Sunday, June 27, 2021

Meet the Press


From Wikipedia, "Stasi: One of the Stasi's main tasks was spying on the population, primarily through a vast network of citizens turned informants, and fighting any opposition by overt and covert measures, including hidden psychological destruction of dissidents (Zersetzung, literally meaning "decomposition"). It arrested 250,000 Reconnaissance (Hauptverwaltung Aufklarung) was responsible for espionage and for conducting covert operations in foreign countries. Under its long-time held Markus Wolf, this directorate gained a reputation as one of the most effective intelligence agencies of the Cold War. The Stasi also maintained contacts, and occasionally cooperated, with Western terrorists."

Meet the Press ceased to be journalism when Chuck Todd became the anchor. The show ceased to be journalism and became part of what is best described as an American version of the Stasi. Todd's direction, or his producer's direction, for the show became shared with Mark Zuckerberg's and the anti-factual "ethics" of Facebook.

Facebook, like Meet the Press, are now both smears on journalism. They are Stasi-media smear agencies more than journalistic free press.

The principal evidence for this, and so like the totalitarian government of occupied East Germany, is how these agencies advertise for psychiatric, medical insurance fraud and medicine with no medical value. This point is lost on most Americans who have already given over their opinion to, and adopted a state-sanctioned politically correct identity from a psychologist.

I suspect most people who watch Meet the Press are smacked out on psychiatric dope or otherwise watch it half-asleep, daydreaming about their place in the Progressive-psychiatric pantheon as framed and glamourized by Chuck Todd.

This is of no help and actually a political handicap for Progressive-environmentalists like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who gets softball questions or questions she can't, necessarily can not, "hit out of the park" because Chuck's questions are so trite and superficial.

For example, and let's keep in mind Meet the Press is the longest running show in television and bills itself as journalism, as if the best people in the American press agreed on what was most important to cover in the news and every week those top topics are discussed on Meet the Press.

This is factually not true unless you define "the best" as those journalists who are agreed to sell and advertise medical insurance fraud, psychiatric dope, and the psychiatric-progressive agenda that is exactly the same for social-media and function as the Stazi of East Germany.

Congresswoman AOC could have been asked, "Congresswoman, with all the talk of the environment being about climate change, what do you have to say about the Chinese government's official medical position that autism is caused by industrial pollution, urban smog, and so we need a green new deal to save unborn children from genetic brain diseases?"

That would truly, accurately, put into context the importance for a Green New Deal, which AOC advocates loudly for. But no questions are asked which would compromise the psychiatric agenda to keep people stupid and buying into medical insurance fraud for mental healthcare, to treat mental illnesses, which are actually brain diseases caused by pollution.

This is the type of anti-morality Meet the Press and Facebook represent, want to pass for journalism simply because Zuckerberg went media with his investment money and wants to define a narrative, his own bias and non-objectivity slant, as the "truth" espoused by his network affiliates.

Zuckerberg didn't do science, he didn't design engineer anything in electronics as much as he did software and then rolled all his profits into controlling the media and slinging psychiatric dope.

That is what PBS is about now too, after his mom became a regular contributor. Before that, the Koch brothers had undue influence over PBS, so its nothing new in US media.

What upsets me but not very much because I'm so used to it, is AOC is marginalized to a sheer populist message, as she was on today's show. That message is so "yea, so, whatever," because it goes without saying--if its popular, and it is, then everyone already knows. Who is she reminding? 

And so Todd was able to have another stale show with softball questions and more or less humping Trump's leg like a dog-journalist convinced anything to bash Republicans has to also be sexually gratifying.

Its pathetic, superficial, and demeaning direction for the show and in my opinion the Producer and Chuck Todd should be fired. Its not journalism, its disgusting.

What I find especially disturbing, so beyond annoying (as I'm annoyed at the softball questions and marginalization of the true importance of the environmental agenda) is how Yamiche Alcindor has filled Gwen Ifill's role as highest profile black female journalist but even in BLM times she too was given softball questions on Meet the Press.

As I have explained the Libertine position on racism many times before and will many times again, my and our position is the position of science, logic and morality and we stand alone as few people who agree race does not exist, to believe in different races is to be a racist, to disbelieve in races is to be post racial and that is the only ethical and moral choice.

So, in light of all the racist murders done by police, murder and violence associated with ongoing racist police brutality and especially violence of those driven to insanity by abuse, it appeals me Meet the Press to date still hasn't even addressed the idea of a post racial USA.

It appalls and disgusts me to such a degree I would actually be happy if the Producer of Meet the Press had caught COVID and died, as his/her mind is diabolical and autistic to push the psychiatric agenda which is truly fascism.

God was not so merciful so America continues to endure this terrible programming of an establishment that took over the Baby Boomer generation, psychologically dominating them with guilt, shame and vain ideas about the genetic mental retardation that is autism--amoral sociopath--being something to celebrate even to the extent the society has be "medicated" with psychiatric dope to accept such inferior people, anti-intellectuals, as equals and even superiors.

The race-belief racism is promoted wholesale throughout main stream media. The psychiatric dope is sold on the most popular media networks. The environmental movement and women are marginalized by the soft fascism Democrats like Chuck Todd and Mark Zuckerberg represent.

Even when Andrea Mitchell has more experience, better contacts, is a far better journalist than Chuck Todd MSNBC still has her serve him, a relative noob, drinks or stories. Its demeaning for anyone who has watched this show for a long time and is familiar with journalism in the USA over the last 30 years.

The glib-Sunday attitude Mr. Todd usually has too, is more or less an autistic all goofy on meds, despite the gravity of so much crisis. 

I do not look to Meet the Press as a show to define the political narrative for anyone except people who are truly thralls for their psychotherapist and I mean people on prescription psychiatric medication who are also seeing a psychotherapist regularly to talk about the political news. These are the new age dopes, or the psychiatric-left.

Libertines own environmentalism and post-racialism, as ideologies. They are Libertine ideology, whereas the authoritarian-psychiatric Progressives have no ideology beyond authority, brute authority by dope and popular mental retardation.

The truth of this is so terrible, it continues to prevent most Americans from realizing it as the truth for the objective world, our decline as a civilization. 

Joanna Macy points out the generational context of this detail, as it pertains to environmental pollution and the spread of genetic mental retardation (something science knows now but only suspected when she wrote World As Lover World As Self: Courage for Global Justice and Environmental Renewal).

Democracy Now! goes on, however, as the real best show in American journalism. It has bought into the psychiatric-Progressive movement too, but still has some grit to cover fascism and those Americans who want everyone to conform to certain "normal" being also morons and assholes.

The best news, even on what is happening in the USA is Al Jazeera and RT with US networks more secondary news sources as there are many and they mostly have stories about the same things with the propaganda for one of the two dominant political parties.

Of course it would be better, far better for the Producer of Meet the Press to get a clue and quit, resign in disgrace over what he became, a total sellout and Traitor to Humanity without exaggeration, instead of drop dead from COVID--dark humor for the gruesome reality of a fascist mainstream media and yes it would be funny if he died because he is a he (John Reiss) and has been a dirtbag-sociopath with autism for an excuse, his entire life and won't ever learn to be different.

That or maybe 1% chance for another explanation? The facts are plain after 20 years of observation. American media is corrupt, its has corrupted business and family life, both public and private sectors as humans need news for survival-planning. What we have passing for news, is psychiatric pap.

Libertines are realists and go with probability for an assumed-correct when the evidence suggests odds greater than 70%. In 2021, the probability exceeds that for the described scenario.

The Producers of Meet the Press are openly fascist-Stasi with no shame about also pushing psychiatric dope with no medical value because that is the only way autism spectrum people can remain dominant in society and so get-away-with institutional racism and rape culture.

Baby Boomers let the sociopath-retards take everything over. Baby Boomers are a generation of cowardly morons with few exceptions. This explains why they are fascists with a soft psychiatric progressive authoritarian-left conjunct the hard-guns racist authoritarian-right. They work together by disagreeing so as to draw everyone in society into their staged fight.

Not even the best show in American journalism speaks to the post racial reality being more the fact than the populist, racist-insanity. After the Boomers, nobody in media has the courage to truly be anti-racist nor unabashedly anti-psychiatry.

You can't have fascism without psychiatry, but not even Amy Goodman is tough enough to stand up to big pharma. They would probably assassinate her. Sad. Juan Gonzalez too, would probably be drugged without his consent and turned into a vegetable. People in media, even the best people, are scared and this is obvious because its a way to terrorize viewers. 

"If they are scared to go after the stories I know they should go after, and they are journalists-researchers, they must be scared for good reason and I should be too," being the form of mind control I'm aware of but not subject to, as a Libertine.

The reality, the fact, is the establishment is terrified and soon to fail completely as "mental healthcare" and all its silver bullets didn't slay the real monsters and in fact increased the insanity of an already insane situation between different groups of racists fighting over justice--a society lost to psychiatric dope and mass media.

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