Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Libertine, or Post Racial Politics

(chimpanzee laureate)

As the term and label, "Libertine" has been so far defined on this blog the Wikipedia definition is amusing. It is simple-minded and amusing to me but I don't expect Wikipedia to have done better.

Suffice it to say, what knowledge can be found on the Internet can certainly be expounded upon by a human being.

What is not amusing, is the pandemic of violence and murder in the United States of America. President Joe Biden has said it is a disgrace, that America disgraces itself with a completely failed justice system and media staged debate between two equally mentally retarded caricatures, one white the other black, try and resolve this terrible problem.

Idiots cannot solve problems and this is especially true for great and terrible problems like racism. America, possessed by populist stupidity, addresses it's problems by consensus of the lowest common denominator or the dumbest people in the society by virtue of their majority, monopolize the conversation on justice.

What is lost in that, is the Libertine solution to the problem of racism. There is a solution and there always has been, for racism. That solution is racists are deemed mentally retarded, stupid, incestuous rapists, moral degenerates, liars and thieves. They do not participate in reality. They are sleepwalkers by day and night. Their brains are physically deformed and genetically diseased. They are second class people to be held in contempt or with pity.

If a society loses it's moral compass, if becomes a community of sheeple shepherded by frauds pushing experimental and mind altering drugs (psychiatry), then it is a rape culture rife with racism, murder and all sorts of crimes. That is what the USA is, today. It may be what it always has been despite the best Libertine efforts.

Ironically, the imbeciles cry for justice before they demand sentience--before they throw off the fetters put on them by their slavers, by the pseudoscientific and maladroit psychiatrists, want for power over others as if they were pets.

These imbeciles instead work with mental health professionals to demand "racial justice."

Racial justice, naturally, is an oxymoron. It is a chimera. It is a totally and completely bullshit idea and fantasy. There will never be racial justice because different races of people do not exist in the physical world and to suggest they do is to be insane, evil and a racist. Such people, naturally, are incapable of establishing, maintaining and promoting justice. They are the masses.

It is enough for the Libertine to influence elected officials and even some whom shepherd people as a flock insomuch one or few people do all the intellectual work for others who simply believe in the supremacy of their leader.

To point out their stupidity in all ways, completely, such the official or leader can no longer deny literacy is on the side of the Libertine and the Libertine is absolutely correct, factually speaking, on the subject of race.

It ought never be the calling of the Libertine to become a populist or to make libertine thinking the thinking of the masses. Literacy doesn't operate like that in society for it is graduated and the masses comprise degrees or sects of people according to their literacy.

None of that is racist. All of it is genetic and intellectual.

If the United States of America cannot overcome the populist dramas the intellectually diminished Baby Boomer generation continues to play out in society, it is unlikely to survive for much longer as the people become so diseased, wretched, ignorant and evil their destruction necessarily becomes more the necessity of the species itself, homo sapiens, to establish a new group of Allied nations.

This is no exaggeration. World War One happened. World War Two happened. Both World Wars happened because populist forces became dominant forces in democratic societies. Racism defined the political narrative in both wars as the Europeans considered themselves and each other as different races and had since the Roman Empire. 

In World War Two, the multitude of European races was redefined as primarily two races the Nordic and Semite. In both instances, the consensus reality was defined by a populist majority understanding and those people were factually stupid people. They were factually ignorant and factually arrogant, their power unchecked.

The populists control politics with brutality, riots and protests. They do not have answers nor solutions they have a will to power, a will to be dominant in society by brutal populist means.

Such was the case and circumstance prior to both world wars and such is a case and circumstance in the USA, today as it has been now for a decade or more.

Again, the solution to the problem of racial hatred is to talk about racism for what it is--it is hatred, it is delusion, it is being factually incorrect with confidence, being a racist may result from genetic brain disease and mental retardation.

The solution is to be post racial. The only way to establish a post racial society is by coup, preferably a metaphorical coup, or revolution in thinking for the plutocracy. If the elected officials and leaders can be made aware of their truly inferior way of thinking, they will likely reform it and then marginalize inferior thinking within their communities.

Unlike economics, intelligence has a trickle down effect. Post racialism has a trickle down effect. Sharing the post racial message to the best of one's ability is all the Libertine must do and should do given the possibility of a third world war if they should fail.

Given I live in the USA, I really do not like the idea of losing a nuclear war (which the USA would probably lose if WWIII occurred today) and I find it even more upsetting that I should die because in such a contest the vast majority of Americans are truly horrible people promoting far more ignorance and hatred than anything else, in the world. Their populist-racist politics is beyond repugnant, it may be a evolutionary step in the wrong direction for the species.

I, as a Libertine, really want American officials and leaders of people who do not think for themselves to understand they can and should be sentient human beings. To be less than post racial is to have a piece of shit in your bowels and no soul/sentience associated with your body--that is what being a racist is.

Everyone should be post racial as everyone should understand the world is a globe, round not flat.

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