Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Etymology of Literacy and the Libertine

The Libertine is the result, the end-result for a human being devoted to literacy. Their literacy, to the extent they are literate, has cultivated in them an understanding of love which is the prima facie force for their politics.

As social mammals, the purpose of society is to actualize some semblance of harmony beyond mere routine. It is to cultivate an environment for acts of love to occur, in myriad form, for as many members of the society as possible.

Utilitarianism with happiness understood as love, is the ethic with which Libertines justify their moral and personal authority over second class citizens: the amoral and non-sentient.

Literacy, the Libertine contends, not only compels this prima facie understanding of the purpose of human society but is the means by which they must dominate inferiors in their society.

It is by power of word, civil discourse with improper people, the Libertine understands their means to their end. To the extent of this power, then to their natural place in an ordered society albeit perhaps also the extent of their torture in a disordered society of people more like animals than human beings.

This difference between people some of whom are fully human while others behave as human primates without a sense for their own humanity is a difference of literacy.

It may be, if ever there is established a nation founded upon the principle of liberty, the etymology of literacy may come to include a new and better definition of literacy which is more than reading and writing language; but indeed the means by which to attain liberty and become a Libertine.

Libertines, like all human beings, have fundamental assumptions and at the very least they so understand literacy and contend it is the same in every language--that language itself is or ought to be as it was designed to be, means to communicate love and harmony in society.

This fundamental assumption is the second tier of contemporary libertine thought, by any analysis of such thinking from its crude beginnings centuries ago, to today. The top tier is as said in previous posts, the abolition of rape culture and it's institutional racism.

I suggest this new Libertine politics is not defined by maladroit people with pedantic and factually incorrect statements. My thinking is shared by many and a few more eventually to challenge the establishment of imbecile-populism, persuaded by language.

Libertine politics is so called to distinguish the politics of the sentient from the politics of those lost to simulacra and simulation.

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