Friday, August 27, 2021

The Caliphate of Afghanistan vs. The Central Intelligence Agency

Chanakya (spelled and pronounced so many different ways by so many English scholars) lived in 375 BC and was the first author of a book titled The Art of War, his Arhashastra.

The Afghan people live where Chanakya lived in what is today called Afghanistan.

The world has changed and President Biden would be better off reading my blog than listening to his own advisers on Afghanistan and National Security in general.

I share my opinions as I understand the facts only because I do not believe the President will be so advised. I think US Presidents in general, are literally duped by the CIA--that the agency always subverts the authority of the President such Reagan's COG shadow government shares real world powers it should not share.

To be sure, most Americans do not even know what COG is (continuity of government) and of those who do few people speak to the elephant in the room that COG was a criminal government unlawfully installed by President Reagan who had nothing but contempt for the Constitution--that brashness being considered "cool" by serial rapists and drug fiends who were increasingly the Baby Boom voter, in US politics.

I mean that, I sincerely mean that. Libertines hold President Ronald Reagan with extreme contempt. He was a Traitor because creating COG was Treason although it obviously isn't for Reagan and his cronies never being prosecuted.

That is why the USA is in the terrible situation it is in today and the problem is both Republican and Democrats who were also Baby Boomers loved Ronald Reagan. The one person most Baby Boomers agreed they liked in US politics, was him. He was also a cut throat criminal. Ten times greater than Nixon, one hundred times worse for the country.

So it is to Senator Rand Paul even more than Senator Mitch McConnell, President Biden needs to look to for help from Republicans. The President needs to get Paul and the other Senators who are also medical doctors into the White House as special advisers for the duration of COVID.

Being a US Senator and medical doctor is exactly the qualifications the President needs so different medical opinions can have conflict in real time.

He needs to talk to Dr. Fauci who is the medical leader during COVID, apparently, as our own Surgeon General could have assumed control so Dr. Fauci wasn't in the media spotlight.

Then the President needs to cabal with his Senate-doctors and not just on COVID but this is something all Presidents should do to facilitate better intelligence for the White House. He alone can set that up, get that intelligence too.

No President has ever done that before. There are Czars but never such a cabal. The cabal works better and produces better intelligence because of it's nature.

With such advisers during COVID, the President could then talk about psychiatric medication, the real problem of psychiatry being Fraud and yet most everyone in the USA thinks it is science and what to do about heroin and the so called drug war.

Assuming the President can establish a bi-partisan twice as smart (lawyers who are also medical doctors, senators who are also medical doctors) and because he is the President get their loyalty as Senators to be whatever name the President gives the group, would be a smart move for Biden.

More than that, he really needs to get on better terms with the Taliban and specifically as it regards heroin because that is just as deadly as all the brutal scenes, so many people suffocating to death on heroin.

I still think he, and with his Senate doctors, try and regulate the market or control the supply of Afghani opium as much as possible by making the CIA part of the Taliban government. That CIA would be more like an IRS for the Taliban so the government of Afghanistan could control all the buying and selling of opium.

There can be a much more peaceful agreement. What I'm talking about should have been attempted--it hasn't even been attempted--a century ago. Its no pressure, no rush but if the Taliban want to control all the buying and selling of opium so only the government can sell opium to pharmaceutical companies.

If President Biden plays his cards right, he could end the drug war at least until some nation might conquer Afghanistan if the Caliphate agrees heroin and terrible Satanic-Sadistic abuse is bad. They think it is, all Muslims do. They should be respected as Muslims. They are very conservative but that isn't uncommon among world religions.

The CIA has produced too much bad intelligence and caused too much loss of life and treasure to continue on. It was a bad idea to begin with as was the Marshall Plan. This is all 20/20 hindsight President Biden should have.

Unlike JFK, President Biden should get rid of the CIA and truly phase it out--make it gone, no more except for remembered in history.

Its time for the CIA to be dumped on Afghanistan. Whether the Taliban like it or not, they should absorb the entire CIA so those agents become their effective IRS so the Taliban can control the supply of opium, totally. Its a diplomatic failure if the Taliban don't want it because they should want to control their own dope.

This means, if the Taliban agree, the CIA would be slowly liquidated to build up a covert informant agency for the Taliban. 

This isn't asking more of the CIA as that is much of what they've done, illegal drug and weapons sales, assassinations and sabotage. None of that was good for the USA so the USA should stop doing that and work with the Taliban to mitigate the liability that is the CIA.

The Taliban will only ask them to do the same. If the CIA does the opium of Afghanistan will be controlled. If it doesn't it won't be. This is the whole theory about liquidating the CIA into a Taliban asset with all that lost equipment because then they would deal with the CIA and so the opium would be controlled by the Taliban and only it's pharmaceutical clients, no more street clients or they would be punished by the Taliban not DEA.

It benefits the Taliban to totally control opium because of how fundamentally important opium is to a warrior people like those in Afghanistan. They violence and brutality they have seen is of the sort like Palestinians only the Afghan people are the oldest true warrior people in the world.

Even though Chanakya was Buddhist and the Taliban are Muslims, they are Muslims who defend from Chanakya the first human who understood War.

As they say they are a Caliphate that means they're arranging a Divine Law government or Monarchy and probably decentralized so its more many Princes than one King--going by only what little I know compared to the whole and entire history of Afghanistan and it's people.

I'm glad the President was talking with Governors to get people from Afghanistan on a path to Citizenship in the USA. I hope to advocate for that to happen in Portland even though most people in Portland will probably be against helping and becoming the home for new Afghans. 

That is so cruel and heartless but Portland has a cruel and heartless streak so its not that shocking.

Still, hosting Afghans and having them do well so they can have legitimate trade with their relatives still in Afghanistan is key. The only real fear is dope and that fear can be totally mitigated if the President accomplishes a new currency for Afghanistan and one that changes the world for the dope supply.

If other people were to compete with Afghanistan for opium, they would be killed by the Afghan government soldiers with lots of money to fly around and make sure their opium bank wasn't being robbed.

The heroin supply and crisis can come to an end, if the US gets enough people out of Afghanistan and establishes fair trade with Afghanistan, and realizes the KKK is worse than the Taliban.

The KKK is more cowardly and weak than the Taliban. The KKK is more evil and Godless than the Taliban. America's real problem is it is scared to confront it's own KKK and fascists. If the USA can focus on re-ordering it's own society the Taliban I think would become allies.

The USA needs to get rid of the CIA and build a new intelligence agency to get foreign intelligence. I recommend returning all intelligence service to military personnel, the way it was before 1947. That intelligence structure defeated fascism. That is the one the USA still needs today and we should have never tried the CIA the way America did.

So its all very plain.

If President Biden is honest with the Taliban and honest with himself he will go back to what he was doing before that stupid bombing.

I would never and will never run for President. The job would drive me crazy. I'd break from the stress. I hope Biden is able to stay strong and make the right deals with the Taliban now, because there are no repeats of this period in history.

It is all so very important.

Negotiate some lasting peace agreement. Start a conversation with them about getting rid of the CIA, turning the CIA over to the Taliban like it did so much military equipment.

The American soldiers know better than I do the spirit of the Afghan warrior-fighter. I think their place in history is settled, they are the fiercest fighters in the world.

I'm sure we have some officers who can build respectable friendships, yes friendships, with Taliban if they agree on the Taliban getting a brilliant price for controlling the supply of opium around the world.

Its too bad Columbia couldn't set up a similar cornered-market for cocaine as Afghanistan can do with opium. Still, ending the heroin crisis is literally a brilliant Treaty with the Taliban.

Such a Treaty would also insure safe passage and some ongoing cultural exchange, especially regarding education.

My idea, to build an Opium Exchange where all the Afghan poppy farmers have their own stock-symbol and however many lots for market ready to use opium, is what the President should consider and develop.

If its possible for Biden to give the Taliban the deal I'm talking about, it would also involve the Gordian Knot, or the people and land of that area. President Biden needs to re-tie the Gordian Knot which Alexander the Great cut apart so long ago. That is literally what he has to do and that is what an Opium Exchange is about for ending the heroin crisis.

If cartels or other groups of people want to sell opium, let the Taliban take care of them. If that happens, if the USA supports the monopolization of opium by this new Caliphate, it should be able to jack the price of opium to pharmaceuticals and make the bottom fall out for the supply of heroin--there would be none.

Russia and the USA could and should ally in this and have it be the start of a new beginning with The Kremlin. Nobody, other than the CIA apparently, wants heroin everywhere the way it is now.

We are in the worst diplomatic situation with the Taliban but at the same time they are Muslim and they know horrendous abuse isn't Islamic. They would prefer less violence and more money and in time they can grow into a prosperous nation instead of face nuclear weapons, biological warfare or those extreme measures which apparently would be required to defeat them.

That would be no defeat at all because the USA would have to abandon all humanity to effectively holocaust the people of Afghanistan.

For peace options, its my advice or worse advice. Building an Opium Exchange can and should be done in Kabul, with Afghanistan having a new currency vetted by the dollar and its CIA, then formerly CIA.

Putin won't like that and he will help with Rubles and that is good, Biden should be glad for that and every other nation wanting to convince the Taliban to control all the dope so none of it goes to the street and kids. They'd use that money to develop their own natural resources like all the minerals. That is the only way they will develop is if it's their development.

They won't be colonized and nobody can fault them for being the fiercest people on the planet.

If the President declares the KKK a terrorist organization and the Taliban can see the US military killing mouthy KKK people, the Taliban will be shocked. They would see the US military regaining it's honor which necessarily makes it more formidable. 

With a full third of American girls being raped in their lives, often if not usually when they were children and then again so its something they struggle with like PTSD for their entire lives, the USA has no right to lecture the Taliban on rapists.

America has more rapists than anyone so for the Taliban to respect the USA, the military has to be used against the rapists not for them. Mental health and addition are caused largely because Christians and psychologists think rape if a game, some sort of cruel joke or rite of passage, something they never have to seriously address and can joke about like incest.

So, the President really should begin the process as I've described it. I can't give more detail but these details describe what someone really should describe to the President or else we'll lose even more life and treasure as the Taliban continue to completely kick the head of the USA in, eventually with nukes.

Nobody respects the US military and US government after the Baby Boom of Autism spectrum child rapists that is Protestant America.

Protestant America is the greatest force of Satan on this planet, with it's KKK litter, inbred descendants now calling themselves Progressives. The Taliban will nuke them for being the Godless apes they are if Americans don't deal with their own human garbage, serially raping children and causing so much death, theft and murder--which is all mental healthcare really does.

Americans are the morons of the world and always have been. Everyone knows except mainstream America. Protestants only have sympathy for the Devil and that too will never change. They are idolators with shit for science and shit for their religion of devil worshipers, incest cult families on psychiatric dope.

Time is running out. The CIA doesn't have a chance. They are the worst people in any intelligence agency in the history of the world. They are literally the dumbest, factually and genetically mentally retarded opinions like psychologists and America continues to prefer the opinions of these retards.

We're going to be nuked and it will factually be because America deserves it and literally is a country hated by God for all it's inbred mentally retarded Protestants worshiping Satan the Christ--the moron Jesus who loves Sinners more than people who don't Sin, this is the Protestant Jesus.

Protestants are easily more Satanic than the Taliban. The Taliban can and should become US allies and will unless President Biden drops the ball. If he goes on pretending the Taliban are worse than KKK Progressives when it comes to rape, murder and theft the USA will deserve to be attacked just like it did on 9/11.

Fuck the worthless brains of inbred Protestants who disagree. They aren't even fully human to begin with, they aren't sentient people being 2 dimensional automatons who get everything wrong in their lives. They prefer the company of criminals and other inbred useful idiots for the American fascist empire and they will never be a Godly and good people.

Protestants are always the Devil's Ape Rats and about sympathy for the Devil as the mission of their anti-christ. They are Godless, Autistic, fascist moral degenerates. That is what American Protestants have always been and what they will always be. That is why the Native Americans and Blacks and Chinese were treated the way they were. Its always been because Protestants are lying Satanic fuck heads with zero value as people.

A Protestant would have to be against incest child rape and mental healthcare to be different and no Protestant is like that because Protestants are the Klu Klux Klan and always have been. All they ever do is lie and say, "Jesus." The Taliban would do the world a favor to nuke the USA and end their empire of Satanic second wave fascists with inbred bullshit talk for psychology.

With the Taliban as allies, the USA can confront the KKK and the incest cult that is Protestant America and all their medical insurance Frauds working in mental healthcare. Mental healthcare only compliments Protestants, always, like their dirt-bag of a Messiah who loves Sinners more than people who don't Sin.... the psychologists excuses the criminal exploitation of others for their retard-client.

Its always the same and never really a professional service. The Taliban have the moral authority from God to nuke the USA because the USA preaches the Satanism that is psychology, the anti-science of the inbred and what their Protestant religion is really about: the KKK.

Make an ally out of the Taliban and kill the KKK President Biden, or I believe the entire USA will be vaporized in WWIII with the entire world better off because Boomers literally turned the USA in an Evil Empire 10 times worse than the Soviet Union and modeled it on fascist Germany with these inbred Autism spectrum fuckwaste running around with advanced degrees literally ruining everything with their retard-bad intelligence.

I know I regret every session I had with psychologists who only proved to me they are absolute inbred morons and people who should have been abortions. I've seen over 20 in my life so it really is that way despite a great variety among them, different people all alike in that inbred-retard thinks they are smart way.

There are no less than 30,000 Americans who factually deserve beheading. Every psychiatrist should literally, factually, have their head cut off because what they do is a crime against humanity a million times worse than anything the Taliban has ever done. A MILLION TIMES WORSE.

Only a coward and fool would continue to make War with the Taliban when the true enemy is the Klu Klux Klan! I have no more patience for Baby Boomer human garbage in America and await the Third World War because those Godless Fucking Scum Do Not Participate In Reality SO HAVE NO RIGHT TO IT!

If the President won't do it the Taliban will and be those who say what! Not fuck-job with shit for brains CIA man smart like a moral degenerate, rapist-inbred Autism spectrum Ape Rats that are CIA agents giving the US President advice since 1947.. human fucking garbage university.

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