Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Libertine, Not Conservative-Libertarian


All the posts in this blog are holographic in nature to each and every other post because this blog defines what the political compass calls left-libertarian.

To define the Libertine Party, as it could be capitalized for people and a proper noun for group of people with distinct and uncommon political belief system, is what this blog does. In doing so, it has to meet a holographic test as in no post can contradict another post--the same values are found within all posts and aspects of Libertine politics.

There can be no rational, scientific nor moral hypocrisy for Libertines. Libertines do not tolerate hypocrisy like people with different political philosophies. 

As the distinction between Libertine and Progressive exists and has been made clear as the difference between mutually exclusive political philosophies, left-libertarian & left-authoritarian, so too there is a distinction between left-libertarian & right-libertarian.

Right libertarians call themselves and for more than a generation called themselves Libertarians with no distinction between right of left. America is a country which has historically leaned conservative so perhaps it goes without saying most Libertarians are also conservatives.

This is certainly true in American politics for all the examples of Libertarians being conservative leaning if not openly-evangelically conservative. 

Perhaps the best example of Libertarian media is the independent radio program Ground Zero hosted by Clyde Lewis.

Not all Libertarians are respectful and considerate of people who do not also identify as Libertarians.

Indeed, most if not the vast majority of Libertarians have little in common with Libertines other than generally being against the idea of a highly centralized government--such as with totalitarianism.

They are two ideologies which find agreement in how they disagree with authoritarians but with most Libertarians also being conservatives, the Libertine remains in a minority position for wanting a decentralized government with a rule of law beyond anarchy, or the jungle.

Libertarians are against centralized government much like anarchists or neo-primatives who more than aesthetic fashion, prefer a village of like-minded people isolated from the rest of the world. Libertarians are more into smaller, intentional communities, without owing any taxes or owing as little in taxes as possible to have as little to do with government as possible.

Libertarians are historically conservative and against a centralized government because their anti-tax politics are probably what they are most well known for.

If Clyde Lewis is the most true-to-Libertarian voice in media-journalism, then its probably also true Senator Rand Paul is the most true-to-Libertarian voice in US politics, for elected official. Clyde had the most popular evening radio program in the USA, for years, and Senator Paul like his father commands significant respect from those in his Republican Party.

Still, these examples are the best examples of Libertarians and many who identify as Libertarians are not to be confused with Libertarians like Clyde Lewis and Senator Paul.

Many Libertarians are more or less pirates. They seek to take as much in entitlements from the government and give as little as possible such as in the case with Cliven Bundy and his band of conservatives in their poorly regulated militia. Perhaps more notorious than his father, Amun Bundy won fame in Oregon during the Mauhler Wildlife Refugee stand-off where Leroy Finnicum would later be killed. 

Finnicum was said to be a spiritual advisor to Amun Bundy and after Finnicum was killed, shot in the head by an FBI agent during some questioning which by then had become routine, Clyde Lewis spoke against Governor Kate Brown who micromanaged the entire uprising as a media event much like the Portland riots-protests were capitalized on by politicians with taxpayers footing the bill for damages.

Libertarians are easy allies for militias and 2nd Amendment groups because that conservative idea for decentralization lends itself smaller and less resourced groups of people to "uphold the law."

Libertines have no sympathy for that.

The sympathy and aid Libertines lend to Libertarians they provide only to the extent it marginalizes authoritarians. It is not to be lent in such great amount as to undermine the Libertine ideology, itself, with it's rule of law and rational civilization.

Although for a decentralized government, Libertines are moral absolutists. Morality and ethics are like mathematics and can be proven true or false.

Morality and ethics are not relative, as the Libertarian contends, with their conservative leanings. To be sure, "live and let live" understood as conservative wisdom is also popular Libertarian amorality, moral relativism.

This is the disagreement between Libertines and Libertarians.

Libertarians often promote the idea of home-schooling their children so they are not indoctrinated with big-government ideas public schools are often compelled to teach students.

Libertines are liberals, socialists, and believe in a rule of law with objective moral standards so what is good and healthy for children is for all children to be guided towards and encouraged behavior for them to partake in.

The Libertine doesn't have a position, philosophically, for or against home, public or private schooling for children. The Libertine insists children be enrolled in schooling because that is necessary and good for them.

In Oregon and throughout the USA, the disagreement between Libertarians and Republicans is great enough the Libertarians identify as Independents. They wish to be independent, fully autonomous people with as little government in their lives as possible.

Republicans have been dominated by the authoritarians in the party same as authoritarians dominate in the Democratic Party. Baby Boomers are predominantly authoritarians and always have been more concerned about soft or hard totalitarianism, for their politics.

There are more Libertarians, far more, than Libertines and so Libertarians have organized both a Libertarian Party and constitute the majority of conservatives who also identify as political Independents.

Bernie Sanders is a Progressive-Independent and an anomaly as most Progressives identify as socialists with open sympathies for communists or outright psychiatric-fascism. Independents being more Libertarian and so Bernie a "freak" Progressive Libertarian.

He is against taxation unless on the rich and corporations, and so caucuses as an Independent-Democrat, and yet is a total shill for big pharma and the medical insurance fraud that is mental healthcare, and so like a Progressive.

Like Biden is a Delaware Dixicrat, both men are anomalies within the Democratic party which leans Progressive-Authoritarian. There really aren't other politicians identifying as Democrats like them. They are perfectly unique albeit walking ideological paradoxes.

Libertarians elected to public office almost always caucus with Republicans or Independent-conservatives.

There shouldn't be any necessary conflict between Libertines and Libertarian/Independents but where there is there are usually children involved.

The universality of moral principals and social contract that is the Constitution, for the Libertine, make irrelevant the wishes of any parents or legal guardians of children want for children in their care if they are also understood as violating a universal moral principal (such as a child's right to school). It also can, although rarely does, make irrelevant religious and cultural desires for fringe or "cult" groups.

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