Thursday, October 7, 2021

Libertines And Mobsters


In America the term mobster has enjoyed an evolving meaning. It has gone from bad to worse to glamorized and today the mobster isn't the Italian nor Catholic cliche. American mobsters are Americans from all different ethnic backgrounds in a confederacy and rape culture.

The want for the libertine nobility or American mobster glamour is stolen from libertines who are not mobsters but truly Libertines and radical critics of the government. Unlike Libertines. mobsters operate with criminal intent. 

A Libertine, to review, is the most literate person or the opposite of a village idiot. Their critique of government is real, documented before and documented again to be the fact of their critique whereas documentation only applies to criminal investigation for the activities of organized crime.

The stolen image, or how psychiatric Autistic moron society preaches flat earth race theories, is merely their insanity. In understanding the mob, that in America they are "the masses" and also factually insane people the libertine enjoys privilege as critic of both government and crime.

There can be no other way to explain it, fairly.

Maybe this is why there are so few outspoken left libertarians? If ever there were a robust discussion of Libertines then I'd want to stop capitalizing the term and yet I really don't see much argumentation for left libertarian politics in the US media.

Thank you Google for allowing me this blog where I can document for posterity and those who care to know what I'm thinking, politically, as maybe some day there will be so many Libertines they would be common whereas now that certainly isn't the case and there are far more government employees and mobsters in the USA.

The best thing for both government, people elected to office and their families and their associated families are the state and nation and mobsters (humans who are probably lost to genetic brain disease) is to take my advice and realize Facebook is always going to be a worthless investment because its merely Mark Zuckerberg's personal opinion, bias, skew, Autistic design.

Verdantronix LLC wants to build a factory to employ 50 people not counting the food service workers and all those who become employed when 50 others are employed in a factory with good jobs, those jobs that are supposed to have been lost and would never return to the USA.

I'm sure I can crate 50 easy peasy jobs with excellent healthcare as Verdantronix is my brand of renewable energy generators. Thats what I know I can do best and is most important to humanity and my sense of duty to humanity given the filth and disgust of so much corrupt government and criminal enterprises. 

50 people working in a small factory in crime ridden Portland is my goal. That includes mostly part time or contract labor and sub contracting labor. 

Fantastic jobs would be for my Vice President with only a 20% stake in the company with another 5% divided between assistants, part time employees. In all there would be less than 10 great jobs and 40 good jobs if and when the people in government and the various mobs in the United States of America realize the Autistic nerds are the hype and Fraud or bad like the CIA intelligence.

They actually just have a problem because they don't understand the human brain well enough although they could if they would only modify an MRI so it could be a therapy and brain exercise machine for people with Autism and other genetic brain diseases. I'm sure real physical exercise of neural plasticity can do what psychology and psychiatry always market Fraudulently.

Neurology needs to kill psychiatry like David killed Goliath and it will when the right stone, wind conditions and everything is perfect to crush psychiatrists and even see some of them executed for Treason and crimes against humanity.

Equality with genetic sociopaths, with fascism, become the privilege of the genetic sociopath to rape, murder and steal and usually in that order as they are more beast than human because of their genetic brain disease. That brain disease should not be purposefully spread and eventually the monopoly on violence--however that is for an agreement between the state and underworld---will agree with me.

They are the retards, the Nazis who set up shop in the USA thinking they won and FDR defeated Hitler to prove the Roosevelt blood line was over lord white race, or American fascism triumphed over German fascism as the mass incarceration and institutional racism are exactly the same.

I won't go on to explain how the USA factually does and has been operating death camps, euthanizing people and all the real Traitors who deserve summary execution. I will only say its only a matter of time before people other than myself realize what a terrible and great weapon a flying rail gun would be and so build one.

They'd use it and no doubt achieve space superiority much the same as air superiority was established. 

That aside for maybe another freakish reason for why I'm a Libertine, and returning to what ought to be a natural optimism also common among Libertines regarding politics, is both groups of people do have families they want to be better off in the future even if only because that necessarily means they rob future generations or those resources set aside for them.

So, instead of fighting each other such as with cops and robbers, the Libertine's unique social situation (acutely political but then still totally casual) is to point out how the good cops factually most need to fight the bad cops and the exact same thing is true for good mobsters and bad mobsters as in retarded-evil, leave things like toxic waste dumps so children are born with brain diseases and such.

I never wanted more than to learn how to survive when I first began learning to read and especially about the war planes of the Second World War when I was a very small boy.

To an extent. book learning isn't valuable when compared to lived experience and yet it is a lived experience and not necessarily mutually exclusive to experiences common for illiterate people. 

Anyway,  as I've said before but not often enough on this blog. Politics is no game. The people in government are real and have families. The same is true for people in organized crime. They both have the same problems although the difference between them is obvious and clear as the difference between the over world (elected officials) and people with billions of dollars (mobsters).

I suggest Libertines are truly a third type of person with mutual exclusivity from both government officials and crime bosses. They are a third type of human being who has a lot of power in any/every society because their role in fundamentally important to the human DNA or that what makes human beings social mammals, our empathy.

No matter how toxic or inbred a human society might get such mental retardation would become normal, there will always be a natural and genetic motivation or cause of fair play and Justice. 

The fact of both good and bad government officials is as true as good and bad billionaires. In both groups, governments and mobs, the main problem is actually environmental and this has usually been and so probably always be misunderstood.

They don't have the spiritual-religious or racist conflicts they believe they have. Those are all products of their insanity which is causing them to work against their own society of human beings. They are wantonly diseasing society, by government corruption and gangsterism, because the good in both groups clearly do not have new types of weapons, systems, tactics and all that which is rightly called military science.

This is to say in America, Baby Boomers have misunderstood politics by confusing it with military science. This is true for as long as I've been alive and so certainly the case but what came before may have been the same so then Boomers might be less exceptional people than history gives them credit for.

Regardless, cancer rates, murder rates, suicide rates and all the stories of all the rapes and so much human suffering and even grinding poverty in the nation by far the most amount of money for the fewest number of people (our small nation of not even 350 million) its clear that to survive the good are going to have to make War with bad.

None of that is my business as I'm a third party and Libertine. I'm on about my company and what I can design engineer for the good among both groups. I think this is, generally speaking, true for people with a left libertarian point of view.

Lastly, sometimes and rarely superfluous language is most honestly super language or language which only "over-informs" or says too much so as to describe all probable and relative perspectives as rational people might approach any subject and especially that of War--killing human beings intentionally, in an organized way--Judges and Bosses can't do it because they lack the natural authority or God given authority or their judgement cannot also be said to be their Liberty, as with Libertines.

Generals and Admirals, and I suppose if Air Force or Space Force ever got it's third or co-equivalent as Generals are to Admirals, whatever, have this authority but not from God nor Nature. They have that explicitly because of their military contract. A Libertine, I don't think, would ever sign such a contract as before the fact their authority exists. Still I'll point out the absence of a co-equivalent sky captain as a general and admiral might be commissioned and put into theatre. 

The Libertine, by Natural Law or God's Law understood as Physics, is the authority by which Libertines seek the summary executions of Judges and Bosses in the United States of America.

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