Saturday, June 12, 2021

Politics: playing chess with the angels, Enochian chess or the Political Compass as political chess


If anyone ever happens to find themselves in the USA and within the context of their political life they cannot help nor deny they are libertine thinkers and would be a Libertine if they were politically active it is important to note politics is not at all a game.

More than any other political philosophy, within the context of a Political Compass with four apex factions in competition for dominance in society........the Libertine insists politics is not a game. Its a matter of literacy beyond sentience. Its an art, a serious art. To the extent chess is artful is the extent to which politics resembles the game.

Not to be confused with the self professed hedonism of Allister Crowley nor others of similar, non political, libertine pursuits in the Order of the Golden Dawn, Enochian chess was popularized by such people. Like chess, the four player version has ancient origins and beyond this metaphor, politics is indeed no game for Libertines.

So then, to be a Libertine means there are three adversaries in the real world and each of whom would like to dominate or completely eliminate the Libertine from society.

In the last post, I discussed how psychiatrist best represent the Kings & Queens of the Authoritarian left. We might also go far as to say the political arrangement of socialist-fascism, it is anti-religious psychiatry--psychiatry already explained for what it is, more than this political ideology in society. 

The controllers of the authoritarian right, or capitalist authoritarians, are the dynastic oligarchs in banking. They are the the families which possess so much material affluence which they pass on from generation to generation, they often times are also the head of a religion or royal family within a monarchical state.

It is important to point out the line between Libertines and Royals (apex right-authoritarians) is diagonal and this orientation is not as hostile as the vertical orientation between Libertines and Psychiatrists. It is not as hostile because there is no agreement on an economy. Without such agreement, Libertines and Royals almost never associate, their presences in society rarely if ever overlapping.

As there is agreement on economy, albeit with the difference between socialism without and with fascism (the agreement between Libertine and Psychiatrist is to social contract theory--they agree there should be a social contract but disagree on what social contract it should be), there is overlapping presence in society and an inherent ideological difference.

Lastly, the horizontal orientation between Libertine and Libertarian is the least hostile. This is because they both agree on decentralized authority in society so for most differences on issues they can agree to disagree and to each their own solution.

There should be no confusion given the lay of the political landscape, as Libertines see it, although in the future some original diagrams would make everything perfectly plain. 

What more can be said is that, like the Nazis of Hitler's Germany were socialists and fascists who organized a psychiatric association to distribute mind altering drugs of no medical value, to control citizens through populist vigilantism so too progressives of today who have organized as Progressives are as oblivious to their own crime against humanity as the vast majority of Nazis were.

Any hostility experienced between a Libertine and Progressive ought to be de-escalated by literacy such the Libertine makes clear their enemy is psychiatry and their enemies are psychiatrists, not the progressives they ruthlessly manipulated and exploit for their pruient-Freudian behavior-interest. 

Again and always, literacy to de-escalate a conflict is almost always the action of the Libertine because in the reality there will always be existential adversaries. As a socialist and libertarian, the Libertine seeks a balance or harmony between their adversaries and seeks to foster harmony between them with each other. 

The only exception is, of course, the psychiatrists who must be marginalized and dominated within the context of the economy less socialism is lost to fascism. 

This exception is often the best agreement Libertines can make with Royals, to eliminate and marginalize fascists.

This exception is also, often, the proverbial thorn in the side for the Libertine in regards to the Libertarian for their diagonal orientation to fascist-Psychiatrists and how they might gain agreement with them to marginalize Libertines and their socialism in light of Libertarian capitalism.

To the extent Libertines have an "end game" to eliminate or absolutely marginalize fascism and the medical insurance fraud that is mental healthcare and psychiatry, there is also the realization they will always exist and the best case scenario is to drive them underground--forcing them to become a secret society of inbreeding lunatics.

Royals and their monarchists eventually and ultimately need science and literacy beyond dogma such there is always more the Libertine can do for monarchists than a Royal can do for libertines. Unless an right-authoritarian or oligarchical individual were to become a patron of a libertine, there is little monarchists can do for any Libertine.

In history, when all authority was oligarchical and dealing with monarchy, very few of them identified as libertines. Those who did, were ridiculed and isolated at court.

With Libertarians, there is the most need for regular cooperation as the failure of it is the continuation of the long and dominant history of authoritarian regimes commanding the vast majority of human societies.

It is arguable the Libertarians have never, and still do not, have any meaningful Libertine counter part to work with which would explain why authoritarians always run roughshod over them--almost always. 

To the development, then, of the Libertine Party, the chief aim is lending aid to the Libertarians.

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