Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The Winter of 2021

Left libertarians, I insist, are best understood as a political force as they would insist they are themselves and Libertines.

In 2021, there remains virtually no left libertarian political analysis in American media. It is almost all authoritarian be it left or right politically with the vast majority of Libertarian opinion being politically right and not at all socialist-left.

As the world turns and would be understood by Libertines, the most important political scene in the world in the Winter of 2021 is the new Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz and whether he would prefer Anglo-NATO economic annexation of the Ukraine and military conflict with Russia or he may choose to more partner with Russia and see the Anglo-NATO economic underpinnings in Ukraine as not in the national interest of Germany.

Germany will never be beautiful like France--if every country were a woman-civilization-avatar--but it/she would be sexy or something comparable as a civilization with people truly doing philosophy, math and science, curing diseases and the wonderful things civilization affords. Often in history Germany has had the best thinkers so it truly does compare with France.

As Germany casts it's vote regarding what to do in Europe the world will turn into the New Year.

America is much concerned with the Ukraine and other international affairs but it is also in the first few months of not being involved in any major foreign conflict since leaving Afghanistan.

The Libertine opinion, I think then, is Germany will ally with Russia in Ukraine and hopefully send some historians to DC to explain to Biden the Ukrainians are ethnically Rusk and the Russians are like Romans from Greeks only in this case the Greeks would be Ukrainians. Its foolish to trust Ukrainians who want to have conflict with Russians as most Ukrainians naturally do not want that regardless of how easily they might be plied by CIA autistics running around Kiev with psychiatric dope and smack-narcotics. 

Its entirely possible Scholz may prove to be a CIA stooge as the NSA was hot on Merkel, after her and wanted to marginalize her power, violating her and I think Germany's dignity with its moron-autistic-opinion-spies, spying on the Chancellor instead of respecting that office the way an ally would. That is the Libertine opinion, not just my own but 2022 will tell us what kind of man Scholz is.

Its the probability the work Merkel accomplished with France and the rather new military mutual protection pact between both countries is awesome and should get rid of US military in Ramstein and replace them with fewer French soldiers to occupy those then former US barracks.

France and Germany absolutely should cement that military pact, again the Libertine analysis for 2022. They really are the best matched allies in Europe and should have a military-exclusive Franco-German deal with the US phased out of Ramstein except for maybe a few techs and advisers, a few special forces teams and next generation drones.

If that happens then the USA might be prevented from running away from the Civil War it has had brewing since the 1960s as it has constantly sought to export it's Klu Klux Klan incest-rape spawn military commanders and their psychiatric dope brainwashed enlisted soldiers on fascist campaigns.

It may be the USA will lack a foreign military engagement for a critical period of time, such the military would be compelled to reform after a sixty year long legacy of failure, dishonor and disgrace: Vietnam-Afghanistan.

The real fight for the US military is against the KKK or for it to fight itself as it did in the Civil War such the rapists in uniform would be immediately--ASAP--purged from all service and citizenship.

This is the domestic analysis, again I think more generic left-libertarian and American than my opinion. 2022 may be the first year of the dissolution of NATO and so the first year of real preparation for a real and second Civil War in the USA.

The American population is violently insane and that may no longer be exportable.

If Scholz drinks the CIA Kool-Aid, the rest of the year ought to play out more like 2021. He really doesn't have anyone else except Macron who can good faith ally with Germany as the USA might transition into chaos, the chaos of a generation and pent up since 1947 unleashed on American streets in 2022.

Freemasonry is not worth being tutored in, but as they are deeply European and have a long history of political talk what is going on in 2022 is what they call the Chao or it may, probably will be a year of chaos and an unravelling of NATO with escalating violence within the USA.

So, you don't have to be a Freemason to understand chaos as it manifests in the world and you pretty much have to or ought to if you're going to be a politically active left libertarian.

All Libertines would, for their literacy, be so many "ranks" by default and naturally.

The authoritarians and they really are more primitive-superstitious libertarians for those who are the vast majority of registered Libertarians can more benefit from role play than Libertines.

Libertines are people who had literacy from birth or who naturally understand language or less of language need be explained to them. Its important to respect organizations which are clearly not for Libertines.

People form other political quadrants might rationalize a tutor Freemason or whatever group such they might understand what Libertines do.

Always, since forever, the left libertarian political ethos and worldview has been that of man, humanity in the objective.

The other three are more like each other as such people are generally not sentient and this the tough break as homo sapiens as a species has never had a historical moment for counter example such Libertines were most everyone or the majority of people.

I'd like to think a lot of people test left libertarian on www.politicalcompass.org but I don't suspect they do and I'm sure they are the least popular ideologically, in literature.

In the abstract, the Libertine takes-makes moves on the political chessboard otherwise reserved for rulers, governments, warlords, cult leaders, etc.

We can call shots for followers, people who are natural followers and I'm sure the left libertarian ethos wants to help Germany and France be stable so the KKK, mass incarceration and rape culture in the USA and UK can come to a violent albeit anti-climatic end similar to the Branch Davidian tragedy as most of them will probably suicide like that after they are exposed as Traitor ex patriots and serial child abusers with their "science" of slavery qua psychiatry.

The coming carnage in America should be marginalized as autism should be spoken to in mass media by the top medical doctors as a genetic brain disease that can be put into remission but everyone has to make the environment-healthcare connection so we can begin the great work of rebuilding our power grid.

We should also see those top medical doctors actually punish the wicked Frauds, rapists, thieving, murderous doctors instead of afford them respect as colleagues.

They should all turn against the psychiatrists and effectively lynch them so they are no longer part of the medical establishment. Medical doctors really should have more Libertines among them than other professions as its proof of sentience, such politics.

As I've said before and not just on this blog, the Libertine position is to de-escalate and marginalize-minimize all violence so no other political faction and it's people are annihilated.

The only exception is the principle of righteous violence and so as that might be applied to 2022 still the Libertine advice for President Biden is Limited Martial Law: shut the courts down, end mass incarceration, arrest psychiatrists for Treason and conspiracy to commit treason and human trafficking and so many crimes.

Get serious about rebuilding the US power grid and expect that means some Americans will insist on their own violent deaths as they will certainly refuse to live in a post racial and ecologically sustainable world where people in the autism spectrum do not dominate.

It is also the opinion, only because of the real necessity of the US government to replace the CIA with a real intelligence service that is not genetically Machiavellian or autistic as the CIA absolutely is and in a gross way, a crime against humanity way the CIA too should be shut down in 2022 with the courts.

The courts obviously have to be reconstituted and post racial society factually overcomes racism. That is the definition of post racial, a person or society that is not racist and insists racist people are mentally retarded with genetic brain disease, on bad drugs or doing shock-provocative humor.

The CIA should not be reconstituted and many agents, however many sold narcotics in the USA or that eventually came to the USA, executed for Treason as ex patriots and terrorist enemy combatants.

Prior to that they ought be liquidated in Afghanistan and if Biden can work out a deal with Putin then further liquidation of these autistic-Nazi-spy soldiers in the Ukraine before however many remain might return to the USA for Limited Martial Law and/or Civil War II in 2022 where psychiatry is outed as defacto KKK (they were criminally organized as Klansmen, as the first psychiatrists and intended to make their cult also the dominant and mainstream culture) organization, terrorist organization.

The Libertine position is an unknown amount of bloodshed and real military violence will soon and eventually be done in the USA to however many American people.

2022 is a year when the gravity of America's true shame and disgrace has so many skull-dugger'ed and abused soldiers at home or those who would join the military and also be extendible as they would also likely commit rape throughout their lives having no foreign country to be sent to America now more has to confront and deal with.

Just as obvious as not all US military service people are rapists, is the obviousness of the Fort Hood Texas Rape Study shaming everyone, a lot--collective and super profound shame conjunct real military failure for the better part of the last six decades.

Without Limited Martial Law to center the violence on psychiatry the institution and it's high priests a Civil War is more likely to sum up the dramatic Winter this year has been and will be even more so as it goes on, likely by all Libertine analysis.

Its encouraging to see, just before New Year, President Biden acknowledge the excellent work Trump really did fast-developing COVID vaccine and obviously he is not perfect and just as obviously not the monster the CNN child rape and sex-racketeering the workplace "network" is seven hundred million times more degenerate and depraved, retarded fucking monsters in human clothes pretending to be journalists, than President Trump ever was a creep.

CNN went to shit after Ted Turner cashed out. It was better when it was more him than the network. I digress. Happy holidays!

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