Friday, December 10, 2021

Political Flanking

Flanking is a military term usually associated with cavalry but in all cases a practiced maneuver of soldiers to attack the left or right most group of any larger group calling itself an army.

Flanking can be done in politics too. For left-libertarians in the USA, flanking is attacking the far left and far right authoritarians. Its not a military maneuver as it is political instead and yet I choose the American Mountain Lion as the totem for Libertines, or mascot, because in nature its always flanking for food--so important to survival for this cat is it's capacity to flank as a hunter.

Libertines, being perhaps the least common type of American if one understands Americans as mostly conservatives, then moderates with most of the extreme liberals actually and also being authoritarians as they promote the fascist propaganda of mental health and having people in the autism spectrum judge people based on racial attributes.....

So it is the Libertine has to flank the Progressive-Psychiatrics and the Klu Klux Klan which is mostly Protestant WASP USA, the child rapists of all time or at least since ancient Rome the worst group of people for how they treat children and people of color as chattel under their authority.

I have such contempt for experience but expect other left-libertarians, I hope, have had better experiences with Protestants than I have but in the USA its really clear their religion excuses all their terrorism and crimes against humanity while they bitch and moan about others so they might then excuse murder, rape and theft.

The real far right conservatives in the USA are KKK and I go so far as to say they are a breed of autistic, self aggrandizing autistics, who wantonly promote rape for the culture and Treason for their law. This they promote at their so called Christian churches.

On the far left you have conservatives calling themselves liberals but as they are also authoritarians they aren't at all liberal. They too, these psychiatrics, like their KKK more conservative counter part bigots are the most antagonistic forces a Libertine has to survive and hopefully bring both to and under heel as civilization might afford such force to make it so.

To be political active as a Libertine, it is wise to often remember the American mountain lion and that to survive there must be at least and best, political flanking.

To beat both flanks is to divide a force against itself as it then rushes it's center--the center by nature is supposed to push its flanks, not be pushed by them. Its the political center that must be controlled for any faction to then advance their ideology and so covert others from other factions so gain in political power.

Libertines can most easily control the center. They have to actually do it though, flank and not always and perhaps least often with political attacks as one might aid a rival instead of help, or just help so for the help to be accepted there is political victory..... a very liberal type of flanking political maneuver.

The reason would of course be to solve for a real world problem that does have a political solution but other political factions won't agree with, because they are illiterate (very common in the USA, sadly) so they must be subverted for their own good.

Nazis, even autistic Nazis, can be given the facts they didn't have because they are dumb by comparison and probably always will be, but still those facts given in such a way even a Nazi would know they are fucked up and need massive help, their brains are physically-genetically damaged, they are victims of mind control experimentation and need real serious help.

That help absolutely exists but in the USA being Nazi-psychiatric is considered "cool" or legit and real brain health is called crazy talk by these real life shit for brains people many of whom really should be executed by a US military Tribunal for Treason, at least a few US psychiatrists.

So Libertines, politically speaking, come out of nowhere and join political frays by flanking type maneuvers. In this way they can theoretically control the political center even though Libertines are way far left socialists (absolutely believe in a central bank regulated by taxation with infrastructure being huge for duty of the government) and super libertarians.

We might be ablet to take over DC if there are enough Libertines who really are literate enough then left-libertarians are the only people who actually know what is going on, scientifically without authoritarian bullshit or superstition as is common with conservative Libertarians.

Lacking numbers as Libertines are uncommon, we can make up for that by effectively being a cabal for the intelligence the other factions need so make deals nobody wipes any other faction out and balance is the order.

Libertines are the only people who might play such political chess without losing their participation in the greater and three dimensional reality. Keeping the left authoritarians, right authoritarians and right libertarians in balance is our goal as authoritarians want to wipe other factions out, openly.

Maintaining al three is what the Libertine does to prove their apex moral and intellectual authority. Its how to prove who is most literate or civilized in politics and in so doing whatever degree of supremacy that might afford a Libertine in their society.

The alternatives are, of course, much worse for everyone as the mentally retarded never realize their mistakes and especially when they are also the government and political authority. For the so disabled, its always the fault of a political rival.

Libertines are the only people with a political life who aren't also stooges, is perhaps a more Tiggerish cat but still Libertine perspective, as left libertarians simply cannot lose heart less they cease their flanking then fascists, religiously insane people or mob populists wield powers, influence offices, they do not at all comprehend and so are like heathen-morons, luddites, want to be glam.

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