Wednesday, March 23, 2022

There Are Facts Which Prove The USA Is A Fascist Democracy Without Lawful Right to Exist As A Country


The first fact is the US government has always been engaged in acts of Treason such the government itself denies large numbers of Americans their Rights. For it's full history, the US government has been a conspiracy against it's own People for how the people working in government set themselves up for bribes such a citizen would have to first bribe government to be afforded their so called natural and inalienable rights.

The US government has always existed as a criminal organization in flagrant violation of it's own Constitution while the people remain illiterate and mentally retarded, incapable of even understanding their own Constitution or government. The mental retardation is real, genetic and cultivated by the US government itself. This has been obviously true since the Baby Boom, following the Second World War.

Before then, the US was a proto-fascist kleptocracy pretending to be a constitutional republic. After Hitler failed to win the US and UK over as members of his fascist axis, he went ahead and fully developed their proto-fascist political arrangement. Hitler's developments were upon those already made in the US such as the foundation of eugenics science still popular in America today. 

At the end of the War, the USA formally broke with the US Constitution entirely, in law, when it created the fascist deep state and secret police forces in the Marshall Plan and then National Security Act of 1947. In 1962 Kennedy established the Continuity of Government program Reagan later completed and so a second non elected government was established which served those members of Congress not the people.

Since then the US military has behaved exactly like Hitler's military even re-establishing slavery and mass incarceration, with death camp casualties effected in all US cities without need for actual death camp facilities. The US government kills people every single day, in large numbers: murders them.

The USA, since 1947, has actively pursued a military policy of mass murder in the criminal sense. It's professional military a criminal profession pretending to be honorable soldiers. The US simply picked up where Hitler left off with fascism and kept its own racist ideology rather than adopt the Nazi race theory.

American racism is enshrined in the Constitution so easily perverted to benefit evil, the retarded. American racism simply insists there are different races and then the inference of the same master race those in US government always believed they were part of--whatever race they were then rationalized as a master race by virtue of their political power.

Ultimately, the US government is a confederacy of incestuous-rapists families who all have genetic autism. It is a real bloodline and what the Klu Klux Klan was originally established to promote, after the Civil War. They lord over more intellectually handicapped mentally retarded people so the country is literally about high IQ retarded people lording over low IQ retarded people.

There are virtually no Americans who are sentient, not even their "racial" masters. The lack of empathy among the US population is supplanted by autistic tantrum, gross emotion as if that compensates for lack of empathy. The entire population is directed by government to do increasing genetic damage to their brains as a lobotomized population is easily controlled.

The population is surveilled and the totally Fraudulent practice of psychology, the psychiatric and mental health establishment, ruins all hope for meaningful and rational justice as all legal issues are vetted by them--genetic morons who profile people by their race to imagine what rights they might deserve. 

The more like the therapist-psychologist the client, the more rights they are afforded. The more a client sees their SS Gestapo like controller, the more the client effectively becomes a slave with real physical damage-disease to further dumb them down. There is no medical value to psychiatric drugs. They all only cause disease.

The psychologists themselves are simply abject morons who either don't care they are only doing harm to their clients or realize it and do it as if it were their race-right to lord and master without any real intelligence at all. It is religion for the mentally retarded. A religion for the mentally retarded and the celebration of the mentally retarded as the master race or races. Effectively, it is the same secular fascist religion as developed by the Nazis.

The retarded are mainly retarded as in they have no empathy. They can still all drive cars. Anyone who would challenge their system of supremacy is attacked on many levels, all levels. Despite these attacks being criminal, there is no legal protection from the mentally retarded when they decide to KKK-organize a group against you. The law celebrates the Klu Klux Klan or is an extension of the KKK, in this way. The law only exists for those who can afford to buy it. That is especially true in court.

As virtually all Americans are mentally retarded from over a century of breeding in lobotomy-causing pollution--particulate heavy metals--to be someone who is not retarded is to be attacked until you are forcibly made retarded and so "like everyone else." This is the DSM-5 doctrine for normal thinking, or mental health. Americans are the most brutal and violent people, especially sexually violent, in the entire world. No other people alive today compares for brutality and evil.

Add to these sociological facts that are not at all hidden despite never being addressed in the press, there is the unpayable debt of the US government itself. There is the fact of a long series of lost wars that has effectively broken the US military. All that fascist adventurism since 1947 has produced a military where a 1/3 of women serving are raped and every 22 hours a US soldier commits suicide.

The society itself is said to be close to Civil War because of political polarization and the number of homeless people continues to rise despite there having always been far more vacant housing than homeless people. The 11 million undocumented migrant laborers was not a large enough slave population for sociopath Americans. Their lust for slavery creates more slaves, effective slaves and indentured servants in the US. 

Moreover, the US broke virtually every Treaty it made with Native Americans so the land of the states themselves is not legal nor legitimate. The country is so many acts of theft cobbled together, a nation of thieves, genetic sociopaths. Never has the US paid for the atrocities it did to Native, Black and Chinese people. Never has the US paid because it has nothing to pay, the government being a factual kleptocracy and fascist state.

Although the Soviets did the best fighting fascism and perhaps today Russia is again prepared to rid the Earth of fascist nations like it did before, I only have hope for Adonai and that He will use the sword of fire--lahat chereb--on the American people. Send angelic violence and destroy the wicked people who are Americans.

That isn't psychobabble or to suggest anything else. I very much pray for lahat chereb to destroy US courts, universities, hospitals, social media and all of it because its all sick, retarded, evil and fascist. 

These crimes Americans are guilty of only compare to Sodom and Gomorrah. By Adonai's law, the USA will be destroyed and hopefully in my lifetime.

The world absolutely does not need the United States of America and would in all ways be better off--including the American people themselves--if this most murderous and evil nation would indeed be destroyed.

This is religious protected speech. It is my religious belief the US will be destroyed because its people are beyond redemption and it clings to a false Christ they imagine forgives them all for their super evil, worst in the world, Sins. Its not hate speech but God's hate is real and terrible when it comes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Democrats Are Nazis And Traitors: The Democratic Party Ought Be Violently Abolished By Civil War

As explained in the last post, Democrats are people who willfully abandon their humanity and accept fascist-Nazi psychiatric doctrine for their politics.

To be sure, there are very few Libertines or people who identify as left-libertarians and this number far too small to challenge Democrats in a Civil War. The Republicans, however, could wage a Civil War against Democrats and expect to be victorious. Republicans would certainly have the moral high ground same as they did before and Democrats are openly promoting the re-legalization of slavery.

The Second Civil War will happen for much the same reason as the first. Democrats are incestuous autistics, they have no morality because of their DNA and so others are objects to them instead of people. They cannot stop themselves being immoral at their cores. They lack the intellect for logical and critical thinking, again because of their poor genetics and penchant for drug abuse.

This was the case for the Nazis too. They were the autistic imbeciles who demanded legal narcotics. The fascist will always be the genetic morons insisting they are the master race because their culture is a rape culture and incest is common--those of such breeding the majority in society. Fascism is this type of populism, the populism of the least worthy people.

This post outlines the crimes against humanity and war crimes Democrats are guilty of and will never be punished for unless Civil War would arrest all their Judges, police and politicians.

Before launching into the full measure of their crimes that give just cause to Republicans to rise up with arms against Democrats again, a brief exposition on Ukraine is necessary as it is now the main reason for a military coup against President Biden or formal Civil War between Republicans and Democrats.

What happened in Ukraine was then Vice President Biden used the CIA and his own sons to make his family richer and provoke the violence we now see in Ukraine. President Obama is guilty too, of gross war crimes and crimes against humanity during his administration; but Biden has been nothing but a Traitor, war criminal and gangster his entire career--rather normal for Baby Boomers who are mostly physically brain diseased from all their heavy metal exposure.

Democrats, ultimately, are autism spectrum people who regularly take drugs and participate in mass media propaganda-populism. They are not rational people. They are genetic and/or neurological sociopaths. Like the Nazis before them in Germany, they are mind-controlled automatons.

Republicans are much the same and have been since President Ronald Reagan established his neo-conservative KKK-friendly Southern Strategy.

This US society comes together to be understood as such by the world, in Ukraine where the facts are perfectly clear and completely muddled by various national media news outlets and their government's avowed perception--relativistic analysis--of the very objective situation.

There are irrefutable facts that prove it was Biden and the US government who created the horror in Ukraine exactly like they have created so many other horrors and never get caught for it because Democrats are totally stupid people who believe in their entirely dishonest media.

For eight years, US-NATO backed Nazis (people who openly promote the same ideology Hitler promoted) attacked and killed people in Donbass. It was all documented by Russians and aired on RT and for eight years the US encouraged it, funded it.

Joe Biden, when Vice President, even sent his son as a CIA economic hitman as he had no qualifications to sit on a board of a Ukrainian energy company. Ukraine has no oil refining capacity and if it did that would only benefit Ukraine, Russia and all of Eastern Europe but during those years Bo Biden was being a total Fraud in Ukraine, neither he nor anyone in the Zelensky government wanted to build their own economy.

All Zelensky has ever been interested in is consolidating power for himself and provoking Russia with the understanding the US will intervene, fight Russia, and make Ukraine more powerful than if Ukrainians were to develop their economy instead of prepare for War. He was certainly encouraged to do this by the CIA, Bo Biden, even though only the US can benefit.

Democrats in Ukraine, morons, feeble-minded people who never do homework or more than watch TV for information, ate Zelensky up even though he was undermining his own country so much so he got it attacked by Russia with little support from the US.

So, it was Democrats who sewed the seeds for War like they always do. It was Democrats who created mass incarceration. It was Democrats who established psychiatric fascism with psychologists and psychiatrists shown respect instead of being stoned to death for being total Frauds, Nazis and slavers. 

Democrats never do their homework. They have zero attention span. They simply go along with whatever is reported on the news because as people they will never be true adults, always intellectual children only concerned about populism. 

Because Democrats can not think critically and have no objective morality, they are responsible for no less than 3 million deaths of innocent people who died in Wars caused by the US government. Really, since 1947, the US is responsible for more 5 million deaths. Still, Democrats never care to realize how bloody their own hands are and not just when it comes to war but also when it comes to crime and law enforcement.

These KKK-DNA retards who are the vast majority of white Democrats are a Satanic zombie herd easily managed by their autistic masters, the media. They never question the news, or rarely do. They never read books except for self-help books, psychobabble books they play cargo capitalist intellectuals with.

The same thing happened in Vietnam. Democrats started the Vietnam War and the regular Democrat voter never even questioned it--never realized the actual situation was one of liberation from French colonialism for the Vietnamese. More than 200,000 Americans died because Democrats are not human beings they are dumb-shits, abject morons who never even try to grow up or do the necessary homework to actually know what is going on.

Simply being alive is all they know or care about, for why they should even have a Vote. The truth is Democrats do not deserve a Vote because they are genetic mentally retarded morons who always cause War and suffering, spread disease and never tell the truth. They are children, like children and lack the responsibility the Vote should require.

Such people should not be allowed a Vote by any rational standard. That is why Democrats hate rational people and this hatred was bridged by Ronald Reagan who turned the Republican party into another Democratic party such the vast majority in the electorate are mind-controlled stooges.

The neo-conservative and neo-liberal movements were created by Reagan and such people have zero rationality. They complain about wars they start. They are racists who complain about other people being racist. They are always afraid and looking to fight. They are total failures at philosophy (without ethics, logic, epistemology nor ontology) and factually do not think. They only speak and when they do its always psychobabble, gibberish.

These "neos" are actually Baby Boomers a generation with severe genetic brain damage from all the lead, mercury and plethora of drugs with zero medical value they have ruined their bodies with.

Its also apparent Democrats are incapable of liberating themselves from their truly autistic-sociopath masters, Machiavellian nerds who spend their entire lives lying to manipulate stupid people into giving them power.

This society has no right to life. It purposefully and unconsciously practices eugenics, factually killing people or driving them to the margins of society such death would be preferable. This horde, this majority of so many stupid people with a Vote, has to right to self defense. They are evil, the worst type of people who can not be reasoned with.

Unfortunately, killing neo-liberals and neo-conservatives is perhaps the only way to survive them. They are entirely like zombies and in the US they are the majority of people. In Ukraine, the process of turning Ukrainians into zombies has only recently begun. They might be saved with less bloodshed than would have to happen in the US to take away the Vote from mentally retarded adults.

Lastly, on Ukraine, what President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa is saying about the US-NATO being the real criminals who are most responsible for all the bloodshed in Ukraine is the only logical analysis anyone might have given the brute facts. 

So what can be done with Democrats who refuse, stubbornly-violently refuse, to behave like respectable human beings? Sadly, the probability is Democrats have to be killed or de-populated before they would stop listening to their genetic sociopath (autistic) masters and begin the real work of being an adult.

Short of violence stopping them they will continue to destroy their own society and those around the world as greedy non-human apes would. These same apes are America's university professors, lawyers and doctors. 

The Baby Boomer generation was lobotomized, stripped of their capacity for humanity and critical thinking. That is was particulate heavy metals do to the brain, especially when combined with psychiatric drug use.
Republicans may not even be capable of confronting the brain-dead zombie Democrats in a Civil War they became too stupid and dope dependent like Democrats, after Reagan.

Regardless, Democrats are the most responsible for the most wars, most murders, most rape, most thievery and Fraud, mass incarceration, poverty and a ruined environment. They, the majority, are scum. They are "brain dead" people and so like a barbarian horde with shrinks for holy people, autistics for leaders. Their children and families will cause more death and horror than what death and horror would exist if they the Democrats were simply bombed.

That all said, I only want to escape the USA and the truly evil, mentally retarded people who are the vast majority of Americans. I don't know how much time the USA really has left. More than any other nation on Earth, the United States deserves destruction. All religions and rational ethics, morality, prove this to be true by their doctrines. 

I've considered it seriously and Americans are absolutely the lowest quality people in the world, since the Baby Boom. They are this planet's destroyers, cannibals, monsters and its only going to get worse unless they are violently ended.

There is no reason to believe Democrats will suddenly and for the first time become rational and moral people. There is no reason to believe Republicans will take back their party from the neo-conservative autistic Klanfolk who run it. There is only reason to believe the US is the enemy of the world and a cancer upon humanity for how its people call their incompetence and slavery, Freedom.

As this is my political analysis I am set to leave the USA after publishing a book I blog about at Despite feeling towards Americans the same way I would feel towards Nazi Germans, none of this is "hate speech." Its my analysis and published expectation the USA will continue decline as a nation until it violently destroys itself--the people that incompetent to do better as a democracy.

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