Friday, July 30, 2021

Post Racialism vs. Critical Race Theory


There is a fight to be seen by everyone in the world, a fight more important than any single fighter in it. It is the fight to be seen at American universities between academics arguing for post racial campuses vs. academics arguing for racial profiling and critical race theory.

Both groups of academics in this fight agree RACE DOES NOT EXIST in BIOLOGY there is nothing physical about it except for the many racist people who are racist because they BELIEVE race is physical and their very blood.

Given both fighters agree race does not exist except as a social construct, this is perhaps the most rigged, one sided for odds of who will win, fight of all time. It is a fight where any one of these great fighters from boxing were to fight someone who is disabled and in a wheelchair or can only stand in a boxing ring by holding onto the ropes.

To agree race does not exist except as a social construct is to abolish race and racism, or should be. The Abolitionists of history had this figured out and yet were not popular enough in their time to abolish all forms of Slavery. Critical Race Theory is a total perversion of post racial Abolitionist philosophy.

The Abolitionists were correct. Critical Race Theory rationalizes the continued failure of Abolitionists.

In the end, even Critical Race Theory effectively has a sunset clause or point in time in the future when by it's own design would cease being a valid theory.  Once a critical mass of people realize race belief is racism and that is always also stupid because its factually incorrect and immoral, racism will die out.

Its not a fight at all because the facts pre-determine the outcome. Its a staged fight or a show fight, going on in acadamia right now. It is arguably also an EXECUTION as the fight is entirely real as everyone knows for all the talk about Critical Race Theory and people calling for it to be beat down as a theory.

There are many people calling for a fight and no shortage of people willing to answer the call to fight Critical Race Theory. The Post Racial Theory is the same theory used by Abolitionists. Nothing, absolutely nothing has changed since the Civil War. Human beings are all Homo Sapiens and there are no genetic racial traits. Race continues to not exist and yet the majority of Americans continue to believe race does exist.

The Abolitionists are destined only for continued victory as they promoted the truth then and those today are no different, on the science.

This beat down will not only prove Critical Race Theory is anti-intellectual racism or racism protesting against itself but it is also and necessarily a theory only for the mentally ill or insane and the brute fact of so many millions of genetically, neurologically insane people there are in the USA.

It will prove autism spectrum has always been with humanity like the Mark of Cain from the Bible. It has always been a curse of moral and literal pollution especially with inhaling the fumes of burning oil.

Its always been a genetic brain disease and it has been misunderstood since it was scientifically discovered only recently by DNA sequencing and MRI brain mapping. All people are human beings without race and yet some brain diseases make people less than human or they lack human intelligence and are more like a beast or seemingly reptillian and cold blooded rather than mammalian and warm blooded as are all people.

While millions, hundreds of millions around the world, of genetic imbeciles await alien invasion of the sort portrayed in Hollywood science fiction movies, the reality of human industry is it literally de-humanizes hundreds of millions of people and perhaps billions of human beings with it's pollution.

This is all scientifically verifiable and it has been since ancient Rome. The Nazis literally re-invented European empire by re-instituting ancient rites-practices of heavy metal poisoning and conditioning entire populations to be slave-stupid people to an elite who so poisoned them, at the neurological-genetic level, even promoting rape when it produced offspring. So all that pagan empire "science" was evolved and became American and the post war psychiatric fascism we know today.

Anyone who studdies Wesetern occultism will discover Alchemy is proto chemistry associated with mind control, or mental operations which border on magical for being real and unexplainable at the time. This is merely a study of texts from the Middle Ages, many also being illustrations and woodcuts.

What the Nazis did was re-discover dark age mind control teqniques or fully develop psychiatry into the new alchemy of today.

This is to say, that context now afforded the reader, when Critical Race Theory is executed and all it's advocates are summarily defined as imbeciles for being in the autism spectrum, it won't just be advocates of Critical Race Theory who are upset.

Everyone, already is upset. It will be everyone, literally, both those with and those who do not have autism, who are upset about this obvious and great lie nerd-academics have been espousing for a generation. For a generation, new alchemy has been covering up and profitting from new slavery, psychiatric fascism.

The cliche intelligence or nerd-speak so common in the USA today is like a bucket with the bottom slowly rotting out. This metaphor or cliche, as espoused by hypocrits is the point I'm making here.

The most cliche the most rotten (without empathy) the mind and arguably the hole which developed is even today, large enough to render most Baby Boomer intelligence as cliche, trite, anti-intellectual and mere pop psychology.

Our establishment geniuses, aren't really. This now withered and once vital Baby Boomer generation promoted mostly kiss asses or people with third party managers/agents to make them more kiss asses.

This is good enough for a game show but in real life its apparent the USA is lagging, managing diminishing returns for a generation. This is the American experience and nobody is happy with it.

Critical Race Theory has made it obvious America has many genetic imbeciles working in education, healthcare and law. The fight is fixed but the outcome is anything but certain.

The Libertine, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks about all of this nor has come to what I consider the obvious conclusion for sentient people, wants to mitigate the damage.

Clearly the imbeciles in the Republican party will be able to severely damage the careers of imbeciles in the Democratic party. This exchange of damage hopefully will make US education one with fewer imbeciles overall because that is necessary to get more competent healthcare and law enforcement.

While mitigating damage, the Libertine is simply aware of the fight and it's inevitable outcome and so a good friend for all except brown shirt like Neo-Nazis or more Gestapo like Neo-Nazis who obviously hate Libertines. These would, again, be the left-authoritarian Fabian socialist Democrats or neo-liberals.

Ideally, the far right will all but erradicate the authoritarian far left as the far right is less of a problem than psychiatric fascism replete with pentopticon. Ideally God will sort the dead and I'll only have to witness and maybe in the future do minimal defense contracting.

Post Racialism or Post Racial Theory (PRT) crushes Critical Race Theory. You have to literally believe the Earth is flat and the Sun orbits around this flat Earth and so a literal imbecile to believe race doesn't exist and yet it does because it is a religion.

Race-belief is not religious its terrorist-religion, its racist religion. I don't believe the Taliban are racist as Muslims are never supposed to be, both Shia and Sunnis agree on that and a few other concepts. The Islaimic world is perhaps the most science friendly in all history, so the Nation of Islam in the USA is unlike most Islamic sects-group for its open racial profiling and more of a racial caste-system.

The courts have been broken and favoring the insane since the 1960s so much so the lawyers today are all chimpanzees soon to be fighting over Critical Race Theory's death.

It will be more a chimpanzee court than a monkey like gibbon court, it will be more brutal, and I mean all this in humor because race literally does not exist except for people who believe the Earth is flat and there are quite a few people who are flat earthers without realizing it, same as many racists who are without realizing it.

I really hope for the best and as little violence as possible. I won't be surprised if Van Jones steals the moment with his CNN platform and sorts everything out as a lot of black people have always known and are very old (some even older than Boomers) that white people are insane to believe in race in the first place.

Someone from the black American community should sort out the Nation of Islam for fomenting racial hatred in the black community. Its not white supremacy that is the problem, its sociopath supremacy or the problem of violent genetic sociopaths who are also racists, race-believers.

They, white supremacists and all "supremacists" aren't in the right country because nothing about the USA is totalitarian and everything about these groups wants to exercise totalitarian authority.

These racist-militants ought to be enemy combatants, Terrorists, without a "domestic" distinction because they have truly foreign, non-American, interests. 

Instead, Biden and the Boomers continue to do everything back asswards because they truly are a generation of imbeciles God might love because I can't, as a group of people in history. Hopefully Kamala Harris is more on the ball than Biden. I still think Tulsi Gabbard is the single person capable of actually reforming the US military the way it has to be historically reformed--unique moment in US military history that isn't a War and yet is a total transformation of the US military, near total.

There are few exceptional Boomers, sadly, I can love as fellow human beings want for a better world for all. Usually they are younger people and the least conformist among them, who I can love for being sentient like myself.

It was anti-intellectual white people, cargo capitalist white people, psychiatrist like doctors-educated people, promoting race as legitimate biology everyone knows, or should, their history. It was another group of white people who first fought over this and it was a fight between sentient and stupid white people.

So white people have their best and worst and sadly the good white people haven't sufficiently punished the evil white people in the USA, this because the Baby Boomers are almost entirely race believing imbeciles.

Oh and be sure, on the political compass the far right is the authoritarian right and those are Monarchists. Monarchy is conservative authoritarianism or traditional authoritarianism and nothing about fascism is monarchical despite all the cry wolf fascism done by left authoritarian psychiatric fascists.

I am friendly with the government of Qatar, which has a government in organization with and yet mutually exclusive authority to an extent, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

As I look at the map, there are multiple governments in the Muslim world which qualifies the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia as an effective Caliphate.

So, again, racist imbeciles in the Muslim world have disagreed, saying they don't see the still vast and powerful Caliphate not as it once was but could fairly be considered a hidden caliphate today as many active governments follow from the government of Mohammed who still technically has a Kingdom.

The Sunni world is effectively a Caliphate by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and so a perfect example of right authoritarian power in the world. Most people in AntiFa don't understand the political compass.

This is no slight against the more Persian than Arab Shia who are democratic and in this way much more like Americans. They are also fiercely competitive and so I think a lot of the problems between the Persian Muslim world and American world could be resolved with a real heavyweight boxing match between a Champion Shia and Champion Sunni Muslim boxers could bring peace to the Muslim world, theoretically, and be a platform to talk about race and racism.

Don King could still have the power, the mojo, to set something like that up. Otherwise someone else might and President Donald Trump and Don King seem to me as comparable men for personalities.

There is a fight between real and great boxers and their critic-fans, so to speak, coming. What was an uprising of Gladiadors in ancient Rome, today, might become an uprising of security-enforcer professionals.

All this said, I'm a post racial Jew so I agree on a great many things with liberal Muslims (those who are liberal in the Muslim world) and am educated to know more so than Christians they have historically advanced science.

Jewish people have never been a large enough group, or rarely, in comparison to these super-groups of people so to compare Muslims and Christians in science is to note Christians were anti-science (fiercely and nationalistically too, hateful towards scientists) until they weren't but then they were psychiatric fascists or pretended to have psychic powers while trampling all over legitimate neurology, pimping and whoring at universities is no joke.... nor is it a joke how much science Christians do understand and continue to apply inapparopirately, immorally.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Libertine Party and Mode Ben Avraham


I, Mode Ben Avraham, registered as a Voter in the State of Oregon and as a Member of the Libertine Party in 2020. There is no registered Libertine Party with the State of Oregon and so like many others in Oregon whom have registered as members of unpopular political parties, I am registered as an "Other" Party member.

In the Summer of 2021 I again registered (with a new address) as a member of the Libertine Party, legally changed my name and finished starting-up my new company Verdantronix LLC in the city of Portland.

Since no one else was laying claim to the Libertine label in politics and libertine philosophy largely informs my politics I decided to author this blog.

I also author this blog and have it's address on my personal calling cards, the front of which bear the head of an American Mountain Lion and reads Libertine Party of Oregon, because the work I do as CEO and President of Verdantronix LLC is extremely political,

I speak with Seante and Congressional offices almost daily, five days a week. Part of my responsibility as CEO and President is to lobby Congress such they understand the importance of investing in green power and Verdantronix. Less frequently and still frequently I communicate with State and local government offices.

It is fair to say Verdantronix LLC has a Libertine-political work culture. Its a post-racial work environment I create when I allow others to collaborate with me on developing my intellectual property and inventions.

Still, and naturally, I do not want to own all Libertine politics in America. I am, however, the only person I've found in the many political chatrooms and political websites articulating the Libertine agenda. For over a decade I've realized myself as an extreme minority because of my politics, but I'm certainly not the only left-libertarian in the US. This being the case I'm happy to be the father of Libertine politics but never a horde-father.

As I don't have children of my own it is equally true I have a sincere and great concern for the quality of life for future generations and especially as it pertains to the environment. I hope this blog will come to inform younger Americans who embrace libertine philosophy to also define themselves as Libertines, politically.

It is my express and overt intention to foment excitement for Libertine politics so other self-described Libertines express their fanaticism for Liberty the way I have, in their own words. I certainly don't intend Verdantronix LLC to have a political monopoly on green power nor abuse my politics with corporate self-interest. My politics are sincere and entirely adopted by my own company and that will remain so for as long as I'm alive.

I will never run for any political office. I have no interest, the idea of running for a political office disgusts me. I could not be the person I am at my core and also be a public servant, to the USA. If I become a citizen of another country this might change.

That said, I will only support (financially) those self-described liberal politicians who adopt Libertine polical tactics and my personal agenda to reform the USA. I lobby all politicians, from all political backgrounds, who demonstrate great intelligence in media to make sure they have the data I have which leads me to Libertine politics.

So it is I cannot be corrupted or I am already and totally corrupt. My entire self is absorbed by Verdantronix LLC, I have no family and have been unlawfully persecuted most of my adult life by corrupt government officials and I have no qualms about any of this.

I will never stop seeking revenge against corrupt government officials. As I'm in the political minority, I also do not subscribe to much "popular wisdom" as it regards having enemies. My enemies chose me and they will remain my enemies until they or I die. My misfortune with organized criminals is real and so these terms simply brute facts about life as any adult would understand it.

My personal conflicts and personal financial interest should never overshadow Libertine values nor be more important than the Libertine political agenda as everything about it is for the greater good of humanity. I understand the difference between my politics and other matters in my life and hope everyone who might consider my writing would agree and still agree with Libertine politics.

They are the very best politics, better than Green Party for the environment, better than the Libertarian Pary for liberty, better than the Democratic Party for informed-populism/democracy, better than the Republican party for the Republic and constitutional government of the USA and more independent than the Independent Party because far fewer Americans have thought enough about politics to even consider being a Libertine.

They are the masses, the rabble. Libertines are lions by default and Nature. Libertines have standards they cannot fall short of.

This blog is perhaps the only political Libertine blog in the entire world, no other self-identifying libertine caring about politics for perhaps an unhealthy obsession with sex and private life.

This all said for no other reason then because those from other political persuasions can be assured I will only entertain their ideas and upon my own all is now and forever settled.

I'm sure my personal battle with organized crime in the USA is my own and only expect other Libertines to be against organized crime in principal and always. Organized crime can't be defeated as it should be, by competition from Libertines organized as criminals.

I, we, don't operate like that--I never have and never will. That fact is also why I converted to Judaism after my father died, in secret and between myself and the Lord. I've been increasingly observant since 2000. Libertines don't have to be Jews but having religious certainty against organized crime probably is necessary, to destroy organized crime--by this I mean religious authority, faith-authority, in the supremacy of good over evil is necessarily Libertine.

In short, Libertine political philosophy is exclusively informed by Transcendentalist literature, social contract theory and utilitarian ethics. More than a libertine lifestyle, Libertines have a political agenda.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Post Racial Environmentalism

In this post, the Libertine's secondary political priority is discussed as the top priority has already been described as the abolition of rape culture and it's racism.

Post Racial Environmentalism or PRE is is the Libertine rubric for determining political success. Has a Libertine achieved or advanced the cause of PRE, is the practical evaluation of Libertine politics. The primary goal being existential, literally a struggle between Libertine light or enlightenment and more apish ignorance, that cannot be rationally measured.

What can be appraised is success or failure at PRE. What is PRE?

PRE is the concept of a natural and social environment, that they are one and the same for human beings. While society and urban areas are strikingly unnatural and fabricated by people, those people are also natural creatures organizing in accord or out of accord, with human nature. 

PRE is not mere environmentalism. On the point of the natural environment alone, with all human concerns aside and only concern for that "other" considered Nature, the environmental impact of man made pollution-and-damage is more intense. Libertine PRE maintains brain diseased societies of people are literally causing ecocide, that climate change co-incides with plague-genetic brain disease and the two necessarily coincide as caused by industrial chemical fallout (ICF).

The Libertine, when talking about PRE, is concerned with how much they and others have slowed the rate of ecocide and discusse what policies might totally arrest ecocide and begin a new biological era of restoration of the natural world.

More than mere environmentalism and not at all reliant nor following from Gaia Theory, Eco Feminism nor any pagan Nature worship, PRE is concern for the natural and natural-social world of human beings.

Slavery, is to be abolished and cannot be until it's culture, the culture of rape and the social permission/tolerance for the mentally retarded to be granted the privilege of rape (especially if they are more affluent in society, than their victim) and exception from criminal punishment with medical insurance fraud, is abolished. 

The Civil War did not abolish Slavery. It only abolished some forms of Slavery and left the Rape Culture that has always defined the USA still in tact much like the social organization that once was the Klu Klux Klan remains in tact and a much larger and now more inclusive Confederacy of Treasonous and literally incestuous families.

So it is, the Libertine understands the pollution War demands and lack of it Peace (with health) demands, is a balace and the entire scale for their political measurement or PRE is fixed and weighted by the facts and moral absolutes, imparatives.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

The United States Leads The World Into Madness And World War III

I am in no rush to finish this post. The title, is the political reality.

To be clear, Libertines are against violence save the single exception of what has been defined as Righteous violence. None of the violence the USA has been engaged in, abroad and speaking to domestic violence as well, since 1947 has been Righteous.

This post will explain how only Libertine politics are valid. The other three political philosophies, left-authoritarians, right-authoritarians and right-libertarians, are all insane and counter-human (unnatural) political philosophies.

Only the Libertine is in accord with human nature, as a left-libertarian. The other three types of people are literally trying to impose a delusion, mythology or the personal fantasies of others on to still more others.

As there are no Libertines in the USA, except for myself and those few who are left-libertarian like myself and for all their lives accepted as I once did, not even a blog to be found in the vast political discourse which articulated left-libertarian politics.... I am not saying I or Libertines are the saviors of the world and humanity.

I'm saying the other three types of people, those other three types of politics, are varying degrees of ruin for people and the world. They literally destroy humanity, never cultivating it, and make the world physically toxic and more poisonous--actually murder people, as part of their lifestyle and complimentary to their politics.

Transcendentalist literature, to be sure, is sufficient physical and historical evidence that Libertine thinking is not my invention. Transcendentalist literature began in the USA and with perfect clarity articulates left-libertarian philosophy; yet nowhere in in American politics today is any of the politics informed by Transcendentalist literature and left-libertarian, Libertine, politics.

Simply put, to paraphrase the entire movement in literature, the Libertine is necessarily a Transcendentalist, a self reliant person in Nature. The Libertine today is comparable to the Last Mohican, or they represent the dead American ideal.

Fascism won with it's Baby Boom, after World War II.

This all now well established, the contentions point is all US politics since 1947 has been the act of a Treasonous government which now so many years later has caused the total failure of the Judicial branch of government and will likely cause the total failure of government when Congress and the White House are destroyed in WWIII.

The USA has not been America, since 1947 and this is true as is the title of this post.

The USA is leading the world and all the nations and military forces into madness and the Third World War which will be fought with a variety of nuclear weapons--a plethora of varying platforms all using nuclear power to effect destruction.

Baby Boomers, in having destroyed the Constitution, trampling on it by tyranny of majority in democracy the same way the principals of the German government were trampled on by legitimate populism by the Nazi party which caused the Second World War, speed us to World War Three and have been since Vietnam.

Baby Boomers, through no original Sin but entirely their adult responsibility and to their collective fault (exclusive blame), are Traitors to what once was the American ideal. As a generation, they offered no meaningful resistance to fascism, only vain, cowardly and irrelevant protest. The so called counter-culture, or vocal minority of Boomers who dissent to the fascist militarism are mostly genetically brain diseased people, those the tyranny has already rejected.

In trying to make Libertine-American ideals more honest, such as abolishing racial segregation, Boomers actually made the USA a fascist country and even more racist than it was with racial segregation. They purposefully did this with legislation and Court decisions. The protests all failed to do more than sew seeds for domestic violence, met out at the family level or otherwise externalized.

The violence Baby Boomers have always cultivated, regardless of their "pacifist" delusion or explicit celebration of the fascist government, is the violence of the insane.

Transcendentalist literature describes a level of personal autonomy no longer possible in America. There are no longer such remote places in which to live, so free from the concerns of other people with no appreciation for left-libertarian ideals. The Baby Boomers were born into a post-Transcendentalist USA as their parents saw the very end of it before the Great Depression.

More people, today, are factually-neurologically insane and actually believe in different races of people than there are people who know race is a lie, a social construct invented to foment chaos and violence. 

Put another way, Baby Boomers are a generation of mentally retarded people who are convinced they are actually geniuses. Everything they have done, being totally lost from birth, has been a failure. It has produced loss in some profound way for the society be it economic, military, cultural, scientific-environmental, etc. It has produced no gains in a generation, in any of these areas to so evaluate the society as a civilization in time.

To be sure, the Libertine is not for racial segregation or a government policy to force racial segregation or somehow "go back in time" and re-implement a Libertine ideal. If that thought crossed a reader's mind upon reading this about Libertine politics, they should read the other posts so they might understand this one.

The Libertine, today, has merely adapted to a post Transcendentalist understanding of the world and as this blog articulates that so too it informs a new politics with distinct political adversaries. The Libertine, having "died and been reborn," in a metaphorical sense and to speak for left-libertarian philosophy itself, is merely a new-transcendentalist or neo transcendentalist.

As race can only be a lie to divide a society against itself, racial integration was a stronger push of the same lie. The lie used to be used to create physical-social barriers or ethnic quarters and districts in cities. Instead of abolishing the lie, racial integration was the government forcing more racist lies into the lives of every American. The lie about race grew, became greater, than even when Hitler and the Nazis told it, once Americans started telling it.

As Baby Boomers, the establishment, continues to reject post racial politics it necessarily increases the amount and intensity of racial violence in the USA. The only alternative to continued worsening of racial violence and ever increasing popularity of race-belief and racism is naturally post racialism or the post racial world view.

The Libertine would use Righteous violence to implement into Law, even going against the majority beliefs of the US population if at least 20% of the population agreed to impose by revolutionary violence, a post racial doctrine for US Constitution.

Only 20% of the original colonists supported the original Revolution and creation of the USA. The Civil War proved violence against Americans to abolish the institution and culture of Slavery is right and legitimate. The Libertine would and does prefer a second Revolutionary or Civil War to remove the Baby Boomer establishment from power for medical-genetic reasons: they are plagued with genetic brain disease, fascists and promote Slavery.

Ideally, Baby Boomers could be reasoned with and yet there is no reason with evidence in history to believe anything other than violence might arrest the constantly increasing violence which defines the American civilization since the Second World War.

Without shame and for any chance of a good future, this post will show how the USA and the Baby Boomer establishment is an establishment of incestuous-retarded families who by democracy, made their pedast-rape culture legal. It has with no less than 1/3rd of women who are also professional soldiers in the US military reporting rape and sexual victimization allowed by Command personnel.

Since 1947, the US military has promoted human garbage in the ranks. It has been a total failure and embarrassment to every American before, living and which may come for future generation. It has been promoting rapists and autism spectrum morons.

1947 was when the Klu Klux Klan took over, with their autistic Baby Boomer litter, the United States of America. They littered themselves into a fascist majority, establishment and generation. This is a Libertine understanding as differs from a conspiracy theory. The understanding is the KKK culture came to totally define the American people who even re-organized their Republic into a Fascist state.

To be sure, the Libertine historical analysis has no theory. It is an analysis of the facts without any guess work.

The establishment or US government of today, is not legitimate and has not been since 1947. The Marshal Plan was an effecitve coup against the US Constitution and creation of a deep state or fascist government. The Republic was supplanted by a fascist-technocracy, a completely different form of government.

Jar-heads, Marines, soldiers who since ancient Greece were also considered feeble-minded for being irrationally prone to violence, like dog-men, were given service branch autonomy. What used to be understood as mental retardation came to be called "mental illness." It simply became common, not exceptional, for American men to be irrational and violent.

The CIA was created, modeled and built by former Nazi intelligence agents, and immediately began to undermine the US military with bad intelligence. This is exactly what Nazi intelligence did to the German military only Americans believed they would be successful with fascism where the Germans could not. This was, as strange as it may seem, the overwhelmingly popular disposition of Congress and the President in 1947.

Psychiatry also came to be the state religion of the USA, after 1947. By sheer Fraud it operates as authority in a population of genetically incompetent people, over-medicated people or one of the many being euthanized by distress or poverty.

The Courts are completely failed without hope for anything but Righteous violence to re-establish a legitimate Court. Some Courts are also broadcast as entertainment television, the actual education system totally corrupted by psychiatric Fraud.

The amount of torture and human trafficking, Slavery, the establishment Court is guilty of can only be corrected by capital executions of Treasonous Judges and attorneys whom have conspired in the great Fraud that is psychiatry. Clearly, as many academics continue to point out, psychiatry continues to undermine any and all integrity of people and institutions associated with the United States government.

The wealth incestuous families have amassed since rape culture was normalized by psychiatry, is obscene. Others will talk of a failed Drug War, failed War on Terrorism, etc. Its the failed War or the War that never happened, against organized crime in America that is the history Baby Boomers produced.

They are a generation of crooks.

Only Righteous violence can redistribute the wealth stolen by incestuous-rapist families and factual organized crime families in the United States of America: evil, mentally retarded with genetic brain disease, families. The true enemy of the American people have been the criminally organized families in America and this has been the enemy the US military cowers from and minions for, to it's immortal shame and dishonor exactly like the Nazis and Emperor Cult in Japan.

This does not mean I or Libertines ought to organize as right-Libertarians do, into militia groups, to overthrow the authoritarian non-Constitutional authority that is this Treasonous US government as it has been since 1947.

To be sure, Righteous violence is violence which does not beget more violence and so the Libertine insists with proper use of the US military a counter-coup can be effected and with an exact number of summary executions of men and presumably also some women found guilty of Treason--for propounding the fascism that psychiatry and new-age incest cult Christianity exalts.

Baby Boomers who have been doing this their entire lives, and with legal authority, should be executed for Treason. Most, however, are truly automatons and not sentient people. They were factually mislead to be abusive, more comparable to chimpanzees than homo sapiens, as parents--intellectually and emotionally disabled parents.

No holocaust or violence beyond what is necessary to end the authority of the establishment generation forever, is Righteous.

If Baby Boomers, both Republicans and Democrats can be made to supplicate before reality, and to collectively be objective for what would be the first time in their wretched political lives, they would immediately be retired from public life spending the rest of theirs in heavy metal detox to address their genetic brain disease.

If that generation can be politically isolated and finally marginalized as a populist political force, then World War III can be adverted short of an Civil or Revolutionary War.

It is tragic Baby Boomers succeeded where Nazi Germany failed, in destroying the good America. The only alternative to the continued tragedy of the the Baby Boomer establishment is counter-coup or Revolution. Congress should be persuaded. The Executive ought to be subordinate to the Libertine vision and with Congress effect a purge of the Judiciary.

Short of this, the brute facts of fascist America will eventually be considered the Treason of the USA to the Allies and indeed the USA will become the new Axis power and in all probability destroyed, its population of 300+ million obliterated, in World War III.

Humanity won't have any other choice if it wants to save human DNA from the scourge of genetic brain disease and fossil fuel abuse. The USA has only promoted a future of brain diseased racism, doing Fraud to pretend fascism is good when democratically supported.

President Biden is a fool, like every President has been since 1947. He suggests democracy stands against authoritarianism, even says this when clearly democracy produces fascism and nothing in living memory is more authoritarian than that.

The Boomers, the vast majority of them, are the Devil's imbeciles: profoundly stupid people who have such a big idea of themselves, they can't ever learn. If only they could be shut up into retirement, the Courts purged, and a post racial America comes to re-define the American experience. That is the good future if only remote possibility.

In my opinion, the chances are greater than 80% the USA will be attacked by the New Allies and lose WWIII, a nuclear war, within my lifetime or the next 30 years. The fascist State and all the demented-violent American families, the rape culture Baby Boomers created, makes the future grim and certain.

The authoritarian left, fascist-psychiatric liberals, is a confederacy of incest cult families in the Democratic and Republican parties. They have a generational pact and government only as old as it is. 

Baby Boomers are not authentic Americans, they are like Bizarro was to Superman. They are caricatures of themselves with academic psychology being only and everything to do with that: popular insanity. This is how they were reared to be and why they do not deserve their own country and won't have one for much longer.

As time elapses over the next three decades, violence in the USA will probably increase. Incest will continue to be defined by US courts as legal and a matter of sexual preference, as uncle-niece incest marriage was recently legalized in New York state.

Psychiatry will continue to destroy any and all hope for victims of rape, incest or other types of sexual abuse. Justice will continue to become a parody, a subject with only tragic and comical value in the USA. The Courts will continue, every Judge and lawyer being educated Traitors to the US Constitution and criminals guilty of gross and total crime against humanity comparable only to SS Gestapo Nazis who ran death camps.

Institutional racism, psychiatry, will only and always perpetuate Slavery and call itself a justice system as it does today.

High profile cases against serial rapists, will all end without Justice, because that is all any US Court can do being a entirely failed branch of government, every agent of the court a total Fraud and agent of organized crime.

Violence of all types, and especially those against children and the most vulnerable, will culminate into the Satanic orgy it was destined to become by the authors of the Marshal Plan or by collective mass-stupidity of the establishment generation, incompetent regarding the political failures of their parents.

The USA has been a failed state, a suicidal state antagonistic towards it's own people for at least two generations, and this can only produce a Third World War or Second Civil/Revolutionary War.

The ideal future, which is not a utopia but rather the best possible future with a realistic chance of happening is a future where Baby Boomers are retired by military Court Order. That the US Courts are purged of Traitors and the USA purged of psychiatrists. This is extremely improbable future, but could realistically happen.

More probable and slightly less ideal, is the US Army special forces and majority too in the US Navy and Air Force would marginalize the authority of the United States Marines or a duel between the Army and Marines and Presidential authority would produce the immediate end of the failed Judiciary and suspension of Habeaus Corpus as Congress and the President ratify the Constitution to make the USA a post racial nation state with a solvent Judiciary, free from fascism and such psychiatric Fraud.

For the US military to undo the National Security Act of 1947, which was a total perversion of the US military by a consensus-fascist Congress and President, is what US Army special forces might accomplish mostly on their own.

More probable and less ideal is a Second Civil or Revolutionary War. What is probable and not at all ideal is a Third and conventional exchange of nuclear weapons, World War the USA will almost certainly lose to China and the Allies.

The least likely and so only worth mentioning for context, would be the US Space Force accomplishing a suspension of the Judiciary and Constitutional reform by Martial Law with only it's assets deployed. That is all but impossible albeit not a totally fantastic ideal future.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

History Without Moral Objectivity Is Progressive History and Moral Relativism

As Libertines are American lions Progressives began with the Bull Moose or American Moose as their totem-mascot.

In politics, the Progressive caucus is in the Democratic Party with contemporary Progressives also being avowed socialists and known more for this and their want for higher taxes to afford socialist-welfare programs.

They are also known for being anti-war and yet are authoritarians on the political compass. 

Authoritarians for peace, is another way to frame in language the Progressive agenda but few people realize Progressive politics began with a Progressive Party founded by a Republican President who failed to win re-nomination after becoming one of America's most famous Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt.

Republicans rejected Theodore Roosevelt for wanting to make the party more of a cult surrounding him and his family, is the Libertine opinion on why Roosevelt didn't win renomination and despite his Rough Rider military background and clique, failed to intimidate and coerce Republicans into a Feudalistic political arrangement.

There are a few opinions in literature on why Roosevelt was not re-elected by Republicans and how both his Progressive party and descendant Franklin Delanore Roosevelt came to be a caucus and President in and for Democrats.

Republicans are an interesting party with their most notable Presidents being extremely liberal Statesmen: Lincoln and Roosevelt. This is plainly so as Lincoln was an Abolitionist (ultra liberal) and Theodore Roosevelt was a socialist (the establishment of National Parks).

With this being understood, still, why are Progressives today a caucus rather than the party established by Theodore Roosevelt and why in the Democratic party instead of the Republican party which gave birth to Theodore Roosevelt's success? How could his conservative supporters become Progressives and eventually those conservatives became liberals over two generations?

Moreover, why are Progressives today politically consolidated in the US education system, with so many teachers and professors? Have they always been mostly public workers in such unions?

Thirdly, and this will be proven before this final question is answered, what can be done about total and commercial Frauds, criminal Frauds, who are also openly anti-intellectual and probably mentally retarded with a genetic brain disease called autism--what are such people doing intentionally, knowingly, miss-educating the American people?

The last question, put another way, is can higher education in the United States be salvaged or is it forever lost to Progressive fascism?

First, before fully exploring these questions for answers, it must also be said even the Progressive media born from the Progressive academia in America, even this press reports America as being traditionally right-of-center or conservative.

This means most Americans don't really organize themselves as individuals within a society outside their families except for by marriage and such mingling of families for a social life. This too, usually and traditionally occurred in small towns which themselves had little to do with others, this ultra private conservative lifestyle being the established history. On this historical fact, both liberals and conservatives agree.

Only recently, within the decade, have more Americans lived in cities than in towns and villages. Urban life is traditionally more liberal, or liberalism (higher taxes and more government) is more common in urban populations.

These facts have to be agreed to, to bein the exploration of these questions about Progressives with the final answer being YES the so called intellectuals and elites in the United States of America are indeed mostly frauds. They are not intellectuals nor are they elites and this is factually true even when they dominate as academics and constitute the majority of those who are also financially successful by criminal Fraud, funding their "research and study."

Yes, the US education system can be redeemed and this is a de facto obligation of a libertine--someone who is philosophically left-libertarian. Libertine politics can oust Progressives from all universities or effect such a purge of anti-intellectuals within the autism spectrum, or Spectrum Frauds, to coin a term.

This is not a libertine goal, so much as a moral obligation because libertines factually are intelligent and not intellectual handicaps involved in a labor union of genetically brain diseased morons, teaching flat Earth theory (which is what Progressives do).

To be sure, the flat Earth theory I'm talking about is the race-believing, anti-intellectual belief in psychology and psychiatry as valid academic studies, and these two beliefs which Progressives promote loudly qualify them as flat Earth imbeciles if not also morons (ones who would teach what is false as if it were true).

Socialism doesn't need to be authoritarian, politically speaking. Libertine socialism is socialism without the psychiatric fascism, without the Spectrum-perception of a choice only between two or more evils. That mentality too, that what is moral is only a matter of a lesser evil, is both autistic and flat Earth for perception. For them, it is true; but not everyone is a Spectrum Fraud--someone without the natural-genetic freedom to be honest.

Socialism doesn't need the psychiatric alternative punishments, as mental health is often also a punishment issued treatment-plan in US courts, with more conservative authoritarians preferring mass incarceration. It is a Progressive and liberal, alternative punishment for plea deal or a longer and more draconian term incarcerated, often this for a choice for Americans charged with a crime.

That is a false choice only a failed court--a court lost to the fraud and conspiracy of autism spectrum imbecile-morons--would offer, having no capacity to dispense Justice. This is the US court system, today.

A legal system where civil matters are resolved by for-profit attorneys and criminal matters are resolved by for-profit attorneys compelled-ordered to work for free. This is a legal system with no justice whatsoever and its designed to be that way and for-profit of the people who run the courts.

Put another way, the Libertine perceptive is the US Judiciary is a failed branch of government and factually a group of people engaged in active Treason against the US Constitution.

Courts could and should be libertarian, especially if they have the US Constitution for its principal set of laws, not authoritarian. Sadly, they are authoritarian and the Progressive fascism is as real as the conservative fascism with so much incest-cult Christian Nationalism, so called white supremacists, in the USA.

The truth is an incest-cult is a better way to describe a family involved in crime, or organized crime. Families of this type are organized in what is traditionally called the Klu Klux Klan (even black and Jewish families), or the invisible empire of criminally organized American families.... which ought to be their full title. Really though, its a looser organization as it became "multi-racial." Still, they are all most basically incest cults.

A Libertine revolution in the Judiciary can only occur if the universities are first purged. The Judiciary draws its authority, ultimately, from the academic establishment which produces lawyers and judges. As that is failed, so too the USA has a failed Judiciary, or a Judiciary undermined by fraud as I talk about in my coming book, Rape Culture: The American Nightmare.

Its spoken to in almost as strong terms of condemnation by Dr. Margaret A. Hagen in her book Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice.

Now, to answer the first question: How did Progressives evolve from conservative Republicans into liberal Democrats?

They did it by criminally organizing much like the Klu Klux Klan established itself as a society within the greater American society and so a covert political force. Progressives did that same thing after President Theodore Roosevelt bid to Lord over the Republican Party and was left only with his Progressives who then were merely a political cult of personality.

They would come to criminally organize as the mental healthcare industry with political Progressives being the only political group to push psychiatry and it's medical insurance Frauds, after the Second World War. After doing this, they would come to dominate in US education with every school having at least one psychic-counselor (who is merely a Progressive cult member).

To be sure, Libertines want police and psychologists out of US schools. The US education system today, is fascist because it has police and psychologists in them, making them fascist.

What was once President Theodore Roosevelt's cult of personality, or original Progressive Party, became a new religion and cult we now call the mental health industry. After mental healthcare became mainstream (the success of new Progressives politics), Progressives won themselves status in the Democratic party for sheer number of Votes, people.

That is the long and short of the evolution of Progressive politics, but what must also be said is the original group began as a new group of socialists differentiating themselves from communists and centered on conservationism of the sort which popularized the US National Park System.

To be sure, Progressives have conservationist roots associated with the US Park System. That conservationism is a confusion for environmentalists who would assume such conservationists have a love for the natural environment but this is untrue. The love the Progressives have for the environment is really their love of socialism and how they organized as people, first, as public workers in US forests.

They were socialists and conservationists who established a society that wasn't modeled on the Klu Klux Klan, but had indeed become the new Klu Klux Klan as mental healthcare ruined all courts, turning them into witch trials and lynchings of varying shades of gray. 

Like Grand Wizards, psychologists and judges, like Grand Dragons, also pretend to have psychic powers or ESP when they rule on "intent" and racially profile. It is a society of criminally insane people only some of whom are also inbred and genetically, mentally retarded. To be sure, many in the US judiciary are the products of incestuous-rape breeding want to vent their wrath on non-inbred society.

The Roosevelt family was also notorious for being incestuous even in the case of President Franklin Delanore Roosevelt who had extra-marital sexual relations with his own cousin, openly, while serving as President.

Despite what American pop culture suggests being lost to the scientific fraud that is mental healthcare, FDR was certainly mentally retarded, had a genetic brain disease called autism, to copulate with his own blood like that requires a total lack of empathy and complete sociopathy.

It perhaps took a US sociopath to be President, to defeat the Axis in WWII but that in no way produced any meaningful peace for the United States as the domestic violence which followed WWII was more and more intense violence than US forces suffered during WWII.

The same can be said for the US military which only became increasingly violent and aggressive after the War was over.

Indeed, it can even be argued the Axis won because after the Germans and Japanese were defeated the USA immediately adopted fascism with the National Security Act of 1947 with the re-organization of the military and establishment of the CIA to create a technocracy-autocracy to undermine and override the US Constitution.

If American had been a Libertarian country before, it certainly wasn't after 1947. The USA became an authoritarian state.

All of this is the fault of Progressives and their politics in America. FDR too, like his predecessor Theodore Roosevelt, proved the Roosevelt family was incestuous and operated as a cult--again much like the Klu Klux Klan only now with DSM-5 far more powerful than a Bible, in court.

The evolution and migration of the Progressive Party into what is today the Progressive caucus within the Democratic party did in fact occur although no Progressive today can be expected to realize what their own party stands for because much to all of their political talk is mere cult-speak and psychobabble. Its is platitudes and hyperbole.

They are a group of people, like an incestuous family, who totally do not care about reality nor objectivity. They are lost on the idea of a perverse socialism where the State is "them" and taxpayers are new serfs for a royal-autistic breed of super-Americans.

They expect unequal and special rights to effectively make them a master race compared to people with different politics and neurology.

Everything the mental healthcare industry is, is a political machine to achieve this end for Progressives. That machine is more powerful than the fascist war machine of the Nazis, this passive-aggressive and Progressive war machine had destroyed US courts, education and healthcare. Arguably, it destroyed the USA.

The socialism which began in US parks and forest services gained popularity among public workers and especially in US education and by the 1960s with the Draft being the option for most young Americans, the autistic version of American socialists (not to be confused with the Libertine socialism, social contract theory, wherein autism is considered a neurological disease and the afflicted to be afforded healthcare without special rights) completed their effective take-over of US education.

The cult of the Roosevelt family now more like Scientology on steroids and the cult of the mental health industry, today in 2021. Where the Roosevelt family went, I don't know. It is strange such a powerful family has seemingly and totally disappeared from all celebrity in US media.

This brings us to the second question, why are Progressives today politically consolidated in the university education system, with so many teachers and professors?

It has been said how Progressives became the establishment in US education, they were once a group of public workers in US parks and forestry who over time became more and better established as a group of public workers in US education.

Progressive politics generally gained popularity among public worker labor unions after it was established and especially by promoting mental healthcare be included in medical insurance coverage. This almost certainly seems to be the case given the Progressive agenda to push mental healthcare, but beyond this being rather obvious, their may have been no coordinated subversion of public workers unions by the Progressives working for US forests and parks.

Progressives grew, and we can expect like the Roosevelt family they literally reproduced more (rape and incest being sadly and wrongly socially acceptable in the USA given how common they occur) and so too the number of Progressives grew with the vast majority of bastards and victims of incest being offered only mental healthcare to help them.

As shocking as it may seem, Progressives and the mental health industry have always been working politically to decriminalize rape and especially incest (which is the worst form of rape, arguably). This has been obvious by the careers of every psychologist since Freud. Always, there are psychological considerations when talking about sexual violence and rarely to ever criminal charges and convictions.

This likely reality of Progressives also being families tolerant and/or celebratory of parents who rape and condition for slavery their own children and/or children in their care, is a probability close to if not 100%. You really have to be blind, intentionally ignorant to ignore the statistics on sexual violence in the USA and how brazenly women and children are diminished as objects and psychology offers alternate realities at cost, in mass media.

Its well established, beyond rational refutation, that mental healthcare has always sought to decriminalize sexual violence and considers it a mental health issue more than a crime. Its also the clear fact Progressives are the group who in US politics most fervently promote mental healthcare. So these facts contribute to the Libertine understanding that Progressives have to be taken-out ASAP.

It is no wonder why Progressives hate education so much they targeted it as a profession to subvert to make their brand of politics so co-mingled with family the new normal they established in the 1960s, during Vietnam. What they lack in wisdom-intelligence, they make up for in cunning and guile.

It wasn't a conspiracy so much as wantonly incestuous people, be they American or from any other country, are moral cowards. They are usually attracted to children and people with less capacity for moral judgement. 

Obviously they would be adverse to the idea of going to War when everything they are about is their family and cult--those far more important to them than patriotism or humanity in general.

The opportunity presented itself, US education was never strong and rarely has the USA produced a great intellectual when great intellectuals are considered in the context of world history. In a rather backwards and uneducated America, Vietnam was the opportunity for incestuous families to send their Progressive children to college and so avoid the Draft.

They would soon establish psychiatry and psychology as legitimate academic pursuits, which they were not considered before Vietnam. This, then, is the Progressive's historical motivation for the anti-war politics conjunct politics promoting rampant drug abuse and tolerance for the drug-and-sex abuse culture.

Before Vietnam the US military did not embrace psychiatry and the US military, as a force, was not lost to drug experimentation. Drug experimentation on soldiers, especially, had been considered Nazi style military service and evil. It was and still should be compared to the occult and anti-science, despite the effects certain drugs have and how they might be temporarily advantageous to survival.

Still, Baby Boomers re-defined America and by the 1970s it had turned into the fascist, pro incest and sociopathy rape culture, it still is today. I was born in 1975 so a fascist USA is all I've ever known.

Their Progressive-incestuous politics with newfound power in US courts, their inbred quacks now considered expert witnesses despite the obvious reality they are complete and total frauds (transparent imbeciles) won over the "new world order." 

Indeed, Baby Boomers embraced Progressive politics unlike previous generations going all the way back to Theodore Roosevelt. That generation, bred in post war lust, produced a historically large number of mentally retarded individuals who were no doubt also produced by incest-copulation and/or rape. Progressive politics especially appeal to people with such family backgrounds as sure as the mental health industry promotes Progressive politics and this too is so obvious, its a given.

Now these two answers have been explored, on how the evolution of Progressive politics occurred in history and can be rightly said to be as much a political movement of amoral people, or moral relativists, as they are a movement about anything else--what about hope for the future?

It has been explained how and why Progressives are conscious of keeping and growing their financial wealth by Fraud and corruption, especially as government workers who undermine the government agencies they work for, always with Progressive politics.

To be sure, every business large enough to afford a living wage for more than the business owners, has a Human Resources department who is more or less an in-house psychologist. Psychological profiling is normal and everywhere in US society. Its hard to find a group of Americans where the majority in the group do not racially, psychologically and criminally profile others in the group.

It is exceedingly rare, although possible, to find a group of Americans who all have the capacity to actually get to know the content of each other's characters.

The last question, why do the American people who are not Progressives stand for Progressives given their abject corruption and moral depravity--can moral Americans overcome amoral Progressives?

Americans tolerate Progressives, even those who hate Progressives do in fact continue to tolerate them in society for the exact and same reasons the Klu Klux Klan is still tolerated. It is a mentality, an American mentality shared between most all Americans regardless of their politics, to accept and expect a lesser of two evils. That mentality fosters tolerance of amorality and even intentional immorality.

Progressives are tolerated as, perhaps, an alternative evil to the Klu Klux Klan. This new mob of mostly white, mostly inbred, people. They don't only target blacks and are more about equal opportunity lynching and they do it in a courtroom. That is so much better than those messy, out of fashion lynchings. Right?

Sadly, however, Progressives actually constitute a new Klu Klux Klan as the KKK has lost most to all of its former power. Progressives now wield that power, especially with their mental health lynch mob or all those Frauds working as psychologists, the KKK used to wield in courtrooms.

Its also the way incestuous families, as the KKK was always openly incestuous and racist, retained their political power after the KKK was all but destroyed in the USA. Incestuous families simply became Progressives. They got to keep their confederacy of criminally organized families and had the opportunity to weed out the lower IQ type.

To be sure, not all Progressives are members of incest-cult families but even those who aren't do the bidding for such families and effectively work for them as everyone in mental healthcare does and has since Freud.

This then brings me to what I wanted to write about before I realized I had to provide a real and objective history of Progressive politics in America, as they are the existential nemesis for a Libertine--given the times and country I'm living in, this seems sure to be the case.

Just like the KKK fomented racial violence, so too Progressives do today and again in much the same way: bloody, awful, senseless violence of the sort only the mentally retarded or those lost to cult-brainwashing engage in.

All the death and suffering associated with psychiatric dope, is Progressive violence. All the repeat offenders who do criminal violence after having their previous crimes excused-diminished by a psychologist, is Progressive violence.

All the criminals, especially incestuous-rapist parents who were the choice customers for Sigmund Freud, are still the choice clients for psychologists, today. They can not only make a fortune discounting a rape victim as "mentally ill" (especially popular for parents going through Divorce, if they need to marginalize a child they abused)  but they can make another fortune off the rape victim after they are denied justice. They do as they always have in this regard and so most if not all the sexual violence that occurs in the USA is Progressive violence.

Progressives claim to be non-violent, but in truth they are the most violent group of people in America and they simply externalize all responsibility for the violence they cause or cause in-part. That is how moral relativists operate and again, only the mentally retarded and cult-brainwashed operate this way. 

Still, this is how most Americans operate and have since the Baby Boom.

This is a lot of violence, but as anyone can see Progressives are even more violent than that when you see what they are doing in the Pentagon, promoting psychiatric dope in the military. They are literally dehumanizing people, turning them into killing machines on a pharmaceutical schedule, which was and still is Nazi "super soldier" science.

Why is the US Pentagon such a worshiper of Nazi war science? Don't they realize they've only been losing since 1947, even after the Soviet Union collapsed, because they've been destroying the quality of life in the USA that entire time?

Sadly, moral relativists don't realize the obvious and those who are that way since birth because of autism, will never participate in reality as an objective and moral person.

So it is much of the violence done in every War beginning with Vietnam has much to do with Progressive politics and their mental health cult in the military--which includes the rampant rape and sexual violence within the US military, too--roughly 1/3 of all women in the military being raped, assaulted, harassed.

This is the same for women in the civilian population, again roughly 1/3rd. This is normal and has been my entire life.

All of this is the fault of the psychiatrists, psychologists and the Progressive frauds who promote this cult of anti-intellectual, incestuous, hatred of what is good and holy. They are evil people who frame themselves as the least of all evils. They are Fabian socialists (delusional socialists, or psychiatric socialists) and they are fascists.

Although a military defeat of Progressives would be something to celebrate, that would also require the destruction of Americans who are not Progressives--the entire economy. There has to be a better way and there is. The American people are increasingly unhappy with Progressives, even though most Americans do not blame Progressives for all they are guilty of. Still, most Americans would turn against Progressives if they realized how terrible they truly are, as people.

Yet mass incarceration was and remains a partnership between left wing, psychiatric Gestapo/Stasi like fascists in the Progressive caucus and right wing neo conservatives like both President Bush and his equally feebleminded son, President Bush Jr.. Bringing to light the true nature of Progressive Americans means taking on the entire establishment as Progressives have co-opted both the Neo-conservative and Neo-liberal (Clinton, Obama, Biden) movements with their mental healthcare.

The entire generation of Baby Boomers, with so few exceptions they are meaningless, was lost to Progressive mind control.

And still all that violence is also shared fault, directly caused by Progressive politics in the USA. To be sure, it has been the success of Progressive politics which has produced this misery and violence in America and yet the Progressives are usually if not always able to distance themselves from kleptocratic conservatives, or neo-conservatives.

Progressives are cunning moose and being amoral necessarily have an unnatural sense of humor.

In all probability, there is no reason to explain why this partnership is tolerated by Americans as its obvious not in the best interest of anyone, not even the people who promote this politics. The partnership is generational and this point cannot be understated. The establishment is also a generation of people.

Until the Progressive movement dies, neo-conservatives, perhaps more accurately called neo-Nazis, will continue to receive support from their authoritarian allies on the left, Neo-liberals and Progressives.

With the political compass considered a globe, the world hangs in a political balance with four distinctly different political philosophies being the only political philosophies humans have to choose from. America would be much better off and so too would the entire world, if the Baby Boomers can be politically destroyed.

The Libertine theory is, Progressives are the prima facia political group pulling the strings of other political groups with all groups also being managed by Baby Boomers lost to the mind-fuck that is psychiatry. To take them out would cause a collapse of the Neo-conservative and Neo-liberal house of cards.

It doesn't stand to reason Americans prefer the Vietnam-Afghanistan rule of inbred morons, or Progressives. Most probably don't but have been more or less brainwashed already, by the Baby Boomers who are so many fools walking off a cliff, taking the US economy, military, education, healthcare, the courts, everything, with them.

This could all soon change, however, as Progressives have exposed themselves politically in their rather ruthless exploitation of the black and LGBTQ communities. Maybe if these two groups were liberated from Progressive mind-control, the country could be saved from the direction and destiny of Baby Boomers.

When the political exploitation by Progressives and their mental health cult is realized by the black and LGBTQ communities (if it ever is) then Progressives would be banished from the Democratic Party similar to how they were shunned by the Republican Party--the way the KKK still ought to be banished from both parties.

Perhaps it was part of a plan and formal calculation of Progressives when they were transitioning from Republicans to Democrats, to target the black community and homosexual community which has grown into a larger LGBTQ community because they were the two most vulnerable groups of men in America?

This would be consistent with the moral cowardice inherent in their Freudian religion.

This question presents a proverbial rabbit hole, however, is a leap into conspiracy theory and that leads to Libertarian thinking. Conspiracy theories usually can't be prove true or false and so are every bit as insane as psychiatric diagnoses are.

The Libertine has to maintain epistemological humility. They have to know what epistemology is even if they would use other words to describe it. A Libertine has to be humble when it comes to what they can and cannot know as science will never produce so much certainty a scientist would be all knowing or God.

So, for people who lack epistemological humility and who are less concerned with literacy, conspiracy theory is often what explains the tragic dystopia that is the USA.

Libertines don't fault Libertarians like other philosophies do, for their conspiracy theory approach to US politics. As said before, its merely tit-for-tat, psychobabble and conspiracy theory. Suffice it to say the Libertarians can't undo the damage done by Progressives with such tactics and politics.

Progressives may or may not be engaged in a conspiracy against the rest of the American people, who are against their medical insurance fraud, racial profiling and apology for sexual abuse. It doesn't matter because the Libertine will probably never have evidence to prove such a conspiracy true or false.

Its likely, it can be rationalized that Progressives are generally aware and some perfectly aware that mental healthcare is a complete and total fraud, an alternative to a legitimate Justice system. Its a "tell me about the injustices done to you, so you can learn to talk about that instead of getting justice," psychological operation, for sure.

So, especially older Progressives, have to realize they are invested in Fraud.

But it may be Progressives are simply daft, intellectually and neurologically insensitive to what is otherwise an obvious and objective human morality. It could be they are all but the same, or exactly like the millions of Americans who have been caught up in Evangelical faith-healer movement, con artists, who preach mind over matter as in cult group-think over reality and science for authority.

An entire generation lost to Evangelical religious Frauds and Progressive-psychiatric religious Frauds, would explain the collective incompetence of the Baby Boomer generation.

Indeed, Progressives are a cult and have more of a religious and social quality than political quality as they developed the mental health industry. Still, as they factually undermine US courts with fraudulent expert testimony, they are more than a religion and indeed a treasonous church-of-the-state, fascists.

The rabbit hole so avoided, because the nuances of surrounding the causality for how Boomers lost their collective minds as they are trivial, the exploration of Progressive history brings us to today and the most current political issues which Progressives are pushing to the detriment of the people they claim to be advocating for.

Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory are two Progressive political-education movements which have done far more harm than good because they are Nazi-style "racial justice" movements. Nazis claimed the Germans were oppressed by Jews and their entire political platform founded on the lie of different human races.

They began as peaceful socialists who quickly developed a militant wing, same as BLM. The main difference between these two "racial justice" movements is merely the percentage of the population which was caught up in them. In Germany it was half or most everyone. In America it was less than half.

The lie of racism, race belief, is reported in the American press as a scientific fact when science has absolutely proven race does not exist in human DNA and is indeed a false, or insane belief to claim as real and true.

When a lie was considered equal to the truth because of liberal democracy which extended rights and freedoms to everyone (even incestuous, racist moral degenerates) evil wins. The liars take over and the truth about racism is forgotten.

Put another way, the lie of race is the same big lie the Nazis told and that big lie continues to work on a mostly ignorant population--a general population which still believes in different races of people. BLM capitalizes on this but its immoral to do that as the only moral position on race is to be post racial and deny the lies about different races of people being valid opinion.

If democracy loses respect for it's society's elites--the people who are truly intelligent--and settles for a celebration of mediocrity then diminishing returns and a failing civilization are the result.

Stupid people, racist people, can dominate in a democracy and by majority rule but if and when they do they will only destroy their own country. That is what happened in Germany after WWI and that is what happened in America after WWII.

There seems to be unanimous agreement the USA is a racist country, and so the Libertine must be aware they really must model themselves on the lion, or be such a political animal. Fascism is no joke and fascists absolutely do not want to be exposed as fascists, especially Progressives who as liberals are the more intelligent or cunning fascists when compared to their authoritarian brethren from dynastic-rich families like Bush, Koch, etc. 

Be invisible except for when you make allies or go to War.

Specifically, and not to diminish the call for Justice for black people, but to diminish BLM as much as it must be diminished so more Justice can happen for all people and especially people from communities of color and the LGBTQ community, women and children, BLM has to be realized in history as Progressive political movement more than a social justice movement.

This is something many in the BLM movement cannot stomach to even consider, at first. The Libertine has to be aware, generally speaking, of Plato's allegory of the cave and how telling people they have been played for fools can often get you killed.

So aware, the Libertine may bring the irrefutable analysis of BLM as a failed social justice movement because it failed to become post-racial. BLM was another failed social justice movement following from the overall failure of the Civil Rights movement for all Americans but especially black Americans who continue to be profiled as animals more than people.

Still, this is simply the fact, axiomatic like all correct mathematics: BLM is a movement promoting the idea of a black race, that there is a black race and this race is in opposition to a white race which has historically abused it.

That is why its not a social justice movement and sadly a movement born out of anger and with a perverted sense of racial justice very similar to the so called racial justice movement of white supremacists in Germany who would later establish the third reich and exterminated millions of people deemed evil or of inferior race.

Racial justice is a chimera. Race doesn't exist and this is proven by logic and science. To believe in different races is to believe in hateful lies. There is never going to be another accurate analysis, or a different logical analysis of racism. If a person believes they have a race and there are different races, they are a racist-bigot and imbecile.

As a protest against racism, BLM failed. It actually made more popular the idea there are different races of people which necessarily divides our society. BLM failed because it was a racial justice movement instead of a social justice movement. They failed as a group to comprehend the facts of life and they failed because they were so and legitimately angry. Only a social justice movement can produce more justice for black people.

It failed to be a post-racial movement of black people and in it's short history it is clear for anyone and everyone to review and remember for themselves, how BLM came to exist and what it accomplished.

What happened was all but framed by psychologists, orchestrated by psychologists who like the press leeched BLM for all it was worth, co-opting the movement as much as possible for explicit corporate and commercial reasons.

This is evident by Critical Race Theory which was popularized by BLM. It can also be said, rightly and as a matter of historical fact, by the time Floyd's murderer, Chauvin was convicted and the family of Taylor was awarded the largest financial settlement for wrongful death in US history, the main stream media has taken the conversation started with BLM and defined it as a Critical Race Theory movement.

Here is, again, how what I'm saying is simply the fact and not an opinion. Again an opportunity too, to remind Libertines they have to always be factually correct and humble enough to learn if they are wrong because there is no other way to have a civilized conversation about politics. 

Still, it is totally obvious Critical Race Theory rejects the post-racial idea of Justice because it takes the scientific fact that race does not exist and has and can only be a social construct, and instead of then abolishing it (the post-racial solution) it perpetuates racism by advocating for more robust racial profiling and such profiling to distribute wealth and opportunity within society.

Nothing about that is merit based. Everything about Critical Race Theory is proof of irrational thinking. It states race does not exist except as a social construct and then perpetuates that social construct even though all historical examples of racial profiling has always produced harm, far more harm than good.

The Libertine is post-racial.

As a rational socialist, the rule of law isn't the rocket science. A generation of psychologists and lawyers have made it seem incomprehensible and overly complicated because its generation lost to fantasy role playing and delusional thinking. The superfluous and anti-intellectual jargon of psychologists was adopted and accepted by a generation of incompetent lawyers and judges.

So to the question of race in America:

Reparations ought to be paid to the descendants of slaves because that was a crime against their humanity. The color of the skin of the human being doesn't matter and is at most a secondary consideration. 

The fact of slavery happening to human beings is a fact that demands Reparations be paid so as to punish the descendants who profited from the slave trade as sure as many (not all) American families today enjoy a certain affluence inherited as profit from the slave trade.

A percentage of the wealth the Bush family has, and other families who profited from the slave trade with all records and evidence taken into consideration, forcibly confiscated by the IRS.

A redistribution of wealth to address the gross crime against humanity that was Slavery in the USA, is necessary for a solvent Judiciary--a court with a reasonable standard and competent agents. 

The same can be said for Native Americans, Chinese and Asians who were enslaved and ruthlessly exploited by railroad companies and perhaps a few American-Irish who also endured a period of Slavery where they were owned as property by other Americans, all need to be paid.

The reason why none of these groups are being paid, why Justice isn't being performed, is because the groups have all experienced the same crime against their humanity perpetuated by white Christian misogynist-supremacists, but they haven't come together as group of wronged human beings demanding justice together.

Praxis, or the how political philosophies play out in real politics, is something to talk about here.

The praxis of BLM and Critical Race Theory are not playing out in a way consistent with the goals of both groups. This is a group of people with good intentions and poor intelligence being divided by the idea of different races, so they don't come together with other groups of people with good intentions and poor intelligence such their intentions would remain the same while their intelligence doubled, tripled or more.

Put another way, when talking about praxis, only a post racial mentality allows a person to come together with another person without any lie of race between them. You have to be post racial to not be racist. Everyone who isn't post-racial is a racist so BLM had no chance of getting Reparations paid because its not a post-racial movement of black people.

A post racial group of black people could and probably would have solidarity with all the other groups of people with ancestors who were enslaved and abused as if they were not human beings and merely a member of some race. 

Racism cannot defeat Racism even when its more peaceful racists against more violent racists or the other way around.

Racism is always a lie, the great lie about there being different races of people. This lie is as great as the Earth being flat and Hell, the realm of Hades and demons, literally under our feet with us walking above it.

Imbeciles cannot achieve Justice.

Racism is fear and a lie a fearful mind can tell itself and others, over and over, to remain fearful and herd-orientated (someone with a mentality more about going along with others than its about anything else, or simply the emotional desire to "fit in"). Adult human minds, especially, should not be so emotionally insecure.

To be sure, many Americans who are also black (of all shades including the ethnically mixed), are post racial individuals. They believe in their humanity first and their ethnic-family background being second when it comes to how they understand themselves. I'm talking about Humanity first black people and there are many, no small percentage of their community.

Racists are caricatures of themselves, or actors trying to be cartoon illustrations. They are lost to a fantasy shared by others and so its possible to lose one's entire life and become entirely caught up with racists.

What is especially tragic about BLM and Critical Race Theory is how the core understanding of Justice and the struggle against Slavery has apparently been lost by Americans. Americans, going by what main stream media reports, have totally lost their historical connection to generations past.

That is what this new history as it would be framed by Critical Racist Theorists, is about.

Instead of the objective history where the struggle against racism has always been a struggle between post racial Americans and racist Americans, we get the Progressive history where different races of Americans have all more or less been oppressed by a white race.

This simply isn't true. Its not true because its totally racist to suggest all white people are of the same ethnic background or of a common race. Its white profiling, which Critical Race Theory complains about but at the same time promotes. Its "white privilege" or theory there is such a thing.

Its never been true in my experience, being a white man. It can't be proven to be true or false and in this way is entirely Progressive, or delusional-magical thinking of the sort indicative of autistic psychologists.

Still, Critical Race Theory and the political results of BLM are as said. The straw man argument of white privilege and insistence of a white race being an oppressor race is all that was accomplished and this wasn't progress it was Progressive politics which accomplished nothing positive.

Nevermind all the black people who sold thousands of black Africans into slavery. Apparently, for the CRT black community, all the blame for Slavery belongs to white people with no shame nor fault shared by all the black Africans who also got incredibly rich doing most of the original selling of slaves.

It was uncommon for Europeans to capture slaves by force. They were almost always purchased from Africans who traded in slaves and had for thousands of years before Europeans began their part of the slave trade. In Africa today Slavery is still so deeply rooted in the greater African culture it continues to be practiced.

Nevermind slavery is still practiced in Africa because it is still culturally acceptable in some parts of Africa just like KKK lynch mob killings are too often tolerated in America. Its all the fault of white people? Only white people have racist-psychos or are capable of hate crimes, right? Obviously the moral relativism of CRT makes it invalid and the so called accomplishments in racial justice made by Baby Boomers were not accomplishments at all.

The facts are not consistent with the Baby Boomer's worldview.

To the credit of BLM, they were right and proper to be outraged over all the lynching that community and so many families have had to endure since the beginning of their American experience. Everything about that is wrong and everything about the moral outrage expressed by BLM is correct and understandable. The violent protests were and are understandable.

What isn't correct nor intelligent it is Progressive politics which turned BLM into an anti-intellectual movement of black people. The Critical Race Theory effectively ruined BLM. This was plainly the work of Progressive politics want to promote racial profiling all the more, to get more people to engage in the race-believing mentality.

George Floyd's family and other black Americans who suffered homicide by police, won record setting settlements in Court. This had a lot to do with the media attention to the plain, empirical facts of all those murders.

When the empirical facts were understood by the American public, the racial profiling, psychological profiling, criminal profiling which obviously resulted in all those homicides, didn't matter. Americans can see beyond all the pseudo-intellectual crap, but it also took the media attention to persuade the courts and people to see the truth.

The outcome was good, in those families received more justice than they would have otherwise, but our legal system isn't supposed to be swayed by TV coverage of any particular case. Sadly, with so many lynch-style killings of black Americans, it took the press to change the outcome our Courts would have otherwise produced--little to no justice for those families.

When the conversation turned from the details of the murders BLM brought to light to a conversation about Critical Race Theory, the outcome of BLM became far less valuable for America and more of a cult.

Moreover, there was a very strong co-opting of BLM by the press. The press with the last few decades taken into consideration, has a well established commercial bias to sell and promote the medical insurance fraud that is so much psychiatric "medication."

Progressive or "deep psychology" conversations were the preferred conversations the main stream media used to discuss BLM beyond any literal coverage of a protest. This was hardly from the hip and no doubt the media's preferred form of narrative in journalism for any major news story.

Journalism like talk-therapy, clinical psychology, isn't journalism its propaganda.

There were no conversations about the urgent need to abolish racism in the minds of all Americans, to let it be known as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, so too race is a lie and different races of people do not exist except in the hearts and minds of delusional and fearful people.

The truth, or objective narrative on racism in the USA was entirely overlooked by mainstream media as they clearly prefer to sell psychiatric dope than having integrity and competence in journalism.

Incompetence in journalism is a real factor in the Progressive agenda. It wants a stupefied population or a population in crisis because such people are more exploitable by sociopaths who see other people as prey, to be exploited like slaves are exploited by slave-holders.

Slavery is ultimately what fascism is about. The fascist worker, today, is the psychologist actually doing the racial profiling and claiming to have occult-psychic powers and a Critical Race Theory to redistribute wealth by. All of that also requires a lot of psychiatric drugs taken by a lot of Americans.

The USA is is a slave nation when the incarcerated population is considered, when the undocumented workers from Mexico, Central and South America are considered, when legal incest marriage and such tolerance for domestic violence is considered. It is not a free country at all and it never really has been.

Perhaps this why Progressives and most Americans don't seem to care about forgetting a few certain facts in history, about white-Europeans introducing the idea of slavery and how wrong that is.

It doesn't ever seem to be discussed in the press, within the context of BLM, but slavery was universally accepted until Europeans began to go against it. People of European decent also died in large numbers, the Civil War having occurred principally over the question of slavery with almost all those slaves in question also being black.

So the Critical Race Theory about a white oppressor race simply isn't true in multiple ways. Race in theory is a failed theory, and the facts of history show white people as being the most anti-slavery and anti-racist people in the world. The argument can be made white people are also the most pro slavery and racist people in the world but that argument will always fall flat given the facts of anti-slavery movements.

Nobody can have it both ways. Nobody can say white people are an oppressor race and also a liberator race and yet both have to be true as evidenced by history, if one were to accept the original lie and proposition there is a white race to begin with.

In this way, post Baby Boomer intellectuals are a sorry lot. Our younger intellectuals were groomed by morons.

Many black intellectuals, including those like Malcom X, have been fervent racists themselves, passionately against and actively protesting-resisting their perceived white supremacy. Dr. Cornell West is one such example of a much respected black intellectual who also believes in different races and is therefore a racist himself.

They have not articulated well, their own social advancement. This too is consistent with history as racism has ancient origins and speaks to deeper neurological issues such as why some people want slaves and others would never want slaves.

Am I the only person who intuitively believes a person who wants to hold others as slaves is almost certainly neurologically defective? That they probably have to have a small amygdala and atrophied synapses in their frontal brain lobe? Its too bad more Americans don't have the capacity for intuition nor rational thinking because Slavery is so immoral it ought to set off genetic alarm bells, informing "that pro slavery person is dangerous-and-evil."

There are deeper, genetic issues, which do not get discussed when the lie of racism is tolerated as it is in main stream media. Those genetic issues are also neurological in there are people from all ethnic backgrounds who are also sociopaths, genetic sociopaths.

Evil doesn't have a racial preference. Evil is ignorance itself, as Socrates suggested. Moral incompetence and faith in racism is ill founded, delusional and evil. Still so many Americans have full confidence they belong to a race and there is a racial struggle going on in society.

What is truly happening in society is a struggle between the incompetent majority and the competent extreme minority. We have a tyranny of incompetent Americans who are ruthlessly dominating their natural superiors: people with souls, intelligence and wisdom.

In the post war "dog-eat-dog" capitalism, Baby Boomers lost whatever humanity they may have been born with. The dogs won. The people lost.

The disparity of competence in the population, as the Libertine believes exists, isn't necessary nor fundamental to human nature nor DNA. The USA doesn't have to be a nation of genetic halfwits.

If and when Progressive politics is purged from the universities, it will be then be purged from the courts and if purged there, then the purge of Progressive politics from all main stream media would also and necessarily occur.

If and when a critical mass of Black, Native American and Asian Americans can liberate themselves from the intellectual fetters of Progressive politics, they could have a common post racial justice movement to redistribute the wealth among all the human beings involved, regardless of any racial considerations.

This would have to be called a Human Justice movement with words and meanings clearly different from the Racial Justice movement.

A human justice movement can only become the default justice system for a post racial society. Whereas racial justice movements always fail, the human justice movement could not fail if and when it ever starts up.

To the extent BLM failed to become part of a greater Human Justice movement, there is always tomorrow and the new chance every day brings there will become a critical mass of post racial Black Americans.

If and when that happens, the Native Americans and Asian Americans and to the extent of difference between Native Americans and Hispanic and Latino Americans, all of these groups together in a post-racial justice movement or Human Justice movement is possible.

A Human Justice movement also and necessarily makes it possible for people with European backgrounds to fulfill the goal of universal suffrage once so popular among the most educated and sophisticated-civilized Europeans.

Any justice movement which would break a society up such Justice has to be met-out in society through racial identity, isn't a society with a functional Justice system. Such a Judiciary, as the one the US has currently, is sadly more a cult of imbeciles with more power than they have wisdom, far more. It is a broken Justice system.

Most everyone who works in the US justice system says, and this is true for a generation, that the justice system is broken. Is it time to fix it yet?

This now brings me to the final part of this essay, where I'll discuss the Libertine perspective on the LGBTQ movement in politics and how Progressive politics is counter-productive to the social advancement of the LGBTQ community, same as it is for the Black community.

Like the Black community, the LGBTQ community has been forced by a racist and bigot-tolerant American culture to endure terrible crimes against their humanity.

Before psychology re-packaged itself for the LGBTQ community, it was arguably the single most harmful-hateful campaign against homosexuality. Psychology and even the more "medical" psychiatrists long argued that homosexuality was a symptom of mental retardation or insanity.

Its in this terrible context, then, the LGBTQ community has fought for survival. Although only a few psychologists now continue to argue for conversion therapy, many new psychologists are advocating equally preposterous and anti-scientific diagnosis of gender dysphoria.

Like every diagnosis in every DSM edition, there is no scientific evidence to support any diagnosis and all psychological diagnosis are mere theories which cannot be proven and usually cannot even be disproven.

Despite all genetic evidence suggesting sexual orientation and sexual identification (psychological gender-identification) is pure conditioning and environment with no strand of human DNA associated with either consideration, the LGBTQ community is largely misinformed to maintain their sexual orientation and identification is genetic or inborn.

To be clear, the LGBTQ community is the most terribly miss-informed community because its the community most informed by psychology and especially the Fraud that is psychiatry.

Instead of a person's sexuality (gender orientation and sexual preference) being a personal choice to be supported by friends and sexuality understood as the liberty adults have the freedom to enjoy, the LGBTQ community is told they need therapy. They are encouraged, in our society, to have a third party to determine their own sexuality.

Everyone in the USA is subject to the commercial marketing and social popularity of "talk therapy," and so encouraged to have a third party expert on life issues instead of thinking for themselves or relying on their friends and family to help them understand life. To be sure, a psychology sees the LGBTQ community as a cash crop and they actively farm it.

Its the same psychiatric community which once diagnosed all queer people as homosexuals and feebleminded people still misleading that same community with bad science.

As many people in the LGBTQ community experience social persecution, the psychologist exists as "something to do about that," but it accomplishes none of that and suggests the LGBTQ person owes a debt beyond the financial cost of therapy, that their therapist gave them their identity.

To be sure, "finding oneself" is something only an individual can do. Again like Socrates said, "Know thyself." So the psychologist is especially dangerous of those already socially threatened for being in the LGBTQ community. The psychologist can and often time has, supplanted the identity of person with an implanted and new identity.

That is why people continue therapy for years, usually, as they want to change something about themselves but will pay someone else to make or help make that happen for them. The entire premise is delusional.

To be sure, there is nothing immoral about any sexual orientation nor gender identification. In Libertine thinking, this is especially true as the first people who accepted without bigotry, people of different sexual persuasions, were called libertines. 

Centuries ago, the people called LGBTQ today would have been called libertines along with people who had sex outside of marriage or regularly broke the rules of ultra conservative sexual morality.

Libertine was a pejorative term, for the time. Today, the classic idea of libertine sexual morality is far more mainstream albeit still confused by the fraud that is psychology, want to confuse nature and nurture, science and mythology, etc.

So it is the Libertine remains sexually liberated from sexual bigotry while still retaining personal dignity to reject all forms of rape and the Progressive agenda to decriminalize rape. That same Progressive agenda also seeks to decriminalize the sexual exploitation of children and continue to indoctrinate government with the fraud that is mental healthcare and psychology.

It is the Libertine hope the LGBTQ identity never comes to include rapists nor the rationalization of child rape as a sexual orientation. It almost certainly has no chance of ever being included and this point only made to make the clear difference between libertine sexuality and rape.

In this historical context of the Progressive-psychiatric agenda, the LGBTQ community is probably the most exploited and the Transgender people probably the most exploited within the greater group.

Like poor people who are charged with crimes, often times a mental health plea agreement is the best option given the alternative of a longer jail or prison sentence. This is usually the case for people accused of domestic violence and drug crimes. 

That isn't a strong position to be in, however, when it comes to having choices. This is especially true for black people confronted by an openly racist Justice system. Psychologists must often times appear to black people like Oscar Schindler as he was portrayed in the Academy award winning Schindler's List.

Psychologists are Oscar Schindler for poor Blacks and poor LGBTQ accused of crimes. The psychologists and mental health industry is an alternative to a far more brutal prison system.

For the LGBTQ community this is often times true. When members of the community do get caught up in criminal activity, mental health is always a legal argument which can make punishments more lenient and so people who identify as LGBTQ are effectively coerced into treating their own sexuality as if it were a mental illness or their sexuality required a third party therapist.

The Progressive-psychiatric community still has the LGBTQ community under the proverbial thumb.

Whenever they are in trouble with the law, an LGBTQ member is given the option to use their orientation and/or gender identification as a "mental health card" similar to the "race card" Blacks often times feel compelled to play when pit against a totally unjust and failed Justice system.

If there is extreme poverty or financial hardship, people in the LGBTQ community always have the option of becoming a regular patient of a psychologist and their sexual orientation and/or gender identification then claimed as a legal disability Social Security Insurance will pay on.

So, in many ways, the Progressives in America have simply lain traps for the most vulnerable people in America. They are an Oscar Schindler type of ally to the LGBTQ community like they are to the Black community. They are exploited by Schindler-Progressives for Votes.

Until the LGBTQ and Black communities can find better allies than Progressives, they will remain second class people.

Blacks will remain second class until US society is post racial. The history of the USA being what it is, only a post racial society can afford the Black community the Reparations and Justice to make a difference for future generations of Black Americans.  They are second class for having been abused in the past so can only and always play catch-up to the white Joneses. 

LGBTQ will remain second class because their status will be considered a disability or potential disability instead of the simple expression of their human sexuality.

The Libertine, given this reality, can and should do what is necessary to marginalize Progressives so both the Black and LGBTQ communities can be liberated and the truly mentally retarded members of the community (Progressives) can no longer get away with their lies because their genetic sociopathy becomes fully understood as a real disability and functional incapacity to be sentient.

Put another way, we have two or more groups of second class people in the USA because Americans have so far refused to marginalize the inbred-incestuous and autistic-sociopaths as second class people (incompetent such they cannot exercise meaningful freedom unless its also entertaining a delusion, or their freedom to take the freedoms of others away).

With moral objectivity, the Libertine rejects the moral relativism and revisionist history of Progressives.

That moral objectivity can and should make it easier for Blacks and members of the LGBTQ community to consider what it would be like to advance their cause for social justice without having to make a Devil's bargain with medical insurance frauds.

Can Blacks and LGBTQ do better without all the psychiatric dope and medical insurance fraud-excuses? I think so and I'm sure I'm right because I'm human and what is true for humans is true for all humans regardless of their culture and sub-culture. All people are better off without psychiatric dope and medical insurance Fraud.

The Libertine can and should be a true ally to the Black and LGBTQ communities along with all others. There are no doubt people with Libertine politics who are also Black and/or LGBTQ and so these people its especially important for Libertines to support. To be sure, the Libertine's commitment to literacy include cultural, multi-cultural literacy and so these communities cannot be overlooked.

Beyond networking Libertines from these groups with other groups of Libertines, its paramount for Libertines to point out to Blacks and the LGBTQ community they can't achieve their goals if they go on compromising their values and debasing their goals with the medical insurance fraud that is psychology.

They deserve all their rights same as every other group does, because of their core humanity. That is what society lost value of, the core humanity and dignity all people deserve and no one should have stripped from them.

Progressives and their mental health pseudoscience gave people a new language to create alternative realities with. That language can only divide and conquer people as it always language-profiles someone and so necessarily denies them the content of their natural character.

The LGBTQ community has found some money and privilege when it relates with the Progressive/psychiatric community. It has also found itself marginalized as mentally retarded or mentally ill and so legally disabled. Despite recent advancements in Civil Rights, the LGBTQ community still has psychology around it's neck like an albatross.

What good has come for money and privilege doesn't and can never be worth all the pain and suffering caused to people while they experiment with psychiatric drugs and struggle through a gender transition which may not and probably would not have occurred if not for that being a psychological diagnoses with prescribed treatment.

Also, now the LGBTQ community does have a right to marriage and having their own families, they should soon become the group to stand up and very loudly against rape culture. The rape of women and especially children in the USA is something all married people ought to care about because marriage is about love and rape is about hate, when also talking about sexuality. 

Hopefully and with some Libertine encouragement, the LGBTQ community will be the first group to actually come to the aid of women who have alone been fighting against rape culture and the fraud psychology is, especially regarding rape and policing rape.

There are far more people who identify LGBTQ than who identify Libertine, so it is the Libertine hopes to find more Libertines in both Black and LGBTQ communities. Truly, the LGBTQ and black communities both desperately need Libertine leadership--leadership I can't provide.

It remains to be seen, but for Libertines the certain probability is the LGBTQ community is the only community more exploited than the Black community by the Neo-Nazi pseudoscience that is American psychology.

The goal, for Libertines, is to help both communities come together with many others in a common and universal suffrage for human rights. This should be accomplished without a psychiatric caveat, diagnosis nor any treatment plan. Universal Suffrage is an older idea which was forgotten when Progressive politics marginalized it. It should return as a movement, perhaps the Human Rights movement, when Progressive politics are marginalized.

Justice ought to be afforded to all and without the second-guessing of imbeciles who are also in all probability, inbred and mentally retarded people pretending to be something more professional and psychiatric.

The irony of history being the people who really are mentally retarded actually being the ones who have traditionally called Blacks and people in the LGBTQ community mentally retarded, can't be lost.

US history is shameful, especially when it comes to the mentally retarded.

Its people who have neurological deformities in what neurology refers to as the "empathy circuit" of their brain who are experimenting on the rest of us, like chimpanzees in their psychology lab. Its the emotionally retarded pretending mental retardation can't be about emotional intelligence and only about IQ. 

The insane, Progressives, run the asylum. This is the asylum Blacks, LGBTQ and people from all walks of life and lifestyles need liberation from. Freedom can't exist in any asylum nor prison and yet increasingly that is what America continues to become like.

Progressive politics and history is so totally disconnected from reality, however, many Americans continue to promote it and gravitate towards the most vulnerable communities to exploit for their own political reasons. Americans are lost to the fantasy about America.

Nobody is stopping Progressives and nobody will until a new political movement occurs in the USA, one which is free from the overt and covert influences of the Baby Boomer generation. That generation's loss of soul, Americans need to come to terms with less other nations force America to come to terms with.

Unless Progressives are stopped, unless their puppetry of Neo-conservatives and Neo-liberals is put to an end and the generational Tyranny of the Baby Boomer rape culture is over, the USA continues to be a nation all others should and will unite against, less they lose their humanity the way America did after winning the Second World War.

Progressive Politics In Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

  I reached settlement with my Landlord in Portland and only with some money beyond cancelation of debt owed. Because of my settlement I won...