Sunday, April 11, 2021

Surviving Neo-Politics

With humility for the time in which I was born and lived, 1975-onward, it has been made plain and appears clear to me the Baby Boomer generation qualifies as a group of people who changed history and politics in the USA forever.

This change swept up both of the two dominant political parties and completely reformed them. The neo-conservatives and neo-liberals of today are the inventions of the culture and social actualization of the Baby Boomer generation.

This change was the onset and contagious spread of of popular ignorance and indeed genetic brain disease. The zombie apocalypse and body snatcher scenarios of horror and science fiction films are both accurate metaphors for what the Baby Boomers accomplished in politics.

They, like parasites, destroyed the nation of their parents. They are the children who cannibalized their parents, reproduced and then cannibalized their children. They are a generation born into severe industrial pollution, especially the industrial chemical fallout of tonnes of particulate heavy metal.

All that lead, mercury, radon (gas produced by heavy metal), cobalt and long list of toxic heavy metals industry demands were not regulated during and after the second world war. Baby Boomers were born into a toxic environment which factually destroyed their DNA, especially their brains.

They are a generation of people, through no fault of their own and by fact of their birth, without sentience--they are not self aware.

They are egomania-sociopaths because heavy metal toxicity effectively lobotomized them as they developed in the wombs of their mothers or over time that pollution saturated their brains.

The rise of neo-politics in the USA is the politics of America in the 1960s. It began after the end of the second world war, reached it's climax in the 1960s with the complete dissolution of the established American culture, and began the decline into a society of diminishing returns in the 1970s.

It has been a half century of Baby Boomer establishment-rule, diminishing returns/mean-standard living, quality of life, liberty and decline of civilization. In these 50 years, mass incarceration has reintroduced bondage labor and a permanent refugee class.

Today, Baby Boomers are passively re-enacting their rise to power by fomenting racial hatred and the so called racial justice movement.

In their generational death throw, conjunct the COVID pandemic, the establishment generation struggles to remind itself of its vitality regardless of how ugly and immoral that vitality is. Racists in both parties stage a war with each other while the majority remains intellectually glued to racist frauds, incapable of being post racial.

To be sure, the Baby Boomers saw and delivered no progress against racism and without question turned America into an even more racist country than it was before that generation was born.

This is true despite the election of Barack Obama because Obama himself validates racism as a protected mentality. He is not post racial, himself.

Today, as tenured university professors, the Baby Boomers preach racism as critical race theory. The generation's politics is to convolute meaning, to fold subjects into other subjects such neither can be understood beyond the dictated Baby Boomer understanding.

So it is critical race theory rejects the post racial reality and promotes racial profiling for racial justice, qua racism for racial justice. They are imbeciles, truly, with absolute confidence.

To understand neo-politics is to understand the dominant politics of our times. It is the politics of the Baby Boomer generation as they exercise it in a two party system. It is a fixed and rigged political system. It is a democracy without meritocracy, a democracy with oligarchy and a democracy with a church of state in mental healthcare (which is scientific fraud).

All of this is factually evident and to a rational mind, the human experience with the American political system. It does not suggest hatred of Baby Boomers nor will it suggest hatred of those afflicted with genetic brain disease as the neurological condition best defining Baby Boomers in history.

Baby Boomers are the elders of today's establishment. They have matured into the traditional social role of elders: a role of respect and honor. Unfortunately, very few Baby Boomers are respectful people. Very few even know what honor is and in no way live honorable lives. It is as the Fool said to King Lear, "You should have grown wise before old." The same critique for this polluted and diseased generation, is apt.

The scientific literature is clear: autism is caused by what can only be called industrial-chemical fallout. Like radioactive fallout from a nuclear reactor or detonation of nuclear weapons, industrial-chemical fallout causes genetic disease upon human organs.

In a way, industrial-chemical fallout is worse than nuclear fallout although nuclear fallout is a type of industrial-chemical fallout. It is worse because the genetic damage is more insidious. It occurs over a longer period of time and passes to future generations whereas nuclear fallout is more readily evident and lethal.

Many books have been written about this as anyone can discover if they do research and the vast majority of the literature is salient, cogent, entirely rational and descriptive of the objective reality of pandemic brain disease.

People have to research this, however, because the Baby Boomer generation established a Neo-Political normal in the USA such mass media became propaganda and disinformation to shepherd non-sentient people into fascism: cooperation between conservative and liberal fascists.

Still, the reality is so stark it is necessarily more horrifying and terrible than the worst horror and science fiction films. Indeed, the stock-footage of political life today (replete with military violence), can only compare to war footage.

To the extent race is a primary or top level concern for many people who are also systematically oppressed by violence and irrational discrimination, is also comparable to the fascist normal in Europe in the 1940s.

It is from that learning, the Baby Boomers follow. It is in the pollution and cocktail of narcotics they were baptized after being lobotomized. 

Today, they behave exactly as they were designed to by their fascist progenitors. They destroy the world, literally cultivate disease as life itself such forms of life which are not diseased, die.

They are mad, a generation of lunatics who established a church-of-state to scapegoat individuals as lunatics.

Psychiatry is this church because it is merely the discipline of peer review and confabulated diagnosis (diagnosis without physically scientific evidence). It is opinion with religious authority.

We all live in a nightmare world with the USA being a very real and dominant empire. To a lesser extent the Russian and Chinese empires also fail to improve the condition of life on the planet.

We live in this nightmare world in a nightmare country because rape is the culture for an elder generation of brain diseased fascists.

To survive the neo-politics of the insane masses, the Libertine must remain humble. As superior as a Libertine is when compared to a Republican or Democrat---the difference between sentience and non-sentience---sentient people are the minority in the population and this will probably remain the condition, indefinitely. 

Still, the Libertine must be devoted to literacy and especially in science and medicine as both concern the environment. In this way, the Libertine is an environmentalist. Environmental science is held in the highest regard because psychiatry is the anti-intellectual and wretched pursuit of people in the autism spectrum want to be Zarathustra. 

They are failed philosophers, like Nietzsche and have embraced madness as they want to normalize it.

Beyond the physical sciences, mathematics and especially that of Newton ought to follow for the Libertine after they have fully explored the cannon of Western philosophy. Beyond their scientific considerations the Libertine will find means to survive in this hostile world by then embracing Eastern philosophy and the purpose for all religions.

As human beings are not want to be diseased, Libertines are want to disseminate their intelligence as the politics of true freedom. This true and existential freedom is the realization of the madness and it's cause, in our times.

To a lesser extent the Libertine is free to act on their ambition to improve the condition of the world with the knowledge that attempts to change society will likely provoke a violent or hostile reaction by the establishment.

It may be a Libertine cannot thrive, in our times. We can, however, survive.

It is also a small comfort the film Night of the Living Dead starred Duane Jones because he is black and like the Civil Rights/Racial Justice movement, a caricature-personification of Justice in an America lost to Autism.

We should not, as Libertines, escape into entertainment. Entertainment, for us, is the potential for satire and so communication with each other outside the network of propaganda and surveillance.  There is at least some satire to be found in entertainment or the entertainment is an escape into bondage and the psychiatric fetters of Boomer fascism.

Perhaps in future times the majority of Americans will be truly free such finding entertainment would be less and otherwise--simply pleasure.

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