Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Liberty To Be Enlightened And The American Libertine


Never to be confused with American patriots, the Libertine realizes true liberty is volition and learning as much as might be learned. More than education the Libertine is bound to learn in the existential sense  most comparable to Jean Paul Sartre and to a lesser extent (for myself) Kierkegaard.

The Internet is what the Great Library of Alexandria used to be. Today, anyone might learn what was once guarded or secret knowledge.

With all the technical minutia, recipes, directions, slogans, trivia and more to be had online, there probably has been no other time in human history where enlightenment has been so readily available.

A person can learn a lot by simply opening their mind and learning something new every day--to never lose their thirst for knowledge.

As Americans come to terms with a terrible reckoning wherein they must accept devastating consequences for how the US industrialized it's economy, the financial sector has a real chance and no probability of developing into the market sector it must if WWIII and ecocide are to be averted.

Many scholars don't think the US economy and its financial sector especially will be around for much longer.

I'm sure it could be but only if certain reforms are implemented.

As both ecocide and the advent of WWIII are the last issues the Boomers will have to deal with politically,  they don't even know what ecocide is and have been brainwashed to collaborate in producing an eventual Third World War their entire lives.

They don't have a lot to work with, politically, despite their advanced age because of their generational handicap as it relates to wisdom. They were literally mislead by hardcore propaganda and bad medicine their entire lives.

They are a group of elders much like those afflicted with Alzheimer Syndrome as the industrial pollution of their era--more importantly the time in which they were in their mother's wombs--no doubt made the Boomers the most Autistic generation in history.

I think the Autism rate actually went down before it started to go back up once it became an actual diagnosis.

Sadly, most have not been tested. Still, this is the mathematical probability given the intense industrialization which was the war effort, women joined the workforce where they were then more exposed to fossil fuels and particulate heavy metals and that generation's notorious behavior and attitude problems.

They are very much a tantrum throwing generation, or Baby Boomers. This is not said to beat them down nor degrade them but point out more than the greatest transfer of wealth in human history is going on. This transfer was pointed out to be my a grocer and former owner of Natures and Wild Oats and then New Seasons Markets, Eileen Brady.

As Baby Boomers, the richest generation and group of people in the history of the world, retire and pass on they leave their Trusts and estates and this is what I'm referring to but more than that all the problems facing the USA and Americans as a people in the international community are also being inherited. 

Moreover, with the transfer of wealth comes a transfer of debt which upon full consideration renders the inheritance from Baby Boomers to be a net loss.

Obviously when talking about individual Boomers there will be affluent exceptions and some people will inherit a great fortune from their parents. I'm not talking about that I'm talking about society as a whole and what it stands to inherit both good and bad as Boomers pass on into the very last years of their lives.

I believe its important at this time in history for Libertines to stand up and risk getting themselves disinherited for being frank and honest with Boomers about what great disappointments they really have been and are in US history.

To have dignity, a Libertine is obligated to make sure the elderly know they aren't really the wiser group in society although I wish they were.

Not to be confused with someone in psychotherapy, the Libertine is devoted to their own literacy and attaining wisdom through study and applied life experience with especial importance on the pursuit of love.

They are morally obligated to share their wisdom and so it is incredibly important for everyone to understand mental healthcare is a great Fraud. Boomers need to be forced to this realization and the Libertine is easily the most able to school anyone on real politics.

They must come forward, to the front of society like they haven't before and speak this truth louder than anything said by BLM and all those protests and riots including the so called insurrection. 

This isn't to suggest a popularity contest with the many social justice movements.

Libertines are morally obligated not to care what other people think, politically, because they've sworn themselves to literacy and so must be the most aware people in society by proving it. They have to "get out there," and shake and move things in politics.

They're the ones who can best articulate the reforms and yet its important the Libertine do this without losing their lifestyle as civilian--a trait which has got Libertines to at times be considered dilettantes. 

They have to mitigate the damages inherited from Baby Boomers, largely, but that isn't everything they are about in politics.

Perhaps it will be a unionized, safer, group of sex workers to convince the entire Baby Boomer generation to chill out and accept a less vocal role in American life, retire? I really do believe most Baby Boomer men and women would have no political stake in anything if they were all receiving regular sexual gratification.

Boomers have been an oversexed and overmedicated group of people their entire lives. Its also a sort of collective disability Libertines might best help them with, come to grips with.

Much of their politics seems totally charged with ego and sex drive from what I've witnessed all my life. Any country needs better than that for government.

Libertines should help Boomers find the right drugs and that necessarily means help them learn to quit overmedicating. They've got things like guilt they aren't dealing with because they are bullshitting themselves about mental illnesses. They all do as its clear Boomers are leaving the world worse off than it was immediately after the end of the Second World War.

That is profoundly sad and absolutely true.

They can do this as they might but its imperative for society to hear the Libertine critique of medicine and law. Boomers are overdue to bear the critique of their legacy. No other critique is likely to produce meaningful and qualitative reforms in medicine and law, institutions they totally corrupted and debased.

Boomers need to retire and begin doing politics and philosophy at a higher level, by Libertine example. Especially, the Boomers who might defeat other Boomers in the other party have to be more Libertine.

Both medicine and law are bankrupt in the USA and mental healthcare is where every Boomer went wrong. The Libertine is the hero for not being confused and totally depressed like most everyone else, by the tragic and sad reality of the American empire.

Mental healthcare wasn't the answer to any of their problems. It was always and only an excuse not to deal with their real intellectual and emotional disabilities, their spiritual poverty.

For myself I'm resolved to help the Senate and those Baby Boomers as I would help the most dignified elders. I realize many of them are far from dignified and yet they still deserve that treatment because of their office.

Last time I helped Elders it was seven grandmother aged women in my last apartment building crying about being raped and abused and although they encouraged me to help save them they were totally unappreciative of my efforts and functionally too incompetent to be moral people exactly like most Germans during the Third Reich.

Boomers are compliant-obedient automatons and have been their entire lives. This isn't always true and yet it is most often times the case, such their conditioning and environment.

Respecting their offices is what a Libertine should do always when working their political agenda. Its respect for the office which follows from an understanding of government. Respect for the individual is something else and corollary to the quality of any statesman. This too the Libertine ought to make clear to a generation of Boomers who simply don't get it.

In President Biden's term, I'm convinced the Libertine should consider informing Baby Boomers to be important to somewhat important, something they are duty bound to do. This is so because Boomers are more frail now than they have ever been before as they advance in years and yet as a whole the group has little to no wisdom.

Boomers actually need an incredible amount of help and they need the help despite not deserving it. They need their children and younger generations to be better people than they ever were.

So it is helping Boomers come to grips with a reality they've always been running from--at least most of them putting more energy into running away from reality instead of participating in it, confronting enemies and even fighting them--is maybe the third most important thing Libertines need to be doing over the next several years.

For myself, I think this is true. The Libertine is obligated to find and produce a greater love in society. The Libertine is obligated to always be literate and especially so in law and medicine as this excuses what might otherwise be called their dilettante behavior.

After these obligations they are obligated to aid the elderly in their politics and make no mistake by treating Boomers as less responsible than they are for the bellyflop performance I call Vietnam-Afghanistan or their epoch in history.

Its been way too much fascism, for sure.

We are in a period of time and it won't be long until all the Baby Boomers are gone, that generation always one of the largest but for a first time in seemingly forever they won't be the loudest voice nor the opinion with the most clout.

The next five years will effect a massive shift in how much influence Boomers have, as the establishment.

I have argued left libertarians are so few in the USA its like they don't exist, or I have somehow re-invented what was once called American transcendentalism and defined a new left-libertarian politics. 

Its possible there are more Libertines than I suspect.

Generally speaking all human beings appreciate what they have learned and so theoretically appreciate learning itself and this explains why people have survived for so many centuries instead of dying off as a species because they couldn't learn what they need to learn, to survive.

With ecocide, that potential to die off or genetically change so much people would no longer be rightly considered people, is a real threat.

Boomers can't help address ecocide. I don't think most can wrap their heads around it.

They aren't going to help with much of anything and in history they'll be remembered as the people who most refused to be civilized mistaking that for mere obedience. They just aren't a very teachable group of people. More so than any other group, Boomers think they know everything, too. They're more like the teenagers they used to be now than any other comparable period in their legacy.

What Libertines can help Boomers realize is how to retire. Those who shouldn't retire shouldn't and make that point clear by insisting the unfit Boomers do in fact retire and begin this much anticipated transfer of wealth.

The power, insomuch as it is knowledge, God transfers. It and who knows what is not determined by breeding nor inheritance. The Libertine, when they are ready and not before, has to leave their ivory tower and find more in town than only parties.

Its really more of an exchange than transfer of wealth as the Boomers are the richest generation and won't be surpassed in that regard. They are sure to transfer what they can't take with them when they die. What is less certain is if they will ever receive wisdom, true wisdom, before their mortal end as the vast majority of them likely will not.

This wisdom, as it pertains to the environment and will to power of everyone being oppressed by Autistic Nazis who established the fascist American government in 1947, younger people are both passionate and factually correct to reject the Baby Boomer's world and demand better.

For my part, I'll be working steadfast from now until I die to help Baby Boomers learn to be as graceful as they can so they can bow out while also ushering in their replacements, a new generation and establishment.

I'll never forgive the Baby Boomers no the US government for become a fascist monster with the most dishonest media and I think even the upper class in the USA is factually of poor breeding--they have more genetically brain diseased sociopaths than normal or is healthy for any generation or society.

So help me God I will never run for public office as I know how American cowards will always punish me to cover up their own humiliation  and cowardice or want to attack me personally as if doing so refutes my salient points about Boomers and Progressives.

With the rest of my years I will only concern myself with my career as a design engineer. I'm sure that is everything and all I can do to help the people in my community and humanity in general. I can do that as a Libertine; but I could never run for office as I have nothing but contempt for most Americans who I think are factually undeserving of their freedoms because of their poor characters (superstition, pseudo intellectual ideas).

I don't have any real idea how popular left libertarian thinking in the USA is but I know such thinking is probably unpopular because it makes most everyone else look stupid or is super critical of Americans and their culture.

That isn't the fault of the Libertine, naturally. It takes a certain grit to be an extreme minority in populist politics but what President Bush Jr. forgot during his 9/11 memorial speech is God, not people, make the laws and punishments. Everything people say and do, what any society makes popular, is still judged by God. America isn't God and in fact is very far from it and probably the weakest nation of all industrialized nations.

As an empire it totally overextended itself and they cannibalized it's infrastructure so a generation could do dope and rape kids with Jesus talk on Sunday. That is what Vietnam-Afghanistan was about and it is a history which ought not repeat itself

I'm convinced the Lord and the human condition are both want to marginalize the opinions of President Bush Jr. and the ramblings of a genetic imbecile who worships a white idol. I'm convinced its the American people who need to be liberated from the fascist propaganda and psychiatric Gestapo.

Its really on a question of how much more violence does the USA need to be shown before the wrong headed Boomers are finally convinced they are truly fuck ups and need to shut up now so they don't make it 100% certain we all get killed in WWIII.

That dummy, President Bush Jr., could have resisted the obvious taunt 9/11 was to bring the USA to Afghanistan and invested not even that much money and he could have dealt with the terrorists shooting them with hypersonic missiles.

Instead, he rushed into a ground war with contemporary war gear and got summarily defeated. He also lost the USA the lead in the arms race and destroyed America's reputation in the world. When are Protestants going to become adults and quit heaping so much sympathy on the well intended dummies born with silver spoons in their mouths?

I really do think, even expect, when Bush Jr. gets very old he is going actually be wiser and own up to his terrible mistakes and realize his Vice President was not a true friend at all and a total Ape Rat, megalomaniac Autistic and Traitor. Its too bad Cheney will probably get to die of old age instead of be punished for his lifetime of evil, maladroit-machiavellian public service.... his Nazi career in public life.

We really should have spent a year going after the new best bang bangs and then attacked with those, after 9/11. Now the Russians and Chinese probably will fly a rail gun first--get a super fast and deadly space weapon.

The problem has always been the "too big to fail" genetic morons who always fail because their egos are morbidly obese. That girth every Boomer carries around isn't attractive nor healthy. Its a type of psychological morbid obesity and arrested development.

Libertines want more people to read Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fannon and realize its actually written more for white people than black people because its generally white people who are blind to their own racism. World As Lover, World As Self by Joanna Macy probably should have sold more copies because its better than Silent Spring by Rachel Carson talking about the generational betrayal that is so much environmental pollution that causes genetic diseases.

Libertines should have a critical body of knowledge and share it with elected representatives because our role will never be to be a public servant but rather give the public servants the knowledge they need such they might then understand how to be noble with their power God never gave them but the people most certainly did.

I think it is especially a Libertine notion to truly assist any democratic government such it still benefits from the government of betters Nature and the Lord has produced. It is to be noble but without the perks (like landed royalty) because democracy is understood more as a force of human nature than anything else. It is always the force the enlightened most ought to contend with.

In all sincerity, what American Christians need to sober up. Get off the psychiatric dope and become more grounded in reality instead of their social media, or relativist-clique.

They need a resurgence of Calvinism. What the Evangelical movement did to American Christendom was totally lower the standards so much now every aspect of society is out-of-whack.

The Boomers normalized charlatans with a television where once those type of pastors were run out of town like circus-Jesus blasphemers,  like Starbuck in the play The Rainmaker.

The Evangelicals totally cheapened Christianity on the whole with their version of theatrical faith healings.  They make it too cheap and for everyone, even terrible Sinners, and together with the medical insurance Fraud of Sigmund Freud the USA has all the amorality of Nazi Germany.

It would greatly behoove the Christian community to improve the quality of their communities by dramatically lowering the murder, rape and theft rates because they better understand how to be good people and that peace with God isn't cheap as a TV set, change the channel on, which is what Evangelicals did more than less to their own Christianity.

Baby Boomer Evangelicals should be remembered as the Televangelists more than Evangelicals.

Its really not that complicated when it comes to abolishing racism and rape culture, but Evangelical Christians simply don't work to make their communities better because they are all factual idiots doing nothing or merely praying for Jesus to do everything for them--all the important life work.

Boomer Evangelicals are easily the most spiritually lazy people and they really should take a good look at their theology and critique it.

Is there a Gen X Calvinist maybe, who would also consider themselves a Libertine? Jesus will never be for me but at least the Calvinists make sense when talking about Sin and Salvation by proxy--its probably not going to work out for the best.

In my Jewish opinion, American Christianity went to Hell when the Calvinists became less popular and then the 700 Mickey Mouse-Jesuses Club appeared.

No other political ideology makes more sense for sex workers than my own and Libertine political science-philosophy. Its not really a science but universities insist because statistics are scientific-mathematical, ugh.

Really, I should be successful and much loved by the sex workers in Portland--every one of them or something in the 90 percentile as most must also wants what they do decriminalized when its only benefitting people.

I can help them all out a lot and even realizing something really basic and historically true since before the USA was a country and that is sex workers are also political and Libertines. Organizing the sex workers in Portland and doing that in China Town so that is where the union would find it's original office, is a very Sun Tzu thing to do and Libertines ought to be able to do these things where others would never find their way.

That doesn't mean you have to be a sex worker to be a Libertine. It means believing sex work is urbane, necessarily should benefit women more than men and life is increasingly political the more you condemn the church. Tell me that isn't the politics of most sex workers.

It necessarily is if you listen to what they are saying and really listen too to their generalized political philosophy--libertine thinking. I'll start going to Portland's sex clubs next week as I still haven't got back to a normal sleep schedule after Summer's heat.

I will go to one place I've already called and thanked for being in business because they are so affordable and exactly what I need for the price.

I got hundreds of calling cards, ordering more of those than business cards for myself at Verdantronix to hand out at sex clubs. Every sex worker might get off on the idea of sex workers being a special group in real politics and my calling card not so uncommon in such places.

More than the mountain lions are enlightened creatures in Nature, right? Not really. The great cats have exceptional lives for being to land like people are to land, on their favored element. No other creature truly compares to a great cat.

I expect most pole dancers intentionally tap into feline energy, that jumpy sort of confidence.

Wolf packs are something else and beta compared to prides but obviously still predatory and ambitious. They are more Libertarian than Libertine, more conservative as in not so elite-liberal. They are more dogmatic and more shy about moral critique.

It might be easier to be something other than a Libertine unless you're born so able in which case there would be no choice and so politics their life by default or natural selection.

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