Saturday, October 2, 2021

Being A Libertine Among Progressives

Being a Libertine is to test far to the left and very libertarian on the political compass. More than that, its be a liberal surrounded by false or fascist, authoritarian liberals: people who score left authoritarian.

As I'm not the only person to test Libertine, I do define the politics of the left libertarian as such on this blog for the evident lack of such political opinion, narrative, in mass media and political news.

I've explained what a Libertine is, extensively and holistically, in several posts on this blog. I've explained, likewise and extensively, Progressive politics as left-authoritarian politics too.

This post suggests a Libertine has a sense of morbidity from childhood because they are surrounded by false liberals insomuch Progressives (who originated as right-authoritarian devotees of Theodore Roosevelt, a cult following of that literally incestuous Presidential family) are authoritarians who insist they are liberals because of their want for socialism.

To be clear, Progressives are people who keep a family sex slave or want incest decriminalized which is why they promote mental healthcare as since Freud all psychologists have done is normalized the sexual exploitation of children within families.

Progressives are dirty people. They are morally dirty (liars) and at best ignorant-to-naive to not realize mental healthcare only serves rape culture and fascism.

The true enemy of the #MeToo movement is the Progressive caucus in the Democratic party. This is a political fact, the reality being what it is for so much promotion of psychiatric fascism.

I dare say a Libertine is a natural liberal or from childhood had political influence despite that being highly unusual because of the nature of adults in comparison to children. I'm sure thats what being a Libertine means for me. 

I'm also sure Progressives are not naturally liberal and lean left for their economics expressly for criminal interests: to defraud, larceny, genetic sociopathy qua Autism.

I'm sure to be someone who isn't in the Autism spectrum, and a Libertine since their childhood, there is nothing authentically liberal about the Democratic party. It is a faux liberal political party. It is faux liberal Progressives baiting centrists, mostly. I dare say Democrats are more authentically centrist than they are leftist.

Socialism is new to most Americans as in their childhoods they learned capitalism not socialism; yet the US Constitution is an entirely socialist document. Social contract theory, ultimately, best defines socialism or is the most accurate definition of socialism.

Socialism is so confused with communism, which is a different system for government in contrast to a republic for but one comparison. The Autistic morons who are so many professors in US universities totally confused socialism with communism. It was a confusion only moron-academics could make, that explains the confusion in society.

In America, most people have traditionally been conservative and so centrists understand themselves as liberals when they aren't very liberal at all because even with socialism they would insist on being authoritarians, fascists.

Truly, Baby Boomer "intellectuals" are a group of ajbect morons and total Frauds. That generation is guilty of grand larceny to the tune of trillions of dollars. They are mass murderers, War criminals who compare to the Nazi Germans and the only group who can say they were worse, murdered more, raped more, enslaved more people than the Nazis did.

Such villains, trillionaire villains, are exalted by Progressives as they argue to make government weaker when compared to drug cartels, criminal-terrorist organizations, with mere billionaires and all those people also automaton-Autistics or second rate intellectuals for the richest people nations have to offer.

Since the Baby Boom in the USA, Vietnam-Afghanistan, this has been the objective reality the entire US media has built itself into denying. The USA became the Nazi monster immediately after slaying Hitler and the Nazis. It was like a dark ritual of Autistic pseudo-intellectuals in the USA.

Like the denial of lost Wars so too the denial of gross crimes against humanity and War crimes--factual, legitimate accusations--against the United States of America and so all the American people continue to mount. Americans, sadly, continue to be cowards incapable of confronting their own mass murdering mass rapist monsters.

They continue to use the government to push religious psychiatry so Autistic people and their incestuous families have master race privileges.

The denial of all that, the Autistic make-believe of less than 30,000 US psychiatrists and maybe two thirds of the American population who are their slave-junkies factually speaking: addicted to psychiatric, poisonous dope or drugs with no medical value.

These millions, whatever percentage who are Progressive-Psychiatric thralls, are criminally insane.

More impressive than these millions of criminally insane Americans are the tens of millions of abject moral cowards. These are Americans with zero dignity. They may not be in the Autism spectrum, but they see the mass incarceration, religious-psychiatric racism for a Court and Judiciary, a generation of lost Wars, etc. 

Those tens of millions of cowards I dare say is also the Facebook community. They are vapid because of their vanity conjunct their moral cowardice. They are the bimbo masses or that brand of feminism which objectifies itself, intentionally. Their politics is to look and fan themselves. This being what "Autism Speaks" is more about.

Feminists never, maybe rarely and in unpublished ways, talk about women who intentionally and politically organize together with other women to make themselves and all women sexual objects and second class human beings. Feminists never talk about those other feminists who are not few in number, or the worst enemy of women being certain women.

Its a fact such women exist. Like the fascist political arrangement of the Courts it is obvious such women exist and so there is no real need for academic research: all the women who can be found in media marginalizing themselves as second rate human beings.

As with men and philosophy, there are few authentic and natural philosophers. There are more academic philosophers and they have capitulated in the academy to the psychologists. I'm not sure when this happened but I'm rather certain it occurred after 1947 and new Autism cult-brothel State universities were built to serve the new fascist order in the USA, with psychiatric Nazi wizards to boss-expert Judge and the Courts.

That, socialist-fascist, is the authoritarian liberalism of the Roosevelt cult in the USA, or the Autism incest cult which is still greater than even the same type of Autism incest cult Adolph Hitler built for his family in Germany.

As Libertines opposed fascists in occupied France, American Libertines today are as weak as philosophers in universities with courts lost to psychiatric-fascism and the genetic Autistic-KKK cult-expert Traitor.

Progressives are mostly unaware they are factually promoting mass murder, mass incarceration, Slavery and rape culture. The Roosevelts built "better" automaton-Autistics than Hitler built in Germany, because those people become the psychiatrists who defrauded US Courts.

Instead of being overtly violent like Hitler was in his rise to power, after the War US-Autistic fascists simply infiltrated the universities and slowly took control of the Courts. This is their so called "non violent" political agenda because despite the millions of people killed by their Treason, they suffer no casualties because their false non-violence.

Their charade works because Americans are mostly stupid or fearful-cowardly people.

For a generation Americans have watched their Courts increasingly defrauded resulting in mass incarceration, so much violence caused because people are driven to it by "non-violent" Frauds who dope and drug others wrongfully.

All of this and the obvious drug abuse is evident and yet the American people continue to use be cowards, refusing to use violence on the "non-violent" fascists who have defrauded their Courts.

Its sort of like being death incarnate, like a Halloween costume or profile to put on--what it is like being a Libertine among Progressives. Its to be in a nightmare and yet you, or the Libertine, is likely to be called the terror when the inverse is true in the nightmare than is America.

To be honest, death and making portents of killing in America such it describes the end of the Progressive political movement is what a Libertine has for a visage. Its obligatory. Psychiatric fascism must be destroyed and it must be violently destroyed. 

Its of course not true that a Libertine is a fascist nor someone who promotes crimes against humanity. Still to point out mass incarceration and rape culture for what it is in the USA is to be libeled insane by the criminally insane and Autistic who perpetuate their psychiatric Fraud and fascism. As the libertine calls for military violence against psychiatric non violence, they are often libeled terrorists.

Progressives confuse people over violence and fascism so the fascist won't be violently disempowered. That is the extent of their non violent agenda.

I'm not sure where President Biden is at mentally, as a Dixiecrat from Delaware and centrist, but I'm sure he has witnessed the Roosevelt legacy produce of cult of academics and labor union members who are also racists who protest racism. He has seen how the so called peace movement also promotes drugs with no medical value that only promote violence and fascism. 

I can also say Progressives are horrible people, at their political core. There is no such thing as a good/ethical motivation for authoritarian politics.

They have come together to boss everyone else around the same as all authoritarians do, because they they are criminally insane. They can't do better than deny their failure as human beings because being human to them is the same as being a lab or domesticated animal.

They don't see human beings as more than animals, which is why they agree to psychiatric dope schedules and go along with their virtue signaling rituals. 

I can honestly say in childhood it was people who identified as Progressives who sexually abused me. It was the same people who always defrauded me and gave false testimony against me on the Internet, in the work place at university and the and Courts.

Equality for genetic sociopaths, Autistics, is no equality at all. Its Fraud. Its equality between good and evil.

I am angry at psychiatrists for how they use women and black people like puppet-thralls for their openly fascist and completely worthless lives. I lose sleep sometimes, because these wicked fucking morons live.

I honestly believe the USA will be destroyed in WWIII unless some 30,000 psychiatrists are executed for Treason in the USA, by government action. Such is the will of God I am convinced.

Women and minorities are wrong to speak out when they are directed by the psychiatric-fascists. They are vain attention whores who promote murder, rape and theft by medical insurance Fraud. All the violence and Wars is truly their fault and they don't care because they are in the Autism spectrum so don't even know what the concept of caring for another person means.

When the psychiatrists are punished, Libertines ought to rise and become more popular than Progressives, by exposing them as insincere and genetically brain diseased people.

Progressives understand all this intellectually and think it is stupidity because they lack the empathy to make caring for other people possible. They are ignorant of the evil they do. They are like so many Beakers from Sesame Street, "me, me, me, me" intellectuals.

Equality for genetic sociopaths will continue until the psychiatrists are punished by the US military.

The Klu Klux Klan is a terrorist organization. Every psychiatrist in the USA is a and should be arrested-charged with Treason because they are KKK wizards. Their mind-fuckery is nothing more than KKK cult wizardly. They are inbred Autistics with nothing other than Fraud and a population of mostly morons--driven to stupidity like a herd animal--and so exploited for the political gains of the liberal fascists.

I'm encouraged to see China and Russia get into position to bring a nuclear end to the United States of America with France no doubt agreeing the USA has been too fascist for too long and is really a nation of fuck-waste Nazis who rape kids and even more retard-cowards who refuse to organize violence against the Courts and government if the government and Courts do not organize violence against the psychiatrists.

Treason is no joke. Being ignorant of being a Traitor is no joke. The rule of God over the rule of Autistic people and their psychiatric courts, is no joke. Being a Libertine isn't a joke but its sort of funny how completely insane--even to the point of becoming worthy of military execution--dazed and confused most liberals are. Its tragic with some comedic value.

I highly recommend responsible use of alcohol and if that should ever become a liver disease, quit alcohol and switch. to kratom. Marijuana should have never been illegal and the only reason it was is because of KKK Traitors still alive in the USA working as Judges and psychiatrists. They are people who must be put to death because they are absolutely the most evil people in the world.

A little more with this tangent--if you can't overcome addiction to chemical substances, you're probably not a Libertine. To be objective, you have to willfully sentient.

Progressives are half sober at best.

They are responsible for the mass murder of over 10 million human beings. They are responsible for crimes against humanity and War crimes. Eventually their psychiatric-Nazi leaders will be put to death. God hangs his judgement over them and any nation that would put their and their Autistic play psychic incest cult before the word of the Lord.

The only question is how long the process of totally destroying Autistic-psychiatric Progressive politics in the USA will take.

A Libertine points this out but makes no mistake. Today, being a Libertine is to bring death to psychiatrists in the USA, to have them arrested, charged and executed for Treason. This will no doubt abolish the Progressive caucus or greatly marginalize it if it ever should happen. It would effect a true liberalism in an otherwise faux liberal USA.

As an aside and for the sake of another example of what its like being a Libertine among Progressives: I can't help Afghan refugees be better off if I would only help them move from the Taliban to the Psychiatric-Nazi, system. As I'm a true friend to humanity I make this post such its clear to everyone they too better be sentient as I am.

False choices aren't choices.

After attaining sentience a Libertine is surrounded by fascists and most of the authorities among fascists are also Autistics. That authority exists to be undermined. Nothing about it is good and everything about it is evil and violent. They are non violent liars who do terrible violence: Progressives.

It is very much like being Mountain Lion surrounded by Timber Wolves. It is literally life and death. Progressives factually are mass murderers and only because psychiatrists have brainwashed them to promote fascism.

To be a Libertine to not to be a greater great cat, in light of the political odds and reality. It is not to be fearsomeness itself or overt despotism.

Therefore a Libertine would use a hellfire missile or more than one on each psychiatrist and argues for the US military to hold a Tribunal on the gross Treason, crimes against humanity and War crimes American psychiatrists are 100% guilty of. For the rest of my life I will sincerely organize against psychiatry as both Treason and fascism.

Would Bernie Sanders retire then? Could that old fool ever learn to shut up with the psychiatric fuck talk? He isn't sentient. He would have to have a doctor who cured his Autism before he could understand how he is responsible for all the suicides and murders because he and moron-Autistic Progressives promoteFrauds, fascist-psychology, so make it impossible for police and the Courts to do their jobs.

That type of legal intervention is only seemingly good. In fact it is Treason.

He will die ignorant of his own gross crimes against humanity and apparently his own racism as in all his years he never once promoted a post racial society not even after meeting MLK and when post racial society is the only solution to the logical problem of racism. That is like not figuring out 2+2=4 ever, even after living a full life, still Bernie simply can't do basic math.

If drones are ever used on US psychiatrists like they should be in a period of limited martial law where the KKK is re-classified a Terrorist organization and even violently purged from US Courts, I'll be happy.

I doubt a hellfire would make sense for all psychiatrists but for those who run after the first and executed, they should be pursued not by civil police but by military drone and for summary execution.

Psychiatrists around the world ought to go out of business so fascism ceases in the West.

Libertines have no doubt psychiatrists, literally all psychiatrists, are Autistic morons or people without empathy. Only an animal could be a psychiatrist (someone without human sentience/natural morality). 

Its not something human beings do. People either understand the limits of philosophy and religion, or they become criminally insane. That criminal insanity might also be genetic Autism.

Their is neurology for medical science of the brain, or brain science. Psychiatry has always been fuck-waste with far too much respect from cowards in society. Freud and Jung should have been executed for human trafficking children as sex slaves.

Godless, inbred Christians want for colony and empire don't understand. Put another way, Christianity is compatible with psychiatry only for fascists. God fearing people do not go to play God Autistic psychiatrists for advice. There should always be someone with a high IQ who isn't also Autistic-sociopath.

Its like being alone in Nature, or not being alone at all, ever, as a transcendentalist in juxtaposition to a nihilist. To be a Libertine is to be sentient with empathy and so capable of transcendentalism while the Autistic don't have the empathy such all the lifeforms in Nature would compliment their own being they force their dominance with religious devotion to fossil fuel brain poisoning or Autism.

Sad, but that is all Progressives have at the end of every day to show for their politics as no matter their hype nor the particulars their mental healthcare always reduces them to an inbred cult of Autism spectrum morons with authority they don't naturally deserve. That will never be Freedom and the USA needs a purge.

US attorneys factually need to be re-educated by the US military so they quit using total Frauds, ESP psychics and psychiatrists as medical doctors and realize people with Autism are never sentient no matter how rich and/or intelligent they are they will never have the physical sense (the frontal lobe and amygdala) for adult responsibility-sensitivity.

With the current spending in Congress, Progressives stand out as attention whores same as they always have. Always when their excessive domestic spending occurs they entrust the money to Autism spectrum moral degenerates who then embezzle the funds or otherwise racketeer them with psychiatrists: their Klu Klux Klan psychiatric-state planned families. 

Libertines want Progressives to have good credit for winning funding for childcare and dental care. The reason why it hasn't is because psychiatric care was funded for dental care so what are actually skull related medical issues have been misdiagnosed as mental health issues such as anxiety or neurosis.

This is especially the case for people who received dental care with toxic heavy metals and so need corrective dentistry of what ought to be malpractice dentistry. Indeed dentistry for children ought to be funded so, judging by what Bernie Sanders has to say, progressives are cart before horse on dentistry or speak the elderly before the young.

The Libertine point is they wouldn't need corrective dentistry if the medical malpractice dentistry hadn't been done to them in childhood.

Unfortunately Progressives are a blank check for Fraud because after all things in reality are spoken to, on any particular Bill, there are always the Frauds plying their trade and in the USA the educators, the professors, medical doctors and lawyers are more a confederacy of Autistics who want equal rights between genetic sociopaths and sentient adults.

No. That will never happen in nature and the insane, the Progressives should get all their ask except for what they reconsider themselves for realizing they are obviously cart-before-horse on Federally funded dentistry and then before they channel the money to their psychiatric Fraud cronies (Progressive cronies are shrinks) Libertarians in the Republican party should rally behind Rand Paul who together with other Republican medical doctors bring criminal charges for Fraud against psychiatrists.

As COVID is still a real medical concern and cause for historical exercise of state authority for stated medical reasons. There are all sorts of laws governing public health policy and never before have they been so powerful.

The need for a debate in the Senate between psychiatrists and neurologists who insist psychiatrists are absolute and total Frauds responsible for gross larceny (a new level for the greatest theft and pyramid Fraud scheme in world history, that is psychology), mass murder and an attempted genocide by an Autistic minority upon a healtheir population.

The reign of the psychiatric intellectuals, the incest spawned, rape spawned litter of the Klu Klux Klan must come to an end because of public health issues being so much more important.

The spotlight, as it were, the world spotlight is upon the medical community like never before and so psychiatrists are obviously Frauds and yet as powerful as Nazis were, now with their own deep state which is the failed Judiciary and fascist cult.

In America, a Libertine has to deal with all that casually as they must be civil. As said, the eventual executions of psychiatrists is the only change any human society has. If they do not execute the incest cult Autistics they will subvert any government and turn that into a cult. That is all the USA is today and its cult swapping Trump to Biden as so many Presidencies before has been a Baby Boomer game of leap frog to debt and lost wars.

Hopefully the Progressives will get the money, but then they'll be busted for the Fraud that is mental healthcare so the people actually get the money instead of how its always been before, with it wasted on psychiatric cronies who always fail to improve conditions for the poor.

In my apartment, which is managed by Progressives there has been a breakdown of order as an apartment full of nearly 100 formerly homeless people hasn't had an regular office manager since I moved in. Three have been fired in the last three months.

With no new apartment manager giving out their information theft has increased in the building. Some of my houseplants were stolen, shipped by Amazon. Still and usually my Amazon is safe. I'll buy insurance again this month.

The last of my grant money should have gone towards last month's rent so I do hope to talk to the property manger about the theft and rent.

One person died from heat exhaustion in the Summer despite him having thrown loud tantrums every night for months before that heat wave which finally took his life. There are arguments in the alley between the three public buildings.

EMT and the police have digital keys so even though the buildings are usually unattended by staff they can still get in. They are often called. The rent is as cheap as it gets but its still calculated to be far too high.

They get an average price per square foot and then build SRO apartments to house many poor people with each unit being charged as if the people were living well downtown, by the square foot. That is fair market housing and as good as I get after being totally defrauded by medical doctors and psychiatrists.

US healthcare is totally crooked. Progressives are responsible for being medical Frauds. They use healthcare like the Italian mafia is notorious for using the church to launder money and shield them from criminal prosecution. As much was suggested in the Godfather movies.

Progressives have their mafia in healthcare, the religious and psychiatric Autistics who got degrees from the brothels what are American universities: mass producing intellectuals who can't do better than mass incarceration and have a permanent underclass of undocumented workers and sexually abuse children groomed to have no rights.

Autistics and Progressives suck, but at least their problem isn't their Fault. They are still and will always be second rate people, morally bankrupt people. Whenever they get money the USA becomes worse.

Without a violent purge of psychiatrists, Progressives will continue to lead the American people into the fascist nightmare that is Autism spectrum intelligence and leadership. They are so many co-dependent abusers, abused people who have "identified with their abusers" who are the right authoritarian fascists thus their left authoritarian Progressive fascism which only compliments classic Nazism with its protest marches.

I blame Progressives for Autism and spreading it. They continue to treat lead, fluoridation and toxic levels of heavy metals and other what is otherwise industrial chemical fallout in the environment so people get brain disease and then treated by Frauds, psychologists. 

Without Progressives, right wing fascists would be enemy combatants and the KKK re classified Terrorists. All psychiatry has done is excused, apologized for and sought to decriminalize the activity that used to be understood as Klan activity (Autistic incest cult business). It really is the Progressives raping and fucking over American children for their Autistic cult-insiders, psychiatrists. 

Psychiatrists mass murder children as the facts should be correctly understood. They, not abortion doctors, are the villains in healthcare. Progressives are the automaton-thralls for psychiatrists, as understood by a Libertines. They will cry and put on all emotional show but the facts are always the same, psychiatrists are evil people who live on lies and the Nazis degenerates of today.

The big lie is mental healthcare. That will always be the big lie. Psychology is the big lie. Its not science. Its not medicine, its Autistic people pretending they participate in reality by forcing their lies in society such their lies are deemed facts by the Courts. They are the most evil people in the world, truly responsible for the most murder, rape and theft and all because of their genetic moral cowardice and intellectual disability.

One day, all first world countries will consider Autistics second class people without the right to Vote and Wards of the state, like prisoners only for social welfare. They need a therapist-life coach.

They will also have legitimate healthcare to put Autism, Cancer and other medical diseases caused by fossil fuel pollution, into remission. I capitalize the names of these diseases because governments cares more to fund them than moral and decent intellectuals and doctors.

Baby Boomers truly pass on only shame and disgrace as their Vietnam-Afghanistan "conquerors" epoch was a belly flop.

They are more talk than has ever been produced before by any nation and all of it was a bunch of nothing that took the USA nowhere except into the status of the worst developed country to raise children in: all the debt and taxes the young are expected to pay so the elderly Autistic Boomers and mentally retarded, criminally insane children can produce more nothing, a rape culture with lots of murder, theft and failed Courts.

Progressive "freedom" is worse than losing WWIII, if the USA should and it probably would. It is benevolent fascism and the same tyranny of Autistic "genius" Hitler promoted.

Some technological hybrid of a bunker buster nuke and hypersonic missiles might be manufactured such a volley of them designed to detonate the Yellowstone super volcano or trigger its erruption would probably be dozens of nuclear missiles.

If the volcano does erupt and the cities are nuked, there would be no food and so mass starvation in the USA and around the world. That would be better than fascism with Autistic inbreds for bosses in a society where rape is normal and Christians are also like people with lobotomies, forgiving Hitler and his devils.

African agricultural labor would dramatically increase in value so the entire continent could pick up the slack if and when US agriculture fails.

The USA and entire American civilization may prove to be a flash in the pan because it was merely an Autistic incest cult of colonial families lacking real genius, an authentic civilization.

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