Friday, July 30, 2021

Post Racialism vs. Critical Race Theory


There is a fight to be seen by everyone in the world, a fight more important than any single fighter in it. It is the fight to be seen at American universities between academics arguing for post racial campuses vs. academics arguing for racial profiling and critical race theory.

Both groups of academics in this fight agree RACE DOES NOT EXIST in BIOLOGY there is nothing physical about it except for the many racist people who are racist because they BELIEVE race is physical and their very blood.

Given both fighters agree race does not exist except as a social construct, this is perhaps the most rigged, one sided for odds of who will win, fight of all time. It is a fight where any one of these great fighters from boxing were to fight someone who is disabled and in a wheelchair or can only stand in a boxing ring by holding onto the ropes.

To agree race does not exist except as a social construct is to abolish race and racism, or should be. The Abolitionists of history had this figured out and yet were not popular enough in their time to abolish all forms of Slavery. Critical Race Theory is a total perversion of post racial Abolitionist philosophy.

The Abolitionists were correct. Critical Race Theory rationalizes the continued failure of Abolitionists.

In the end, even Critical Race Theory effectively has a sunset clause or point in time in the future when by it's own design would cease being a valid theory.  Once a critical mass of people realize race belief is racism and that is always also stupid because its factually incorrect and immoral, racism will die out.

Its not a fight at all because the facts pre-determine the outcome. Its a staged fight or a show fight, going on in acadamia right now. It is arguably also an EXECUTION as the fight is entirely real as everyone knows for all the talk about Critical Race Theory and people calling for it to be beat down as a theory.

There are many people calling for a fight and no shortage of people willing to answer the call to fight Critical Race Theory. The Post Racial Theory is the same theory used by Abolitionists. Nothing, absolutely nothing has changed since the Civil War. Human beings are all Homo Sapiens and there are no genetic racial traits. Race continues to not exist and yet the majority of Americans continue to believe race does exist.

The Abolitionists are destined only for continued victory as they promoted the truth then and those today are no different, on the science.

This beat down will not only prove Critical Race Theory is anti-intellectual racism or racism protesting against itself but it is also and necessarily a theory only for the mentally ill or insane and the brute fact of so many millions of genetically, neurologically insane people there are in the USA.

It will prove autism spectrum has always been with humanity like the Mark of Cain from the Bible. It has always been a curse of moral and literal pollution especially with inhaling the fumes of burning oil.

Its always been a genetic brain disease and it has been misunderstood since it was scientifically discovered only recently by DNA sequencing and MRI brain mapping. All people are human beings without race and yet some brain diseases make people less than human or they lack human intelligence and are more like a beast or seemingly reptillian and cold blooded rather than mammalian and warm blooded as are all people.

While millions, hundreds of millions around the world, of genetic imbeciles await alien invasion of the sort portrayed in Hollywood science fiction movies, the reality of human industry is it literally de-humanizes hundreds of millions of people and perhaps billions of human beings with it's pollution.

This is all scientifically verifiable and it has been since ancient Rome. The Nazis literally re-invented European empire by re-instituting ancient rites-practices of heavy metal poisoning and conditioning entire populations to be slave-stupid people to an elite who so poisoned them, at the neurological-genetic level, even promoting rape when it produced offspring. So all that pagan empire "science" was evolved and became American and the post war psychiatric fascism we know today.

Anyone who studdies Wesetern occultism will discover Alchemy is proto chemistry associated with mind control, or mental operations which border on magical for being real and unexplainable at the time. This is merely a study of texts from the Middle Ages, many also being illustrations and woodcuts.

What the Nazis did was re-discover dark age mind control teqniques or fully develop psychiatry into the new alchemy of today.

This is to say, that context now afforded the reader, when Critical Race Theory is executed and all it's advocates are summarily defined as imbeciles for being in the autism spectrum, it won't just be advocates of Critical Race Theory who are upset.

Everyone, already is upset. It will be everyone, literally, both those with and those who do not have autism, who are upset about this obvious and great lie nerd-academics have been espousing for a generation. For a generation, new alchemy has been covering up and profitting from new slavery, psychiatric fascism.

The cliche intelligence or nerd-speak so common in the USA today is like a bucket with the bottom slowly rotting out. This metaphor or cliche, as espoused by hypocrits is the point I'm making here.

The most cliche the most rotten (without empathy) the mind and arguably the hole which developed is even today, large enough to render most Baby Boomer intelligence as cliche, trite, anti-intellectual and mere pop psychology.

Our establishment geniuses, aren't really. This now withered and once vital Baby Boomer generation promoted mostly kiss asses or people with third party managers/agents to make them more kiss asses.

This is good enough for a game show but in real life its apparent the USA is lagging, managing diminishing returns for a generation. This is the American experience and nobody is happy with it.

Critical Race Theory has made it obvious America has many genetic imbeciles working in education, healthcare and law. The fight is fixed but the outcome is anything but certain.

The Libertine, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who thinks about all of this nor has come to what I consider the obvious conclusion for sentient people, wants to mitigate the damage.

Clearly the imbeciles in the Republican party will be able to severely damage the careers of imbeciles in the Democratic party. This exchange of damage hopefully will make US education one with fewer imbeciles overall because that is necessary to get more competent healthcare and law enforcement.

While mitigating damage, the Libertine is simply aware of the fight and it's inevitable outcome and so a good friend for all except brown shirt like Neo-Nazis or more Gestapo like Neo-Nazis who obviously hate Libertines. These would, again, be the left-authoritarian Fabian socialist Democrats or neo-liberals.

Ideally, the far right will all but erradicate the authoritarian far left as the far right is less of a problem than psychiatric fascism replete with pentopticon. Ideally God will sort the dead and I'll only have to witness and maybe in the future do minimal defense contracting.

Post Racialism or Post Racial Theory (PRT) crushes Critical Race Theory. You have to literally believe the Earth is flat and the Sun orbits around this flat Earth and so a literal imbecile to believe race doesn't exist and yet it does because it is a religion.

Race-belief is not religious its terrorist-religion, its racist religion. I don't believe the Taliban are racist as Muslims are never supposed to be, both Shia and Sunnis agree on that and a few other concepts. The Islaimic world is perhaps the most science friendly in all history, so the Nation of Islam in the USA is unlike most Islamic sects-group for its open racial profiling and more of a racial caste-system.

The courts have been broken and favoring the insane since the 1960s so much so the lawyers today are all chimpanzees soon to be fighting over Critical Race Theory's death.

It will be more a chimpanzee court than a monkey like gibbon court, it will be more brutal, and I mean all this in humor because race literally does not exist except for people who believe the Earth is flat and there are quite a few people who are flat earthers without realizing it, same as many racists who are without realizing it.

I really hope for the best and as little violence as possible. I won't be surprised if Van Jones steals the moment with his CNN platform and sorts everything out as a lot of black people have always known and are very old (some even older than Boomers) that white people are insane to believe in race in the first place.

Someone from the black American community should sort out the Nation of Islam for fomenting racial hatred in the black community. Its not white supremacy that is the problem, its sociopath supremacy or the problem of violent genetic sociopaths who are also racists, race-believers.

They, white supremacists and all "supremacists" aren't in the right country because nothing about the USA is totalitarian and everything about these groups wants to exercise totalitarian authority.

These racist-militants ought to be enemy combatants, Terrorists, without a "domestic" distinction because they have truly foreign, non-American, interests. 

Instead, Biden and the Boomers continue to do everything back asswards because they truly are a generation of imbeciles God might love because I can't, as a group of people in history. Hopefully Kamala Harris is more on the ball than Biden. I still think Tulsi Gabbard is the single person capable of actually reforming the US military the way it has to be historically reformed--unique moment in US military history that isn't a War and yet is a total transformation of the US military, near total.

There are few exceptional Boomers, sadly, I can love as fellow human beings want for a better world for all. Usually they are younger people and the least conformist among them, who I can love for being sentient like myself.

It was anti-intellectual white people, cargo capitalist white people, psychiatrist like doctors-educated people, promoting race as legitimate biology everyone knows, or should, their history. It was another group of white people who first fought over this and it was a fight between sentient and stupid white people.

So white people have their best and worst and sadly the good white people haven't sufficiently punished the evil white people in the USA, this because the Baby Boomers are almost entirely race believing imbeciles.

Oh and be sure, on the political compass the far right is the authoritarian right and those are Monarchists. Monarchy is conservative authoritarianism or traditional authoritarianism and nothing about fascism is monarchical despite all the cry wolf fascism done by left authoritarian psychiatric fascists.

I am friendly with the government of Qatar, which has a government in organization with and yet mutually exclusive authority to an extent, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

As I look at the map, there are multiple governments in the Muslim world which qualifies the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia as an effective Caliphate.

So, again, racist imbeciles in the Muslim world have disagreed, saying they don't see the still vast and powerful Caliphate not as it once was but could fairly be considered a hidden caliphate today as many active governments follow from the government of Mohammed who still technically has a Kingdom.

The Sunni world is effectively a Caliphate by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and so a perfect example of right authoritarian power in the world. Most people in AntiFa don't understand the political compass.

This is no slight against the more Persian than Arab Shia who are democratic and in this way much more like Americans. They are also fiercely competitive and so I think a lot of the problems between the Persian Muslim world and American world could be resolved with a real heavyweight boxing match between a Champion Shia and Champion Sunni Muslim boxers could bring peace to the Muslim world, theoretically, and be a platform to talk about race and racism.

Don King could still have the power, the mojo, to set something like that up. Otherwise someone else might and President Donald Trump and Don King seem to me as comparable men for personalities.

There is a fight between real and great boxers and their critic-fans, so to speak, coming. What was an uprising of Gladiadors in ancient Rome, today, might become an uprising of security-enforcer professionals.

All this said, I'm a post racial Jew so I agree on a great many things with liberal Muslims (those who are liberal in the Muslim world) and am educated to know more so than Christians they have historically advanced science.

Jewish people have never been a large enough group, or rarely, in comparison to these super-groups of people so to compare Muslims and Christians in science is to note Christians were anti-science (fiercely and nationalistically too, hateful towards scientists) until they weren't but then they were psychiatric fascists or pretended to have psychic powers while trampling all over legitimate neurology, pimping and whoring at universities is no joke.... nor is it a joke how much science Christians do understand and continue to apply inapparopirately, immorally.

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