Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Democratic Party Is The Ghost of the KKK Past Still Haunting America

For all the articles, blogs, I've posted here to designate, target and eliminate Progressive politics or marginalize it as impotent, naïve, childish and autistic politics--woke politics--they have to be admired much the same as the Children's Crusade.

I quote Wikipedia but insist this is one of those moments in history worth studying beyond it's wiki.

"The Children's Crusade was a failed popular crusade by European Christians to establish a second Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Holy Land, said to have taken place in 1212. The crusaders left areas of Germany, led by Nicholas of Cologne, and Northern France, led by Stephen of Cloyes."

To paraphrase my understanding of the event is there were so many children conceived by rape and incest, unwanted and hated children in Christian Europe, the Pope realized they were "deplorables" and would certainly suffer and die, beget more children as they were begot, and so the best "use" of them would be as child soldiers.

Warfare was advanced enough as a military science in 1212 throughout Europe and had been since antiquity, more than 1,500 years before or so I think War was a profession before prostitution--so the Pope and all the Kings absolutely knew they were sending child soldiers on a suicide military campaign identical to Vietnam and I mean the USA from 1955-1975.

They knew they were going to lose and they wanted to kill off, violently regulate, the US population after the USA adopted fascism in 1947 with the Marshall Plan. The plutocracy of autistic Democrats and Republicans in the USA--since the very beginning--knew the KKK was the dominant social organization in the USA, more so than Scottish Rite Freemasons.

They knew their own country was a rape culture, they knew their "neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism" as mass incarceration and mass psychiatric medication. They knew what they were doing and being autism spectrum morons, couldn't know to do any better.

So, a Libertine should give Progressives credit--if ever any Progressive were to ask ask a Libertine, what if anything about their politics is respectable--it is they are a Child's Crusade that rebelled against it's suicide mission.

Today Progressive insist on maintaining their own-autonomous block and caucus within the Democratic party. Democrats can't win elections without Progressives as most of these naïve politicos are the most organized groups in many US cities. Admittedly they established their network in collaboration with medical insurance Frauds, mental healthcare and big pharma, but as tragic an ally that is for them to have like the children of the Children's Crusade, at least they were wise enough to rebel.

The children rebelled once they got to Byzantium, only after they realized the adults were auctioning them off as slaves. When Progressives realize the mental health industry auctions Progressives off like slaves, they too will probably rebel albeit too late their ally already, unwisely, chosen.

Still Progressives rebel against the DLC and DNC and so rival their own plutocrats as if big pharma isn't totally vested with big fossil fuels. Watching Progressive politics is like watching a typical horror movie where the Progressive is the naïve, at worst a little superficial to totally vain, who gets themselves killed as much as they get murdered by the villain.

Their contempt is respectable because they are totally screwed, have been totally screwed over along with most every other American since 1947 and the godless, inbred, child-raping fuck waste in the Democratic party made that pact with their Christ-Satan and continue where Hitler left off.

The shrinks will fail Progressives. Progressives will realize, eventually, the big pharma Democrats were not people they should have ever trusted as they have been human trafficking Progressives as mentally ill people since pop psychiatry and Timothy Leary. Going to people in the autism spectrum for life advice, wisdom, is like consulting literal caudices: serpents.

Life advice, for human beings, isn't a science so Progressives are also like the Children's Crusade in their religion is false science which only and always fails them--benefitting only the psychiatric cabal who profits from such criminal Fraud as they capitalize on their own genetic sociopathy, morally degenerate version of human nature.

What Europe should have done instead of Crusade was butcher all the Popes who didn't speak against the Kings breeding by incest and rape, promoting that same type of breeding among commoners so more people would be born to abuse like serfs and slaves, to only enrich the Lords.

As the people of Europe then were too ignorant and fearful of men, almost totally removed from God, wisdom, honor, lacking even the capacity for love as the masses of Europe were owned property and managed by religion-ritual abuse---such was their lot in life.

In America, Christians are basically Progressives. They are well intended people but they are so ignorant, too over-confident/self-confident to learn, arrogant with ambition before they have legitimate moral cause.

I will always, forever, keep a light on for lost Progressives as some of those children had to escape the slavery and fate for the majority of those on the Children's Crusade. If a Progressive can overcome their inner demon, that want to be authoritarian--rule for the sake of ruling--they might for the first time become a true liberal and Libertine.

Regardless, the schism between old Klan or Dixiecrat Democrats (which is the legacy from which the current President inherits from) and Progressives is real. The diabolical mind of a Democrat should never be underestimated for its cunning.

Although the British will probably and forever be the people with the most guile on the planet, the USA and such Democrats have always compared and rivaled the British when it comes to cunning as follows from an autistic lack of honor. Such are their industrial histories and abused civilian populations by their own Klan authorities or in the case of Britain their very real Royal Family.

Republicans won the Civil War, but it was pyric victory as Lincoln was executed by a thespian, casually and the vast majority of white Americans preferred believing in different races of people to rationalize their rape culture and caste system, their Satanic-Protestant faith of these very real people in the super majority demographic.

So it was the Civil War was a competition between two equally racist groups of people who only had an argument over how Slavery was to be effected. Republicans didn't take up arms again after Lincoln was assassinated. They didn't kill Robert E. Lee which that drunken Scottish moron with pure heart Grant let live. He should have cut off Lee's head and then slaughtered 20,000 more Confederate soldiers who would have rebelled so the fight was finished, for real.

Lincoln was, I think obviously, too sacrosanct and should have helped Grant have been a better man--extending him moral authority more than he did to kill far more Confederates than were killed (such as their leaders).

The US military, unfortunately, has a history of favoring the lesser of two evils when it comes to their Generals and Admirals instead of having plain old fashioned, classic, excellent Generals and Admirals.

The single likely exception is President George Washington himself, the man--an uncanny level of human empathy conjunct his exacting analytical mind. Other US military leaders really do not compare, sadly.

It should be obvious the Marquis De Layfette made Washington's nobility victorious. He absolutely could not train enough of his own men and the Marquis was as good a man as Washington and only a little better for being that much younger--a total gentleman with honor and probably also wanted to prevent the worse torture the Native Americans would have had if North America was forever to be divided up by European powers so serf people forever.

The French were always the most honorable towards Native Americans, anyway, compared to those other powers.

George Washington saved the American colonies from a suicide mission of expanding into Native American territories so all that wealth could then be paid to Europe as taxes for such conquest. Washington saved the colonists from their Children's Crusade. 

Progressives don't have a Washington today and nobody does.

What must happen, from the point of view of all true liberals, is the schism between Progressive and Klan Democrats becomes violent and the Christian ministers who have been tamping down the violence in society over so called racial injustice are struck dumb by the Lord so they would be silent--the coming fight then occurring.

Libertine or not, some things can only happen by miracle. It would take a miracle for American Christians to appropriately and actually punish Christian terrorist organizations like the KKK as they don't even prosecute them for Treason when Treason is all the KKK has ever done.

Its safe to say America's worst enemy is the Christian-psychiatric majority that loves two evils, a lesser and greater, more than it does the Lord.... their worldview is two dimensional with a false Christ and bad Nazi dope and eventually as with any group regardless of their religion they will figure out fascism is contrary to any and all honest faith.

If the USA has to be destroyed by nuclear bombs, perhaps the first fusion bombs ever used, the Lord's will or Nature's will, will be done. Inferior people die. More able people survive. Luck is Lord.

Democrats refuse to be post racial people, as a group. With very few exceptions--maybe 10% of Democrats are post racial--and perhaps its more but it is more 1% of the conversation on "race." It is clear Democrats want to continue race-baiting society with mass media and their Freedom of speech even though the fact is it only and always foments violence, rape and Fraud. 

They simply must be quota killed or society will remain as it has since 1947, under fascist control. I think psychiatrists should be that quota of executions for Treason, but most people will probably or would do violence to people who less deserve it, so motivated by the fascist operatives in both parties.

Perhaps that is why JFK, RFK and MLK were assassinated. If they weren't assassinated, Civil War II could have occurred or the KKK feared it would be designated a society of Traitor ex-patriots and so by Law have to be killed. Maybe JFK was going to end the CIA, fire them all as he said he wanted to and Lord knows he should have after the Bay of Pigs--those autistic retarded fuckers in the CIA are shit for brains people, Nazi "smart." Maybe JFK realized organized crime was the CIA or how the KKK became "more diverse" and then the CIA with psychiatric gestapo?

As Oliver Stone keeps pointing out, "wtf about the JFK documents?"

Instead of being prey, as they are preyed on by far right militants and challenged by their own pacifist populist supporters, it seems to me Joe Biden has to break the bad news to all Dixiecrats that their DNA is mentally retarded, they've always had the autism from the coal and oil money and that's always been reptilian like sociopath intelligence. That has only and always created misery and lies. 

The good news is, if the Dixiecrats want (and these are not that many people but a few million) they could put that hereditary autism into remission and profit by becoming healthier, more sentient people.

Dixiecrats were betrayed by the "professors and teachers" the same as Progressives were, sold the bad dope instead of told the truth about the environment, pollution, and genetic brain disease. Such is the karma when one relies on standardized tests or AI to do the thinking instead of doing the thinking that is philosophy and wisdom.

Democrats can't survive the inevitable end of the psychiatric-fascist state with mass incarceration and mass mind control medication. They invested their money with genetic sociopaths who then invested their money in Progressives. That supply line isn't sustainable and only produces diminishing returns.

Whenever that relationship between Progressives and Democrats blows up, hopefully there will suddenly then be new Libertines who can with Libertarians effect limited Martial Law, purge the Judiciary to end mass incarceration and mass mind control, purge the US military of rapists and genetic sociopaths and end the good intentions for a life of living hell that is increasingly the experience of Americans who aren't on Nazi dope.

There is no reason to keep the Democratic party alive, after the coming Martial  Law or Civil War II and it won't even be an option to keep it alive if WWIII happens. 

There is simply no good reason to give the mentally retarded a Vote and yet deny a sentient child a Vote. Giving mentally retarded adults the right to Vote is how bastard-whore mobs of children are created.

A post racial society must first and violently overcome racism and it's fascist government, it's plutocrats in the Democratic Party and whatever godless dog who preaches at the house of incest and rape so many conservatives call their churches in the Republican party who would object, killed with their families and congregations by drone gunships--marched and interned in new KKK reservations comparable to Native American nations only with fewer rights and privileges.

I don't think more than a few examples will have to be made, if and when the gloves come off. I believe they will, and soon and again sadly with almost no chance of someone like George Washington stepping up from within the US military so the violence would be absolutely minimized, cost-effective, supremacy in action.

Maybe the Democrats could survive, but that is so unlikely as it would require everyone in Hollywood, everyone in American music, everyone in American media to collectively and together get off the psychiatric dope and/or narcotics and get totally serious about rebuilding the entire US power grid, Build Back Better like Biden suggests only more real--without the Nazi dope.

If America's most loved people would together, as the people so much attention is always on, quit being so God damned naïve and retarded with psychobabble while the world is literally burning down, the oceans about to enter a death cycle to trigger a mass extinction event and quit looking at their fucking hair like an autism spectrum Beatles groupie...... then still the psychiatrists have to be executed for their Treason--that the least violent scenario for what is certainly the end of the Democratic party that has always been the face of the Klan. 

I'll end this post with a political tangent on Germany and France.

Angela Merkel is the counter-example to everything negative I've said about Christians and so is Jimmy Carter. They totally stand out as counter-examples and I mean devout Christians who are not at all Satanic fuck faces using the name of the Lord in vain such as with televangelists and all the psychiatrist like psy-op ministers that make Christianity overall a back alley brothel. 

I have always, literally, realized there are exceptions and my Jewish opinion on Christianity includes a Calvinist exception. Something like 144,000 Christians will live as good Jews, while publicly living as Christians. I don't think the 144,000 is exact but speaks to an extreme minority of Christians who are truly with the Lord, or as I understand Spinoza's Judaism--as Spinoza would define being Jewish--truly with human nature, love rather than contempt for society.

So, no matter how it is done with little to no hope of the Democratic party surviving the coming social unrest and violence--it going extinct instead of the entire Nation going extinct--the real religious conflict in the world is only happening in the Middle East because false Christ Christians in America aren't being slaughtered as the heretics they absolutely, 100% KKK are. The religion is a criminal organization more than a real faith, because of this ongoing American cowardice.

God save Macron. I know he is President not King but what a stellar moderate really. He is inventive and moderate in my opinion and still very young. He is who JFK never became and I don't want nor care to romanticize him I'm simply saying what an incredibly difficult time period for everyone and then even more for France because of it's former empire and Macron is doing better than the last three living Presidents, better than Biden as I pay attention and form opinion.

He even took a punch-slap from an autism spectrum French Nationalist because he isn't at all afraid of them--they more or less the KKK in France, would he bust their heads open too if and when the KKK heads are popped off in the USA? Germany might execute a few thousand incest cults like David Koresh, such Branch Davidian Nazis.

Its something that should have been done in 1947 but literally everyone was too stupid after being saturated by heavy metals and so afflicted with genetic brain disease. Only now is technology clean enough people can have the technology and their proper DNA-brain, that isn't autistic.

Soon, this bloodshed will be done. In eight or nine months it will begin or some act of God will delay it further--that bloody window in time. With all humility Libertines, even the greatest of cats might die if they aren't wise.

Naturally, I'd never want to kill one but sometimes great cats might get autism or go mad thinking they can prey on people. Libertines, be mindful as in sentient-wise.

A New Democrat would be a different party, or the old party with the word New before it so people would register ND as sure as the Democratic party we know today will die-- killed by Nature and men obedient to God--pincer hit and run. I wish no harm on any Democrat but their politics is way, way out of line with Nature and God.

Baby lions never do real fighting, ever. First they have to grow up. The Marquis was barely old enough like Alexander and better for living a long and pleasant life as it was horrible, at least. Maybe there is a comparable gentleman in France or Germany after its deeply philosophic people have this long now processed the worst example of fascism with the USA at least possibly surpassing the Nazis for crimes against humanity.... so maybe France or Germany would aid a Libertine in the US to help my President understand its not just China and Russia and pretty much everyone else EXCEPT the UK that doesn't think the KKK is going to be exterminated in North America--killed people with survivors put on Reservations for incest cult religious autistics who would rather die than live in a post racial USA so compromise with a less than Native reservation is what will happen, eventually.

Again, maybe in France and Germany a picture like Ghost Busters will Bill Murray but international so its one person on a real Ghost Buster team from different countries they are not all from the USA like Bill Murray suggests for money and laughs, something else and more serious about money.

Which is second best to palladium when it comes to electronics, electric conductivity or routed conductivity as engineers could fantasize about such fortunes in gear.

56 stars

American women should seriously discuss if the new flag should be like this or make the red and white lines wavy? Reset the stars wavy on the vertical?

The State of Puerto Rico

The State of North Texas

The State of West Texas

(The State of Texas remains, smaller for geography broken up like Oregon was a Territory without a legitimate and professional army).

The State of North California

The State of North New York 

The State of South Florida

Keep the Senate add six. DC can't be a state because only Federal Government is allowed a city-state. That district of Columbia, that city-state that is the District of Columbia can be moved the much smaller town of Vancouver, Washington literally on the Columbia River so then the population of DC would be liberated from the autocracy that necessarily is a city-state. You can't have a Federal government without one and only one. It isn't like other cities so a small town could be supplanted so millions more people had the same liberties as everyone else in a city of size. 

The District of Columbia only ought to be efficient and totally about the Federal government and it just so happens the people of Vancouver, WA are also fuck-heads who don't deserve their own self-government for their gross KKK systemic ritual child abuse for community authorities since it was a British colony, before the Revolution, on the West Coast.

Portland, Oregon could be so connected, to solve for all the people in DC who don't want to be Federalized citizens of the city-state system--a great compromise but then DC would become part of Maryland the City of Columbia no longer District Federal.

A new US capitol would have to be built and that would be super expensive as marble isn't cheap when its that much so probably wouldn't be be the same building material and the whole new DC maybe with Verdantronix, gorgeous and sustainable.

A real bloodbath in Texas and less so in the other states as incest cult Klan-psychiatric-Nazi Traitor ex-patriots are purged from government and interned to Reservation Nations where they can accept legitimate and humanitarian aid only from the US proper, so organized.

It may take some people several generations to stop using witchcraft and psychiatry to explain away murder, rape and theft. When science, legitimate science, is conjunct humanism, there is peace but never total equality between very different people.

Native Americans should all be rich like Princes in Saudi Arabia, too, if you really look at how few and how much land they have they are still doing very well as human beings compared to all those who totally lost all their lands and would be much better off if main stream American went post racial as the Native Americans always were still most Americans haven't learned to be post racial--fucking idiots of Europe, Africa, racists from all over keep pouring in, race believers when the fact is without a post racial society there is only War.

People have tribes and nations, not races and clans. Clans are between tribes and nations, for a social scale within any ethnic group. This is stone age technology that should be intuitive but at least the autistic people usually never get it or very little understanding of even the most basic intelligence.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Veterans Day = US Shame Day = Cowards Of All Time Day = KKK Day

Traitors Who Rape Children To Practice Slavery.

Today I decided I'm going to refer to Veterans Day as Shame Day, indefinitely, until the US military proves to be more than the Klu Klux Klan--an organization of rapists and genetic morons and total cowards who lost their virginity to their own mothers, a mother fucker force or the people who most deserve to be killed in America is another way I can describe my military in 2021.

Baby Boomers are dirt people, I offer as supporting evidence and a generation of real human garbage as rational cause for why the military has become this horde of ape rats in uniform it is today.

I would like to make a protest sign and protest each Shame Day, November 11th, because of the Cowards (the moral degenerates) who are the men and women in the US military, brainwashed by lies and psychiatric dope exactly like the Nazis did to their military.

I won't because I'd also have to carry a side arm as the fuck waste and human garbage would no doubt provoke a fight where they are numerically superior to cause me death or injury. I want to, but unlike most Americans I am not human garbage, fuck waste and living cowardice.

I will be brave and live and live free and hopefully in time as I survive more Americans will realize mental healthcare and the people working in mental health care are Traitors and Frauds and treat them worse than the Native Americans were treated when they were put on Reservations.

The Klu Klux Klan, the fuck waste and real human garbage that is the psychiatric community of incestuous rapists in the autism spectrum, should be put into detention or on a Reservation so the rest of us can be safe and live honorable lives.

Baby Boomers have proved, for a generation, that KKK human garbage people cannot be reasoned with. They get university degrees but they never actually learn. They are genetic reprobates and should be quarantined by force

They should be removed from benches when they are Judges. They should be removed as professors when they are at universities and so on and so forth in a real PURGE of Traitors and Rapist Autistics in America--a purge of their real families which are all afflicted with a genetic brain disease that can be cured if these insane ape rats were forced to listen as they only can be.

All an autistic can learn is obedience. They can't ever think rationally, they aren't sentient people, and yet they can still perform labor. This is what the KKK is really about. Its about a genetic brain disease caused by working in industrial pollution, it is a Satanic perversion of Christianity to justify this brain disease and the incest and rape it brings into human society.

These are the facts of science best understood by man and yet in America most males are fuck waste and human garbage who wantonly promote the rape culture and celebrate the same genetic morons who are the Klu Klux Klan.

Maybe next Shame Day a nuclear bomb will eliminate a US military base to make God's point as I'm sure the Muslims eventually will as their soldiers are closer to the Jewish Lord than these godless pagan piles of fuck and waste, these murdering rapists and ape rats crying for Christ.

I won't burn what memories I have of the soldiers on both sides of my birth family, but I am profoundly ashamed my relatives served in the Klu Klux Klan human garbage legion that is the US military.

I won't be surprised if these genetic morons (no hyperbole, autistic Air Force is real) die as their own nuclear weapons detonate on US personnel due to genetic incompetence and the Klan's perverted idea about equality for inbreds.

To work with the US military, I could only transform the US military and never serve it. I would never take the oath I do not trust more than my Covenant nor will I ever take an oath "sort of like" my Covenant as if my Covenant was not the only oath I have or could ever have.

As I've said before, I could be contracted through LMT to help but would only do that if the military understood me as a real American artist who arranged human skulls of people they killed for Treason, on the DC Mall.

It is therefore impossible for me to work with the KKK. I obviously work against them or this has been obvious to the KKK cult-think imbeciles I'm unfortunately related to my entire life.

The US military has the KKK to work with instead of myself (no matter what anyone else says) so will die and dishonorably I'm certain and all but powerless as a civilian. I can do only what I, personally, can do.

I can't help Biden and Pope realize serial child rape and wanting that to be legal is the exact same thing as Slavery. You can't be a free society and a rape culture. Aristotle and Plato would insist the USA is a cruel joke not a Country of God fearing people. Its a horde of pagan idolators raping kids and doing drugs to rationalize slavery being legal again, the environment with a visible pall of particulate heavy metal like lead and mercury everyone is huffing while they wonder about mental illnesses..... there is no God or God fearing people in the USA there is fuck and waste in pollution, there is human garbage and the Church perpetuates that population with lies about their condition being otherwise, with church stooges, idiots and imbeciles with graduate degrees.

Maybe if the Second Pope, the Pope who was an Inquisitor or there was such talk before he was Pope and then retired--lol, so he wouldn't have to fight the pro slavery child rapists with psychiatry degrees. Maybe he has been living in that fucking castle long enough now, does he feel safe enough to be honest and confirm the OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL REALITY as it is and not because I said or how I said it?

Maybe with two Popes instead of one Biden might get a clue. Any active duty or Veteran reading this post I'm not saying "fuck you to you personally" I'm saying your team is shit and will be shit unless I transform it because that is a feat in military history that requires a Space Superiority over even Air Superiority and few people have brains--HUMAN BRAINS--capable of flying sky cannons or star cannons or many drones in formation.

Intelligence is not some variation on mental retardation or we are not "all" in the spectrum. Just because "you" are a terrible sinner does not mean I am nor does it mean you as a sinner have martial authority over me.

Also, even though I don't know any Jews in Portland very well at all and am still a convert the Portland Jewish community is mostly like the Catholic in both are lost to psychiatry. In courtrooms, non scientific authority or what is moral authority or moral expertise is conferred to psychiatrists the exact same way it was when Catholics were evil mass murders and serial rapists becuase that is how they and they alone politically organized Europe prior to the Reformation when so many Europeans fought each other for the express purpose of killing--getting evil Satanic people or anti-Christ people dead ASAP because that level of Treason was not tolerated.

To tolerate it was to have no honor, or so it was thought by the then both Catholic and Protestant culture. They agreed on the brute fact of honor in human communities, but couldn't agree on slavery.

Now, in the USA, Christians both Protestant and Catholic are Klu Klux Klan because neither of them agree on what is still the brute fact of honor in human communities and both agree on slavery as its practiced by psychiatry, again with such powers in otherwise secular Courts.

To the extent the mob has been defrauded, to the extent both the cliche mafia and cliche KKK are both families exploited for their labor and ignorant of the genetic brain diseases which now afflict them they prefer to continue to be defrauded and make non Christians and especially Muslims be violently murdered so they can have more brain disease causing fossil fuel so more and more people get genetic brain disease in not a science fiction movie but this for stranger than fiction zombie apocalypse, that mob for Christians with a military and false Christ.

After converting to Judaism I can laugh about the retired to live decades longer in a castle Pope but that among other things is why my ancestors never truly knew the Lord God, Adonai and I pity them for being Catholics, Protestants and Christians.

Einstein was a genius to get the USA to fight Hitler when the fascists in both countries at the time could have rather easily worked together. Now, again, to get the "bomb" or the new bomb the USA has to butcher its equally white counterpart because they treat human beings as objects and give them make believe labels, psychiatric and racial labels, that prove they the label givers are inbred morons who can only fantasy role play or suffer their pathetic birth.

Kill those who are practicing Slavery or I certainly won't help the USA get a better bomb and I'm sure only fuck and waste are ready to sign up in my place. I know this is what I have to say to be true to my Lord, about the US military and although I may suffer because people read this and then make me or attempt to make me suffer and still I'm happier knowing I can pray my Lord would smite them for being ape rat goyim, patriots before they learn respect for God.

I knew better at 18 and by the time I was confident I would have gone immediately to officer school after boot camp and make more than 100,000 in my first year as an enlisted officer--someone rare who could accomplish that at 35 or that last year of enlistment eligibility--not to sign up.

I didn't realize and still had no regrets when I realized telling the History channel to pound sand when they offered me a career directing psychiatric dope commercials those Nazis would then sabotage my career while I was still at PSU and the NW Film Center.

I don't have to be a Republican to have a long memory nor a working, good at math, brain. I don't need to be a Democrat to have self confidence or be popular.

I'm not like most Americans but this Veteran who is ashamed he signed up, I can sympathize with as my faith in the Lord could have been less. I expect he found his pride when he found the Lord  after he signed up and learned then later than I did the difference between pride and hubris.

This ashamed Veterans I'd consider working with if they needed a sub contracted design engineer to get them back in the arms race after they lost the arms race, autism spectrum nerds lost the arms race even when they had all the money still Russia and China have hypersonic missiles in production, already vetted, tested and proved.

How could US nerds possibly lose the arms race? That is a question this Veteran has an opinion on, maybe and so to any who read this please that for context and not my name on a hit-lynch list. 

It would make more sense to practice serial violence on people with a legal last name of Lynch as only moral degenerates would be into lynch mobbing and so name themselves for that--a logical reason. I'm half-joking to make the salient point about my survival in light of Shame Day.

Why did ape rats lose the arm race is a fair question and also rhetorical point made such there might be education and improvement.

This Veteran should have better weapons so he could kill all the Veterans above, by himself with only his command gear, and also an all around better soldier-athlete who has to read technical manuals and understand gear even a military starcraft gunship.

It can be a nuclear submarine with a third drive shaft or rail gun propulsion system to begin with but with original difference between that propulsion system and one for a flying rail gun or starcraft gunship.

Of all US military active duty and Veterans, whomever can most be like Tamerlane from history and produce tens of thousands of human skulls for me such I, everyone and the Lord God would be forever convinced the Klu Klux Klan no longer exists, that it was a Satanic cult all along and finally after far too long the US government confronted the criminal organization which gave birth to it conjunct the Revolution thinking that fact and original criminal conspiracy would absolve them and their descendants for all time or to amass that much money.

America can only prosper if it first suffers a real Tamerlane who gives all Americans and everyone in the world a new US flag with more than 50 states or bust, everyone goes broke, nuclear war. I am totally for the Tamerlane alternative as I understand the world will never be how I've made it.

I would and do make it better or at least my own life insomuch I'm never leaving my Lord and hopefully will go on my entire life adored by Elisha and a real good for humanity inventor. I have to be honest about Veterans because I don't want to lose Elisha the Lord so blessed me, as a design engineer.

America doesn't need a total, literal, Serpentor from GI JOE as in genetic scientists finding the remains of the true and historical Tamerlane.... NO we do not need that nor weaponized influenza to, for "national security reasons" decrease the human population.

Someone really should take Dick Cheney behind his most familiar wood shed and shoot him in the head for writing Project For A New American Century being a Klu Klux Klan crazy paper like the Unibomber only more Machiavellian as if that isn't then more crazy!

I consider that inferior military science like is so common at the real Pentagon, among real active duty personnel for no less than two generations and since 1947 exactly, wrong headed people.

Real military science, to me, means better gear and that means new tactics in addition and necessarily when its really new gear. Maybe some would consider it new new gear as society has been so dumbed down by fascist psychiatry.

Morally appropriate and ethical human being.

I will only add if we can get a General who factually kills Traitors in the USA it will probably be a he or man and not a woman but I really can't say and I'm sure that does not matter and the tens of thousands of skulls be an exact number and proves no genocide, no eugenics and firm anti-fascist position for the United States of America in history after a very long time of being the most fascist nation the world had ever seen when it was the only super power and still now fascist that is over.

Its that bad. Its 1 is better than 10 and the USA has the 10s and the 100s before the 1s.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Progressive Politics And Entropy, Dystopia

"Entropy" by Mario Sanchez-Nevado

The laws of physics do not prove human civilization follows the physical law of entropy that all civilization would be a devolution, or regression into disease and more sufferable mortality as follows from Adam and Eve.

I and everyone can imagine Adam and Eve and realize some parallel from that as a thought experiment; but we as human beings have only the law of entropy to prove as something parallel to human civilization when it comes to where civilization is at today.

Maybe that is intellectually satisfying for some people, to accept as fate that human civilization will forever and always be an evolution into an increasingly inferior group of people until that point in time when homo sapiens might become extinct and supplanted by a different species of hominid.

Not at all fascinating and indeed frightening the reality of autism spectrum spreading as a plague brain disease or zombie apocalypse genetic syndrome-disease is of urgent political concern for myself and I suggest every other person who scores very left and very libertarian on the political compass.

This is also the greatest achievement in political science, or this site and the people who built it and have been running it, are the greatest political scientists who admittedly are scientists of a liberal art and as art can't ever be a hard and natural science.

They deserve a Nobel Prize for academic political science but the Nobel committee doesn't award for that. As a Libertine and someone who insists they are among the very most literate people to have ever lived in the USA--a natural philosopher and scientist--I also insist such level of literacy is only possible for people who would score very left and libertarian, as I have although not repeatedly as I better understand and only Libertine politics.

Political Compass

Those geniuses, as I see it for actually making politics which is so irrational, rational at that website say Goldman and Kropotkin define left libertarian thinking and yet I've never read them except for seldom a quote from Goldman. 

That is a sense of humor I expect to find when I read more now about them and their writings, when time allows I will afford a post here on each as Libertines are contemporary left libertarians and Goldman and Kropotkin were not celebrated as much as other thinkers from different paradigms.

The current establishment was less their work and creation from what I can tell being ignorant of their writings; but will no doubt find them to both be excellent examples of left-libertarians. 

In 2021 Goldman and Kropotkin would have to have a Space Force to survive ecocide (as its understood today with species extinctions and genetic brain diseases) or such a government.

I'm sure their writings do not address ecocide, are not informed by genetic science and they were ignorant of a great many things themselves despite my automatic respect for them because of political compass, the organization.

Judging them by their book covers, they look like very enjoyable reads and by expression somewhat disagreeable people.

Left libertarians are a group in protest only because they are a minority. They would have liked their ideas to have been more popular. Left libertarians are not inherently a party of protest or anarchy as a state of nature as Goldman suggests to some. It can be that or some proverbial chaos cannon.

Libertines effectively do the homework for the real political science as it regards world governments and in spirit Goldman and Kropotkin are unsung heroes and ought remain that way such all left libertarians might be more successful in geopolitics.

There are greater Libertine writers than myself but they will come to include  Goldman and Kropotkin as foundational thinkers after the Marquis de Sade and his contemporaries, the ground workers.

Today there is no Libertine palace but that is the only ambition, or completion of the work as best done by human beings--a truly global human civilization and multiculturalism.

Global liberty could and can be capitalized Global Liberty or in any font. Global liberty is the end game and win for what began as the universal suffrage movement but that mere reincarnation or a second renaissance for human beings and their civilization.

Monday, November 1, 2021

The Emerging America

Fascists can't win because they are genetic imbeciles and the dying America is also and factually a dying fascist plutocracy. They, the dying establishment, are also mostly autistics and so genetically mentally retarded.

What America is becoming is more honest about itself and how exceptional America has been for producing failures.

People who build a fascist, racist state, with mass incarceration where more than 1/3 of the women are raped as per culture and custom are failures in history books. Those are the facts about the USA American Baby Boomers have lived to deny along with reality itself. There are no good things of comparable goodness to those three bad things and its been all bad for a generation, worse every year while applause sign imbeciles (genetically brain diseased automatons) applaud when they are told.

The emerging America is going to be post Boomer and if one reads many posts the Libertine opinion of Baby Boomers in history is clear. What the term Baby Boomer means in the English language, in history, in reference to Americans born between 1947-1963 is the most important and exceptional failures in US history.

That aside, because it is addressed at length in other posts, I would also put aside the Libertine critique of Progressives for that historical and political critique of Progressives has been well addressed.

To understand how American became a rape culture with a fascist deep state, one need only understand Baby Boomers and Progressive politics.

In the context of the establishment plutocracy or Baby Boomer generation and in light of Progressives and their sabotage of government (when the incompetent back-talk en mass, march, chant: automaton autistics) this post speaks to the emerging America.

What is emerging isn't the Libertine dream, if only it were.

As love and literacy are the virtues Libertines most cherish utopia is not on the list nor is super erogatory politics,  nor is insanity as one would have to be insane to work to establish a utopia.

What is emerging is certainly no utopia. It is, however, the soon and eventual end of the Baby Boomer dystopia. 

Dystopia is a term monopolized by science fiction but its always been more authentic as lived experience and it most certainly has been in Western civilization since the first World War. World War II created extensive dystopia. Post War America perpetuated the same dystopia the fascists started by immediately adopting fascism and want to mass murder Communists and force them into bondage slave labor like Americans have been doing at home, to their own people, since 1947.

The sheer cowardice that defines in history, the Baby Boomer male, is the cowardice of a human being who refuses to be more than a child their entire lives even when they live into their 80s still that same adolescent-autistic egotist is all they have to offer. They lack the capacity for honor is the only explanation for the behavior of the US military since 1947.

The emerging America isn't that same well defined USA it was in 1947.

Since before the First World War and leading up to it the cause was indeed genetic mental retardation and masses of people voluntarily or unknowingly getting exposed to industrial chemical fallout which science has known for over one thousand years causes one of a few different types of idiots--neurologically damaged and dependent people.

Ancient Greeks wrote about mind-fucking slaves by painting them with gold leaf until they went insane and died. Lead and gold, mercury and other heavy metals have always had a cave man brain science to them or even stupid people understand what makes people more stupid. 

When people can't successfully think for themselves, try as they might they cannot find and more often can't even over come the fear to think and find an answer to their problems, they easily give over their own authority over their own lives to someone else.

This is almost always true at all ages, for people. Most people find fear to be a mental barrier. The less people can understand what is going on in their own lives, the more scared they are. Since Roman times what used to be magic and became science was intentional heavy metal poisoning to condition people for Slavery.

Cruel people exist. Its easy to figure out how to make people retarded and psychologically dependent and the science on how to do that to people hasn't changed since the Stone Age. Instead of having a safety net where people are tested, Western medicine has psychiatry which is the profession of Fraud and fucking people over, totally, as if they were more animal than human or a chimpanzee in their lab cage.

To not only be slaves, but willing slaves, psychologically dependent upon their masters who are masters for literally explaining everything about life to them--that is psychiatric slavery.

This is so much Libertine thinking and understanding of the world, or a left libertarian analysis of what is otherwise the same behavior being reported in the mainstream media, better understood. I'm saying my read on the world is the Libertarian read. This is how left-libertarians see America. 

It is also evident that very few people realize what few scientists publish regarding the facts about heavy metals and genetic brain disease and how that factually causes certain and different types of mental retardation where people are called mentally retarded because they believe they are different races from each other and ordered throughout their lives by their masters, chosen or otherwise.

The emerging America is still a young country, but its also been a country of extremely illiterate people who have been totally exaggerating their real intelligence, even using bogus IQ tests as all IQ tests are bogus for the constant counter examples of autistic people having high IQ but low to no EQ--the inability to see patterns of human behavior because they are totally lost to fantasy profiling, lack empathy or are effectively deaf and dumb.

These are the American masses, clearly, 100% of the people on TV and in main stream media do not go into great detail about what the leaded water supply can do to people over generations, where individuals in a family are dosed throughout their lives because they choose to live like slaves instead of fight for better working conditions.

They prefer debt slavery to real freedom. They prefer a mortgage that is as likely to blow up as not, with a volatile stock market, mass incarceration and so much forced labor, tens of millions or maybe only 10 million in some years undocumented worker-slaves who speak little English.

The extent of the sexual depravity, I mean rapists and people who are rapists both men and women is more in America than any other country in the world. Only in America is the Court a rapist lover, flat out, and without shame the Court openly promotes rape in the prison system, it promotes rape in the military, it promotes the rape of children and women throughout their lives because that is what Sigmund Freud and autism spectrum people call progress.

To them it is progress. They become the majority of people, bred by rape or incest and so of that feeble minded DNA such they don't even know if they are drinking leaded water or their parents can't tell the smart children from the retarded children because the parents are already too stupid and low IQ.

As they become the majority they take over government and ruthlessly abuse power to enrich themselves and their crime families. 

Nobody addresses the super toxic particulate heavy metal in with so much carbon pollution, causing so much cancer and various types of genetic brain disease the most common of which is called autism but today's autistic may merely be yesterday's plumbism (the brain disease from lead) with a new psychiatric label to make the idiots more useful, by lying to them about their potential, fabricating psychological narratives to deny reality, daily, with the help of their therapist. 

The emerging America is increasingly sick of that too--as in the suicide and murder rates can only get so high as they climb towards historical highs. 

No matter what happens for America's future, what it becomes or emerges into, isn't for me or anyone to say. If President Biden could be King he probably would be but he and everyone knows people have to freely choose to see the world in any particular way. Worldviews can't be forced onto people or that is not the most effective, agreeable method. 

For a generation the Baby Boomers have been wholesale fascists. They have forced mass incarceration on themselves, domestic violence is every American family with few exceptions, their police state and of course what their military experts have been doing from Vietnam-Afghanistan.

Its safe to say more than anything else Baby Boomers failed to be honorable soldiers and truly brought total shame and disgrace, complete dishonor to everyone who died to make America like it was supposed to be in the Constitution. Baby Boomers fucked everyone and especially those people off, totally sold them down the river, without debate. 

I won't go on about Baby Boomers nor the Progressive Autistics who have been their Gandalf wizards in their simulacra and simulation that failed to be a meaningful and good human life.

I will say they must retire and they are. The emerging America is going to be one where Baby Boomers lose power simply because all of them are now older than 60 years, many have health issues and are not expected to live to the average age of 80.

The next 10 years will certainly be the decade of Boomers who do their best to age gracefully and those who totally do not care about grace and fight nature tooth and nail, preferring delusion, toxicity and presumably some sadistic joy from abusing other people until they do die. 

The vast majority of Baby Boomers have been portrayed in history as almost entirely of the latter, without grace and only contempt for dignity. 

Many people who have lived under the Baby Boomer yoke now have families of their own and so the emerging America will likely be one where a dying Boomer generation reluctantly surrenders its wealth to thieves, whores, murderers and probably most likely Fraudulent medical doctors or people who sell psychiatric/street dope.

As most of the Boomer children are tail tucked cowards, abused from childhood to be a lap dog more than a person for a Baby Boomer master, in their twilight years the Boomer apes will send their children at each other's throats to murder, rape and steal for money. That being the bulk of what Baby Boomers did with their lives, their contribution to US history, little more can be expected from their progeny. 

Obviously the Libertine wants for the best, but the emerging America won't be that. It will certainly be the end of the forever diminishing returns and constant disappointment, let-down, false-hopes the Baby Boomers have always been about.

The emerging America will probably be more tyrannical or worse, catastrophic like next generation cluster bomb nukes, weaponized particulate heavy metal so entire populations are forced to DNA shift into the autism spectrum and be a Nazi like robot.

As a Libertine I'm a spoiler, I'm elite before the fact. Literacy is the evidence. It is my ambition and I'm sure the ambition of all authentic left-libertarians if not Libertines to do better than what the masses can do, to produce the future of tomorrow.

A new world wonder for power grid, or the first power grid that is also a wonder of the world or GG the Green Grid, is my ambition. I doubt I will build it in America because of the extreme Nazi opposition and want for automaton-normal breed Americans.

China will probably build the first fusion reactor but no matter who does, every and all power reactors ought be integrated into a renewable power grid, or energy grid.

Capitalism might ultimately be destroyed by a global Communist organization or monopoly on energy. Of course its still possible capitalism could discover Fusion and afford an integrated renewable power grid for power without pollution, or habitable environment.

To the extent a Libertine might be a capitalist obviously depends on whether they afford their own research or if government directs their research.

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