Sunday, May 16, 2021

Democrats, Republicans and Independents

Democrats almost always look people in the eyes, and then go on at length to verbally describe a flat Earth worldview wherein they are diametrically opposed to Republicans and President Donald Trump.

They are oblivious to how completely stupid they are and how they and their media networks bring shame and disgrace to every US high school, community college and university. These people, Democrats, not only maintain a flat Earth stupidity for worldview-mentality insomuch as they are ontological dualists, Zoroastrians in a struggle with Republicans, but they also insist on racial justice.

Racial justice is, to the Democrat, the rule of insanity and therefore their rule. They ignore all DNA and biological science which proves race does not exist and is a mythological mentality dating back to ancient Rome. Democrats do not care and maintain a literal flat Earth mentality as they foment racism by refusing to be post racial.

"Play cute" autistics like Chuck Todd direct the party's slush fund in medical insurance fraud, psychiatric or "mental healthcare" on TV with most in the party being under the direction of both the "idiot box" and a moral imbecile in their therapist.

This trifecta of stupid which frames the Democratic Party, is perhaps no more evident than in Biden himself as he antagonizes the US military by forcing it deeper into psychiatric medical insurance fraud, pushing gender-bent thralls to mix with racist thralls in the Pentagon.

They are irrational fundamentalists like racists, both with total conviction in what is factually not true about their biology. Indeed, both of the dominant parties have their zealots who call the other their moral enemy.

To this end, the Democrats replete with their soldiers are matched against Republicans who coddle the racist-autistics in the same way Democrats coddle the LGBTQ-autistics. With their soldiers, partisans, they coerce more moderate Americans into one or another extremely irrational party.

To be sure, Republicans cling to economic models with roots in the fantasy of Adam Smith wherein Jesus Christ was the active hand in all market economies, rewarding the able capitalists in accord with Protestant theology.

In reality, what they call capitalism is colonialism as that is factually what occurs when finance meets a lesser world's or person's economy.

Their Christian values are as real as those Christian values which caused genocide against Native American people, for generations, and their racist-apartheid the defining characteristic of Christianity in the United States. That is its history and those are its values, as evidenced by the GOP.

They are values which lead to amorality or salvation from amorality and in both circumstances immorality the Christian experience.

More surrounding this war between mobs than part of the melee, the Independents take to doom porn and half baked criticism. Their want for a rugged identity is usually more their issue, or their politics more a critique of persona and ego than policy.

The more passionate and less popular political groups in the USA, like greens, workers, socialist, communist, etc. clown for praxis.

All of this ought to change, soon, and I'm doing the best I can to change it. It cannot be denied, I'm a Libertine because I'm very active politically and have passed my own litmus test.

I've set aside money to have the highest quality business-social cards printed, my Libertine Party cards.

Democrats and Biden should start coming around to the idea of working with Republicans and Trump on a new, green, power grid. Both Democrats who lean psychiatric and Republicans who lean Christian ought to realize they are really more autistic than intellectual or spiritual, and learn to better marginalize their speech so people with deeper souls and minds can be more easily understood, absent the pedantic din.

Its time for the former and current President to shake hands before I call them both out for the feeble minded baby boomers they are, only then treat them like they are beyond redemption or have lost their last opportunity to LEARN and so then stop their stupid-fucking-stubborn ass or elephant dope routine, get a new power grid, programmed by myself.

I, any and all other Libertines, do not buy into the false choice between homo-trans fascism as espoused by autistic Democrats nor racist fascism as espoused by autistic Republicans. The baby boom, 1947-1963, was a genetic step backwards and into plague brain disease for "evolution."

Enough with the junk-for-brains calling shots in the USA. Fuck the underdogs and alpha dogs, metaphorically, because you should be more of a HUMAN BEING and sentient!

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