Saturday, September 30, 2023



I have changed the name of this blog from The Libertine Party of the United States of America to The Libertine Lion.

I changed the name because I expect I am the only American who politically identifies as a libertine and does not identify as a cultural libertine. I'm almost as sure of this as I am the only American with a legal first name, Mode.

So there will be no political party, except for myself, that is Libertine and moreover I changed the title of this blog in preparation of posting videos of myself on Rumble, talking about my political philosophy and science there.

I still have to wait until I can afford to buy the video editing software I want and what expenditures having a Rumble channel suggests are not my first nor second nor even third priorities, for how I spend my money.

To be clear, I am a businessman and owner. Verdantronix LLC has secured it's Trademark with intent to use in alternative energy research and design engineering. This is my first priority in life and I expect what will literally be my life's work or my best work.

Second, I have to improve my standard of living as my current living situation in Portland, Oregon is fraught with street criminals and white collar criminals as housing in Portland is more organized crime than any legitimate Landlord-Tenant situation. I need to move to a nicer part of town.

My third priority in life is to take care of my aquarium fish and to add two or three Lovebirds to my living situation--presuming I'm able to move into a larger apartment in a nicer part of town, sooner than later.

My fourth priority in life are my commitments to non profit organizations I volunteer for.

Now, however, I have decided after long consideration to add a fifth life priority and that is basically explaining myself to other people--my political philosophy and science, as a Libertine.

I'll speak of politics on Rumble exactly as I do here on this blog.

I'm working on more articles for this blog and those articles will become scripts I'll then turn into videos of myself talking about the news like so many other people on the Internet.

It is possible this fifth priority will not develop as I really can't afford the modest expenditures to host my own channel on Rumble just yet.

Still, I eventually will be able to afford that and hopefully in November of this year.

The people I find most interesting on Rumble I never followed to Rumble to watch as I can get more than enough of their content on You Tube or elsewhere; but those people are definitely Clyde Lewis and Russell Brand.

I think the format and name of Steve Bannon's War Room is great; but haven't watched enough of him to really have an opinion, yet. Still, those will be the three people and channels I'll first associate with to promote my own channel.

The essential messaging of my channel is something I've been developing for over 20 years in various chatrooms, social media platforms. It is as follows.

1.) Baby Boomers and older generations are ultra toxic people because of the particulate heavy metals they were exposed to during world wars and even in times of peace before regulation of toxic heavy metals curbed their affliction upon human populations.

2.) Racism means one thing and one thing only, and that is some people are racists because they insist people have race-biology when they do not, all science proves there is no race in biology. People who insist they have a race and there are other races of people are in fact incompetent people and probably afflicted with mental retardation caused by toxic heavy metals as occurs over generations.

3.) Psychiatry and psychology are one in the same, both the criminal Fraud of science in medicine, albeit the courts are incompetent and totally corrupt to disagree with this obvious fact of science. It is the Fraud of science in medicine as the practice of Slavery, such one person is master-controller and the other slave-client. It is fascist occultism.

4.) What is called "steampunk" in science fiction must become the immediate technological reality, such 30% or more of the electricity human beings use is not also causing pollution of the air and water. This is possible and largely what my company is about, Verdantronix being a start up company to co-effect this industrial revolution beyond the marketing of "the green new deal."

5.) Judaism is a wonderful religion, the best religion for myself and that being why I converted; but moreover it was the first post racial religion without any other historical example to rival it. Christianity and Islam are branches of Judaism, not perversions, there is nothing wrong with Christianity nor Islam but both of them need Judaism and the other as all people are human beings living on this same planet.

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