Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Bill Gates, The Central Intelligence Agency And High Functioning Autism


This post is no conspiracy theory. It does not call for righteous violence and serves to make clear the Libertine position on Autism.

The last post called for righteous violence as the death penalty for serial predators, people who rape hundreds of people or mass murder.

It also qualified Autism as abortion schedule, or explained why when pre-natal testing for Autism becomes available medical technology, a woman would be wise to schedule that fetus for abortion so as to have a child without Autism.

This post addresses Bill Gates as the case study for a career professional and someone in the Autism spectrum. The last post addressed Larry Nassar, also a career professional and someone with Autism. They are two different people. Their Autism is not such a great affliction it would more define them than their core DNA, or humanness.

Indeed to profile Autistics as all the same is to fail to understand it's spectrum nature. It would be rather Autistic to profile all Autistics as equals.

The CIA is explained as understood by left libertarians, Libertines, in this post.

It is the agency which President Kennedy was right to call for disbanding. It ought to have been disbanded and because it was the CIA manipulating US society which allowed for Bill Gates and Autistics to succeed where they otherwise would not. They were aided and their competition criminally victimized because all the CIA really is, is a cult of Autism spectrum morons pretending to do national security.

The CIA is factually a cult of Autistics defrauding the US government with bad, Autistic, intelligence.

I'll unpack that more before I provide the Libertine critique of the CIA.

The national security act of 1947 and the Marshall Plan was a political agenda informed by a government which was totally unaware, ignorant or fundamentally misunderstood their own policy action. Because of gross industrial pollution, heavy metals like lead and mercury, which saturated the American population and passed into their actual brain breeching the blood-brain barrier as particulate heavy metal often does, they were factually insane. The Marshall Plan was the paranoia of an insane government, mad with Autism and totally unaware of this fact. The same thing occurred in Germany which gave rise to the Nazi party.

They didn't realize they have afflicted themselves and the entire population with Autism. They would not believe the facts, the science, about the dire medical consequences of industrial chemical fallout.

Their want for military power trumped their need for physical well being. That is the Autistic, sociopath, mentality.

What they didn't understand about Autism proved to be disastrous. The genetic sociopath is indeed the useful idiot or the hard working person who does not participate in reality except as a tool for someone else to exploit or combat.

The CIA and US intelligence services undermine all US universities to produce useful idiots for the intelligence services. This is the unnatural, illegal and unconstitutional special privileges the Marshall Plan called for for the high functioning and mentally retarded: the superman, or caricature of themselves type of person or Baby Boomer.

Because they had genetically diseased-transformed the population, a new understanding of a fascist political arrangement became popular. The Marshall Plan and National Security Act of 1947 replicated the legislation Hitler and the Nazis introduced to Germany once they took power. They created a secret police or Gestapo which soon became infamous for selling massive amounts of narcotics so causing the murder of countless US citizens, so they could buy and sell weapons to mass murder countless others in South America and the Middle East.

This Machiavellian mentality is an Autistic mentality. Its neurologically unsound and history has proven the CIA has accomplished only failure. Other than effecting the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has failed in all ways to benefit the American people.

Indeed, the CIA is so authoritarian an agency, giving agents the right to murder US citizens with drugs and weapons sales, it is clearly not constitutional. Forming the CIA was an act of Treason by a government lost to genetic brain disease. 

To deny their collective, mass mental retardation, the American people continue to insist in an Autism spectrum hegemony or that the CIA and US intelligence services have the constitutional authority to murder, enslave, rape, rob and libel US citizens who do not share their brain disease and might actually provide GOOD intelligence rather than the Autistic brain rot and psychobabble the CIA always produces.

I will not pretend to know of any actual deals between Bill Gates and the CIA. I don't think Bill Gates is a CIA agent. I think he is proof that Autistic people have an incredible and undue criminal advantage because the CIA factually is a fascist intelligence agency with a breed of sociopath-Autistics for agents like war dogs.

Dogs are pack animals and so are Autistics although perhaps better compared to raptor dinosaurs.

Those war dogs created an environment in the USA, at universities and all levels of American society not the least of which is the Associated Press, which aided and abetted other useful idiots or Autistics--people who lack authentic morality and at best are programmed with dogma.

Bill Gates has proven to be the most successful person in the Autism spectrum, or has been the richest person in the world the most years while I've been alive. Elon Musk, also in the spectrum, is the current richest person. I assume, although I could be wrong, Jeff Bezos would test positive for Autism by both DNA sequence and functional MRI.

If the CIA were abolished, these men would have never become the successful men they became. The Autistic sociopath, Treasonous intelligence which is the CIA and all those in the deep state created in 1947 are the litter of the Klu Klux Klan.

That is clearly how they behave and that is lynching people or assassinating them, stealing, industrial espionage, etc. They are not necessary evil, they are inferior agents and a military liability which has proven to make the US military an absolute fucking loser (someone incapable of making love, as all sociopaths are incapable of that) since 1947, from Vietnam through Afghanistan.

When intelligence services were in the service branches of the military, there were never these problems of narcotics, mass rape and rape normalization, Autistic morons with degrees in psychiatry exploiting people like lab rats, murdering them, driving them to suicide and such crimes against humanity.

These fuck-waste people, abortion schedule people, are successful because the USA has been criminally organized by Autistic Traitors since 1947.

This is the rationale for why Bill Gates and so many two dimensional people have become so successful in the USA whereas in other countries there is greater success in technology and a far less autistic intelligentsia.

Boyish Autistic males can rightly see Langley as Professor Xaviar's Academy from X-Men, or the Avengers or some type of super hero base for the Suicide Squad. It very much is that, cartoonish intelligence or alternative intelligence or selective intelligence or an Autistic intelligence agency.

Aside from failing at everything they are supposed to do with the exception of having caused the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIA has proven only failure. Since 1947 the mentally fucking retarded have been given a deep state and criminal organization that is the CIA to aid them in society as if Autistics were the master race, exactly as Hitler and the Nazis had designed.

It is beyond embarrassing, American Libertines are humiliated and weep over the profound genetic stupidity and godless incestuous fuck-waste that passes for US intelligence because the American people are so dumb. They still don't realize heavy metals piling up in their brains and wombs makes them mentally retarded.

They still pretend mental illnesses and fascist psychiatry are medical issues instead of criminal Fraud and a crime against humanity.

Now to let alone the critique of the CIA because although I would have loved it if the 9/11 attacks would have killed everyone at Langley instead of the WTC and Pentagon, because of all the symbols of US power the CIA is clearly the most evil and deserving of death and yet innocents were targeted instead.

Osama Bin Laden made poor target selections, in the Libertine opinion, and his right authoritarian designs were to maximize violence. If he would have been a left-libertarian he would have chopped off the head of the Autistic demon that lives and destroys the USA from within.

That said, the agency itself is only a symptom of a super-ignorant US population which is totally confused about Autism, doesn't realize the difference between a genetic brain disease and different moods people have.

The intentional Fraud of the pharmaceutical  companies to sell psychiatric dope is the real culprit. The best way to reverse the horrors done by the national security act of 1947 is for Congress to pass a new and better national security act which dissolves all the fascist agencies and organization done in 1947.

If Congress doesn't do that they can only expect to lose WWIII as the Axis power, no longer super-fascist power and really the most disgusting political group of people on the planet after a generation of colonial fascism, rape culture and plague Autism.

To finish up with Bill Gates, he has proven he wants to have empathy. More than anyone else in the world he would probably be thrilled to use a new type of MRI so he could exercise his neural plasticity and put his Autism into total remission, change his DNA so it was no longer afflicted with Autism.

That science is entirely possible and yet totally oppressed by the narcotics and psychiatric dope pushing fascists who being Autistic themselves, feel they have a right or privilege to be sociopaths. They are criminals and must be violently dissuaded from their sense of entitlement. They cannot be reasoned with and because they have been brainwashed to believe in their own supremacy since 1947 the same way the Nazis brain washed Germans.

Enough violence has already been done. Vietnam through Afghanistan was a period of time to reflect on the the CIA and what a total failure it has been as an agency. If it isn't a Treasonous agency, its an agency which much be immediately disbanded because its not constitutional, its against God and more a brothel for Autistics and the insane than an intelligence agency and its responsible for the mass murder of roughly 10 million people.

If Bill Gates could put his Autism into remission he would perhaps lose some IQ points but only because the IQ tests themselves are flawed to omit higher brain function. With higher brain function, empathy, pattern recognition occurs at that higher level to and such people have their attentions drawn to patterns not expressed in any current IQ tests.

A new MRI which allows a person to exercise their own neural plasticity and can test for pattern recognition conjunct empathy-data, is what Bill Gates probably wants more than anything else. 

I could give that technology to him and will but not being in the spectrum myself Libertines ought to expect opposition from KKK international or the CIA, it's retards playing X-Men and the bullshit that is the Judiciary which allows a fascist political arrangement to operate as the US government.

The Autistic scientist is an evil genius who has a brain disease called Autism, which robs a person of their humanity and soul-intelligence or empathy. They shouldn't be the authorities but in fascist Western States they are. Eventually, the species of man will abolish their criminal regime.

There exists technology, weapons technology of mass destruction, which only exists to destroy the USA. No other cause deserves or needs such technology so its only a matter of time before it is discovered and the Autistic Empire in the USA is destroyed as Autistic Empires always are in every civilization. The USA being so young, it might not survive as a civilization for much longer.

It is urgent for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold hearings on the medical benefits and detriments of psychiatric medication. Such an inquiry would expose the criminal Fraud in American healthcare and begin to unwind the real conspiracy that is the CIA.

Cluster nukes, Mercury nukes, flying rail guns, weaponized particulate heavy metal atmosphere bombs and more await like the Sword God put above the East Gate of Eden, technology to be understood by those who keep the way of the Lord before all Empires.

If a US Senator were to forward this post to Bill Gates himself such he could read it, he could call me and I could explain the science and technology, the sound theory, to modify and improve MRI technology. He could obviously pay for all the components, tools, lab and I wouldn't overcharge him for my labor but expect to be nominated for a Nobel prize when it proves to raise EQ scores, exercising neural plasticity, improves empathy quotient for those afflicted with Autism.

I also know how to have software for a Google glas, eyeglasses, to help Autistic people function socially since all they are usually capable of is profiling and often times profile incorrectly--if not always.

One of my Senators in Oregon should want Bill Gates to know I know so much in technology and can probably build for Bill Gates a gadget he would covet more than others, much more as I'm sure they'd work.

Then, once the Autistic rich have full capacity for empathy or learn to successfully override their Autistic neurology, they'll probably agree the CIA is a horrible embarrassment and a great shame in US history, comparable to Slavery and that period when it was totally legal.

Now and still it remains a privilege with the CIA exercising such privileges more than any other group of Americans and to a fault of Treason by any logical assessment. These people invite the destruction of all American people and truly are KKK international and an incest cult of Autistics. They are the people bearing the Mark of Cain and no longer invisible to sentient human beings. The world, humanity itself, is against them.

The Senate should figure this out before God would pass the obvious judgement and visit a wrath upon all Americans so terrible the USA would be nothing but a horrible memory in human history.

Sociopathy is a disease, a real genetic brain disease that must be cured instead of normalized, exalted and given master race privileges. All these play pretend psychics are arrogant fools with bad intelligence. If they could put their Autism into remission they would no longer be arrogant fools, consensus-populist self-aggrandizing fools.

Senator Merkley's office can get in touch with me if anyone wants to set up a video call between Bill Gates and myself. I can get him to invest in Verdantronix LLC, to diversify my company so we do alternative energy and medical technology.

When that works and after I'm nominated for a Nobel prize in neurology-medicine, I could help Lockheed Martin Technologies build a flying rail gun, but I will not explain new technology for two new classes of nuclear weapons nor weaponized particulate heavy metal bombs. Those weapons I don't want developed because I live in the country where they would most likely be used, against.

If the CIA is disbanded, I tentatively agree to work with LMT on all platforms I'm sure I know how to invent and build. The flying rail gun should produce a new peace and Treaty with China and Russia, otherwise I'm out and would seek to move to France and design weapons for France, not the USA.

I like the Russians and Chinese and consider them allies as I'm an American of the sort before 1947, before America went fascist.

With the CIA and KKK international, Libertines have so much domestic adversity I've found it essential to be in good standing with the most civilized governments in the world, especially the Muslim world which is far more civilized than the fascist propaganda in the USA gives them credit for.

That portrayal of Muslims necessarily gets Jews killed in Israel and as I'm a Jew I see the wrath of God as punishment coming against the USA if they do not stop using Israel as a War puppet. France and Israel should become closer and I'd like to help both countries with that.

Israel needs France's help, diplomatic help, in the Middle East and no more "aid" for War from the USA and UK. I'd be happy to make this clear to everyone in US intelligence but I don't expect they can understand given the presumed mental retardation afflicting that entire community.

To be totally honest, Langley is the Gates & Nassar Academy as it would play the good and the bad Autistics as useful idiots if not also idiot overlords. They, the CIA, might regard American Libertines as ugly because we refer to them as fuck-waste and factually on the abortion schedule because of their Autism.

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