Sunday, November 6, 2022

Cult of Judas the DSM-5 Bible Christian and Autism as Anti-Christ or Why there is no Rule of Law in the USA

The USA & The Social Security Tree

I big reason I converted to Judaism is because Christianity in the USA (hundreds if not thousands of Christians I've communicated with about Christianity) is 100% cult of Judas. Its a different type of Christianity than is practiced in the Near East and East. The Christianity of the West is false Christian and truly about cult.

This is true because every Christian submits if not actively promotes the DSM-5 as an authoritative book to judge the intentions, motivations and this is what is described in religious language the judgement of souls.

Its splitting hairs to argue a meaningful difference as the only difference between the DSM-5 and the Holy Bible is a difference of faith. Neither are actually scientific books, non fiction such as with describing the hard sciences.

Although the Holy Bible is still used in US Courts is has only ceremonial authority. The DSM-5 has church-of-state authority in the USA.

This is why I not only say and believe, but am sure American Christians are the cult of Judas regardless of their particular denomination as all American Christians are the same in they more respect the DSM-5 in their everyday lives than they do their Holy Bible.

Its not even a debate as both books, Holy and Unholy, exist in US Courts with only difference between them as said.

As a Jew, I don't want the Christian Bible like Sharia Law. I want a rational and reasonable standard for law that does not exist--I realize. Still, common law at least strongly suggests it would have a rational and reasonable standard for justice.

So what made American Christians lose their immortal souls to Lucifer, or with some levity Freud the Christ?  It is the autism afflicting the majority in the American urban populations, I believe, that prepared American brains to be idiot-to-stupid about their own religion or otherwise fail to even comprehend what it ought to be about.

American Christians are by and large, happy with whatever is quoted from the Holy Bible and then anything can be said about that. Such ignorance is their bliss. Would people with genetic brain disease become confused over even what they have read often and know well?

Obviously, yes they would same as they would with everything given a genetic brain disease causing mental retardation.

Again, I only know about what Christians talk about as I see the historical Jesus as a total Fraud in the sense no one ever called him Jesus when he was alive nor did he refer to himself by that name. He was a magi like the three magi who found him as his life story is related in the Bible. No magi is ever the Messiah and he certainly was not in my opinion.

There is still a lot to learn  and even more to consider; but suffice it to say if it is a genetic brain disease that makes people sociopaths such as lower animals (lacking empathy, lacking human quality sentience) then the autism would certainly be like a Devil or devilish spirit afflicting many.

What is said of the Anti-Christ is basically he is an angel of punishment sent by the Lord to fight Jesus in the end times. OK, I get what Christians are saying but still think they are mostly retarded with their interpretation of pretty much all books not only their own Holy Bible. 

So if the autism is new and occurs at the same time ecocide is afflicting the environment and new plagues are more frequent, that would be a type of possession as the autism is an affliction to possess DNA.

The combination of the Cult of Judas for church of the American state and the much more common than reported, autism affliction in the population have rendered the USA into a nation that can no longer generate its own momentum.

It continues one with the same momentum it always has, in living memory, the Cold War years and that director forever. No meaningful changes have occurred in America it has found reason to have other posturing than it has: global military conquest, fascists conquering terrorists.

The problem with all that and this is, it means there is no legitimate rule of law in the USA.

The Courts are run by Frauds, plainly. The TV networks constantly sell Fraud. The schools, certainly all the public schools and most if not all the private schools are staffed by incompetent sleepwalkers who pass for educators.

In this society, a society with so many irrational people (people who are never rational except by coincidence) and those same people have legal equality with rational people (people who are rarely irrational as adults) makes it impossible for the society to generate momentum in some new direction.

So it is there is no rule of law, only the rule of bribery and that not only with money but politics and more.

This is the reality of the USA today. It is a massive military with less legitimacy and honor than the great Horde of Gengis Khan. It is about that though, for what it as both military and barbarian horde as American democracy is 100% barbaric. 

Mass incarceration, mass rape, school shootings the list of horrors that are every day ought to be fantastic but the American reality is the most murderous, heartless, incompetent, cowardly population in the world. Any country more dangerous also doesn't have the vast wealth the USA has so as to address the horrors.

I've copied this post to because it is as political as it is religious. 

Lastly, Jews don't have to take shit from the Anti-Christ nor anything Judas clone Americans would say about Jesus or whomever. What the Christians call the Mark of the Beast is the same Mark of Cain only at the end times as in the times of ecocide and their population numbers are far larger than they would have been if people would have been more human than intellectually disabled version of a human.

That intellectual disability is more common than being intellectual able, in the USA and this evidenced by how many people believe in multiple races when all science prove no race has ever existed nor ever will. Its more than the USA but in America the population is super dumb and it really is virtually everyone which is probably why anarchy and gangsterism pass for government in this USA with fascist deep state.

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