Thursday, June 17, 2021

Breaking Progressives on The Kremlin


This post is on "breaking" Progressives as a previous post was about "flanking" Progressives.

To be sure, just as the political flanking described previously was not a design of military science this post too speaks of breaking Progressives in half, or how to reveal their shattered minds to them such afterwards the Progressive is beside him/herself realizing the total moral contradiction their politics embodies. 

This should also, effectively, "kill" a Progressive for what they might say afterwards as no human being can proceed in any conversation once they are revealed as insane: completely irrational and amoral. Conversation is impossible with people in such a state and at best they must repair for another time to then attempt a rational conversation again.

Russia, in particular the government of Vladimir Putin, is the issue on which Progressives are broken like Humpty Dumpty--eggheads. To be sure, Russia and it's culture have always been leading the world as a civilization, especially in technology, as it sits on the Western most edge of Asia with all that trade and exchange of information.

The United States, however, is absolutely not known for it's culture's history with cultural and technological exchange. Clearly, US history is a predominantly military history with and especially ruthless disposition towards indigenous and people of color. What cultural exchange there has been has almost always been forced and colonial. What science it has produced is significant, but the USA has never been a world leader in science nor culture in it's less than 300 years of total history.

To the extent it has, that has only been since 1947 and the introduction of Nazi German technology to American society.

Moscow was established in 1147. The post World War II environment was one where America threw the biggest and longest party, but that never passed for culture despite all the fanfare in US entertainment. Culture is a matter of civilization, how civilized a people are.

The US media, which is the embodiment of US culture, has often been called liberal but it is more Progressive than liberal in the classic sense, today. This is evident by the slant given to the news on Russia which is informed by emotional inferiority, fear, confabulated espionage and a litany of baseless accusations and assumptions.

Russia, being a predominantly Caucasian or white population like the United States of America, necessarily makes the USA look like a fraud. Long before the USA existed, there was a civilization of white people that was multi-cultural, religiously tolerant albeit Eastern Orthodox, a world military power and was looked to for aid and support by other nations.

In many ways, what Russia has long been the USA has always and only strived to become.

This cultural inferiority, both real and a fact forever settled in history, informs the press which then frames the Presidency as the champion in conflict with Russia. The press, in it's intellectual inferiority (already established as Progressives openly promote race belief-racism because they want to foment racial hatred and conflict and staunchly refuse to be post racial) and emotional instability (already established as Progressives openly promote medical insurance fraud, calling it mental healthcare to make racism institutional, normalize and decriminalize rape and incest, experiment on and frame narratives for people such their lives become lies driven by a pharmaceutical schedule).

So it is when the cultural inferiority, intellectual inferiority and emotional inferiority of people who identify as Progressives is brought to light as it pertains to how the American press treats Russia and the government of Putin, the Progressive can't respond except to tantrum.

If these points are raised to a Progressive and they tantrum, the Libertine has done all they could to help a fellow human being do better in life than have a flat earth, geocentric worldview. Indeed, that is what Progressives are with many of them also certified by a more or less worthless degree from a US college or university.

Do not try to have a conversation with a tantrum. Walk away or have the person leave so they can think on their own about why their Progressive liberal media is moronic. Let them reconsider their political allegiance to psychiatric fascism, that type of fascism that can only follow from socialized "mental healthcare" where the dumbest people in the community are looked to for emotional and intellectual support..... as they profit off the misery they only exacerbate.

Our media too, exacerbates the social ills in much the same way. More horrific news is more news worthy news and the Progressive media being lost on psychiatric fascism feeds it's own news cycle. It stages fights between the White House and the Kremlin. It stages fights on US streets for a "race war." It stages fights and actively sells psychiatric dope with no medical value which will indeed lower the quality of life with a verifiable and negative side effect while the "illness" for which it is prescribed is never verifiable.

So, in summation, Progressives are broken on Russia (or the Kremlin, government of Putin) because they are so completely lost on Russia the same way their Nazi "politically correct" Progressive media forefathers were.

For all the egalitarianism liberalism does represent, the Libertine represents. None of that, none, is shared with Progressives. They represent the insanity of the left-authoritarian psychiatric fascism movement. The Progressive is what they complain about, that is their political-psychological operation and most don't even realize it being thralls for their autism spectrum psychotherapist.

Let them destroy themselves talking about an enemy in Russia as if Russia is a greater threat than the Progressive media is. The fact is Russia is not the enemy and the press in the USA needs censorship with many high profile networks being sued for selling psychiatric dope with no medical value, for serial medical insurance frauds. Sleepwalkers talking about progress, Freudians worried about Russia: this insanity will pass and the Progressive caucus will die out in the Democratic party.

Bernie Sanders, like many black leaders fighting racism, don't stop talking long enough to think and realize their Progressive politics is medical insurance fraud and demonstrates incompetence demanding more respect than it deserves, because so many people are incompetent. Mass incompetence is what the Progressive movement is, with a psychiatric crutch. If he and they would have only quit the anti-intellectual bullshit, realized a post racial reality with racism necessarily being a delusion, and stop "rationalizing" sex crimes when they are done by people with genetic brain disease (the mentally retarded) and all that psychiatric fascism to "push" society to get what they want we would have all been better off. In reality, their accomplishments in social justice are overblown and counter-factual.

That only results in mass casualties or otherwise proves a failed social movement of the incompetent as they promote exactly what they say they are against and therefore cannot overcome.

It would be wonderful if, in humility and with humor, yet full of sincere regret Senator Bernie Sanders would say, "I feel like a complete dumbass. I went too far pushing mental healthcare instead of doing more homework on science and in philosophy, to realize its a post racial society or bust. Racism is a problem for all societies and only a post racial society can overcome it. That is the logic and fact. I quit as a Progressive and am now organizing most closely with Libertines. We need a Senate investigation on the medical value of psychiatric medication." Then I'd see him make progress as a Senator who doesn't want to end his career a total loser because of his ego being more important than his ideas. Eventually there will be such an investigation, maybe even in another country, and Senator Bernie Sanders will be remembered in history as one who played to the most altruistic ambitions of women and young people to exploit them all with psychiatric dope.

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