Sunday, June 13, 2021

Libertine Organization (Failure: Merkley is Progressive)


I have never met Senator Jeff Merkley. I could have about a year ago, but it would not have been good as I would have been marginalized as an intellectual by real halfwits promoting Progressive politics. 

As there are no Libertines other than myself, so defined who I'm aware of, I don't need to be more marginalized than I already am, by anyone.

That said, over a year before I could have met Jeff, I told his office I wanted him to fill the void in the Senate left by now deceased Senator Ted Kennedy. Ted was known as "the lion of the Senate" and there is no such leader in the Senate today nor since he passed.

Unlike the formal, Majority Leader and Minority Whip roles in the Senate Ted was an original for becoming an unofficial super-authority insomuch literally all the Senators (the other 99) went to Ted for advice especially when on the subject of healthcare.

It is also true the deaths of his brothers, JFK and RFK passed to him that family mantle for political leadership in the Democratic party to Ted and so in the classic, old world, Camelot sense Senator Ted Kennedy was more the African lion of the Senate.

He was Aslan from The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, on the subject of healthcare.

Senator Merkley I hope and have invested hours of my time over several years, becomes the next lion of the Senate and unlike Senator Kennedy I expect him to be an American mountain lion on the subject of the environment.

To be sure, I will be disappointed in myself if I am not able to (in an ethical albeit metaphorical way) groom Senator Merkley to better care for the health of the American people than even Senator Kennedy did. Without a healthy, bio-stable, environment all healthcare becomes disease management in practice.

A bio-stable environment is an environment free from industrial chemical fallout such living in it does not also give you disease such as cancer and other genetic diseases. It is a standard, yet to be established, by environmental scientists who also have medical degrees. 

Still, I continue to believe and behave as I ought to, helping Senator Merkley's office with intelligence which often exceeds in the value the intelligence he is provided by serving agents in our government intelligence agencies. It is rational and a matter of survival, that I should as a constituent of my elected representatives in Congress, help them do a good job.

The way I'm doing that is by working to build a team around Senator Merkley's office, or to set him and his office up as the new lions of the Senate--a role I'm sure he would be pleased to have even though he and I would certainly not agree on everything.

That team includes the following representatives and appointed officials, all of whom would and should (although they may choose not to), organize with Senator Merkley to upgrade or otherwise replace the power grid in the USA.

Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Oregon Scty. of State Shamina Fagan, US Scty. of Energy Jennifer Granholm and US Scty. of Commerce Gina Raimondo.

Of course I correspond with other people in Congress and various government departments, yet I believe I only need to "convert" Senator Merkley and those listed in a would-be pride with him, on the economy and environment--healthcare.

Specifically, my business agenda for Verdantronix LLC and my design engineering for a new power grid to be built for Americans, should be the initial reason for why these people might give me the time to explain to them what is truly a superior political philosophy or Libertine politics.

If they are persuaded to support my commercial ambition as also a matter of national security and beyond that come to sincerely believe psychiatric fascism is evil and stupid, that is probably all I would need to accomplish such they and others would take over as thinkers, describing contemporary libertine thinking and Libertine politics. 

That is what I want. I never want to run for public office. I only hope to continue at middle age to finally do what I could have been doing long ago if I had not been oppressed by the psychiatric fascists in the Progressive movement.

It is plainly true, the Progressives are psychiatric fascists and that is little more than Communism with a plutocracy openly against the people. Left-Authoritarianism is both Communist and psychiatric-fascist with the latter being the more extreme and hostile worldview to Libertines from that terrible ideological quadrant.

To be sure, for Libertines, Communists are preferred when the alternative is Fascists.

Indeed, AOC is exceptionally important given her youth and expected longevity in Congress and government, to persuade to become a Libertine. This is true largely in part because without significant political support for a shared economic agenda for the USA, in New York, there is no real hope for any such plan.

New York state and especially NYC needs Libertines to talk down to the autism spectrum pseudo-intellectuals who have been running Wall Street as all economics agree it has been a generation of diminishing returns--complete fucking embarrassment to the species of homo sapiens.

The psychiatric fascism hasn't been good for the people of New York simply because it more or less began there. This the final point on the importance of AOC as she might libertate New Yorkers from a generation of psychiatric fascist control and diminishing returns.

If this team were to come together, and I get the meeting with President Biden I should have once Verdantronix LLC is fully established with settled rights to my intellectual property and the models proving a new power grid design is far better than the current one, I won't need to convert the President.

He could remain a Northern Dixiecrat, which is what he is a Dixiecrat from Delaware and that is unique enough I don't even want to change him. I only need his agreement psychiatric fascism is evil and my new power grid design is better than the bomb.

I might also persuade him to replace his Scty. of Defense Lloyd Austin with former Congresswoman Tusli Gabbard. That would take time and I'm sure I would do my best to get her so appointed because rape culture is the greatest threat, not white supremacy, not Islamic terrorism. It is the rape culture fostered by psychiatric medical insurance fraud, psychiatric fascism, that is the existential threat more than Russia and China would be if they combined their effort against the USA....... still it would be the maladroit zero degrees of empathy imbeciles with powers of state for their inhuman religion, psychiatric dope pushing, who are the most deserving of punishment.

So, if I realize a new clique in the Democratic Party as a Libertine Party within it, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is who I could talk to about flying rail guns, after most of the work on the power grid is done or being developed as planned. Then Libertines would arguably be the "talk softly and carry a big stick" type of liberals, like no others.

All of this means, if proven true, Senator Jeff Merkley will likely remain a Senator his entire life hopefully living to old age and completing a generational transfer of wealth and power.

Then, and I only say this because its something I've thought a lot about, the Russian people also need to upgrade their power grid such I might win too many awards with too many special interests and different heads of State to be anything more than a business mogul in green tech, a designer.

That is how the world should work out, so I truly hope journalists begin to identify as Libertines and political scientists write Libertine books so socialism can move away from fascism and the planet to bio-stabilize before ecocide occurs or human DNA is irreversibly evolved in a bad way, by pollution.

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