Sunday, April 25, 2021

Thrallism, or How The Black Community is Oppressed After Slavery


  1. the state of being in someone's power or having great power over someone.
    "the town was in thrall to a villain"
    • historical
      a slave, servant, or captive.

      What I am about to explain is knowledge I discovered after dropping out as a junior at Pacific University, their undergraduate program. I had fallen in love, gone to Egypt to study for a month, returned and my life got more interesting than it was before, too interesting to continue my undergraduate education.

      What I've never seen said about the occult, which I then began to study formally (building up an now sold off occult library of choice texts) is that it is actually the study of the "science" of slavery or "occult science."

      How to practice slavery is an art, not a science, but to the extent the applied art works to effect the slavery of other people it is assumed to be a science because of the art then practiced, tested.

      Like other liberal arts, the occult is a school although it does not exist formally as such at universities. At universities this school (which used to be an actual school in the most ancient university of Charlemagne at Avignon and among the first universities in France, or formal study of alchemy) is today called psychology and it's graduate school of psychiatry.

      This is settled fact. Anyone can look at the majority of psychologists publishing books on the history of psychology and see they are saying that about themselves--that from alchemy the early study of the human mind and proto-chemistry came psychology and psychiatry.

      Moreover, everyone ought trust this telling of their history and understand the connection to the occult alchemy represents. It was a formal study with alchemists employed by the wealthiest in society to effect the minds of people, to control them or order them with the cosmos and spirits.

      Now, what is the difference between a slave and a thrall?

      Again, I think I can explain this difference better than the dictionaries or literature available on the topic and offer it up for comparison for our times or so I'm making the effort.

      The difference is the slave is kept by force and fear and the thrall is willfully a slave, happy to be bossed, who exercises force for his master.

      I posit the black community was turned into a community of thralls during the 1960s, by mostly white Baby Boomers who are historical imbeciles of the lowest genetic value, having been born saturated with particulate lead and mercury while in the wombs of their mothers. That their autism and cruelty are both obvious, this particular generation of white people.

      Their establishment of psychiatry as something to be taken seriously, which it was not by insurance companies a generation ago, was the establishment of cult moral degeneration and a group want to practice the old art of alchemy on the population.

      They did. Their drugs and mind control techniques were especially successful in the black community. One might say, the black community has a higher tolerance for VooDoo than other communities. VooDoo-Psychiatry.

      Regardless of the cultural reason for why the black community was especially vulnerable to the once called dark arts, it is as it has always been and will always be, an injustice.

      They, the psychiatric community, made thralls of the black community in the 1960s and called it a Civil Rights movement.

      If this confuses anyone, if what I've said about psychiatry doesn't make sense, consider psychology warfare and what that is. Is it a science? It is military science.

      In the 1960s the Civil Rights movement lead to Mass Incarceration and narcotics use became normal, like rape.

      I suggest what people ought to consider if they don't want to be a thrall for someone else, if they reject the idea of slavery entirely as something only a brain diseased, wretched imbecile would want for--they ought to consider all this I've said here.

      How like the 4th Psyop Group every office is, for all the psychologists and psychiatrists operating in the USA today. How Gestapo-Occult, race-belief promoting, Church of State for Fascism they all are--most of them.

      As we all look at Black Lives Matter, and for us in Portland we have a better look because of Don't Shoot PDX which was way ahead of the curve, probably.
    • I believe the leaders of Don't Shoot PDX are a psychologist and her lesbian patient-partner. If you study them both, Don't Shoot PDX is producing intelligence BLM later adopts.

      Its probably a Critical Race Theory Psychological Operation promoted by clandestine effort, psychiatric dope cartel, for what we all see going on after the murders of black people were exploited by faux social justice advocates getting high on narcotics to then engage in petty crime.

      I suggest BLM has become a thrall group, a group of people who have been enthralled by drugs and reverse psychology--people who promote their ethnocentrism in conflict with an ethnocentric "other." This is how society can be divided against itself, for the profit of others by alchemy or more so by psychiatry.

      To turn lead into gold. To turn the mostly worthless/toxic into the most valuable. To turn a group of people into thralls to play off as tools-units against other thralls. This, what I've just said, is what is going on in the USA.

      This is not democracy, this is a failed democracy with a kleptocracy of truly brain dead zombie Baby Boomers sucking in air for their utterly useless minds. They can't even participate in a round world as they are zealots for two dimensional, stupid thinking, always with the racism and sex with drugs and violence.

      I would love to say all this to them all by telepathy followed by a bucket of ice cold water dumped on them, but I realize my own magical thinking there. If only these degenerates would learn.

      Someone really must silence these Vietnam idiots, on both sides. The Baby Boomer, Vietnam Era, skulldugged zombie-autistic plutocracy needs to shut down permanently, ASAP.

      Those promoting fascism in the military ought to be executed as Traitors or at least their leader ought to be and those promoting it in civil society ought to be detained for Treason then sued for medical insurance fraud, then imprisoned or have their citizenship revoked--those autistic geniuses in psychiatry.

      Maybe this is why Biden has Lloyd Austin in the Pentagon? I still think he needs Tusli Gabbard for his Scty. of Defense because the only way to do it right is to out the rapist-sadistic fucked up and evil people in the military so the entire military holds that minority in extreme contempt and then punishes them severely so THEN they can punish their shrinks and get a legit 4th PsyOp Group in Special Forces instead of one so corrupted by these Baby Boomer clowns.

      Punish the rapeos then punish the shrinks for giving rapeos the power they do with their medical insurance fraud, autistic run-at-the-mouth "everyone" is too polite to tell to shut the fuck up.

      You have to dispel the myth of rape-power to defeat an effort of someone to enthrall you. The idea of you being a slave being OK because you're a slave who owns his own slave, is the mentality of the thrall.

      Rape isn't power, it is mental retardation--a loss of human mind. To the extent it is celebrated is the extent to which the mentally retarded are allowed more respect than they deserve, even considered intelligent and to be consulted as experts (which they necessarily can never be as they are in fact so disabled, diminished people).

      More rapists get punished, get rid of their shrinks and then society begins to heal.

      The shrinks can stay around like Satanists or some minority religion as they will certainly be, one day, after the plague of stupid that is the Baby Boomer generation finally passes from this world into their afterlife-damnation.
    • Sadly, they are probably going to sit forever with German Nazis out like Nazis given how sick and evil the Baby Boomer society is with abuse, rape, murder, poverty, etc. They are just so into drugs and mind control. If its not street dope its shrink dope that runs the Baby Boomer's mind.

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