Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Progressive Ultraviolence Is Not Non Violence

The Chimpanzee Laureate (imbecile-king) or Joker/Bernie Sanders/Apex Pseudointellectual/Bill Clinton/Barack Obama/Donald Trump

President Bush Jr. was elected to protect the Traitor and War Criminal Vice President Dick Cheney. The office of the US President has been totally denigrated so many years after President Nixon. Bernie Sanders is the exception for would be President and Joker; but still more similar than dissimilar.

This post is to make plain the facts that Progressives are more violent than Republicans. They are in fact the most violent people in the world as certainly as they are the most dishonest and incompetent. 

Progressives promote more rape and domestic violence with their complete and total Fraud that is mental healthcare and are therefore more responsible than any other group in the USA, for violence. They don't deny the statistics. They refuse to accept responsibility for them as they are scientifically incorrect, routinely, and Fraudulent medical doctors every day.

Insanity is Progressive politics. The Joker, or Bernie Sanders, has sold the children of every major US city a lot of psychiatric dope. He has hooked mothers (targeted vulnerable women) and with welfare bait, made them dependent on a welfare system that only promotes violence.

Like Slaves who fought for the confederacy, the Black community in America is waylaid by the maladroit pseudo intellectuals who are Progressives with a God-King in Bernie Sanders.

There are no Progressives in Europe. They don't have a welfare state ridden with child sex abuse, narcotics and murder. America does have a violent welfare state that was entirely designed and to this day is maintained by Progressives. The USA has a rape culture, established by psychiatrists in the USA far more robustly than it was established in socialist Europe.

When Germany unified and East Germany ceased to be, so too did Progressives in Europe. The German state soon exposed the rampant sexual abuse of children psychology has always promoted, promoting it again in their child welfare system and effected a purge of such psychologists, then legalized prostitution.

As Germany did this, Progressive politics was aborted in the European Union. The welfare states they've built are far less notorious and criminal than those built in the US by Progressives who would turn the USA into a Progressive East Germany.

Progressive America is the Fraud that would otherwise be a socialist European healthcare system. Progressive America is the failed America in denial of itself.

It is every American university, court and hospital. It is the wanna be intellectuals who remain flat Earth race believing psychologists their entire lives.

The nation is a shameful disgrace for what Boomers have done to retard actual progress and call that retardation instead real and political progress.

Progressives and all mental health devotees have nothing but contempt for their own Constitution as the fascist political arrangement that was the national security act of 1947 also created a technocracy with powers overreaching the power of the People. The deep state, and being personally associated with people in power is the total corruption that replaced the rule of law immediately after the Second World War was over and America turned itself into the new fascist Axis, with the UK and new colonial-capitalist empire.

Instead of fighting to keep their constitutional Republic, Baby Boomers destroyed the Republic by aligning with foreign ideologies imported from fascist Germany and Communist Russia. Baby Boomers collectively betrayed the Constitution at the behest of their parents a generation of total fascists and war criminals the same as Nazi Germany.

Progressives are the useful idiots of fascism. They are people who truly believe they are living a non violent life because they are too ignorant, their IQ scores are too low, such they do not understand the violence they do themselves nor the violence they collaborate in doing to others vicariously by participating in pop culture as automatons and populists.

When Progressive realize the violence they do to others and how ultra violence is the most terrible violence possible for human beings, they either quit being a Progressive or become a fascist who knowingly lies, purporting themselves and their politics as progress.

I believe Bernie Sanders was given more encouragement than he deserved, to speak in public, growing up. Most mentally retarded boys are given too much encouragement to speak when they ought to have been encouraged to be more humble and quiet.

That encouragement for Bernie to speak was also to dumb-down the people of Vermont and they were. I think the statistics show Vermont is the second most mentally ill state in the country, after Oregon. its certainly a quack's state for all the medical insurance Fraud money Sanders and others procured for their morally bankrupt healthcare system.

Its the same healthcare system built by Democrats. Its the one that pays for years of psychotherapy because it won't pay for testing drinking water for lead and other environmental factors that cause genetic brain disease. Its Bernie as the Joker and the Progressive Suicide Squad with more clout than the more antiquated Justice League of failed or assassinated liberal heroes: JFK, RFK, MLK.

Its almost like each was killed for every K in the Klu Klux Klan now better understood as the Progressive caucus and their neo conservative allies and very real rapist fuck waste serving in the US military: Traitors, fascists, War Criminals.

The French Foreign Legion has more honor and rape less often.

To speak against racism but then promote the belief in different races as Bernie Sanders has always done is evident insanity. It is also evident racism and an IQ apparently too low to realize he is a racist.

If Bernie Sanders was against racism he would be openly post racial and speak for the need of abolishing racist stereotypes because they are all evil, factually untrue and only promote violence.

These morons, I believe, are genetic morons because when they were still developing in the wombs of their mothers those same women were being poisoned by toxic heavy metals and so their unborn children became autistic: a useful idiot for fascism, someone without the capacity for empathy and so no capacity for sentience, someone who is easily mislead and who can't be truly educated, only conditioned like domesticated animals or trained--people with IQ and no EQ.

This is why they speak of justice in public but then fund medical insurance Fraud as if that solves for injustice when it never will nor can. They honestly do not realize they are morons. America, in large part, is full of people like that.

Racism should be fought against, not made peace with. Making peace with racists is how rapists teach their children to be at home same as in society--its to teach moral deceit or amorality, moral relativism. Racists are incapable of being honest and therefore always hostile people.

They are people who are always promoting their religious and psychiatric cult nonsense. They believe they have the right to imprison people based on nothing but total bigotry and hatefulness derived from their incestuous families (perverse notion of authority within a family) and so their collective mental retardation.

They believe they have the right to torture people with their anti-intellectual psychoanalysis.

They should be deemed enemies of the State and exposed as the Baby Boomer generation's Klu Klux Klan, or KKK Next Generation. I'm talking about the Progressives who do more virtue signaling than any other group in politics. The irony shouldn't be lost on any American.

They create poverty and violence with their Fraud. They are guilty of mass murder, mass incarceration, decriminalization of torture and rape and promoting a Slave-labor state.

Baby Boomers are a generation of Nazi bastards and daughters of questionable birth. They are child raping mass murders and drug addicts because they were always also--as a group of people--cowards who refused to kill the Satanic retards among them, instead forming groups to co-exist with and "rationalize/psychoanalyze" evil.

In doing this domestically, they also drove the society violently insane far more than ever before in history and so the military has been exporting violent insanity actually created by false peace preaching autism spectrum inbreds in both the Democratic and Republican parties, or at least one generation and entire time Baby Boomers have also been the established authority in the electorate.

President Reagan's "Southern Strategy" was much the same as the liberal Democrats also sought to decriminalize the rape of children and promote the Fraud that is psychiatry.

Boomers effectively decriminalized incest rape when they abolished insane asylums. Ever since then children who rape their cousins and siblings are usually not institutionalized. Their victims or the entire family becomes institutionalized in the new Progressive mental healthcare establishment which is merely a neo-Nazi cult of autistics.

Washington, Oregon and California are neo-Nazi states passing for liberal states but nothing about them suggests anything other than civilization in decline. The same was true for Nazis as they framed Germany's more inglorious period in history as the zenith or acme of civilization in Germany.

With sophistry and Fabian socialism (propaganda about being the least violent and most righteous while actually being the most diabolical and violent) the neo-Nazis on the West Coast false report the same narrative by cult media conjunct medical insurance Fraud and institutional racism.

America is an evil country because Nazism wasn't criminalized. It became protected speech as protected by the Supreme Court in their Nazis vs. Skokie County NY decision and it became the state religion with psychiatry in the 1960s as Baby Boomers proved to be a generation of mentally retarded, fundamentally evil people because of the pollution and narcotics they were treated by.

That Supreme Court ruling like so many others is irrefutable evidence the US Judiciary is as worthless as garbage and a fascist cult-religion without any legitimacy as follows from the Constitution. Its Jurisprudence has always been more of a breech of the Constitution for how the Constitution has been interpreted by the inbred moral degenerates who made their fortunes on genocide and slavery in the Americas.

If terrorists ever attack the USA again, they would benefit all of humanity if they killed everyone on the Supreme Court of the United States of America to make a more righteous point and protest against international fascism.

Such an attack upon the complete mockery of justice that is the American Judiciary informed by psychics and mentally retarded experts, licensed psychiatrists would be tantamount to an attack on the Klu Klux Klan--incest-rape spawn or otherwise genetically incompetent jury system.

Baby Boomers will never become psychological adults. Their entire lives were a collective effort to rob humanity of it's capacity for empathy, its capacity to be more than amoral beasts. Autism rates are much higher among Baby Boomers than any other group and this too has been intentionally hidden by psychiatry, which is religious Fraud, defrauding science.

The pollution after WWII and when far more lead was in gasoline than today, necessarily means Boomers were more mentally retarded than mentally ill and yet because of their numbers Fraud was adopted for law so they could save face.

The vast majority of Baby Boomers, because of their collective autism, care more about their psychological egos than they care about the actual lives of their own offspring and what prosperity they might have beyond dependency upon Boomers and their Fraudulent schemes.

There is absolutely a fascist conspiracy in the USA. Fascism always and necessarily operates in a democracy as conspiracy. Fascist organization is the celebration of conspiracy and derives confidence from what it believes is occult of privileged information. Many organizations in the USA operate to merge corporate and government authority so the literal definition for fascism applies more to the US than any other nation, clearly.

That organization is actually the Progressive caucus in the Democratic Party when it isn't the psychiatric-autistic nor neo-conservatives in the Republican Party.

They are complete and total Frauds, criminal Frauds. They are ultra violent people without the capacity for morality and celebrate autism, their genetic sociopathy, as a gift and privilege to mislead others and so undermine the health and happiness of all people including their incompetent selves because in their two dimensional world view they have perception of quantity without comprehension for quality. 

Such is the plight of all autistics unless they can put their autism into remission.

Progressives decriminalize the narratives of factual criminals and so mislead the Courts such the society becomes ruled by criminals: autistic, retarded-imbeciles who never participate in reality a single day in their very real lives and yet are looked to by the courts, adults and parents as experts because they passed several standardized tests in a subject without academic legitimacy: psychology.

Mental retardation is not a joke as the mentally retarded often joke about it and call people who are not mentally retarded retards as if the term was merely an insult or matter of opinion.

Like the Joker, who is the epitome of a mentally retarded genius (sociopath madman), Progressives make fun of others with their own gang language. Psychoanalysis is a Fraudulent language spoken by Progressives. All their terms are pejorative and hateful, anti-intellectual and factually untrue diagnosis; yet they constantly approve such language.

Its is shamanism want to pass for medical science. It is occultism and Progressives are the born again Nazis more so than the far fewer white supremacists who have organized into gangs. Progressive fascism is far more dangerous to Americans than more of the same gangsterism from conservatives.

That type of gun violence only produces several hundred deaths a year. Psychiatric violence and medical malpractice produces tens of thousands of deaths and acts of terrible violence every year. The psychiatric violence is also the prime mover and cause for most of the regular racist and gang violence.

The Courts are convinced as they were in the times of the Salem witch trials and again because the majority Protestant community is more attention focused on raping their own children (by relation or youth in the community) and then calling them schizophrenic or mentally ill to avoid criminal prosecution. If they aren't focused on raping their own children they are still primarily focused on exploiting them for what they can, economically speaking, more than they are for caring for their health and well being. This is without a doubt evidenced by the history and government of Baby Boomer Americans.

That perfectly describes the sexual revolution of the 1960s. It was the sexual revolution of the Klu Klux Klan. It was a rape fest with psychological warfare to call a narcotics and psychedelic abuse of minors for the sake of their sexual exploitation, a love movement. The 1960 was a dark age when America first realized it had adopted fascism in 1947 not realizing it at that time and sat by like Pavlovian dogs without honor nor any connection to God, more beast than human, more capitalist than moral. 

It was the same false peace movement Hitler and the Nazis perpetuated, only this the second time and with greater patience than the first attempt in Europe, on part of American fascists who organized both US political parties within a Baby Boomer establishment. 

Whereas the Catholics are notorious for raping children, they at least admit child rape is wrong whereas Protestantism totally condones it as a forgivable Sin and therefore not something to criminalize. That has always, without exception, been the Protestant attitude towards rape and especially child rape in the USA. They are an abhorrent, I think Godless, people.

Those same Protestants, realizing the extent of their church authority exists only in insane populations, became Progressive fascism-politics to spread the purposefully false and criminally Fraudulent practice of psychiatry to then monopolize the authority of the Courts. They were successful and undermined the courts totally shortly after 1947. Congress and the White House were the first branches to fail and adopt a fascist deep state the Judiciary would eventually come to embody as a new state religion no doubt the most hated court in the world, hated by God, those people who serve US courts presently.

As the Courts turned over the authority to judge competence to psychologists, those judges then became subject to the judgment of psychologists themselves. In trying to get out of their responsibility to the court, many Judges simply outsource the work to psychologists so judges don't have to talk to witnesses in chambers to determine their competence. 

When they outsourced that authority, the Courts lost their real authority and since I think 1947 the USA has been a failed state, without legitimate and constitutional authority. Honestly, the Libertine understanding of the US Constitution and law is such many Americans must be put to death for the high crime of Treason or the USA will be named the Axis power and the World Allies will destroy it entirely in a nuclear war or World War III.

The Libertine understanding is the Republic failed and only a counter insurgency, albeit much belated, could restore the Republic. That would necessarily be violent and especially violent towards psychiatrists and those in the Judiciary. There would have to be what Jefferson referred to as the watering of the tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots.

It is also true for the USA to continue to perpetuate fascist government policies is for it to continue to put large targets upon itself, calling for violent attack, such as with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Such attacks remain morally justified after so many civilian casualties caused by American military action to protect fascist and criminal financial interests of KKK members, the fuck waste that continues to promote the medical insurance Fraud that is psychiatry and gross fossil fuel pollution that causes so much genetic brain disease.

Because of the facts as understood scientifically and not disputed historical facts, the moral calculous of most world religions want to understand the difference between good and evil nations is the USA is a nation of great evil. 

Americans refuse to punish their many wicked people because some have organized in Klu Klux Klan militias to take over towns and once those towns are taken over they adopt a new town religion of "mental healthcare" where these same Progressive and autism spectrum moral degenerates then rule as a master race in a fascist autocracy. Fascists have hard and soft power but its never informed by knowledge beyond the guile of liars and moral degenerates.

Americans are mostly cowards who are cowardly before militias and even more cowardly before psychologists. In these ways, Americans qualify as the most cowardly people in the world if not also the most godless people since pagan Rome--if the truth be told instead of Americans polled for their opinion.

That is what the West Coast of the United States became after the Baby Boom of lead-in-their-mother's-wombs became the dominant population.

The bargain the USA made to win WWII did nothing for Generation X and later generations. The Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers are the Frauds and Whores of world history. They did not stop fascism they adopted it. They did not promote a civilization they promoted a race to the bottom of civility, people understood like animals by psychiatrists.

The Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers enslaved all future generations and adopted fascism themselves to defeat Hitler in WWII and to secure all the wealth fascists confiscated in the process. Boomers were second rate fascists born more to secure the wealth of their parents than build a better future for their own children.

They betrayed their most valuable ally in WWII, the Soviet Union, in a naked display of power,  like a friend who turned out to be a rapist, false friend the same as America usually was towards the Native Americans and first allies.

They are the fuck waste people in history, the same as the Nazis and Hitler. If history is 20/20 hindsight than Hitler and fascist Germany was only trying to be more American than the Americans. Nazi death camps weren't far removed from voluntary industrial villages built by American capitalists.

They, Nazis and Neo Nazis in the USA, only have moral relativism and a false God in their more Cain the murderous brother of Abel whom they worship as Jesus: autism the mark of Cain and understood by anti-christ followers as the mark of the beast anti-Christ in the USA. They celebrate it and themselves, each other.

Everything about America is fucked. It is easily the most overrated country in world history. It is a horrible country to live in because the majority of people are simply evil and retarded so can't do good.

This will never be a good country for human beings and always the international dumping grounds for mentally retarded people who only in America, can and do rule. What was done to the Native Americas was this horrible. They were almost destroyed by all the retards from around the world coming in like sleepwalkers thinking they were gods among slaves.

If America should ever become a continent for civilized and decent people, it won't occur until much bloodshed and military violence would establish a legitimate authority to overrule the established fascist insurgency as it has perpetuated itself since 1947.

Americans will always be a mean spirited and rather stupid people who for a brief period in time had way more money than they actually deserved, won through Fraud and theft after WWII. Despite all the theft, they still didn't manage to get Hitler's stolen gold the Swiss still bank on. They declared Wars and refused to make peace with North Korea, provoke war with Iran and others but won't do anything to get the stolen Nazi wealth returned to pay for all the damages.

The American sympathy towards fascism and Nazis is well documented.

The last 60 years are proof Americans are mentally retarded, mostly. They are cowardly and stupid people because they are horribly abused by Progressives from childhood and throughout their lives--the same autism spectrum pathological liars with rape cults for churches, witch trials for courts with inbred Judges.

American women, especially, are insane. They are paraded around, usually by men, as paragons of virtue and they give speeches about advancing the rights of women while at the same time they never get equal pay for equal work and at least 1 in 3 are raped and when they are their rapists are only punished 1% of the time. 

So, American women are truly insane more so than women from other countries. This too is the fault of Progressives who target women and exploit them for their children and economic vulnerabilities.

I'm sure Giselle Maxwell, Jeffery Epstein's child rapist wife-whore called herself Progressive and probably still does. What reasons could she possibly have to excuse her behavior except for psychiatric excuses most of which are only disparaging remarks about her former victims in that evolving language and religion for the autistic and maladroit: psychiatry.

Since Sigmund Freud, autistic white people have been raping children and calling them crazy because they consented to prostitution as minors. That is all psychology and psychiatry will ever be. American courts are people who deserve to hang until they are dead and carrion pick their bones in the public square to settle the question on the illegitimacy and Treason that is psychiatry.

It is stupid and like astrology, absolute imbeciles swear it is science and fact. It is far worse than astrology because of how its used and plied as a trade by rapists and rapist sympathizers who are most if not every psychologist.

Progressives also foment racial violence as they seek to redistribute wealth by government action, predicated on racist Fraud. 

Whereas everyone who suffered from Slavery should be compensated, Progressives and the majority of other Americans keep on insisting a continuation of Slavery by mass incarceration. The Baby Boomers exposed themselves and their entire generation as Neo Nazi fuck waste people from the most insane, violent and evil nation on Earth when they adopted mass incarceration.

North Korea doesn't practice mass incarceration because its obviously something only a Nazi-fascist government would practice. Americans, most of them, are too stupid to realize their own government is obviously more evil, sadistic and cruel than the government of North Korea.

Prisoners in the USA are effectively slaves as are undocumented workers numbering no less than 10 million people at any time in the USA in addition to the millions who are incarcerated and often unjustly. 

Those who deserve incarceration are almost always excused from jail and prison by mental health insurance Fraud. Our courts are simply about how much money is spent by whichever side in any litigation. 

Mental healthcare exists to pad legal briefs to so win litigation by weight of argument regardless of it's real value or merit. 

Our Judges in America should truly be executed by the US military for gross and obvious Treason, the complete bullshit and demonstrative mental retardation that is the majority of the jurisprudence in America for evidence: they are Traitors. That might be something more imaginable for North Korea, but would factually be anti-fascist, righteous and just.

The Constitution was written and then the Court was established to be a branch of government to override the Constitution as it can be interpreted by the mentally retarded smart enough to establish a quorum. As the courts have falsely and wrongly (intentionally and unintentionally) interpret the Constitution they have proven the Court is a Treasonous branch of psychiatric trash: the incompetent presiding over the incompetent and enslaved/tortured.

I'm convinced someone must truly be a moron to love the USA for what it is. Its totally understandable to love America for what it says it is about. But it is impossible to love America for what it truly is, which is absolutely nothing like the noble government outlined in the Constitution and this is evident and undeniable as the courts and their jurisprudence. 

Courts saying Slavery is legal, genocide against Native Americans is legal, incest is legal, rape and especially child rape are not crimes but mental health or medical issues. Its all so totally disgusting. One truly has to be a moral degenerate or mentally retarded to love the USA for what it is in the real world, in light of US courts.

The USA is a failed Republic. America is a good idea that never truly got off the ground because its never had a population which could, as a majority within the population and people unified and together as their own mutually exclusive civilization, has always been undermined by factional political schemes, Fraud and Treason.

Its a failed Republic and fascist autocracy, or plutocracy of the autistic.

A free country with slavery is another way to describe America. America is a contradiction of terms or a twilight zone, a nation for the insane.

America and Progressives really are all about Fraud. Dumb people are prey to them. Children are prey to them. The truth about important things like racism and genetic brain disease are purposefully prevented from becoming generally understood information.

For more than 200 years, moral degenerates from incestuous and criminal families have thwarted justice and civilization from ever taking root in the USA. Most Americans have no sincere interest to have an identity beyond colonizers who systematically murdered, raped, imprisoned, tortured and enslaved a permanent underclass of people so people in the autism spectrum could remain class of sociopath overlords and race believers.

They are evil people with a propaganda machine saying they are good people. That is all America can ever be as they refuse to participate in reality or can't. The only possible exception would be violent revolution supported by the majority of Americans and that is improbable if not an impossible future.

In time, the moral degenerate population (people with real genetic brain disease misdiagnosed by the medical malpractice that is psychology) they will become such a problem other human beings will no longer see Progressives as human beings. They will see autism as not merely a genetic brain disease, but as a spiritual evil and effect a holocaust of autistic people much the same as the Jews were exterminated in Germany.

The vanity of Progressives so so great they won't yield their ill gotten political clout even when they realize the inevitable consequences of their policies is an even greater violence than the every day violence we already see in America.

If not this, then the current autistic establishment will continue to perpetuate mass murder and mass incarceration through their Progressive cult of Frauds and child rapists. 

Protestants should be ashamed. Being a Protestant should be a phase in life or only for people who have committed a great and terrible sin and have faith they'll continue to be great sinners their entire lives. 

If a Protestant isn't ashamed, they should be seen as potentially violent as they are absolutely insane given their amoral, anti-responsibility, religion. They don't believe they should feel guilt for their Sins because of a make believe a Jesus that is really their genetic autism or mark of Cain. Without a doubt this is my experience with American Protestants and I'm sure an objective description of their wretched culture.

That is how Protestantism played out in America much the same as it did in Europe. Its dying out in Europe now, after WWII proved most of the Nazis were Protestants except for the British who have always been tyrannical and rather autistic people, moral relativists.

There was not shortage of Nazi sympathizing Protestants in America, before and during the Second World War. The Catholics never apologized or never made memorable apology for their complicity in the holocaust nor did they point out how Protestants had no known public objections to fascism, only objections to Communism, much like Catholics.

Evangelical Christianity covered up the Nazi elements of Protestantism (the incest and rape culture that thrives in Texas today same as race belief and race preaching remains), in America.

As a Libertine, I believe tens of thousands of Texans ought to be put to death for being Traitors and enemy combatants, serial rapists from churches of men who are all serial rapists of children, usually they are also related to their victims and so defacto members of the Klu Klux Klan.

I believe the monopoly on violence that is any legitimate state must be used on US courts and against US citizens who are effectively members of the Klu Klux Klan for their very real Treason and subversion of the rule of law by their not so secret society and transparent Progressive political organization.

For the state to refuse to exercise its monopoly on violence against Traitors, the state signals to all sentient human beings around the world it is a failed state, a mob or cult organization pretending to be more and a civilization, legitimate nation.

People like David Koresh should be killed in a purge of all adults who are organizing to abuse children as their religious right or due to psychiatric excuses saying the abuse isn't happening.

However many by the tens of thousands Americans like them throughout the USA should be put to death in a second Civil War if a less violent persecution of Traitors isn't possible, because their terrorist insurgency is real.

The terrorist insurgency of Muslims was a lie. The greater villain is still the USA regarding crimes done to humanity before and after 9/11. 9/11 was an event spoken to by the Project For A New American Century. It was manufactured terrorism as so much state sponsored CIA terrorism necessarily begets foreign terrorism.

Still, the cowardice of conservatives is absolute. Never has a more pro child rape and pro incest Christian community existed before as it exists today in America and especially Texas.

Those poor children, incest and rape litter, who are tortured and turned into monsters all because of the godless Protestant autistic people who should have been abortions also casting Votes in Texas. They love the rapists more than God and the good sense he gave to some men, I'm convinced.

What a truly economically worthless group of people Americans have been over the last several decades. They built an economy to most reward the least productive and least moral people as if making their country fundamentally weaker by destroying the middle class made sense because dumber also means tougher and so more able to "crush" communism.

Progressives are always taking a cut from charity. They unlawfully tax it or see it as their due for collection and regulation of--non Progressives excluded. They think the welfare state necessarily exists for them and they use it to recreate the inbred autocracy America was originally a revolution against.

They are so disgusting I realized I was Jewish. I can honestly say Progressives and Protestants informed me in such a way to better understand God and science to find peace with myself having to share a society with them, I was compelled to convert to Judaism. 

Their faith is alien and I honestly believe it lacks humanity. I tried seeing things their way for several years because I'm naturally liberal with both intelligence and empathy. Now I understand they are simply fascists and really don't have the intelligence be it IQ or EQ to realize they are morons who shouldn't even want to represent themselves with a Vote given the evident fascist political arrangements and total ruination of the Republic caused by their politics.

I think most Germans who voted Nazi prior to the USA entering the war were merely being populists, going along with what they believed most people believed in based on the propaganda they mistook for journalism.

Before the US entered the War, most Germans probably believed Americans were on their side for all the obvious racism and mass murder perpetuated by Americans and celebrated in their Hollywood entertainment as so many Western films.

I know there are many autism spectrum Jews in the USA but they are almost all Reform movement Jews from what I've seen so in no way the authority within the religion, merely a populist sentiment more geographically isolated to New York and unlikely to be popular for long outside that region.

They may be the authority within the Reform movement and if not the sole authority still a real and strong voice within that community within America--to make the point not all Progressives are atheists and Protestants.

Its easy enough steering away from Reform Jews and thankfully they are more openly fascist-psychiatric than Progressive Christians so easier to keep away from albeit they hold everyone's social security money hostage---I think that is fair to say but admittedly can't prove and I don't mean Reform Jews I mean Progressives in general, most of whom are atheists and Christians.

I think Social Security is moral bankruptcy for an actual financial product. Nothing about it is honorable. Social Security is the fascist, crime family America, of the Greatest Generation and their Baby Boomer kids.

I have no respect for the Social Security program because all future generations are damned to debt slavery or Hell and WWIII so the Boomers and their parents could live like fat cats on stolen property, stolen credit.

Truly, I have never been godless and cowardly like most Americans who I usually have seen behaving like godless cowards. I am honestly saying this despite my wish it weren't true. I always try to find the good in people and it took me years to learn I was doing that to a fault and Americans really are a mostly ignorant, hateful, petty and cruel people.

I got over my delusional and Christian worldview and found peace with Spinoza and his understanding of Judaism. I mention this only because its exactly why I can survive, mentally and as a rational person, in a society of religiously insane and morally incompetent people.

I've been to courts and since childhood have seen how retards (people without empathy) who do sex abuse are celebrated by the human garbage that is the Baby Boomer generation, most of them. The USA and the people who pass for professors at universities, lawyers, doctors, even Presidents of the country are unimpressive people. They are people of low quality and it has to also be genetic and more precisely neurological.

I've had to accept I live in a society built to celebrate losers as equals to winners. Its always celebrated people who cheat to win and so celebrated losers as winners that way before it began to celebrate them and the speech of genetic sociopaths.

I had to overcome my own fear and accept my society and American society is a society that celebrates mediocrity and has a popular culture more like a sick and twisted religious cult the same as culture was corrupted and perverted with disinformation in Hitler's Germany or when Americans routinely murdered Native Americans to stake their own property claims.

Most Americans are godless fuck waste who prefer the rape culture that is America, with its slavery and heinous prison system run by inbred, retarded Satanist-Christian judges with the odd Jewish reprobate thrown in to also wear the trash bag-robe of dishonor common among those in the Judiciary.

Such people will say, never to my face because they know they could and I'd calmly explain to them the scientific facts they have to agree with, they celebrate the New Nazi Empire or Klu Klux Klan. 

Progressives can't deny it in person, when the facts are presented. They run from the facts and its best not to give chase on the rare chance they might actually think about the facts instead of plod on with their populist clique of vapid dancers, fools.

Progressives do exactly that with the same cult-think/clique think/group think, using the same vulnerable and exploited people as minion-voters so turning society against itself and most everyone working against their own self interest.

America, that is what you are with Progressives like ring worms, corrupting what would otherwise be the moral fiber of the nation with their quackology and dope.

I hope to move to a more civilized civilization one day only because moral cowardice truly defines the 99% in America. I used to enjoy being social because I knew finding quality people wasn't easy nor that common.

If only the 1% were as brave as they were rich; but sadly they are not and the money and masses are agreed to be degenerate and call itself America.

I won't be surprised if I have to go to another country to build my own equipment and so use it myself as America is full of fuck waste, mental retards with money from generations of rape and incest--that for family history for far more families than Americans would realize from their failed journalists.

It has the same people for most lawyers and doctors, professors. To be a Libertine in the USA is to often be disgusted as all the social classes share the same majority of genetic imbeciles.

Most everyone in America has only wanted to rob or psychologically shake down or otherwise externalize their costs and damages onto me as if it were natural because they are fuck waste and should have been an abortion whereas I'm apparently more able.

At the core of athletics in America are the professional team sports and more than anything they quality a celebration of mediocrity: people who never mature beyond adolescence, never gain wisdom.

Being a Libertine is to have a similar experience: because you are smart and wise the less intelligent and wise team up against you as if your virtue was the problem and autism something to celebrate. Society seems like a team sport of morons bent on disinformation while simultaneously desperate for real intelligence.

It is very much to be Able in that parable, to be left libertarian throughout one's life or for as much of one's life as they might be the most literate of political people. If being able was not satisfying in and of itself, life would have no value for Libertines in the USA because everything about their life experience is to be exploited by imbeciles.

I'm sure Americans love retards instead of hate them. I hate moral retards--people who can't know the difference between right and wrong--and so must always manage very real negative emotions because some people choose to be Nazis, fascists as if being mentally retarded wasn't taxing enough.

Libertines, and this was touched on in the literature of the Marquis de Sade, are mischaracterized as abusive because they would violent discipline moral degenerates, imbeciles and servants who wish they could have slaves for themselves or by reverse psychology make their employer their servant and that the cause for many immoral women giving birth to children in America.

Retards are evil because they murder, rape and steal. This is not to say the mentally retarded are guilty of these crimes because of their DNA. It is to say they no doubt will commit these crimes or are more likely to as they are more likely to be mislead and self deceive.

Less violent retards, typically females who are not sentient even as adults, apologize for more violent retards even when they are abused by them because being retards they don't know the difference between themselves and each other.

Unlike Slavery, mental retardation is a natural condition and only to the extent of irresponsible government do human beings cause children to also be mentally retarded by genetic brain disease. The US government second only to Nazi Germany, promotes the genetic mental retardation of children by gross industrial pollution.

Still, the less violent and maladroit cry as if they are being treated as slaves because they need and cannot survive without welfare. The comparison is not rational and yet Progressives in US government get funding to help the poor only to set up slush funds and rackets for welfare programs.

I really won't be surprised if Americans get themselves and everyone killed in WWIII and all because the retard lovers (people who prefer to have sex partners with genetically brain diseased people, or people who lack dignity/moral objectivity) refuse to be rational and instead built a Satanic-Christian cult of incest rapists who reorganized the Klu Klux Klan into the actual Judiciary and third branch of the Federal government.

That is what passes for Christianity every Christmas in the USA. This is the Libertine opinion on American holidays too, as they approach. It is the Fraud of goodwill. It is commercial Fraud and the intentional confusion of ethics, morality that is the Fraud's ambition.

Everyone well intended is Satanically fucked off, again by the Progressives even more than Protestants who do everything they can to make life miserable for future generations in America. Their psychobabble church is too powerless to confront psychobabble science. Mental healthcare is not science but the church doesn't care about science so won't point out the Fraud that is psychiatry for being Fraudulent science.

This is the zero quality moral leadership people find in Christian communities, in America.

These are moron fucks, people who probably should be slaves because when they are given freedom they immediately turn it over to someone else to tell them what to do be that their minister or therapist.

What I'm describing actually produces, is the cause, for the gross violence in America. Morons, and the celebration of genetic morons (the sexualization of genetic morons), is the cause for gross violence in the USA.

If violence begets violence then insanity probably gave birth to it originally is my Libertine thinking. America is the insane female who gives birth to violently insane men.

As the mother's womb is polluted with toxic heavy metal so too is her brain. The child is autistic but the mother if not autistic is derailed, mentally, from the same toxic heavy metal poisoning of her womb as in her brain.

Autistic feminism is the same Nazi feminism as many women celebrated Hitler in Germany. Autistic women demanding more authority in society is merely fascism the same as if an autistic men were throwing the tantrum. The end result is the same, more fascism, more injustice, more violence.

Sarah Silverman, for reasons I don't think she understood herself, celebrates Bernie Sanders despite he being a proven moron for over sixty years. Its a celebration of stupid as can occur in any community, including the Jewish community. She isn't alone.

Its almost as if she put her faith in God or her understanding of justice as something she could give over to Bernie. I don't mean to diminish Silverman who clearly isn't vapid like many others who work in network television, but I really think she went way more with her gut feelings than what reasons she could have had to believe in magical mental healthcare bullets or whatever Bernie's specialty is.

Earl Blumenauer is nearly as old as Bernie Sanders and Earl made public statements about being post racial, himself. So, he is proof not all Baby Boomers are idiots. When you look at all the people in Congress, Earl is one of few--the only example I know of--of an outspoken post racial person.

He more deserved her, Silverman's, support but Oregon is far removed from New York and Bernie Sanders is louder.

The failure of Democrats is not because Democrats are too elitist its they are not elitist enough. The horde of flat Earth believing Democrats needs the post racial information the learned and elite have.

With Sanders, its about populism more than it is about justice and I think Silverman mistakes that as an elitist problem. Its really more a problem manufactured by autism spectrum imbeciles, or would be populist autistics.

Race is proven to cause all sorts of terrible societal problems and science proves it only exists as a delusion, a mistaken belief like flat Earth theory, and still Bernie Sanders hasn't made this "personal" discovery such the facts would inform his politics and he'd be outspoken and post racial.

If a person can't figure out why they should be post racial when they are in their 70s, they are probably always going to be a racist, race believing because they are mentally retarded to trust their feelings more than their senses.

By mobilizing a population to organize for greater racial justice without also simultaneously advancing the cause of post racial society only and always foments racial violence. It causes more race inspired murders and rapes. That is all it does. In so doing, Progressives are moral degenerates preventing greater justice in society so autism spectrum individuals can grand stand and virtue signal like Hitler once made the same game with the press in Germany--fomenting racial justice-violence.

It is the Libertine position to help shepherd Bernie Sanders into retirement by politely pointing out his incompetence and moral hypocrisy without lending confidence to more conservative authoritarians--as Progressives are liberal authoritarians.

Baby Boomers proved to be morons for super heroes and villains, more super in their minds than they were in history. In history they are the abomination of civility and corruption of justice. They are Vietnam-Afghanistan. They are an empire of rapists and whores, to be blunt, and nothing to be proud of.

As a Libertine I'm ashamed of my country, the USA.

I can't prove it, but I strongly suspect most Gen X and younger generations have a greater than 60% shame to pride ratio for the USA because of the deplorable-degenerate mentality of the vast majority of Baby Boomers.

Maybe the opinion of the USA is more favorable than I've understood it but I've associated with many people from different walks of life and I think 60% unfavorable opinion of the USA for people under the age of 50 is being generous. It could be as high as 80%.

Ideally Senator Merkley will become an outspoken Ex-Progressive and yet post racial like Blumenauer so at least Oregon might better survive instead of become a new East Germany and welfare state run by psychiatrists.

Congress needs an Ex-Progressive. I say this as an ex-progressive myself. I will add I want to leave the USA so would never run for public office here in America. I want to help Americans learn to be human beings instead of continue on as the born again Nazi animals they most certainly are today.

The majority of Americans are only well intended insomuch they are sociopaths. They aren't well intended like I am, with moral objectivity.

Merkley ought to learn from the mistakes and successes of others, is my and left-libertarian thinking. Someone in Congress ought to figure out what I've figured out about Progressives and not because they want to give conservatives more power but rather give real liberals and themselves more power.

People ought consider knowing the difference between right and wrong as the highest priority if they are at all responsible people: free agents. He or someone in Congress should figure this out as I have and then become the new lion of the Senate or House as in people both liberals and conservatives come to because Libertines are the most literate.

My idea of lions in the Senate is of Senators who are more literate than they are political, more factually correct than opinionated.

Otherwise, the Senate will continue to be a playground for the maladroit sycophants of Merkley's generation.

As an Oregonian, Merkley is the most likely to become post progressive or ex-progressive. Wyden and even Blumenauer are too beholding to medical insurance Frauds, psychologists and psychiatrists to be totally honest. Like most Reform Jews, they sold out the better part of their faith to psychiatric dope dealers.

Their success has more to do with that pact with Frauds than the true nobility of post racial activism which is something I'll always sincerely appreciate about Blumenauer.

With Blumenauer its a tough call or he represents the best fascists, or least fascist of the fascist Progressives. Its possible his post racial mentality will come into conflict with his otherwise Progressive politics and he'll then overcome the Progressive delusion as I did, but unlike me he is dependent and beholding to medical insurance Frauds: psychologists and psychiatrists.

There are certainly more of them than people who identify as Libertines.

Merkley, however, is better situated to look at the big picture with his assignment to pay attention to the economy. The economy is perhaps the biggest picture a person might realistically grapple with. In so grappling with the many economic issues and crisis he might gain a post racial humanism which gives him the confidence to witness psychiatry is totally fascist, anti-intellectual, medical insurance Fraud. 

I do what I can to point out to him how insane psychiatrists are and how the pharmaceutical industry is fleecing the American people and is more an aspect of a fascist deep state than it is a legitimate pharmaceutical industry.

This has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt by the COVID crisis.  

Senator Paul has less potential than Merkley to speak sensibly in that body of congress. The partisan insanity of the Boomers turned Congress into a mad house more than a branch of government. The partisan insanity ought to be considered enemy propaganda or more dangerous to the rule of law than foreign spies; but the vast majority take it to heart, gobble up the propaganda and dope.

I'm limited to Oregon for the extent of my interaction with the Federal government. I do what I can to mitigate the damages Progressives most certainly do to my own state, with their cult populist politics I also call neo Nazi liberalism.

Merkley should learn from the mistakes of Sanders after agreeing with Sanders on things like helping the poor and building a noble civilization. OK, yea, Sanders is really good about talking about a noble civilization but beyond that he has shit for brains, probably genetic autism. He can't see the forest through the trees.

Its not enough to be well intended, get money, and then give it to Frauds to manage. Bernie Sanders and Progressives are the Bernie Madoff and scam artists in government. Its 2021 and Americans still haven't realized race is only a concept like the concept of a flat Earth.

Its 2021 and most Americans are dumb like flat Earth believers, at least 1/3rd of their daughters get raped and there are tens of millions of people living like slaves in plain sight for all to see, even with media exposure and still America's universities are staffed by autism spectrum fuck waste who refuse--staunchly refuse--to give up their criminal misinformation, disinformation and propaganda schemes.

This is because mostly morons have been talking about racism in the USA.

US universities continue to harbor fascists posing as liberals and that is all academia is in America beyond so many brothels designed for people in the autism spectrum. For schools for younger children, they are full of rape and murder, even mass murder and serial rapists. All of this is the fact because Americans refuse to come to their senses, sober up, and realize the mentally retarded are not equals and their Votes should never be counted as a free person when they are Wards and dependents.

Progressives wish to be Wards and free people at the same time. They are irrational people or otherwise the autism spectrum super soldier and/or useful idiot first manufactured in Hitler's Germany.

Progressive education is truly a nightmare come to life, brought to life by Baby Boomer Progressives who should have never been employed by US Education nor psychiatrists issued medical degrees by US medical schools.

Baby Boomer Progressives are the litter-offspring of the Klu Klux Klan, history has proven. Theodore Roosevelt was a brutal man who insisted he was civilized because he was more brutal than the people he called brutal. FDR sexually exploited his younger cousin and in all probability was a serial rapist, incest-rapist, his entire life. That Roosevelt family vanished from American politics but became the many faces in the now Progressive caucus.

America has become a nation of racists protesting the racism of others while preaching their own racism as Constitutionally protected speech. Its also about false reporting racism and refusing to be post racial to advance the cause of justice for everyone.

They, Progressives and genetic sociopaths, only want to racketeer any system as they always have in the USA by confederacy of criminal families made rich by the cowardly masses of retarded and half retarded people who claim a religion which maintains they are beyond good and evil with Jesus, Nietzsche, Freud and Adolph Hitler.

This insanity is what Libertines have to contend with. It was never my goal to realize the profound ignorance of the masses and this will forever be the greatest disappointment a Libertine is likely to have. Still, contend with the insane I must. In politics, the Libertine best deals with insanity because they are the most literate people.

A new power grid which doesn't cause so much genetic mental retardation and so much violence and especially sexual violence, is what every American should demand, feel a profound need for and want even more than more new space ships, such as those which more compare to Star Trek and the Enterprise than Flash Gordon's Space X type rockets.

The rocket style starships are lame compared to nuclear and/or fusion engine starships. Still, before America gets farther along in the Space Race it is factually obligated to extract it's brain from it's asshole and undo the fascist reorganization of the USA done in 1947 by the Marshall Plan less the entire country and all the more than 300 million people are destroyed in WWIII for being fascist fuck waste who deserve only death for their gross and terrible crimes against humanity.

Given hypersonic platforms and the industrial supremacy of China, the US military and all of it's air and space defenses cannot hope to be victorious if and when they are named the Axis and attacked by the the New Allies, the EU, Russian Federation and People's Republic of China.

China's Republic, although Communist, is at least legitimate. The State is the real or transparent state. In the USA the Republic failed and a deep state was established in 1947 with the Judiciary then more a religious order or new church of state with psychiatric anti-science and psychiatrists to distribute race privileges and other inbred fantasies as facts of law.

That is the future Boomers have built for America: death and destruction in WWIII after two generations of born again fascism celebrated by Klu Klux Klan families and those other famlies too cowardly to rise up and kill the KKK families. 

These are quite possibly the last 10 years of the USA being a solvent nation as the American culture continues to prove to be a mere hurrah for rape culture. WWII was the beginning of the end for the USA and 9/11 only reminded the world of this apparent fact. The victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan settled this question beyond all rational doubt.

America is the world sicko-freak. America is the greatest troublemaker and its because the American people are mostly stupid and mean and so have built themselves into the new Axis power want for super power they'll never honestly achieve.

The liberal who framed only conservatives lunatics, is maybe pointing out how the liberals on the court are more seriously autistic-incompetent, or the fools who take themselves more seriously than they consider the facts and opinions of others for no reason other than their "liberal" bigotry or autistic want to frame others mad.

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