiatry, is the medical science relating to the brain.

Boomers conflate the two as does mass media. The facts speak differently and the truth is psychiatry is the conflation of legitimate science with criminal intent. Like prostitution is the world's oldest profession, Fraud might be the real first profession. Capitalism may have all started as a joke gone wrong.

Whatever the case there is no reason other than vanity for Boomers to continue to lead themselves. They need to let those Boomers who can be Libertines (if even a single Boomer is literate enough) be Libertines even though that means witnessing the destruction of Progressives and long held friends in that failed and misguided political movement.

So it is Progressive society has segregated America and so it is Libertine ideology is presently too unpopular to have subverted society. Progressives are the albatross around the neck of liberalism.

Libertines would be the lions and give Progressives new credit if ever they are forced to pay for all the damages their medical insurance Fraud caused. They could go on as psychologists but expect to be treated with the same respect an astrologer or palm reader gets.

They could only be more serious if they were associated with something like an actor's guild or theater troupe.

Matters of domestic violence are not parental privilege and the entire mental health court created by Baby Boomers factually did not exist before their generation of Frauds. Mass incarceration is predicated on the Fraud psychologists practice being taken seriously by US Courts.

They are because most Judges are genetically incompetent, inbred people. Their families have money so they never have to work and they are sadistic and get off on torturing others for fame and notoriety. That is why they liked electro-shock therapy for so long and still the Courts favor a totally Nazi approach to medicine for mental healthcare.

Progressives are usually cowards when they disagree or want to and again, probably because they lack the empathy data so every social interaction is that much more potentially problematic.

It tragic to see AOC and The Squad bringing to light the issues they bring to light because those are generally the very most important issues; but then they all have shrinks and those shrinks are fundamentally immoral people pushing a false science and false religion because only psychology and psychologists are that arrogant of people.

Most people fail to realize how incredibly inhuman the minds of many others are--inhuman in they lack empathy or sentience.

They never think about Johnny, a man I used to know when Iived in Rockaway Beach, Oregon who used to sleep in a small shed with a dirty diesel power generated heater. The smog from the exhaust he would too often breathe in and nobody cared to help him build it better, so he wouldn't get toxic poisoning when he was getting warm. Johnny wasn't a substance abuser he was intellectually disabled and then he accidentally chemically lobotomized himself.

That is something like 5% of America.

Americans should think of all the mercury and lead and other heavy metals that got into the bodies of Americans who were only intending to get warm in extremely cold times.

The medical doctors in the USA are rarely altruistic. They never speak to how dangerous the fossil fuels are to biological life, or rarely do.

Look at the thousands of American children lead-poisoned for attending school they were forced to attend and then being experimented on by Autism spectrum psychologists and all their dope to adjust their attitudes when they were being lead poisoned. These people have no shame. Psychologists have no shame.

There is no need to extend some Christlike forgiveness to people because they didn't realize the long term consequences of exposure to particulate heavy metal. At the same time those who were afflicted and became genetic sociopaths should not be granted Christlike forgiveness such its never their fault when they do Evil or because of their capacity are subject to different laws.

The Supreme Court is a wretched group of people. I think the most disgusting people in the entire Country for how hypocritical they are, how dishonorable and yet called honorable for a profession!

Instead of realizing the long held institutional racism in the USA has always been wrong, they build a new mental health court to put far more people on a path to prison, and parents collaborate effectively selling their own children into Slavery with all the dope in the world more important than family in America.

Americans can lie. Its the truth the American family is not known for being healthy. This too was how the Baby Boomers wanted to make a distinct name for themselves, Klan litter majority they are.

They have segregated us, myself and all Americans, in the name of de-segregation. They re-segregated us with faddish psychology and such crooked degrees, con artists, from universities.

They are the imbeciles at US universities who continue to graduate psychologists when that shouldn't even be worthy of a bachelors degree. It can be a class like astrology with so many other classes on other things about astrology all being more of less of equal and little value.

Their only real function is defrauding US Courts for a literally inbred, Autistic, status quo plutocracy. This is true in all the States not only Oregon. US Courts and the men and women who work in the Justice and legal system, make life not worth living for all but inbred KKK mentally retarded/mentally ill people.

They force a racist, sexually violent society on everyone while they pathologically lie about it, saying its freedom and equality. In this way, Americans are the most Satanic-dishonest people.

The Baby Boomers were mentally retarded by the War effort and subsequent Capitalist madness, Autistic madness with rampant medical insurance Fraud so also widespread insanity. The Baby Boomers being mentally retarded by exposure to the heavy metals of industry and the War, bought into psychiatry and effectively legalized rape as a privilege for those who can afford psychiatrists.

The Beatles, psychiatric rape culture, Vietnam through Afghanistan and way too much TV is what Baby Boomers are and why they should be marginalized as ding-bats now before its too late and they literally cause WWIII.

Nothing, absolutely nothing has changed in mental healthcare, since Sigmund Freud invented the industry and racket. It is an art without evolution. Its actually anti-evolutionary art. It will never be any real solution to the problem of insanity.

Americans continue to look to the mentally retarded for advice, guidance, council and medical expertise because they are a fundamentally cowardly people without the honor nor integrity to explain to the KKK establishment a new American order insured by a monopoly on violence.

Americans just aren't ready yet, to stop being full of shit, incompetent or pathological liars. Baby Boomers are 100% for the establishment psychiatric dope and rape kids society they invented. Second wave fascism is probably here to stay in the USA until WWIII might destroy it. Until then, more segregation and Progressive insanity.

In short, the USA and the vast majority of American people are the most evil people the world has ever known. They worship a false God. They serially rape their own children and have built a pedast Nation for themselves. They all collaborate in Fraud and Theft which are the two major industries the USA brings to the world.

In every way the USA and the majority of American people are mental fucking retards (rapists and rapist lovers) who should have been abortions but for the Klu Klux Klan they established in America they instead littered this US population.

Until this establishment of Godless, Satanic minions who are the American people are destroyed they will remain the Axis, the Protestant-Progressive Axis, and enemies of Human beings on this planet. They are not humans like the rest of us, they are anti-human fascists who live like parasites on us.

Their nation belongs in Hell and should be sent there in WWIII.

It has never been my nation and only the nation for inbred Autism spectrum Protestant white people who have totally corrupted every aspect of their own government with the organized crime that runs their worthless should be bombed with nukes, lives. They are an Abomination, they are exactly like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and their Jesus is Satan. All of this should be obvious in light of the mass murder and mass rape committed by Protestant Progressive, fascist, Americans.

It doesn't get more evil than Protestant-Progressive America. They are a genetically brain diseased incest cult of human garbage, Traitors and villains, Neo-Nazis. If they are not violently destroyed by other Americans they will be violently destroyed by other nations and if not that then God himself will smite the ape-rat litter of Satan that are the descendants of the Klu Klux Klan and now Progressive-Protestants.

Nothing, only violence, can teach American Protestants the lesson they must be forced to learn: that they are Godless scum with mental retardation for ideas and medical insurance fraud for mental healthcare: a fascist nation.

The USA will certainly be destroyed in WWIII as its military and people have no honor nor real intelligence, they are Autistic morons on a suicidal path and deserve only God's punishment. 

Protestantism will fail world wide, people will wake up and leave those rape-centers and Autism breeding stations that are Protestant churches and find God instead of continuing to worship Satan the Christ as Protestants do. It will fail and take the Progressive movement with it, as psychology has always been Klu Klux Klan mental fucking retard talk, brain diseased shit-person speak.

Islam will become increasingly popular among white people who hate Protestants because they raped and stole from them their entire lives because that is all American Protestants do when they aren't lying.

Abortion schedule people who were given life in America were given a life Damned by God, will be put to death en mass in the USA with nuclear weapons in WWIII. God's punishment is for the Protestant ape, the Progressive monkey, only

Arrogant, inbred mentally retarded Christian pastors stop abortions so they can rape that child as it grows up, give it a slave job and torture it in their Satanic-Autistic way. They push their violent-retarded children on us. Their children are always violent and mentally retarded because they breed by rape and incest. That is what Protestant means.

The Pro Life movement is the Pro Slavery movement of the Klu Klux Klan. The Lord does not want his people enslaved by American scum-breed Fuckwaste (Protestant Autistic-inbred), abortion schedule people.

Currently this breed of dirt-without-the-life-of-God in it, person, enjoys equality in the USA and for that reason the USA will most certainly be destroyed. Equality for the Ape Rat is Sodom and Gomorrah. 

Mental fucking retards pass for Pastors, people with genetic mental retardation as DNA sequenced and MRI brain mapped, are who Protestant America turns to for advice. There is so little hope for the USA.

USA = Protestant Human Garbage Land With Progressive Psychiatric Con Artists/Godless Nation of Fuck And Scum To Be Destroyed In WWIII

Baby Boomers = Rape Me Elmos (people who when they were children celebrated being raped because they didn't know the difference because of genetic mental retardation/Autism)

If and when right wing nut jobs snap and start killing American Progressives, I'm going to call those still serving in office and ask them why they have so much confidence in psychiatry when the science is never going to be on psychiatry's side?

Do they really have everything figured out or what is it they want to know they don't already know? How to live?

Progressives are people with severe learning disabilities, it seems to me. They are literally suicidal intentionally pushing people over the edge so those people then kill them--that is how they justify mass incarceration and its so duh, not ever going to work for them.

I'm not on either side as a Libertine but I do see a better made point by right wing groups, scientific, rational, moral than by Progressives. Progressives are obviously, should be obvious, fascists complaining about terrorists and that NEVER WORKS!

This blog is evidence I tried to save some Progressive lives because the way they are acting some of them are going to get killed by right wing groups and it's their own damn fault like suicide by cop.

Baby Boomers will always be the shame in US history, making entertainment out of domestic violence the way they did with cable news.

That generation that mostly raped mentally retarded children, children they doped up so they would be mentally retarded for them: total Frauds, human garbage, their own parents would have violently killed them all with guns if they would have known they were going to turn out second wave fascists. I honestly can't think of a group of people I, God and all of humanity hates more. Its so terrible being Gen X. Baby Boomers are the scum of human history and everyone knows it.

My advice to Progressives especially, quit faking you're more intelligent than you are and realize that is most, 75% of what you've all been doing.The Progressive psy-op mostly and only works on Progressives. The same can be said for Protestant theology with the miracle-therapist Jesus. This is both and all genetic mental retardation, intellectual disability and its scientifically verifiable.

If it wasn't already obvious, Jesus is never going to beat-up God. Everyone who is holding your breath for that moment, you are suicidal and mentally retarded.

You're only doing that, dear Progressive and Protestant America, because you're a lot more afflicted by Autism than you realize, or on dope-junk.

You all can't really fake intelligence how you think you all can, with your team. Please stop before you all get terribly hurt or killed. Your universities are laughing stocks around the world, they really are not impressive for academics and never have been and maybe never will be regardless of the marketing you lavish on your inbred American pseudo intellectuals.

Just because many or some Progressives crossed the line and will be violently punished at some point in their life, for being a fascist-Progressives guilty of crimes against humanity and for verbally lying that much and in writing as they have, pretty much 24/7 like a anti-human being--that doesn't mean all Progressives should cross that line and target someone for abuse.

That isn't really legal even though the Baby Boomers are a generation of human garbage, mostly mentally retarded people or people who lost their real souls to the Devil, and themselves buy into psychology and psychiatry.

The fact of it being mental retardation has never changed. Progressives will not outlive their collective punishment. They can't escape it and its way too late anyway. Soon, they'll be segregated and locked away to themselves in mad-house towns, out of the cities.

They'll be the first to come to love the idea instead of increasingly being murdered in the streets for being Progressive incest cult quacks with faith in psychiatry instead of God. I think its been going on for as long as mass incarceration and will only intensify until the Baby Boomer establishment of quacks implodes or explodes., the Judicary taken-out either way.

That can happen before or after the Baby Boomers factually, not joking around here, get us all killed with our own nuclear weapons blowing up on us and then the first nuclear ICBM volley with sky cannon escorts and over 100 million vaporized in a few hours. That is literally the future Baby Boomers made for everyone in the USA and they can't undo it.

They are sadly, and it is truly sad like Holocaust sad, totally stupid and evil people. They want more "mental healthcare" so everyone stays brain dead until their regime is retaliated against for being the Axis power.

Most of white America could quit the Satanic-version of Christianity and the medical insurance Fraud and maybe save themselves from thermonuclear destruction, but still that revolution will require some 30,000 slain for Treason and the violent abolition of Psychiatrists from this world--and quite a few Judges, there is no less violent way.

Boomers love perverse over power, everything about psychiatry is totally attractive to Godless, morally retarded, people who should have been abortions. Its how they can make healthy people wish they would have been abortions and that is the extent of their Autistic "Justice."

For the record, its easy to believe in God because the deity is mathematically evident. Pi and other mathematical phenomenon describe the omni qualities of life itself. They cannot be denied. To deny them is to deny rationality itself which is why the atheist is merely an Autistic, an ape rat, a homo sapiens without human intelligence and very much an automaton capable of only experiencing simulacra and simulation as described best by Jean Baudrillard.

That never has been and never will be a sentient human life experience. That, Baudrillard, he describes the Autistic experience and it does not improve unless the Autism is put into remission. That is also a Godless experience. That is America, since 1947 and indeed Progressive America.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

American Protestants Are Second Wave Nazis And A Cult Of Autistics

In Philip K Dick's novel, The Man in the High Castle, he describes an America than lost WWII to Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis then take over America and the story begins with an America already transformed into a willing and enthusiastic part of a new Nazi empire.

I do not consider this alternative history as described by Philip K. Dick as an alternative history at all. That is literally what happened. The USA factually lost the Second World War.

How could this possibly be?

To begin with I must say I've never read The Man in the High Castle and so only address it's point regarding a historical narrative where the Nazis won. I watched 10 minutes of one of the Amazon episodes and like always, stopped watching because I have better things to do than fiction.

I don't insist the Nazis won and agree with all historians they did in fact lose WWII. I also agree the USA lost too. It was a War like a duel between the USA and Germany and both nations fell, were destroyed.

The USA immediately organized itself into a fascist political arrangement with a new fascist government technocracy in 1947. Before the War was over, the USA had already effectively made this transition and the society had become fascist during the War.

Because Americans are a profoundly illiterate people with no less than 10 pseudo intellectuals for every person who has an English reading comprehension ability above grade school, most Americans are still unaware they are fascists.

That is why fascism is such a terrible form of government. Fascist citizens are people who are also unconscious automatons, not even aware of themselves nor their environment for what is actually going on. They are effectively hypnotized people. They are literally like the living dead, alive and yet without being authentic. They are people who have become caricatures of themselves.

The USA is without a doubt a fascist government and it easily became one because like Germany, the American people had little-to-no culture to begin with. They didn't have much to lose, when compared to a people and country like France with an extraordinarily literate, intelligent, civilized and lawful people.

France and the French were the complete opposite of Germany and the Nazis. The French were human. The Germans were apes.

Now, the same situation exists only Americans are the new German-Apes or Nazis among the Western civilizations.

To be sure, not everyone agrees with me on my assessment of America but I'm sure they would if they were only more literate. As nobody wants to be depressed or believe something terrible so they can have more anxiety in their life, I assure all the readers the USA is a fascist country only because of the facts and nothing to do with any subjective data or opinion on my part.

If anyone were to watch a documentary about what Hitler and the Nazis did to the government of Germany after they took over, all those documentaries tell the accurate history of how Nazis are over-thinking morons.

They took their government and made it less efficient and less able to do the things the various branches exist to perform. Nazification of Germany was a cluster-fucking, a making of everything to do with government more bureaucratic and having to do with occult nonsense, the narcotics induced fantasies of those in authority being more important to humor than performing the actual work of government.

That is what happened in the USA. Anyone who watches a documentary on the Marshall Plan and National Security Act of 1947 can see Eisenhower and Congress did exactly what Hitler and the Nazis did to Germany when they took over.

They installed a morally bankrupt aristocracy while expanding government bureaucracy.

Moreover, there were always more Americans who were originally immigrants from Germany than there were ever immigrants from Britain, despite the official language of the USA being English. Germany's culture is also predominantly Protestant same as the type of Christianity which has always dominated the USA.

Protestant Christianity is easily the least sophisticated, morally bankrupt, religion in the history of the world. No other group of people have ever even approached a place in history to be as responsible for as much wholesale mass murder, celebration of rapists and especially the rapists of children. It has always been totally, 100% a religion for pedasts.

This is always the case in societies where Protestants dominate. Those are societies where the adults claim to have the most freedoms and liberties and the children are the most often abused for not having those rights themselves, as adults.

Protestants are pedasts (people who condone the sexual exploitation of children and believe exploiting children is natural and the right of elders) without question, in history. They are pedasts who complain about pedophiles. They are fascists who complain about terrorists.

Protestants are God's morons and the people of the Devil. They are a people who clearly carry the Mark of Cain upon them. Those who don't, cease being Protestants.

Moreover, the so called Protestant work ethic only and always coincided with industrialization. It is Communist in this way as Karl Marx himself insisted only an industrialized people are capable of effecting a Proletariat revolution.

Arguably, he was saying Protestants are the most capable Proletariats. 

Protestants always have been and always will be an industrialized people and so like a commune or community. What they don't realize is they are also a severely Autistic population because of that historical exposure to pollution.

Their work ethnic made getting Autism mandatory, as Protestants threw themselves into labor with little to no protection against the particulate heavy metals soaking through their skin and tissues to eventually pile up in their brains, mutate their DNA and render them Autistic.

I truly believe the Protestant Christians alive today, are the enemies of God. I encourage my Muslim and Jewish friends to note the real difference between Catholic and Protestant theology and people. When they do, they usually see it the way I do.

I'll explain the difference as I consider myself an expert on both Protestantism and Catholicism as that was my childhood and educational background. I learned more about both and Christianity than I learned anything else because the vast majority of Americans are Christians and so much about that for their lives.

This post will go on to explain how I understand the difference between American Protestants and Catholics. It concludes Protestants are wantonly Autistic people, they prefer to breed Autistic, whereas Catholics resist the Autistic mentality and yet at the same time only offer powerless resistance to it.

It concludes with a few honest, accurate and anti-American-Christian statements made not to inflame anyone's sensitivity but rather to point out the reasons being identified as Christian made me physically ill and feeling like a total coward and borderline mentally retarded person. Those reasons were significant and motivation for my conversion to Judaism.

I signpost this here so no one reading this would intentionally upset themselves at my expense as my intentions have been made clear I am only interested in the Truth. This blog is about what I honestly believe to be True.

Any Protestant who would also be a Libertine would have to explain the what and how for a third Christian reformation as I only understand the why it would have to happen to make Christianity otherwise in the USA.

As I've accomplished what needed to be accomplished today for my company, Verdantronix LLC, I take the time to now explain this all as I would have loved (considered nothing more important) to have discovered what I'm about to share sooner than I did in my own life.

If someone doesn't already know about the term "Protestant work ethic," they can easily educate themselves and see that Protestantism and the Protestant Reformation occurred at the same time as Industrialization did in Europe.

With Industrialization there is fossil fuel. Always, since the original period of Industrialization and all subsequent technological epochs were subsequent Industrial Revolutions, in history.

Except for the first Agricultural Revolution which began the Middle Ages in world history, subsequent Agricultural Revolutions are like Industrial Revolutions in how they necessarily increase exposure to particulate heavy metals in the environment.

What I refer to as "industrial chemical fallout" in my coming first non-fiction book, is what I have also just explained about said Revolutions.

So it is, in 2021, Americans live with their history and always it's full inheritance. It is a matter forever settled to science and yet a matter few Americans realize just how much industrial pollution the United States of America has produced in the last century.

The reason for the ignorance is the lack of modeling in the media. There are plenty of models, graphs and charts presented in American mass media but you'll never see any about what Americans have been doing to themselves, genetically, with their own pollution.

Everything about what I call industrial chemical fallout the average American refers to as pollution. What the average American knows about pollution rarely is about what it does to their DNA unless and then only usually to speak of various disease-cancers.

No, in the USA when there is talk of pollution it is usually younger people talking about the environment and smog, polar ice caps melting, increasingly violent weather and a massive displacement of human beings and resources.

Al Gore, inventor of the Internet, explains this in his documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

All of what is the popular and common understanding of pollution, the environment and US history is the evident fact. Everything I've explained is super-verifiable and as such also totally fascist, inaccurate, immoral and wantonly so. It is Protestant and patriotic.

The way I understand the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism was explained to me at PSU by an academic philosopher. Dr. Babic was right to point out Catholicism sees humanity as walking together on a very wide well developed road as it winds through and around the world.

Protestants see humanity as at the base of a great mountain and it is the purpose of every human being to do their best to reach the top.

Reaching to top, the Protestant world view, is about amassing wealth and fortune. God is literally the hand of the market, all human marketplaces, and the rich are so because that is both ordained by God and God's laws in economics.

Clearly this is what Adam Smith describes in his Wealth of Nations. Without question and often written on the very money, bill-paper, are words and signs testifying to this fact about Protestantism.

Regarding evidence supporting the Catholic worldview there is the very Vatican. That organization existing how it does around the world does so as those very organizations. They can't be denied for what they are and more than that they are Christian organizations.

To the extent there are exceptions to that understanding, there are also criminal exceptions as the Vatican is an organization which clearly has such exceptions and so everything with my understanding completely sane and informed.

What neither Catholic nor Protestant people are capable of understanding necessarily and also makes them incapable of being Just people or a people in agreement with the human concept of Justice. That is no hyperbolic statement and indeed the tragic fact that Christianity apparently robs a person of their capacity to also be Just people.

If there were to be an exception to the rule I'll explain such it is understood not as "my rule" but the facts of science and truth functional logic, there would have to be a religious revolution of both Protestants and Catholics and all Christendom.

That Revolution has not happened and it would be comparable to the original Reformation and subsequent Counter Reformation. In a Hegelian dialectic I suggest Christianity ought to have a third and great revolution within their shared theology because until they do and by their own definition and logic they are the people of the Devil or Anti-Christ (if I were a Christian which I am not, and still had my belief I would speak of Christians lost to the Anti-Christ).

So, the problem facing Christianity is the faith maintains a hatred towards science such the ill effects of industrial chemical fallout and the various diseases caused by such pollution is explained away or apologized for by the religion.

This is necessarily true because Christians believe human behavior results from a non corporal soul or spiritual being moving through some temporary experience wherein their purpose is to reach the top of Zion or remain on the great path to Salvation.

That spiritual struggle is a person's moral evaluation, their capacity to understand various people and events in their lives as more or less moral-justified.

For Protestants, who have always been an Industrialized people, they only know how to pollute their bodies with industrial chemical fallout so they can make a lot of money. For Catholics, they have always known the greatest of expenses are those of Kings, Nations and Empires with very much industrialization.

Pollution for these people, has more of a spiritual and non corporeal quality such Christians instinctively deny the scientific reality of actual pollution. Put another way, Christians are a superstitious people and maintaining that superstition is also and often also a question of their faith.

If how they explain reality, through their religious understanding, is in direct conflict with the reality itself--the scientific facts of what has and continues to occur--they naturally deny reality and adopt a cult-consciousness. 

The spiritual struggle between good and evil, that narrative, can't co-exist with a narrative which says human beings are capable of being moral but that requires a healthy brain and certain brain diseased people cannot be moral.

The scientific explanation denies, or would override the religious explanation for the same behavior.

The Christian did not make much progress towards the zenith of Zion, because they were Sinful. The Christian got off the path to Salvation because they lost faith, were Sinful. These are Christian explanations for immoral behavior.

Science, neurology and DNA sequencing, tells a different story. It tells a story of the human brain as an information processing organ with holographic quality. To compare the human brain to any computer, even the most advanced super computer, is to make a joke the same as comparing a human brain to the intelligence of God.

Although religion and science are compatible, they are less compatible with more orthodox and conservative religions. Indeed, the advocates of science endured much death and suffering such it would no longer be the law they should be executed for herasy against the Christian faith.

Still, most American Christians consider themselves fully aware of the scientific laws and how they are always true as their high school diploma and basic education attests.

Despite that testimony, and more often, Christians forget their high school diploma and the facts of science to be more fervent believers.

Still other Christians will adopt psychology and psychiatry, anti-intellectualism designed to undermine science with religious like bigotry and yet appear as non religious or atheistic critics of religions.

Far more Christians do this in the USA than there are Christians who remember their high school education in the sciences. This is apparent in mass media and certainly the case.

In the USA all Americans ought to receive a full education in most if not all major sciences and when they exit the US education system, and are Christians, begin a process of warping their own rational and scientific understanding of the world.

To the extent this isn't true, American Christians who insist they understand science, usually also misunderstand the science they only understand in part, or with an irrational Christian skew.

Whenever an American Christian who claims to understand the basic sciences also claims psychology and psychiatry are legitimate areas of study, the argument is over before it might begin.

American Christians may or may not learn the long settled and scientific fact that psychology and psychiatry have never been sciences and they never will be. If they accept the universal understanding of the sciences as understood by all scientists, they understand psychology and psychiatry as a curious society of people with an apparent theology of their own they simply insist isn't religious when it absolutely is.

If ever an American Christian were to concede and admit to overcoming a great amount of ignorance in American society, that they truly understand the basic sciences and that psychology and psychiatry are like philosophers and theologians they would also have to agree the more religious is the more psychiatric than psychological.

That religion, they would have to believe was also a cult for the anti-Christ. There is no other explanation in a Christian worldview, to be Christian and believe in science. 

Again, its highly unlikely a Protestant would ever politically identify as a Libertine because all those Protestant and mental health services they're familiar with they'd have to also believe were institutions of the Dark One, the Lord of Flies and most terrible angel the Lord ever made.

Although many Christians believe in the Devil, especially in the USA, I've never met one who has a rational and scientific understanding of God to begin with. Usually and always they are those who have the most sympathy for the Devil, push mental healthcare the most and so nothing but arrogance towards logic and science.

That main stream Christianity is also the fascist-Christian subversion of the rule of law which has existed in the USA formally since 1947. The modern, psychiatric and Christian, American family is the left-authoritarian family I and Libertines despise more than any other type.

Its shameful for it's motivation of so much American evil including systemic racism, a rape culture which has existed for more than two centuries and gross medical malpractice which factually doubles--is more than twice as heinous--the medical malpractice/torture done by Nazi Germany.

Since 1947, American medical doctors are responsible for at least ten times as much immoral medical experimentation and torture of Americans. Any historical investigation into the many instances where Americans suffered greatly and even died because of medical experimentation and malpractice are too numerous to list.

Americans have perpetuated more torture, ritual sex abuse and committed more murders than Nazi Germans did. Factoring in the number of civilians killed in US military action and those who have died in jail and prisons in the USA since mass incarceration began in the 1980s, Americans have killed more people than the Nazis killed during their holocaust of others.

After the Nazis lost the War, Germans began a period of great and earnest reform.

After Americans won the War, Americans began a period of great and terrible empire building and took over perpetuating fascist evils upon people within the USA and abroad.

The USA has a long history of truly Satanic, anti-intellectual, Christian medical doctors. The experiments on the Tuskegee Airmen were not uncommon in the sense there are countless experiments like that in US history. US corporations often do terrible medical testing on people in Africa who have little to no hope from any Court such they might have Justice.

To this day, the USA has the worst medical professionals in the industrialized world for gross malpractice and abuses of power. Since it began, Americans have more abused drugs than any other civilization in history. 

This was true before the Baby Boom, but after the Baby Boom and the super-profusion of drugs with no known medical value cannot be denied. America compares only to Ancient Rome when speaking of a decadent population and especially so with their medicine.

Its little wonder the greater Christian community is perplexed the way they are, in light of who they look-to for scholars. The intelligentsia in the USA has always lauded it's own intellectual underdogs or pseudo-intellectuals.

This is an intelligentsia in a rape culture with a government organized as into a fascist political arrangement in 1947 and a people divided against themselves.

For more than a half century that definition of the USA is the most accurate.

I will not launch into an exposition on Autism spectrum medical doctors, lawyers and university professors in the US. I've explained this at length elsewhere--my other blogs and other posts--and don't need nor want to rant.

Still, the facts regarding Autism rates and the Baby Boomer population do explain the psychiatric fascism defining life in the USA since 1947. More than that for explanation, there are the relevant facts about American Christians.

In summary, it ought to be obvious to every American, how over a century of exposure to high levels of particulate heavy metals in their living environments has afflicted the American population with those diseases common only for industrialized people.

As those diseases are excused by the criminal Frauds working in the medical healthcare industry and Christian pastors, priests, etc. so too the American people increasingly become diseased and Autistic.

As they do they also and necessarily also become more like the Nazis everyone but the Nazis wanted to violently kill because of how natural it is for a human heart to want to use a bomb or a gun to kill anti-human monsters with complete bullshit for lives and nothing but a Satanic society to offer.

That isn't a digression and I refuse to over explain what really should be obvious about Nazis and fascists in general. They are only and always increasingly the enemy of a greater and greater number of human beings on this planet who naturally reject the Nazi way of life, increasingly the American way of life.

It is suicidal for both Americans and Christians to continue on in the fascist arrangement they have been carrying on with since 1947. If the people do not literally and violently destroy their own cities and towns, government, they are increasingly likely to become the new Axis power in the world.

In the coming years, less than 10 remaining, the USA will have to violently reorganize itself or likely be violently realized by all other nations in the world allying with each other against the USA-Axis power.

The Axis power is a giant target for something like 99% of the human population wanting to violently destroy it. Its a suicidal political arrangement and one the Baby Boomer generation has always maintained. No American should want to be a fascist nor should any hope the USA becomes a target everyone else in the world wants to see nuked.

Hopefully, God willing, Americans will learn from their mistakes in Afghanistan and meet out Justice against the KKK and all the medical insurance Frauds and it's entire, bankrupt, Judiciary. As possible and necessary as that is for a good future for Americans it also requires a major obstacle of most Americans become far better people than they are today, such they could realize to begin with they are't the perfect people they currently and mostly think they are.

I'm sure I'm right and do my best to inform who I consider the best states people as they are always most capable of changing the political alignments of the most people.

US states people and the vast majority of Americans need to evolve into 3D thinkers and quit the 2D fascist political arrangement. 

They might.

This took me about two hours to write, including editing time. I do always edit my posts so if you see an error--grammar, spelling, vocabulary--I hopefully will realize it and correct it later. My brain is more concerned with the logic of my argumentation that even the words and sometimes I get lost and more often when dealing with emotionally charged subjects like religion.

I took the time to share this with those who wish to know me personally or simply to better understand Libertine politics.

If you're Protestant I don't hate you, but you'll probably think being an Oscar Schindler type of character is that of a hero and we'll agree to disagree because I think he was Autistic and his mother should have had an abortion.

I say that only because lacking empathy and still having some is about what Oscar Schindler was and how he lived. Only an Autistic population can be fascists. America has an Autistic population and Protestantism lends itself to fascism as evidenced by history in Germany and in the USA.

Although Catholics and Protestants originally fought each other, the fighting proved irrelevant as both groups share the same industrially polluted air and water. They shared the same natural environment and collaborated in it's pollution and so poisoning of their own minds.

No society with a population of people with healthy brains adopts fascism and that is absolutely what was adopted in 1947 and the Baby Boomers absolutely do not have healthy brains.

The vast majority of them have always been some sort of damaged, because of the pollution their mothers worked in. To be sure, although I consider most Baby Boomers the most morally reprehensible people I also pity them because most of the tragedies they caused in their lives resulted from the good intention of their parents to defeat fascism in WWII.

Its the responsibility of non Christians to help Christians realize when their religious beliefs are in conflict with science as Christians can't reprimand themselves on being Christians no matter the reason such being the nature of their faith.

It will take non Christians to help those Christians who love science as much as they love Jesus, such then those few Christians might help other Christians understand the need for a third reformation, not the second coming.

The real Christian problem has to do with Christian people not factually understanding the world so they're lost to merely dream in it.

The only real breakthrough a Christian has to make to be a Libertine, is to be Christian and pantheist (A Christian who believes God/Jesus is in everything, everywhere, all the time--that the deity is Nature and Heaven more about understanding than physical location).

Most American Christians who are pantheists, also reject science so it truly is a gymnastic effort to be Libertine and Christian, although probably easier for Catholics.

Regardless, Christians are the blind leading the blind. In the ways described they are the blind leading the world. They Evangelize about an afterlife before they fully realize the facts of life. They speak before they've thought out everything the speak to.

Some Christian revolution ought to happen such Christians do not continue as wholesale fascists or fascist-apologists. Shamefully, they will probably be destroyed in WWIII as they will likely not have a revolution or third reformation as it pertains to science.

It is my sincere hope and ought to be a Libertine hope, a political hope, that Christians will come together as Protestants and Catholics and quit externalizing the costs of their industrial pollution onto future generations and others. Its the hope to abolish even the desire for a Christian empire.

Because of this, the smart money is on the Muslim world in a coming Third World War.

It would behoove both Satanists and Christians in the USA if they would both come to appreciate industrial chemical fallout for what it is and learn to better embrace science.

Christians should kick all psychologists to the curb, send them to the unemployment department to find a legitimate career. The only exception to this would be in the US military where psychological warfare might be practiced.

The unemployment line is where all psychologists wind up if and when the adult American population can ever again become a group of successful parents. Neither scenario will happen in the USA as long as the vast majority of Americans remain intellectual and emotional children through adulthood as Baby Boomers absolutely have and can only do given their very real Autism.

Ultimately, American scientists are the group who are also mostly Christians who have to have open conflict between neurologists and psychiatrists where the psychiatrists are literally accused or crimes against humanity, War Crimes against their own population.

American Christians do not need Armageddon and the Return of Christ to simply become better people. To simply become better people they need a War in Medicine and to purge the heretics there, not in society at large.

The opposite of what good people want to happen, has been happening in the US since 1947. Recent history is mostly that.

Its a win lose or lose lose scenario in the USA, going forward in time.

The widow of opportunity for a win win scenario to also be the American reality has long since closed. 

America has a lot of super big time losers, KKK litter, domestic and Nazi-terrible abusers. In the context of American Christendom this all needs to be sorted out with the KKK reclassified as a terrorist organization and that type of Christianity persecuted by both American Christians and the secular government.

The imperial, autistic, Christian American family has no right to life. It is a terrible curse on the world and the people living lives like that ought to be made aware of how they can and should do much better for themselves than that.

My Libertine opinion is the President and his wife ought to make preparations for their security because he then declares War on the KKK and also abolishes their arrogant-moronic Courts which ruined the entire Judiciary.

As long as he and his family can be made safe knowing the KKK and it's allies are murderers, the President might actually use the most advanced weapons systems and in a matter of weeks have several Americans executed for Treason, thousands imprisoned, and tens of thousands released from prison such the USA becomes 100% consumed with reforming itself and most American Christians doing that and reforming their religion.

With limited Martial Law, the USA could totally transform by the President's re-election. If the reforms are started he would certainly be re-elected but should complete the necessary reforms at least a year before the end of his second term. 

Americans really only needs three solid years of earnest reform. In that time it can destroy and rebuild its entire third branch of government, the Judicary.

I don't suggest adopting Sharia law, but the law code we have now is most accurately described as psychiatric and therefore total bullshit. America has total bullshit, psychiatric babble, for a legal system and has since 1947. It can reform.

Christianity should too instead of be a beggar for the end of the world over the shame of its own history.

I'm sure both my grandmothers would want me to be a Libertine and help American women understand the toxic effects of long term generational exposure to industrial chemical fallout. One was Catholic the other Protestant. I'm sure they wouldn't support my conversion to Judaism but that is of no consequence.

Although both women were always out-of-it mentally when I was a child and they have long since passed, I know their Catholic and Protestant work ethnics didn't intend for a lobotomy as bonus.

They didn't intend that for their children nor did their peers so its actually up to younger people to explain this all to Baby Boomers. My grandfathers, both of them, were wrong like my grandmothers to play point-finger when it comes to who is being stupid because of the toxic air and water. Its too bad the Boomers proved to be retarded but future generations don't have to be.

Things can and should get better, as in fewer and fewer genetic brain diseases for children. They can and should get better and certainly would if and when American Christians do what I've said here, cut the fascist act before they get themselves and all Americans fucked off with their own nuclear weapons.

I very much want to see at least one Catholic in Congress publicly declare themselves a Libertine and speak as a would be member of a Libertine caucus in the Democratic Party. The more members of the caucus the merrier.

Of course I'd like to see one of the many, so many different denominations of Protestants, if one person in Congress who was also a Protestant could figure out how to also and honestly be a Libertine he/she/they would probably also be a leader in a new religious movement within Christianity.

That would be a Protestant Senator, perhaps, who can and does make the case for reclassifying the KKK a terrorist organization as being Christian and Protestant has always protected the KKK from being so classified.

Its easy enough for Catholics to want to reclassify the KKK so but more important is the argument in the Protestant American community as to why they've been wrong historically and how its necessary to execute people for Treason when that is exactly what they did and it resulted in the unnecessary and violent deaths of no less than two million people.

That is the case against Vice President Dick Cheney who unlike his President most certainly does not have plausible deniability when he wrote the New American Century white paper, and the inevitable attack on the WTC on 9/11. He should be executed and that be that after he is found guilty of Treason, Bush Jr. excused along with everyone else in his cabinet because of the President's plausible deniability.

To keep some small fraction of their wealth, the many KKK members can be compelled to expose their true Leadership once they are all reclassified as they truly are, terrorists.

In exchange for a pittance for the vast majority of people associated with psychiatric fascism as the same traditional Klu Klux Klan, the few who have almost all the wealth from the organization's criminal enterprise can be executed and their wealth paid to government as damages.

The KKK is rooted in the US Judicary, but it has branch-members in the other branches, clearly. Every sector of the market, in the USA, has criminally organized people who can be liquidated and that is sufficient punishment.

If that can be accomplished before the world makes the USA into the Axis power, then medical science would easily advance and the rate of genetic brain disease would go down as the economy evolves into a more sustainable model.

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