Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Libertine Party and Mode Ben Avraham


I, Mode Ben Avraham, registered as a Voter in the State of Oregon and as a Member of the Libertine Party in 2020. There is no registered Libertine Party with the State of Oregon and so like many others in Oregon whom have registered as members of unpopular political parties, I am registered as an "Other" Party member.

In the Summer of 2021 I again registered (with a new address) as a member of the Libertine Party, legally changed my name and finished starting-up my new company Verdantronix LLC in the city of Portland.

Since no one else was laying claim to the Libertine label in politics and libertine philosophy largely informs my politics I decided to author this blog.

I also author this blog and have it's address on my personal calling cards, the front of which bear the head of an American Mountain Lion and reads Libertine Party of Oregon, because the work I do as CEO and President of Verdantronix LLC is extremely political,

I speak with Seante and Congressional offices almost daily, five days a week. Part of my responsibility as CEO and President is to lobby Congress such they understand the importance of investing in green power and Verdantronix. Less frequently and still frequently I communicate with State and local government offices.

It is fair to say Verdantronix LLC has a Libertine-political work culture. Its a post-racial work environment I create when I allow others to collaborate with me on developing my intellectual property and inventions.

Still, and naturally, I do not want to own all Libertine politics in America. I am, however, the only person I've found in the many political chatrooms and political websites articulating the Libertine agenda. For over a decade I've realized myself as an extreme minority because of my politics, but I'm certainly not the only left-libertarian in the US. This being the case I'm happy to be the father of Libertine politics but never a horde-father.

As I don't have children of my own it is equally true I have a sincere and great concern for the quality of life for future generations and especially as it pertains to the environment. I hope this blog will come to inform younger Americans who embrace libertine philosophy to also define themselves as Libertines, politically.

It is my express and overt intention to foment excitement for Libertine politics so other self-described Libertines express their fanaticism for Liberty the way I have, in their own words. I certainly don't intend Verdantronix LLC to have a political monopoly on green power nor abuse my politics with corporate self-interest. My politics are sincere and entirely adopted by my own company and that will remain so for as long as I'm alive.

I will never run for any political office. I have no interest, the idea of running for a political office disgusts me. I could not be the person I am at my core and also be a public servant, to the USA. If I become a citizen of another country this might change.

That said, I will only support (financially) those self-described liberal politicians who adopt Libertine polical tactics and my personal agenda to reform the USA. I lobby all politicians, from all political backgrounds, who demonstrate great intelligence in media to make sure they have the data I have which leads me to Libertine politics.

So it is I cannot be corrupted or I am already and totally corrupt. My entire self is absorbed by Verdantronix LLC, I have no family and have been unlawfully persecuted most of my adult life by corrupt government officials and I have no qualms about any of this.

I will never stop seeking revenge against corrupt government officials. As I'm in the political minority, I also do not subscribe to much "popular wisdom" as it regards having enemies. My enemies chose me and they will remain my enemies until they or I die. My misfortune with organized criminals is real and so these terms simply brute facts about life as any adult would understand it.

My personal conflicts and personal financial interest should never overshadow Libertine values nor be more important than the Libertine political agenda as everything about it is for the greater good of humanity. I understand the difference between my politics and other matters in my life and hope everyone who might consider my writing would agree and still agree with Libertine politics.

They are the very best politics, better than Green Party for the environment, better than the Libertarian Pary for liberty, better than the Democratic Party for informed-populism/democracy, better than the Republican party for the Republic and constitutional government of the USA and more independent than the Independent Party because far fewer Americans have thought enough about politics to even consider being a Libertine.

They are the masses, the rabble. Libertines are lions by default and Nature. Libertines have standards they cannot fall short of.

This blog is perhaps the only political Libertine blog in the entire world, no other self-identifying libertine caring about politics for perhaps an unhealthy obsession with sex and private life.

This all said for no other reason then because those from other political persuasions can be assured I will only entertain their ideas and upon my own all is now and forever settled.

I'm sure my personal battle with organized crime in the USA is my own and only expect other Libertines to be against organized crime in principal and always. Organized crime can't be defeated as it should be, by competition from Libertines organized as criminals.

I, we, don't operate like that--I never have and never will. That fact is also why I converted to Judaism after my father died, in secret and between myself and the Lord. I've been increasingly observant since 2000. Libertines don't have to be Jews but having religious certainty against organized crime probably is necessary, to destroy organized crime--by this I mean religious authority, faith-authority, in the supremacy of good over evil is necessarily Libertine.

In short, Libertine political philosophy is exclusively informed by Transcendentalist literature, social contract theory and utilitarian ethics. More than a libertine lifestyle, Libertines have a political agenda.


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