Monday, April 26, 2021

The Libertine Angle for Portland, Oregon

The "all seeing eye of providence," or annuit coeptis, or "show me the money" breakdown as from the movie Jerry McGuire--this post is about the Libertine angle in Portland, Oregon this Spring of 2021.

Now, I preface by saying I have searched and cannot find any other Libertines who are defining themselves as such, as a distinctly political identity. My Libertine identity is distinctly political and I may be the founder of left-libertarian political thought in the United States of America.

To be sure, I draw heavily on the Libertarian thinking so many Americans have taken in the wrong direction with their conservative or old world economics.

As a socialist, someone who believes in the rule of law in the market juxtaposed those people who think money makes the rules in the market, I am philosophically libertarian and so a Libertine politically, not a Libertarian.

If this is all true, and it is, here is my plan for effecting my political will in the community of Portland and greater American society.

1.) Portland, Oregon City Hall has it's weak Mayor system (which is genius, something wonderful and good people of today have inherited) activated such it becomes a strong weak Mayor system. This means the entire city council, all five commissioners, realize political solidarity like Voltron and enact a creedo for all municipal employees, making Portland the first post-racial city in the USA.
        A.) What is a post racial city? A post racial city is a city which totally rejects racism and abolishes institutional racism.
        B.) What does abolishing institutional racism look like? Its when the city government and all employees are no longer asked what race they are they are asked for their State issued identification, when being hired. Race is no longer referred to as something in the municipal workspace. Such talk is considered insanity and insane people should be in assisted living, not employed by the city.
        C.) So you're saying you want to purge the city of Portland, its government and employees of racists, here, in sub-points A & B? There can be no other way to understand it, accurately.

2.) City Hall establishes Sanctuary City (with some Federal funding) as a new suburb in the greater metropolitan area and settles 50,000 homeless and transient domestic refugees there. The city of Portland puts together its Sanctuary City money and then actually builds a new physical community rather than turning Portland into a homeless and transient domestic refugee town.

3.) A grand statue-fountain is commissioned by the City of Portland where all five city commissioners are scene, surrounded by Black Lives Matter, AntiFa and every vocal group including those hostile/antagonistic. The scene is one of their victory, the victory of the city, in becoming post racial and establishing a social services network so sophisticated it settles otherwise homeless people. This statue finds a place downtown, for many to see every day.

4.) I start up a new tech company in Oregon, of all places. Oregon, the bedroom state for California and Washington tech companies.... I know it sounds unnatural that Oregon would establish an incredibly successful company in renewable power technology; but this is the Libertine political angle.
        A.) Congressman Earl Blumenauer, convinced I can re-design and rebuild the US power grid.
        B.) Senator Jeff Merkley, convinced I can re-design and rebuild the US power grid.

5.) Work out a transparent deal with the Governor of Oregon, who hopefully is someone other than Kate Brown who is a slow, intellectually speaking such if people are going to get rich in Oregon they are taxed more like people in Europe to afford a sophisticated social services network. Hopefully this would be, but I don't see how it could be more successful, the Governor selling the Pittock Mansion to me so they can use that money to bail themselves out of their PERS debt.
        A.) It is true a generation of stupid moral degenerates, Baby Boomers, were so greedy they had to rob future generations by billing taxpayers for their overpriced and shoddy work to a tune so loud only debt on future generations can pay it.... or the state needs to miraculously produce another billionaire like Phil Knight to tax and then PERS would be paid off without having to gut entitlements for future generations.

6.) Establish a defense contracting company in Oregon or convince Lockheed Martin Technologies to expand their office in Oregon so I can work part time for them as a design engineer in addition to work for myself in the renewable power sector.

7.) Convince President Joe Biden to specific reforms in the United States military for the express purpose of abolishing rape culture there, forever with the bonus of how that also and necessarily abolishes racism.
    A.) No more "useful idiots" in the US military, no more "suicide squad," no more "autistic intelligence" no more psychological operations on the American people by its own government not even if such operations are being conducted on the American people by other governments.

8.) Convince Baby Boomers to stop being overconfident people who are in denial of their own physical brain damage, the real genetic brain diseases afflicting them and so many other Americans, because of their exposure to particulate lead, mercury and other industrial fallout like radioactive fallout. Get them to bow out, retire, gracefully while Libertines other than myself appear in other states doing much the same thing as I to help their states abolish rape culture, racism and the promotion and spread of genetic brain disease for the profit of medical insurance frauds in mental healthcare.

Libertines, unlike people from other political philosophies, enjoy transparency. Mine is an octahedral angle intent to frame reality.

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