Thursday, July 15, 2021

The United States Leads The World Into Madness And World War III

I am in no rush to finish this post. The title, is the political reality.

To be clear, Libertines are against violence save the single exception of what has been defined as Righteous violence. None of the violence the USA has been engaged in, abroad and speaking to domestic violence as well, since 1947 has been Righteous.

This post will explain how only Libertine politics are valid. The other three political philosophies, left-authoritarians, right-authoritarians and right-libertarians, are all insane and counter-human (unnatural) political philosophies.

Only the Libertine is in accord with human nature, as a left-libertarian. The other three types of people are literally trying to impose a delusion, mythology or the personal fantasies of others on to still more others.

As there are no Libertines in the USA, except for myself and those few who are left-libertarian like myself and for all their lives accepted as I once did, not even a blog to be found in the vast political discourse which articulated left-libertarian politics.... I am not saying I or Libertines are the saviors of the world and humanity.

I'm saying the other three types of people, those other three types of politics, are varying degrees of ruin for people and the world. They literally destroy humanity, never cultivating it, and make the world physically toxic and more poisonous--actually murder people, as part of their lifestyle and complimentary to their politics.

Transcendentalist literature, to be sure, is sufficient physical and historical evidence that Libertine thinking is not my invention. Transcendentalist literature began in the USA and with perfect clarity articulates left-libertarian philosophy; yet nowhere in in American politics today is any of the politics informed by Transcendentalist literature and left-libertarian, Libertine, politics.

Simply put, to paraphrase the entire movement in literature, the Libertine is necessarily a Transcendentalist, a self reliant person in Nature. The Libertine today is comparable to the Last Mohican, or they represent the dead American ideal.

Fascism won with it's Baby Boom, after World War II.

This all now well established, the contentions point is all US politics since 1947 has been the act of a Treasonous government which now so many years later has caused the total failure of the Judicial branch of government and will likely cause the total failure of government when Congress and the White House are destroyed in WWIII.

The USA has not been America, since 1947 and this is true as is the title of this post.

The USA is leading the world and all the nations and military forces into madness and the Third World War which will be fought with a variety of nuclear weapons--a plethora of varying platforms all using nuclear power to effect destruction.

Baby Boomers, in having destroyed the Constitution, trampling on it by tyranny of majority in democracy the same way the principals of the German government were trampled on by legitimate populism by the Nazi party which caused the Second World War, speed us to World War Three and have been since Vietnam.

Baby Boomers, through no original Sin but entirely their adult responsibility and to their collective fault (exclusive blame), are Traitors to what once was the American ideal. As a generation, they offered no meaningful resistance to fascism, only vain, cowardly and irrelevant protest. The so called counter-culture, or vocal minority of Boomers who dissent to the fascist militarism are mostly genetically brain diseased people, those the tyranny has already rejected.

In trying to make Libertine-American ideals more honest, such as abolishing racial segregation, Boomers actually made the USA a fascist country and even more racist than it was with racial segregation. They purposefully did this with legislation and Court decisions. The protests all failed to do more than sew seeds for domestic violence, met out at the family level or otherwise externalized.

The violence Baby Boomers have always cultivated, regardless of their "pacifist" delusion or explicit celebration of the fascist government, is the violence of the insane.

Transcendentalist literature describes a level of personal autonomy no longer possible in America. There are no longer such remote places in which to live, so free from the concerns of other people with no appreciation for left-libertarian ideals. The Baby Boomers were born into a post-Transcendentalist USA as their parents saw the very end of it before the Great Depression.

More people, today, are factually-neurologically insane and actually believe in different races of people than there are people who know race is a lie, a social construct invented to foment chaos and violence. 

Put another way, Baby Boomers are a generation of mentally retarded people who are convinced they are actually geniuses. Everything they have done, being totally lost from birth, has been a failure. It has produced loss in some profound way for the society be it economic, military, cultural, scientific-environmental, etc. It has produced no gains in a generation, in any of these areas to so evaluate the society as a civilization in time.

To be sure, the Libertine is not for racial segregation or a government policy to force racial segregation or somehow "go back in time" and re-implement a Libertine ideal. If that thought crossed a reader's mind upon reading this about Libertine politics, they should read the other posts so they might understand this one.

The Libertine, today, has merely adapted to a post Transcendentalist understanding of the world and as this blog articulates that so too it informs a new politics with distinct political adversaries. The Libertine, having "died and been reborn," in a metaphorical sense and to speak for left-libertarian philosophy itself, is merely a new-transcendentalist or neo transcendentalist.

As race can only be a lie to divide a society against itself, racial integration was a stronger push of the same lie. The lie used to be used to create physical-social barriers or ethnic quarters and districts in cities. Instead of abolishing the lie, racial integration was the government forcing more racist lies into the lives of every American. The lie about race grew, became greater, than even when Hitler and the Nazis told it, once Americans started telling it.

As Baby Boomers, the establishment, continues to reject post racial politics it necessarily increases the amount and intensity of racial violence in the USA. The only alternative to continued worsening of racial violence and ever increasing popularity of race-belief and racism is naturally post racialism or the post racial world view.

The Libertine would use Righteous violence to implement into Law, even going against the majority beliefs of the US population if at least 20% of the population agreed to impose by revolutionary violence, a post racial doctrine for US Constitution.

Only 20% of the original colonists supported the original Revolution and creation of the USA. The Civil War proved violence against Americans to abolish the institution and culture of Slavery is right and legitimate. The Libertine would and does prefer a second Revolutionary or Civil War to remove the Baby Boomer establishment from power for medical-genetic reasons: they are plagued with genetic brain disease, fascists and promote Slavery.

Ideally, Baby Boomers could be reasoned with and yet there is no reason with evidence in history to believe anything other than violence might arrest the constantly increasing violence which defines the American civilization since the Second World War.

Without shame and for any chance of a good future, this post will show how the USA and the Baby Boomer establishment is an establishment of incestuous-retarded families who by democracy, made their pedast-rape culture legal. It has with no less than 1/3rd of women who are also professional soldiers in the US military reporting rape and sexual victimization allowed by Command personnel.

Since 1947, the US military has promoted human garbage in the ranks. It has been a total failure and embarrassment to every American before, living and which may come for future generation. It has been promoting rapists and autism spectrum morons.

1947 was when the Klu Klux Klan took over, with their autistic Baby Boomer litter, the United States of America. They littered themselves into a fascist majority, establishment and generation. This is a Libertine understanding as differs from a conspiracy theory. The understanding is the KKK culture came to totally define the American people who even re-organized their Republic into a Fascist state.

To be sure, the Libertine historical analysis has no theory. It is an analysis of the facts without any guess work.

The establishment or US government of today, is not legitimate and has not been since 1947. The Marshal Plan was an effecitve coup against the US Constitution and creation of a deep state or fascist government. The Republic was supplanted by a fascist-technocracy, a completely different form of government.

Jar-heads, Marines, soldiers who since ancient Greece were also considered feeble-minded for being irrationally prone to violence, like dog-men, were given service branch autonomy. What used to be understood as mental retardation came to be called "mental illness." It simply became common, not exceptional, for American men to be irrational and violent.

The CIA was created, modeled and built by former Nazi intelligence agents, and immediately began to undermine the US military with bad intelligence. This is exactly what Nazi intelligence did to the German military only Americans believed they would be successful with fascism where the Germans could not. This was, as strange as it may seem, the overwhelmingly popular disposition of Congress and the President in 1947.

Psychiatry also came to be the state religion of the USA, after 1947. By sheer Fraud it operates as authority in a population of genetically incompetent people, over-medicated people or one of the many being euthanized by distress or poverty.

The Courts are completely failed without hope for anything but Righteous violence to re-establish a legitimate Court. Some Courts are also broadcast as entertainment television, the actual education system totally corrupted by psychiatric Fraud.

The amount of torture and human trafficking, Slavery, the establishment Court is guilty of can only be corrected by capital executions of Treasonous Judges and attorneys whom have conspired in the great Fraud that is psychiatry. Clearly, as many academics continue to point out, psychiatry continues to undermine any and all integrity of people and institutions associated with the United States government.

The wealth incestuous families have amassed since rape culture was normalized by psychiatry, is obscene. Others will talk of a failed Drug War, failed War on Terrorism, etc. Its the failed War or the War that never happened, against organized crime in America that is the history Baby Boomers produced.

They are a generation of crooks.

Only Righteous violence can redistribute the wealth stolen by incestuous-rapist families and factual organized crime families in the United States of America: evil, mentally retarded with genetic brain disease, families. The true enemy of the American people have been the criminally organized families in America and this has been the enemy the US military cowers from and minions for, to it's immortal shame and dishonor exactly like the Nazis and Emperor Cult in Japan.

This does not mean I or Libertines ought to organize as right-Libertarians do, into militia groups, to overthrow the authoritarian non-Constitutional authority that is this Treasonous US government as it has been since 1947.

To be sure, Righteous violence is violence which does not beget more violence and so the Libertine insists with proper use of the US military a counter-coup can be effected and with an exact number of summary executions of men and presumably also some women found guilty of Treason--for propounding the fascism that psychiatry and new-age incest cult Christianity exalts.

Baby Boomers who have been doing this their entire lives, and with legal authority, should be executed for Treason. Most, however, are truly automatons and not sentient people. They were factually mislead to be abusive, more comparable to chimpanzees than homo sapiens, as parents--intellectually and emotionally disabled parents.

No holocaust or violence beyond what is necessary to end the authority of the establishment generation forever, is Righteous.

If Baby Boomers, both Republicans and Democrats can be made to supplicate before reality, and to collectively be objective for what would be the first time in their wretched political lives, they would immediately be retired from public life spending the rest of theirs in heavy metal detox to address their genetic brain disease.

If that generation can be politically isolated and finally marginalized as a populist political force, then World War III can be adverted short of an Civil or Revolutionary War.

It is tragic Baby Boomers succeeded where Nazi Germany failed, in destroying the good America. The only alternative to the continued tragedy of the the Baby Boomer establishment is counter-coup or Revolution. Congress should be persuaded. The Executive ought to be subordinate to the Libertine vision and with Congress effect a purge of the Judiciary.

Short of this, the brute facts of fascist America will eventually be considered the Treason of the USA to the Allies and indeed the USA will become the new Axis power and in all probability destroyed, its population of 300+ million obliterated, in World War III.

Humanity won't have any other choice if it wants to save human DNA from the scourge of genetic brain disease and fossil fuel abuse. The USA has only promoted a future of brain diseased racism, doing Fraud to pretend fascism is good when democratically supported.

President Biden is a fool, like every President has been since 1947. He suggests democracy stands against authoritarianism, even says this when clearly democracy produces fascism and nothing in living memory is more authoritarian than that.

The Boomers, the vast majority of them, are the Devil's imbeciles: profoundly stupid people who have such a big idea of themselves, they can't ever learn. If only they could be shut up into retirement, the Courts purged, and a post racial America comes to re-define the American experience. That is the good future if only remote possibility.

In my opinion, the chances are greater than 80% the USA will be attacked by the New Allies and lose WWIII, a nuclear war, within my lifetime or the next 30 years. The fascist State and all the demented-violent American families, the rape culture Baby Boomers created, makes the future grim and certain.

The authoritarian left, fascist-psychiatric liberals, is a confederacy of incest cult families in the Democratic and Republican parties. They have a generational pact and government only as old as it is. 

Baby Boomers are not authentic Americans, they are like Bizarro was to Superman. They are caricatures of themselves with academic psychology being only and everything to do with that: popular insanity. This is how they were reared to be and why they do not deserve their own country and won't have one for much longer.

As time elapses over the next three decades, violence in the USA will probably increase. Incest will continue to be defined by US courts as legal and a matter of sexual preference, as uncle-niece incest marriage was recently legalized in New York state.

Psychiatry will continue to destroy any and all hope for victims of rape, incest or other types of sexual abuse. Justice will continue to become a parody, a subject with only tragic and comical value in the USA. The Courts will continue, every Judge and lawyer being educated Traitors to the US Constitution and criminals guilty of gross and total crime against humanity comparable only to SS Gestapo Nazis who ran death camps.

Institutional racism, psychiatry, will only and always perpetuate Slavery and call itself a justice system as it does today.

High profile cases against serial rapists, will all end without Justice, because that is all any US Court can do being a entirely failed branch of government, every agent of the court a total Fraud and agent of organized crime.

Violence of all types, and especially those against children and the most vulnerable, will culminate into the Satanic orgy it was destined to become by the authors of the Marshal Plan or by collective mass-stupidity of the establishment generation, incompetent regarding the political failures of their parents.

The USA has been a failed state, a suicidal state antagonistic towards it's own people for at least two generations, and this can only produce a Third World War or Second Civil/Revolutionary War.

The ideal future, which is not a utopia but rather the best possible future with a realistic chance of happening is a future where Baby Boomers are retired by military Court Order. That the US Courts are purged of Traitors and the USA purged of psychiatrists. This is extremely improbable future, but could realistically happen.

More probable and slightly less ideal, is the US Army special forces and majority too in the US Navy and Air Force would marginalize the authority of the United States Marines or a duel between the Army and Marines and Presidential authority would produce the immediate end of the failed Judiciary and suspension of Habeaus Corpus as Congress and the President ratify the Constitution to make the USA a post racial nation state with a solvent Judiciary, free from fascism and such psychiatric Fraud.

For the US military to undo the National Security Act of 1947, which was a total perversion of the US military by a consensus-fascist Congress and President, is what US Army special forces might accomplish mostly on their own.

More probable and less ideal is a Second Civil or Revolutionary War. What is probable and not at all ideal is a Third and conventional exchange of nuclear weapons, World War the USA will almost certainly lose to China and the Allies.

The least likely and so only worth mentioning for context, would be the US Space Force accomplishing a suspension of the Judiciary and Constitutional reform by Martial Law with only it's assets deployed. That is all but impossible albeit not a totally fantastic ideal future.

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