Friday, October 22, 2021

Humanity Is The Condition As Understood By Left Libertarians

People in the autism spectrum are not to blame for their autism. People outside the autism spectrum should blame themselves and their scientific community for not better understanding autism sooner and for the court's tolerance of so much medical insurance Fraud.

The scientific method cannot be applied by psychiatry and to the extent it has been so many Milgram Experiments with the Courts for how much a person might abuse someone else for the sake of it, to make that point and financially profit from it.

How does an industrial society with so much coal, oil and gasoline invest trillions of dollars into quackology so the uneducated worker-masses can stew in their leaded drinking water and then be politically programmed, culturally programmed by a sociopath who doesn't help the poor people get their bodily fluids checked for heavy metals from industrial pollution?

Its obvious the last 100 years has seen way more fossil fuel pollution and never before had there been such a saturation of people, so..... it really must and is a scam, Frauds, con artists who think so highly of themselves and their IQs they believe they have natural rights or like Machiavellian Princes can make objects out of other human beings.

So, although I hope the Libertine community becomes larger than myself--outspoken left libertarians from the USA--and so more nuanced and diverse one of the fundamental aspects of Libertine ideology is the abolition of psychiatry and the exaltation of neurology with what should be the obvious difference between Fraud and medicine.

On this question the Libertine is forever settled. I don't insist all Libertines call for blood the way I do and take the opportunity in this post to make clear the pejorative language I have used for self exalting autism spectrum psychiatrists and their thralls was so even more street wise Libertines would understand their necessary enemies. 

If there is to be peace between liberals and conservatives it must be agreed that liberals take care of problem liberals and conservatives take care of problem conservatives and when either should fail they cooperate so life can improve for future generations--the utilitarian ethos.

I think it should be obvious to both liberals and conservatives the psychiatrists have to go. Its time they got their proverbial shit kicked out of them such they no longer enjoy a privilege to torture people. Rationalizing torture is essentially what mass incarceration is and that too must end with everyone incarcerated for marijuana given a Pardon and that legalized Nationally and taxed so there is Federal and State taxes on marijuana.

All those people need to be released from jail and prison and given housing vouchers and most if not all psychiatrists belong behind bars and deserve more of the prison industrial complex they created, themselves, as prisoners for Treason and the high crime of Fraud to undermine the rule of law.

Some lawyer in the USA and if not here one could be found in Germany to come to the USA and kick the living shit out of these Neo Nazis and prosecute them as Born Again Nazis, fascists using the Fraud of medicine to perpetuate institutional racism, torture and rape culture.

If American attorneys can't shut down the quacks, permanently, in all US Courts such they are no longer expert witnesses then mass incarceration, torture and rape culture will no doubt continue until the ICC or EU might bring action against the USA for it's crimes against humanity.

This is how serious our times are in America, with a very real and failed Judiciary.

Its up to psychiatrists to decide whether or not to come clean and so more voluntarily and less because there is a gun pointed at their head, confess their Fraud and how they do it for the power and money. They can go on to explain which they more prefer but its irrelevant because Treason is actually what they've been doing professionally for however long they've had their PhD.

Exceptions can and should be made by Neurologists who then got a degree in psychiatry and those human beings should have the courage I only hope to lend them such they would speak up about the Fraud and irrational biomedical ethics that is psychiatry. 

Beyond that many in the industry should come forward as whistle blowers to destroy their own industry.

Short of that the Senate needs to make a serious investigation into my allegations and I'm sure they'll discover I'm correct and we all are embarrassed and as much as our collective American stupidity is real and really the fault of some Americans far more than it is the fault of others, we have to accept some level of collective blame and then do something to reform our culture and society so we aren't psychiatric minions for nerds with too much dope.

I want to be clear. The Libertine is against violence as the second to last resort. The last resort is slavery and a Libertine would only be a slave to plot revolt and hopefully get the opportunity to risk their lives for real Liberty and a just society. 

I don't think the USA is so lost I should have to become a militant Libertine. I still have some hope the Senate realizes itself for what it has always been. That the Senate is still pretty much the same as it has always been whereas every other institution of government has crumbled into technocracy with a real deep state establishment the grandparents Greatest Generation created.

The Libertine never cares for the church authority nor even what the laws are unless whatever authority and laws make sense as in assist a human being find a more perfect love. That greater love can be anything or type of love and yet necessarily about human beings being in harmony with each other or living harmoniously.

That is impossible with deep state psychiatrists pushing experimental dope, defrauding the jury system. It could only be a comedy or a tragedy to try and live harmoniously with Nazis and it has been tragedy for America as it tried that after WWII along with Nazi style mass incarceration instead of reclassifying the KKK a terrorist organization.

So there are real enemies for Libertines. The KKK isn't as powerful as they used to be but they are notorious murderers and what they did for a century we only began to call terrorism after 9/11. 

In a way its too bad the Marquise de Lafayette didn't naturalize as an American and raise a family here. If he had I have to believe the KKK would have never been founded and the USA would have had a much more honorable history with the Native Americans than it does. 

I'll never be a soldier, hopefully, but there is a profound need for real and legitimate honor for the USA military at a level it has never seen before. It must improve it's moral center and its not going to be able to do that as long as Marvel Suicide Squad psychiatrists continue to manage the enlisted and officers by psychiatric dope.

That is Nazi style soldiering and the USA has to stop experimenting with it and get rid of those quack-idiots and those who aren't idiots you know don't give a fuck about anyone they are total sociopaths who want slaves and to do with them as they please with the Courts and everyone blessing what they do.

That disgusts me and I speak for all Libertines on this point because extremely left and very libertarian people have to realize the psychiatric left as the brain of the fascist right or automaton thug.

Moreover I used the harsh term "fuck waste" to speak to the right a woman and indeed an entire family has to refuse a rapist and especially a rapist with a genetic brain disease their attempt to force themselves into the lives of people who want nothing to do with them.

I'm not going to apologize for using those terms but I'm not going to go on using them as I think I've made the point that I am for real charges of Treason being brought against psychatrists after the Senate concludes psychiatric medicine isn't really medicine it is Fraud and the social science of fascism that might also swing communist but in all ways is totalitarian-authoritarian.

Ideally nobody would have to be executed but that is a Pollyanna or 13 year old female's level of optimism for all the adults in society to prove themselves compassionate and intelligent people. If only that were true. 

A Libertine coup within the Democratic Party is exactly what I'm hoping to outline, academically, with my articles here on this blog. 

I've got a business plan and have sworn to myself to devote the rest of my life to design engineering so I will never run for a public office. Before I get rich, if I do, I'd like to find out who among the Progressives truly cares about helping the poor, abolishing racism and rape culture and building a more peaceful world?

Who among those Progressives can get off the psychiatric dope and so take their intelligence to a wiser level?

I still think after a legitimate Senate investigation into psychiatric medicine and the profession of psychiatry itself, that industry would be done for--executed. That is the goal and I want no or righteous violence only such as executing people who really do commit Treason so the Courts are defrauded so millions of people suffer so a few thousand can get away with rape and murder, theft.

Libertines are not for a draconian prison system at all. Psychiatry is draconian. It is Phrenology. A lot of people are going to be angry and use terms like "fuck waste" to describe psychiatrists once the conspiracy it is against neurology is outed. It will be so outed, eventually, as science will not forever be undermined by a religious cult that is really all Freudianism, play and pretend ESP.

I just wanted to make this point plain that even if a lot of Jews were autistic and acting like Sigmund Freud it makes no sense to then suggest as Hitler did that Protestants should do ten times the shit Sigmund Freud did--which is put people on dope and exploit them neurologically, like lesser animals or science experiments.

I don't hate anyone because they are autistic. I hate the disease autism and think there is a real conspiracy preventing medical doctors from discovering how to put it into remission like cancer. I think this conspiracy exists because people in the spectrum are easily exploited and even more easily turned into exploiters.

I honestly do not hate people except for when they knowingly or unknowingly/unintentionally/ignorantly promote fascism because that causes terrible death and suffering all of which is unnecessary if a dumb shit would only have an hour of humility and enough patience to learn.

There are too many people like that and the solution is not "kill them all." The reality of people who do not want the public to escape their psychiatric scam-religion is so apparent I have to believe it would take a Senate investigation and that would lead to some charges of Treason to settle the issue for the Courts and so reform the Judiciary such it becomes quack-free, no more university psychics and autistics passing for experts on human nature, the motivations and intentions of other people as if they have arcane powers.

Let us agree how the human brain actually works, fully understand it as an organ, before we rationalize ESP or whatever might appear to be magic, psychic or whatever else. Let us agree that will be accomplished by Neurology and psychiatry can only muck that science up with fantasy bullshit rationalized by dice and irresponsible formal logic.

I don't think other left-libertarians would even want to disagree nor find good reason to. We need Libertines to manifest as a new political order of a few very knowledge-is-power elites among American liberals.

Progressives aren't going to care they were politically and factually incorrect about mental healthcare when they get a post racial society and more of them are given the resources they need to escape poverty and the type of real systematic oppression mental healthcare has been.

They'll realize it after the elites and be happy about it after they are first upset. Human nature all but guarantees it and besides, what type of elites are elites in a society in decline? They are bogus elites in my opinion so the field is wide open for Libertines to snap their fingers, make the necessary adjustments to reform the society.

Even the most racist KKK idiot who raped a child can get examined to see if he or she is also a genetic sociopath so factually lacks moral reasoning as they don't have the empathy-data similar to how blind people don't have visual data. Their Protestant work ethic and family history for what they are so proud of can be discovered and although not in every case the probability is most racist and domestically violent families were also subjected to real environmental stress and particulate heavy metals which can breech the blood brain barrier. 

Obviously I'm not in the camp arguing for incompetent people to be excused for crimes they've committed. I'm saying our Justice system is doing it wrong, like 2+2=5 idiots, for two centuries now and the fact is still race does not exist except as bullshit so a sociopath can rationalize objectifying people as less than people.

I am in the camp saying when the truth comes out about how dangerous fossil fuel pollution has always been there are going to be a lot of pissed off working class men and men from working class backgrounds who rightly feel pissed off.

So, its not enough for the Libertine to blow the whistle. We have to do better than that because anyone can blow a whistle. As Libertines we have to understand the problem and solution because of the social harmony goal and how fewer social problems make social harmony more probable. 

So we should blow the whistle and simultaneously have the social engineering and political organization to help every American realize we've been lying to ourselves about how dangerous fossil fuels are. We have been imagining fossil fuels are far safer to use than they really are.

The long term effects of fossil fuels on human DNA are in fact long term so its forgivable up to a point the American medical establishment hasn't already addressed this issue.

For Libertines in congress, if ever there were ex Progressives who became more Libertarian if not also more left-socialist, that means blowing the whistle when you have already solved the problem or worked out a Bill to solve for the problem.

For myself that means I go on tooting on my whistle like I have for half of my life and admittedly only had design engineering and real business plans to help solve for the problem so ruining my quality of life a few years ago and then now suddenly with Verdantronix.

I've been resource poor for a long time after being devastated by organized crime and the complete failure of the US Justice system.

I'll keep on blowing the whistle as I have been but now more people can see we can rebuild our power grid which is the key reform or most important improvement America has to make.

So, I don't fault any Libertine for blowing the whistle when they only realized the great and terrible problem of fascist America but we really have to have answers to the problem too otherwise people merely freak out and become more irrational. 

By the by I am sure both liberals and conservatives can agree on certain things and that to disagree with those certain things is "crazy" and to keep on disagreeing after both liberals and conservatives have explained the science and logic contrary to the "crazy" that argumentation is simply hateful.

Psychiatrists can be exposed and afterwards everything they say will be seen as an act the way Phrenologists were once exposed. There is a great and terrible history of superstition and bad science responsible for a tremendous amount of human suffering and as law enforcement and military organizations exist the Libertine insists they necessarily oppose bad science and superstition-bigotry.

Its like meat grinder or this illustrates what genetic sociopaths with cocaine and money get to do with American people. Really, all psychiatric drugs are so many variations on cocaine as Freud co-invented and experimented with it so as to ply his patients into compliance while being exploited.

Its placebo and drugs to ply human consciousness with. That is not medicine it is Fraud and that old alchemical art Freud developed until it became fascism.

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