Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Anti-Factual Insanity and Day Dreaming Fabian Socialism Is or Why Progressives are Halfwits

If Fabian socialism is understood as that school of socialist thought which suggests an entirely or almost entirely violence free process to manage society, and it should be, then it is necessarily anti-factual.

Put another way, more colloquial, Fabian socialists are liars.

Examples of Fabian socialists and socialism, are almost exclusively and also examples of a psychiatric paradigm or world view. These Fabian psychiatrists insist they are not practicing violence even when they and others are witness to deaths directly caused by their actions.

Experimenting on someone with psychiatric drugs until they become violently insane, under the pretext of preventing them from becoming violently insane is perhaps the perfect example of the Fabian brain.

A specific example of a Fabian brain, is Senator Bernie Sanders the Fabian socialist from Vermont. He promotes mental health and mental healthcare despite all evidence pointing to school shootings, murders, rapes and especially serial rapists of children, assaults both sexual and not are excused daily, all that pain and suffering externalized costs of their own Fabian scheme.

They simply blame the victims or otherwise frame innocent people as villains or criminals when they are factually not and all because what they do is more mentally retarded than sentient. They, like pacifists in general, presume a level of moral superiority for themselves by assigning blame to anyone who isn't a pacifist, or Fabian socialist.

Of course this is not always true insomuch a Fabian socialist might talk about things other than Fabian socialism, but when expounding Fabian socialism and the medical insurance fraud that is both academic and professional psychiatry as socialized medicine.... the Fabian socialist is also and necessarily a Fabian fascist.

Psychiatric fascism, eugenics by psychiatric review, is the historical method by which eugenics has actually been practiced.

To the point, and for these reasons, for all time and as a matter settled to history, the progressive caucus in the Democratic Party is one of halfwits trying to reform racists. It is a tragic failure in liberal political history and the legacy of the Baby Boomer generation.

God willing, it will die before they all do.

Libertines are not Dixiecrats for being socialists who have high value on private property and take responsibility to be violent against those who would enslave or kill them considering that a duty. They are not Dixiecrats because they reject the authoritarianism of all halfwit ideologies be they about profiling human beings psychologically or racially. Libertines, unlike Dixiecrats, are literate while Progressives are more sad sophomores.

Here are a few clear examples of the progressive thinking, being half-thinking.

1.) Black Lives Matter is ignorant and foments racism because, regardless of whether an oppressor or oppressed person is profiled, is necessarily denying that person the true content of their character because different races factually do not exist except as delusional-hateful thinking. In the case of George Floyd and all other cases of wrongful police violence BLM brought to light, there is no evidence of racism because race factually does not exist, racism was denied and not verbally expressed, and no mind reading machine nor psychic proved Officer Chauvin was thinking racist thoughts when he murdered George Floyd. He could have been discriminated against for any reason, dozens of different reasons other than the color of his skin. He might have been profiled as mentally retarded, morbidly obese, a junkie, etc. #BLM is a group of people pretending psychic powers and who are openly racist themselves, professing their belief in a black race that factually does not exist.

2.) LGBTQ and trans rights to participate in non trans gender sports: Once again, there is zero concern for intellectual integrity, honesty conjunct honor, when it comes to advancing the rights of the LGBTQ community. To be sure, to point this out is not to call for discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation. Still, the same anti-factual, insane, thought process found in the #BLM movement is found in the #LGBTQ movement. The human genome project has long been completed and much additional research was done looking for any genes pertaining to sexual orientation. None were found. It is the settled fact of science that sexual orientation is 100% nurture-conditioning and 0% natural. Sexual orientation is, in all ways, a condition of the mind as evidenced by variety. Still, the LGBTQ community insists like flat earth believers, their condition is genetic. Moreover, people who are trans refuse the obvious and objective reality their gender choice is 100% psychological and even when surgery and pharmaceutical drugs change a person, they change them into a trans person and never a natural-DNA determined gender. The factual gender is genetic and does not change because of gender and/or sexual orientation. This is irrefutable logic and science the LGBTQ community loudly refutes and in doing so perpetuates insanity and suffering for themselves and society--to the profit of their psychiatric masters.

3.) Psychiatry, as already stated, is the effective religion of the Progressive movement. It is not a true religion. It is anti-intellectual and the complete opposite of real and legitimate science. It is necessarily dishonest and morally depraved, to engage in and promote psychiatry and yet the Progressives insist psychiatry is progress. To this end they are either naïve, willfully ignorant or abject moral degenerates deserving arrest and segregation from society.

To be sure, nobody should be discriminated against for race nor sexual orientation nor some combination of the two. That point, the moral point, is lost because Progressives have chosen a childish, stupid, fundamentally dishonest method by embracing psychiatry to achieve their end-goal of equality in society. They have made a deal with psychiatry in the Machiavellian sense and in doing so a deal with the proverbial Devil--they actually increase racism and sexual violence in society by doing this instead of maintaining their dignity, their intellectual integrity, and pursuing equity without the psychiatric fucking (for unlawful carnal knowledge, knowing how and mind-fuck people to get what they want--cargo capitalist sociopaths) moron talk.

What is especially appalling about Progressives and the progressive caucus in the Democratic party is not the promotion of women--which is a good thing--but rather the promotion of women who turn over their children to psychiatrists, like lab rats to experiment on..... and usually for the sole purpose of making the child more obedient, slavish.

Libertines have to see Progressives as captives reminiscent of the Children's Crusade--when the children of Europe were assembled by the religious authority to Crusade in the Holy Land only upon reaching the city of Constantinople, were captured and sold into slavery.

Libertines don't hate Progressives and generally do not hate anyone, albeit psychiatrists are right and proper to completely loathe and hate as criminals and enemies of Humanity.

As that breaks down, politically, it is fair to say psychiatry represents the apex of left-authoritarianism and as apex left-libertarians, there are three existential political adversaries for Libertines, but in sharing socialism as champion economic model the authoritarians and libertarians are also mortal enemies.

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