Thursday, September 30, 2021

Progressives: The Well Intended Fascists, Neo Nazis Or Second Wave Automatons

Among the human emotions, few are as perplexing as when a friend lies to you and you know they are lying.

Friendship is a relationship which all people have potential for. Its probably the most basic and essential type of relationship even more primal than familial relationships as even families are divided into those you are friends with and those you are not. Ideally, everyone in your family is also your friend and obviously the more friends you have the better you are.

So when a friend lies, it is perplexing. Its perplexing like Progressive politics. It is insincere politics.

I truly believe, and "founded" the Libertine Party because I'm rather certain I'm a leader among political philosophers, people who can rationally discuss politics, in my small state of Oregon. I read what journalists have to say and of course listen to them when they are on TV.

The Progressive is always putting on as a friend and someone with altruistic to noble political ambitions; but at the same time they also promote the fascism (brutal rape culture which is ultimately responsible for all the murder and theft in American society) that is psychiatry.

I don't think most Progressives realize they are false friends. I think more Progressives realize they are in the Autism spectrum and intentionally take advantage of and prey upon people with empathy who are also attracted to altruistic and noble political ambitions.

Essentially, what was once the Progressive Party is now the Progressive caucus in the Democratic Party, and it is a group of Autistic people preying on more sentient, younger and naive people.

You can't have any of the stated Progressive goals, if they are achieved through medical insurance Fraud and fascism. It really is as insincere as a Roosevelt, be that Theodore who was a Rough Rider like a Conquistador so not at all noble or FDR who used a family whore-slave his entire life even when President.

That incest cult family is essentially the American Klu Klux Klan family and its descendants today are Progressives and those naive youth who are converted and want for the Bernie Sanders type of two face genius or the privilege to put on as a good person when what you do is promote fascism, murder, rape and theft.

So, its not not funny for a Libertine among so many Progressives but it is sort of fun. Its perplexing because the Progressive messaging contains within it something like a line of code, such as with software.

That code is the altruistic, help the poor and oppressed, messaging. That line of code ultimately and should undermine the rest of the code which are many if not most of the Progressive policy positions where they simply network their mental health cronies, or quacks, much like the Klu Klux Klan used to do.

This is especially true among public worker unions, such as teachers.

Libertines couldn't exist in the USA as the education system itself and the vast majority of teachers in the USA are flat earth racists and emotionally retarded by genetic brain disease which no doubt runs in their families.

Such families absolutely have high enough IQ scores they see the pattern of their own genetic disposition and how they prey or exploit people with empathy so turning their disability into a sort of social advantage, as it can be profitable to prey on and exploit people. They see this and sense this about themselves and others in the spectrum. They confederate and criminally organize to undermine the rule of law.

Its instinctual for people in the Autism spectrum.

Its not instinctual for people with empathy to prey on or otherwise exploit people who also have empathy.

For what it is worth to anyone reading this blog. and considering how they feel and think about Progressive liberals, I suggest for left-libertarians like myself that you absolutely do not hate them.

Depending on how often and severely Progressives have preyed on you, however, will probably have you hating Progressives at times. Its infuriating watching a moron get other people killed because the moron was totally vain and liked the attention of.leadership so much they forgot they were too stupid to actually do their job--really are clueless about what to do and can only make airs/errors.

Because its possible this blog may have a few readers at this point---I've had thousands of views--who are also serving in government as Congressional staffers I emphasize Libertine politics is everything liberal politics is supposed to be.

Progressive politics is what used to be Libertine politics (libertine thinking/politics is 200 years old, older than "progressive" thinking), as perverted by Autism spectrum people who fake being liberal.

The Nazis thought they were liberals because they were socialists. They were wrong and truly were an Autistic population which abused narcotics to attain a mentality in total denial of their own real mental retardation and total belief they were superior people, genetically, because they were sociopaths.

The Progressives truly are just as bad as the Nazis, only thank God the Nazis lost WWII. They lost but then in 1947 the USA adopted fascism because the pollution created during the War caused the US population to become Autistic and then it too turned to narcotics and psychiatric pseudo-science (medical insurance Fraud) to rationalize mass-incarceration, race riots, endless wars and rape as the new progressive culture for Autistic people to become the master race (all the richest people, professors, lawyers, doctors, etc.) as ratified by law with entitlements and immunity from criminal prosecution.

So, Progressives really are not smart people. The nerds, those idolized in the much loved movie Revenge of the Nerds, are more Autistic than intelligent. That celebration which was/is humorous in the movie is in real life the Progressive caucus. 

As a Libertine, my ambition is to help medical science reach a point where people with Autism can put that condition into remission, genetic remission as with cancer. When people accomplish this (and I believe they will through advances in neurology and MRI equipment) they can then give testimonials of how different life was for them when they had little to no empathy.

Assuming they did no great evil to other people when they were Autistic, I'm sure they would have no regrets putting their Autism into remission.

If they had caused other people great harm, they wouldn't want to put their Autism into remission because for them to gain empathy would also be gaining guilt and shame, hard core negative feelings which might even drive them to suicide (such as with adults who rape children, or murders or Judas from the Christian bible).

In conclusion, with Progressives being at the height of their power as I suggest they are in the Fall of 2021, their power will wane as we approach 2022. I believe this will happen for one of two reasons.

1.) Libertarians within the Republican party become more aware of what Autism is and how the USA's industrial economy actually caused way more cancer and genetic brain disease than the media and universities let on, so Republicans vow to rebuild the US power grid before Democrats vow it.

2.) Democrats are the first to vow to rebuild the US power grid, for the same reasons the Libertarians might, because I'm successful organizing Libertines within the Democratic Party. If I convince even one elected official to become a Libertine that is necessarily a power loss and marginalization of the Progressive-psychiatric message within the liberal sphere of politics.

As every congressional staffer knows, the forest fires are a huge issue.

I reached out to my Scty. of State in Oregon and by email explained how Verdantronix LLC could patent a power plant for all that dead wood and excess fuel in the forests could be burned like clean coal, to create electrical power.

In so reaching out I let Ms Fagan know I'm at a point now where I could begin the patent process for any number of my inventions and if she, because of the forest fires, has a preference that we should have lunch and talk about it. I'm sure I can patent a new type of power plant to burn the ground fuel in US forests if people would go in there with trucks and bring it to such a site.

So, this is my personal approach as a Libertine. I want the Autistic liberals to get real neurological and genetic therapy and quit the psychiatric medical insurance Fraud even if they think its great for them it is horrible for the world.

We need to lower the pollution so fewer children are born with Autism and fewer people die from cancer. We can and should do that but we won't unless the loudmouth Frauds the Progressives usually worship keep on with their born again Klu Klux Klan, evangelical-psychobabble.

Hopefully Biden will cut some mental healthcare funding so people can get dentures and other legitimate healthcare needs addressed; but really The Squad needs to break away from Bernie Sanders and that Fabian socialism that leads to nowhere or worse, fascism.

If I can get Fagan to power-up as a Libertine and so she writes a paper on Libertine politics within the Democratic party herself, so I'm not the only person defining it in Oregon, then I honestly believe I can get AOC and if I can get AOC I might get the entire Squad.

That is what I want and its sort of a big deal because it really could happen, really should happen and more than that Libertine thinking and politics almost has to first become a thing among congressional staffers.

They are the most important people in our republic---what is left of our republic after 1947. They should, as much as they care about meritocracy, care to be Libertines and among the most literate people in America.

Then they should get their own calling cards, personal cards they might give out at a club with their business, non profit and political information. These calling cards should also have the American Mountain Lion on them as that is the Libertine avatar.

As long as I'm the only Libertine, I get to make such arbitrary decisions to then rationalize. I'm sure America needs more lions, more American lion people, to confront and diminish the population of American liars and Progressives.

Everything Progressives say they want to accomplish in congress--lifting the poor out of poverty, destroying racism in society, destroying misogyny in society, etc.--they cannot accomplish because they are fundamentally dishonest people: race believers, psychologists, faith healers, etc.

Libertines can accomplish all those things. Its ironic how Progressives are the group which most prevents Libertines from accomplishing these goals. Its ironic like good vs. evil and bad vs. good where the elements are the same and inverse. 

The reason for the irony, or to go beyond that, is to realize sociopathy is actually Autism and irrationality very much like if not also insanity. It can become a mental condition of such gross self confidence people when a sociopath is also very intelligent--as with average to above average people.

Its a spectrum of lack of empathy-intelligence. All the so called mental illnesses are factually fantasy role playing about Autism. The brain can become autized as with a person's DNA. Once it is, there is usually no cure nor treatment and in the USA the sociopathy is even celebrated by many.

Autism Speaks is rightly a "sociopaths speak" non profit. There isn't irony there is philosophically for reasons said. It is the non profit I least want to donate to. It truly is encouraging people who lack empathy so never shut up to go on talking and louder with more confidence.

It is a hopeless disposition most Americans have when they consider Autism for what it is. Without hope there is the "I cannot defeat them nor overcome this obstacle in life so I choose to join and make alliance with a natural adversary (a sociopath, someone who sees you as an object without sentience because they lack sentience themselves).

I think its right to call that Progressive hopelessness and as such liberals deny it and their hopelessness they rally their self confidence until they target people who do participate in reality and also have empathy as "the enemy" and so then foist all reverse psychology upon them--this their Fabian "non-violent" fascism.

The same people who are Progressives today can simply dump their bad science, dump all the quackery that borders on and factually is fascism, soft as it may be on a Nazi couch.

If they abandon the psychology-psychiatry and agree with whichever religion and philosophy they might agree with, then they won't be pushing bad medicine, insanity dope. If they stop doing that they'd be cool liberals. They'd be Libertines. 

There will always be grandiose Autistics and they will always have the Progressive party. Liberals can do better than that and should. We should even and factually help people with Autism with legitimate healthcare so they can put it into remission and gain their human empathy-intelligence as all people have a right to their own minds.

That is where I and Libertines stand this week, waiting to see what Progressives and Republicans might do to further fuck-up the US economy or can we agree to get the lead out of the water?

There is no excuse to get all the lead out of the drinking water of all the schools, children K-12.

Progressives and Republicans I believe will upset God, provoke the wrath of God, if they continue to pollute the brains of children with lead such they get permanent brain damage and their DNA is ruined so even their children are demented.

I believe that is what happened to my mother. Her father worked dirty jobs, extreme exposure to pollution, as he worked in an oil refinery and then later on paving a small town with streets, asphalt.

All that shit, lead, mercury, cadmium, soaked into his DNA and he was a robotic moron the entire time I knew him. That same trait I now understand as Autism afflicted all his children. My mother was a terrible abuser, sociopath, and sadistic-devoted pathological liar. I wouldn't wish an Autistic mother on my worst enemy. Death or to be an abortion is preferable.

Progressives and Republicans need to get it together with President Biden and get the lead out of the drinking water of children, ASAP!

Its necessary to have high IQ and EQ, intelligence and wisdom, to be totally literate and so a Libertine. I'm sure not all congressional staffers can be Libertines. I would live in a better world if the Democrats in congress do have super-literate staffers who actually talk about my blog together and with each other naturally because they love political philosophy and what is not really science but also political science.

If I can win over most of the congressional staffers then I will happily be a friend of Congress and American. I won't ever be Press. I'll never run for a public office because I'm going to build Verdantronix into a civilization or so influence the US economy or die trying.

I'm not a robot and neither should congressional staffers. Some no doubt are; but this blog isn't about hating them nor Progressives. It is about separating the literate from the daft (people who are literate but can't read between the lines correctly or lack wisdom).

Lastly, among these new Libertines in all 50 States there ought to be coordination and so some step forward to organize the Party so I don't even have to do that because its organized by congressional staffers from many different representatives in congress. Then I would join so open it up to non congressional staffers.

Then among those original staffers then as many of them elected into the congress of their State. If several Libertines can get elected to the congresses of different states. Then I will consider myself successful in founding the Libertine Party and caucus.

The caucus is clearly more important than this webpage but in a way the Libertine Party is maybe the first party which would be born in cyberspace and then become a real political party. Libertine thinking existed 200 years ago, and there were libertine notables but they never organized overtly, politically.

They were more anarchistic and then perhaps became totally lost and then born again anarchy-capitalists. I think that is why Libertines didn't evolve a political party before I thought I should found one this year of Adonai in the Gregorian calendar 2021.

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