Sunday, August 29, 2021

Helping Libertarians Show Progressives A More Sober Than Woke America

So, as a liberal there are a lot of liberals I like.

I like most Feminists, except for cultural feminists. That school isn't really philosophical it is sexual and was all about lesbianism.

I'm glad gay marriage is now legal and I believe gay couples should be able to adopt.

I don't believe mental healthcare as it is understood today should be taken seriously by anyone except as criminal Fraud.

All the good things liberals do, like gay marriage, they undermine with their over-reaching Autism spectrum incest cult anti-intellectuals and Fabian socialists.

As I've explained before, those liberals are simply liars. They are extremely violent people who accomplish more violence with pacifism than other political groups accomplish with outright violence.

Everything about psychology and psychiatry is violent. Its all destructive, real world, violence to perpetuate Fraud the way they do. They don't agree because as a people who lived as parasites on Native Americans and black Africans and Chinese, all those generations of inbreeding mutated their brains.

All the heavy metals they doped their children with, knowingly or unknowingly to dumb them down such as with lead, they still don't know or care to know about. Boomers want mental health, cargo-capitalist mind-over-matter make believe 24/7. They want their meds and TV-propaganda.

That is all they ever really had for a life, sadly. It is truly pathetic how they have bragged about themselves for over 60 years and now are witnessing the fact they threw the United States of America away like a piece of shit because they didn't want to and could not emotionally and intellectually mature into responsible adult human beings.

They always had excuses. They always had reverse psychology. They always had populism on their side where three idiots could say the Earth is flat the Court would agree its flat when only one person says it is not, because democracy matters more than the truth--the type of idiots who do not actually learn, apparently can't learn hence the term idiot.

The populists who are Boomers were so greedy about the manufacturing jobs which were the best jobs people with such LOW QUALITY BRAINS can hope for, they ruined those jobs for future generations in the USA.

They said the genetic sociopaths were who they wanted to manage their stock portfolios and they got rich off making future generations poor and believe me, that is what everyone in the world will always believe save the American people who are the last to know because they live a total lie.

To prove the point, there are the Woke. These are Autism spectrum people who realize they have Autism or that they were or sometimes are "unawake" or automaton-like. That is good, people should want and feel need to be sentient.

As the term Asperger Syndrome was deleted from the DSM-5, the shrinks searched for a new term to help people in the Autism spectrum who were higher functioning only they didn't do it honestly nor with honest intent. That is just what came out the ass-mouth, the Autism Spectrum Syndrome, mind that is almost everyone working as a professor at a college or university in the USA.

The fact of industrialization is brutal. American industrialists were not kind men and they knew very little about the long term genetic consequences of soiling their DNA with fossil fuels.

So it is the Libertine has to help liberals who claim to be Woke understand what the Libertarians are saying when they say Freedom. Progressives (the only people who identify as Woke), should at least consider the conservative Libertarian's talk of Freedom to be closer to what they are talking about when they speak of being Woke.

The reason for this is simple. Being Woke is aware of racial injustice. That is indeed a problem because racism is always unjust and dangerous, criminal as with violent gangs. So to be Woke is to realize a problem or lack of Freedom. It should be a more positive affirmation of their own will to power to identify as Woke to Libertarianism because of Freedom.

The Woke, however, are upset as from a bad dream and still half asleep. To realize the problem is meaningless and indeed harmful unless the problem is then addressed. The problem becomes greater the longer it remains without a solution to it, as Freedom would solve for the lack of Justice.

As the Woke stand in-cult, doing very much the same Occupy Wall Street and now probably overtly Autism spectrum group-chant politics they stand out as super annoying people who increasingly marginalize themselves.

They obviously do not consider any negative long term consequences for vocalizing their gross incompetence.

To complain about racial justice, or the lack of it, but then refuse to demand a post racial society. To complain about the environment, but then demand more psychiatric dope so the worst ill effects of pollution (genetic brain disease) remain a mystery and fascists can be slave owners of "mentally ill" people.

I will never call for a holocaust but if God forbid the far right groups should take over, realize that everything religion calls Evil is pretty much also genetic Autism, things could go straight to Hell. I'd probably meet Hades and that isn't any journey I'm interested in as I've seen enough of the underworld already.

Still, that is increasingly something to worry about the more liberals shower love on their Progressive allies when a true friend would be honest with them about Autism and the real violence and horrors their mental healthcare is about. They won't believe it at first but it is the fact, you can't have fascism without psychiatry.

Fascism depends on, it needs, some occult group of know-it-alls who speak about magic as if dumbing people down into automatons is arcane power, with drugs and propaganda to further control them.

If the Woke would realize the Libertarians all woke-up to injustice, not just racial injustice but all kinds of injustice, which is why they call for Freedom of the sort everyone would have a reasonable amount of control over their own lives.

The Woke-Progressives can't associate with Libertarian Republicans (the easiest Republicans to get along with, generally the good cops when they might work in law enforcement) because their psychologist-psychiatrist controllers have installed a belief that all Republicans are fascists.

The mass media backs that up and psychology. Psychology would have remained a bad joke, something for inbred people who want to fake doctor do to organize and pimp prostitutes/their relatives. When everyone had something to talk about for what they saw on TV, mental health had that much more to offer.

It really is a bad joke that turned into the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever known: psychiatry.

It is too bad the Libertarians appear to be roughed up, marginalized by more authoritarian Republicans. I have sympathy for the militia groups because in general the authoritarians are the problem and the people who most deserve violence done to them or even death because they truly do not have the right to the authority they currently enjoy in the USA.

I wish I knew of something I could do more than pray, to help Libertarians and Progressives find each other half way so Libertarians realized socialism is necessary for any legitimate government (our Constitution is a socialist document, a social contract) and Progressives could realize they are three times more fascist than the Libertarian Republicans who they have been maligning because they sold out to the medical insurance Frauds working in mental healthcare, became useful idiots for them and whatever SSI and bribes.

If 10% of Libertarians can learn to be more than OK with socialism but also identify as socialists, that makes them more Libertine than Libertarian. If 10% of Progressives can realize psychiatry literally is fascism and that perverse-control that so disturbs them about the far-right they'll become more moderate.

Any Progressive who Woke up, then realized Libertarians aren't fascists merely because they have guns, who wanted to keep their radical edge or heightened level of social justice activism could quit being authoritarian all together and become a Libertine.

That is probably necessary, for about 20% of the US electorate to shift. If it does, President Biden's poll numbers should improve and the country become more able to build back better, and likely.

I've already said all that can be said about Afghanistan which at any time could blow up again into a full scale War depending on who does what. I think we all know Al Queada would like to stage another attack on the USA to all but force the USA to re-invade Afghanistan. They want the US there for 100 years losing blood and treasure. We've only been there 20 years.

They don't want us to leave so they can keep on slaughtering inbred Godless pigs who rape more women than the Taliban, but tell the world the Taliban rapes more than anyone. If they get their way, they will continue to slaughter the disgrace that became the US military after a Baby Boom of genetic inbred trash. That isn't hate speech that is military history and what always happens when rape and incest produce so many of a country's soldiers--the military becomes more slave-stock-DNA. Clearly, the Taliban and its allies won the War from 9/11 and still today maintain the military advantage and dominance over the USA.

In a way, as a Narco-State, they are the only true military super power. Its possible Afghanistan will in fact rebuild the entire Middle East so the Autistic-inbred human garbage from Europe that rapes and does all Sins and yet constant lies accusing others of Sin, will be burned off the face of this world.

An alliance between Israel and Afghanistan, a legitimate and honorable Peace Treaty, is the benchmark for that day when Afghanistan is the undisputed military super power in conventional terms. The USA, China and Russian Federation probably won't beget a Third World War unless its totally one sided for victory and still Afghanistan is likely to remain the conventional military super power, from now and even more so if the world were to become post Apocalyptic.

As much as it would benefit the USA to get rid of the CIA the way JFK wanted to but was assassinated before he could--he had clearly made up his mind before he was assassinated that the CIA was an organization of human garbage, Americans who should be fired and their entire operation shut down--now is the perfect opportunity to dump that agency, entirely, into Afghanistan.

A blood sacrifice and liquidation-dissolution of the CIA is the best strategy for a US endgame in Afghanistan.

It wasn't an agency built to be dumped into Afghanistan to become part of the world's most powerful narco-state but that is the only good which may come from the CIA. It is like two negatives multiplied to make a positive number.

The CIA want to control all the dope, among other things but mostly control the dope, but the Taliban are the best in the world at that. If they worked together, Afghanistan would become stable and develop and should help bring peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Both Iran and Saudi Arabia would have Afghanistan for conservative Muslim nation, more conservative than either Shia or Sunni for how they interpret Sharia law.

I've already said before its too late, the USA should create it's own Wikileaks to better gather foreign intelligence than the CIA and without bringing all the death and despair the CIA brings to the USA with its narcotics dealing. Its shameful our own government is murdering us with narcotics because our spies are Autistic fuck-waste who should be cut off like mercenaries in Afghanistan.

The essential political issue is the existing politicians serving in office now, the members of Congress at DC have to realize this year that since 1947 all that "mental health" talk was really medical insurance Fraud and industrial pollution doesn't only cause climate change but also spreads plague Autism.

Obviously, Baby Boomers squandered their research grants and are among the least accomplished academics in the history of the world given how well endowed they all were and for a generation and still American universities cling to Freud and a flat-Earth race theory.

Before the stupid people, the more than one hundred million stupid Americans, get us all killed they should really drop out of politics because they are only getting pimped by one of two authoritarian fascist groups, one in each party.

For Americans who can understand, they need to evolve such the Progressives don't literally pave the way to a nuclear oblivion or worse, an increasing Autistic America. I certainly wouldn't wish an American life to any child knowing the USA is literally the most evil country in the world.

Its only that way because most Americans are also cowards to look at themselves in the mirror with more than aesthetic critique going on in those peas they call brains and at reality for what it is instead of what other people want to hear it described as.

A 20% shift in the electorate has to happen by the end of Fall or I expect the murder rate will continue to rise in the USA and 2022 will be the most violent year in US history for cold blooded murder being normalized after rape, which already has been. 

Americans are simply, factually, losing their minds and just like a horror movie, its mostly stupid people doing most of the talking. I don't feel much humor, maybe a little kratom, but certainly no joy contacting members of Congress and refereeing my blog so they might have intelligence instead of Autistic opinion.

United States Senators and Representatives in Congress at Washington DC are the only people capable of effecting this shift I feel is necessary to prevent a spiral in domestic violence as the Taliban exert their real and said hegemony in the underworld.

The onus is entirely on them, Congress. If I were personal friends with each one I wouldn't say more than I've said here on this blog, to help them help their constituents honestly--truly, such life is good for them and will certainly be better for future generations of good and healthy human beings.

I would only help, personally I could volunteer as a citizen and go to Afghanistan and negotiate with the Taliban only if I were first successful in business and then I'd do it remotely and only physically go there if the Taliban agreed to start building a new building in Kabul, their stock exchange building-complex.

They have excellent English speakers for diplomats and a literate caste within their society I do not believe is fascist because its openly theocratic and princely. This Caliphate, whomever they select as their Caliph, could probably call himself or be called by new princes for all the different regions of Afghanistan the hidden Imam which is like Revelations in the Quran.

If it does produce such a man, that will necessarily bring the Shia and Sunni closer together because they both oppose the new Imam-Caliph or they both agree he is the one promised by the Prophet Mohammed, as he was told by Allah.

A technical point, things I could talk to the Taliban about as I spoke freely with falsely described Terrorists when I was in Egypt, Allah may be best understood as intelligence communicated through the angel Gabriel. Something I'm not sure of as a Jew, who will never convert to Islam, was everything Mohammed spoke of when he was alive told to him by Gabriel. I believe it was but I'm not sure having only read the Quran once and mostly skimming because Judaism totally does it for me.

If the Taliban wanted to control the opium and maybe then control cocaine and the entire underworld became an extension of an Afghan covert military operation, or whatever they call their people who deal the dope, they might do that and sell stock so people could legitimately trade on the narcotics-commodities, honestly, openly and with heavy taxation by the Taliban.

With no offense intended to other American Jews with different political opinions and total respect for my own Jewish faith, this is also my Libertine political advice for a mostly Christian America and Congress.

Also, as far as I'm concerned, Cyprus and Greece are going to have to deal with their anxiety about Turkey in a non violent way, cry about it or shut up and let Turkey have that oil in the Mederterranian and so much so Exxon backs up the Turkish position for all Turkey is doing to literally save Christian Europe from WWIII.

Vain Christians won't realize it, but Turkey is literally saving NATO and all of Europe and the USA from WWIII as easily the MVP of NATO and has been since 9/11. Shut the fuck up about the oil that is theirs, you greedy sons of Christian bitches. President Biden should not diminish President Erdogan and help get Erdogan and President Macron to patch things up. The French can help more if and when the Turkish front calls on it, only. That is a historical difference for both NATO forces when it comes to theater command.

The French, from their point of view, should be absorbing zones of control the USA continues to lose as it grossly over expanded and built a commercial-territorial empire of it's own it can't legally maintain with it's Constitution so that is 1947 through today and going forward violent regime change must happen in the United States of America. Already domestic violence in the USA is so gross and qualifies as an ongoing crime against humanity with mass incarceration being the most obvious case.

The government is factually unlawful and has been since the Marshall Plan and the National Security Act of 1947 adopted fascism before the Constitution, or the security state before the people. Baby Boomers are literally a litter of KKK spawn, criminally organized Americans who by rape and incest had many Autistic children who then realized their brethren as adults in society and thus the Klu Klux Klan became fascist with psychiatry and a total subversion of US Courts.

If President Biden were smart, intelligent, fuck half-woke and the woke-woke and sober-woke but honestly participating in the objective-reality, as military commander and chief like a Native American village with over 300 million people, he would terminate the CIA within the year and have them formally disabled in the Spring of 2023.

He would encourage DNA genetic sequencing for every American adult, even pay them to get their own DNA sequenced for a number of reasons. 1.) To help fight COVID and other diseases. 2.) For personal identification, so even if your Social Security Number is hacked you still have your DNA sequence, which also might be "hacked" by disease and real viruses like COVID. 3.) All incest cult families can be broken up as they are all rape cults and criminal organizations.

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